Zone1 Wow we really are one Nation under God

The mob did not attack the Capitol. If they would have like BLM and Antifa, there would have been a huge amount of damage and probably burned down. There was no fire and no real damage inside or outside. Your use of the word “attack” is stupid. No guns except for the police who shot and killed a woman for no reason.

The damage amounted to $1.5 million. There's lots of video which proves you're wrong. They used crutches, golf clubs, canes, pepper spray etc in their attack.

Do you belong to the Oath Keepers, Bugaloo Bois or Qanon? They couldn't be more anti American.
The damage amounted to $1.5 million. There's lots of video which proves you're wrong. They used crutches, golf clubs, canes, pepper spray etc in their attack.

Do you belong to the Oath Keepers, Bugaloo Bois or Qanon? They couldn't be more anti American.
Compared to the billions in each city Antifa and BLM both Democrat operatives caused. And, you know it doesn’t take much in the Capitol building to cause 1.5 million damage. Ten toilets would about cover that.
As far as specific groups at Jan 6th, they were not invited and did what they did on their own. Not much. I’m still waiting for those responsible for the killings and destruction during the summer of love to be prosecuted and jailed. Instead, they are let out of jail immediately.
Imaging living with no hope of life after death. That’s you.
I do have hope-entrance into Gods kingdom on a paradise earth as promised by Jesus and the psalmist-Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29--prov 2:21-22 assures the great crowd are not leaving the earth.
I do have hope-entrance into Gods kingdom on a paradise earth as promised by Jesus and the psalmist-Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29--prov 2:21-22 assures the great crowd are not leaving the earth.
You hoping to be one of the 144,000. Good grief. Yet you don’t believe in the resurrection.
Yes, the earth will be celestialized for those that are raised to incorruptible as celestial glory beings. Read First Corinthians chapter 15.
Still waiting. They believed in God and were free masons.

{ nfbw #85 to ugvrbr #76 } I am glad you agree that I did not lie. Franklin, Washington Adam’s and Jefferson opposed the Christian doctrine of original sin and salvation only one way through belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They were not Christians.
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You hoping to be one of the 144,000. Good grief. Yet you don’t believe in the resurrection.
Yes, the earth will be celestialized for those that are raised to incorruptible as celestial glory beings. Read First Corinthians chapter 15.
Don't be absurd-i said great crowd, no man can number( Rev 7:9)--these are not the 144,000=the little flock( Luke 12:32)-they are numbered.
{ nfbw #85 to ugvrbr #76 } I am glad you agree that I did not lie. Franklin, Washington Adam’s and Jefferson opposed the Christian doctrine of original sin and salvation only one way through belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They were not Christians.
That's your definition of what a Christian is. There are 40,000 different Christian churches in the world. Take the "Original Sin." What is your definition of "Original Sin?" I'm sure it is different in some respects to many other Christians around the world. The basic concept that one believes in Jesus Christ is sufficient to be Christian for me. You can add layers on top of that if you wish. But, I'm tolerant of others belief and concept of Jesus Christ. I don't agree with most of it but it doesn't make them non-Christian. What we disagree mainly is over doctrine and translations. Not that Jesus isn't the Christ. Except maybe Jehovah Witnesses because they don't believe Jesus is the Christ, the Savior who has atoned for our sins and given us pathway to a state of resurrection. But, some "Christian" church doctrine doesn't believe in that the resurrection either. There is a hard fast law that men are never women. No matter what they want to be called and what they have done to their bodies. What they cut off and change with hormones will all be restored to them in the resurrection. But, Church doctrines are not universal nor the same. The word of God is not for private interpretations. Meaning, your interpretation doesn't have to be mine. Mine may be correct or false, but there is now DNA proof.
Don't be absurd-i said great crowd, no man can number( Rev 7:9)--these are not the 144,000=the little flock( Luke 12:32)-they are numbered.
There will be a great crowd in a large and spacious building that will mock the Saints of God attempting to get to the tree of life. Too bad you won't be one of the 144,000 resurrected. Or that's what you think. But, your eyes have been covered and your smooth voices of your lying prophets have caused you to deny the Christ and His saving atonement and resurrection for all.
There will be a great crowd in a large and spacious building that will mock the Saints of God attempting to get to the tree of life. Too bad you won't be one of the 144,000 resurrected. Or that's what you think. But, your eyes have been covered and your smooth voices of your lying prophets have caused you to deny the Christ and His saving atonement and resurrection for all.
You must have missed Rev 20: 9-- because you are the one is taught lies.
You must have missed Rev 20: 9-- because you are the one is taught lies.
What a silly rebuttle. Our prophets haven't said anything false. But, yours did. Trying to give the day and year of the end of times. Then, trying to blame someone else's false translation and interpretations. Never taking responsibility for their nonsense. In any event, no reason for you to assume you will be raised from the dead if you don't believe in Christ's atonement.
Never taking responsibility for their nonsense. In any event, no reason for you to assume you will be raised from the dead if you don't believe in Christ's atonement.

{ nfbw #91 to ugvrbr #90 }

In Christianity, atonement refers to the needed reconciliation between sinful mankind and the holy God. This reconciliation is possible through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as expressed in Romans 3:25, Romans 5:11, and Romans 5:19. Atonement is the Bible’s central message.

So Saint Cougarbear when our first four Presidents and Ben Franklin did not believe in Christ’s atonement should Christians today be claiming our founding fathers were just as much a Christian as them but they didn’t have to believe in Christ’s atonement?
{ nfbw #91 to ugvrbr #90 }

In Christianity, atonement refers to the needed reconciliation between sinful mankind and the holy God. This reconciliation is possible through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as expressed in Romans 3:25, Romans 5:11, and Romans 5:19. Atonement is the Bible’s central message.

So Saint Cougarbear when our first four Presidents and Ben Franklin did not believe in Christ’s atonement should Christians today be claiming our founding fathers were just as much a Christian as them but they didn’t have to believe in Christ’s atonement?
The great thing about being a Christian is I don’t need to judge these great men who gave us liberty, freedom and opportunity to religious freedom. What I do know is Jesus himself went to spirit prison and preached and taught them. Perhaps they accepted the fulness of the Gospel in spirit prison. I know that as Paul taught in 1Cor.15:29 that they were properly baptized with authority vicariously in these latter-days. So, I’m concerned today that those who profess to be Christians, that they come to the knowledge of the Atonement and Resurrection. JWs haven’t.
1Peter 3:17-21

17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits—20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,​

{ nfbw #96 to ugvrbr #95 } Our first four presidents were rational theists, who did not believe any of that resurrection crap etc

Rational free thinking enlightenment men wanted Church and State to be separate in the American experiment in self rule they designed and set in motion They were not Christian and they were right.
What a silly rebuttle. Our prophets haven't said anything false. But, yours did. Trying to give the day and year of the end of times. Then, trying to blame someone else's false translation and interpretations. Never taking responsibility for their nonsense. In any event, no reason for you to assume you will be raised from the dead if you don't believe in Christ's atonement.
Your religion teaches all will be a god one day over others= false.
All through the history of religion claiming to be christian, errors were taught-Especially on these hidden truths( Dan 12:4) yet every teaching was in the bible all through the centuries but the truth of those teachings were hidden and taught on in error. Corrections had to be made here in these last days. At the proper time( Matt 24:45)
Your religion teaches all will be a god one day over others= false.
All through the history of religion claiming to be christian, errors were taught-Especially on these hidden truths( Dan 12:4) yet every teaching was in the bible all through the centuries but the truth of those teachings were hidden and taught on in error. Corrections had to be made here in these last days. At the proper time( Matt 24:45)
Jesus said we are already gods. Twice in the Bible. Out of two witnesses. Does he have to say it again to you for a third time?
The only corrections needed are the lies of the JWs.
Jesus said we are already gods. Twice in the Bible. Out of two witnesses. Does he have to say it again to you for a third time?
The only corrections needed are the lies of the JWs.
Small g god is not calling that one a God.
Our representative system of government is actually based upon the structure of the Presbyterian Church.

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