WOW - Yahoo! posts an anti Omar piece.

Omar should have been expelled from congress a long time ago for her antisemitism and anti-Americanism.

The ISIS bitch could face expulsion after it's revealed she lied on her asylum application about her real name and brought her Muslim communist regime father with her after they were forced to leave Somalia because of his terrorist background. Hossfly's belief.

Hypocritical Dems Tried to Strip Citizenship from Trump Advisor & Deport Him

But the left’s squawks of racism are much more panicked than that. There’s actually a legitimate case to be made for deporting Ilhan Omar’s entire family.

Powerline Blog has determined that after an investigation into Rep. Omar’s origins, she not only married her own brother to commit immigration fraud, but her family applied for asylum in the US under a false name. Her last name isn’t even Omar!

Not to have to rehash this again, but Ilhan Omar’s family members were government communist oppressors of the Somali people under the genocidal regime of General Mohamed Siad Barre.

When the Barre regime was overthrown in a coup in the 1990s, Ilhan “Omar’s” family had to run for their lives because they were the bad guys.

Their friends and neighbors who knew them best all wanted to murder them with pitchforks and torches, because Ilhan’s family was a bunch of oppressive commie jerks. That was how they ended up in a Kenyan refugee camp.

But according to Powerline Blog, when the family came to America, they did so under false pretenses. The congresswoman’s real last name is Elmi. Her father’s name is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.\

The US government knew that there was a guy named Ahmed Elmi in Somalia who worked for the genocidal Muslim communist terrorist regime and would never have granted asylum to such a jerk if he had tried to come to America as a “refugee.”

US Politics and News
USA Today carrying water for Trumpybear? Say it isn't so!

"Omar is one of four congresswomen — known as "The Squad" — whoPresident Donald Trump told to “go back" to their ancestors' countries instead of criticizing U.S. policies."

I like how they toned down his toxic xenophobic tweet inserting their own verbiage "to their ancestors countries" from his original message of "to the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

But the overall message that a specific type of legislator cannot criticize the U.S. policy or face these type of malicious attacks on their persons is troubling.

I used to think Yahoo was great and switched my search needs to them from Netscape (2001). They also bought into Mark Cuban's sports updates in real time. But during the Kenyan's years they veered hard-left thanks to dirtbag Katie Couric and are now left of CNN. I have my doubts they'll change back until there's no viewers left......check out reader comments....the site is overrun with trolls....hilarious how they lurk waiting for new misspelled and punctuated tales from the far left to ridicule...some really funny chit.
The ISIS bitch could face expulsion after it's revealed she lied on her asylum application about her real name and brought her Muslim communist regime father with her after they were forced to leave Somalia because of his terrorist background. Hossfly's belief.

She was 10 years old when she arrived in New York with her asylum seeking family. They left Somalia when she was 6......Blind fact.
The ISIS bitch could face expulsion after it's revealed she lied on her asylum application about her real name and brought her Muslim communist regime father with her after they were forced to leave Somalia because of his terrorist background. Hossfly's belief.

She was 10 years old when she arrived in New York with her asylum seeking family. They left Somalia when she was 6......Blind fact.
That changes nothing. The family cheated. They are illegal aliens.

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