WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

You sure are a nut case, the fall of those buildings was explained in detail, it was the fire that was so hot from the jet fuel that it melted the steel supports that collapsed one floor on top of another. It was a domino effect.

no I am not a nut are just someone who's entire knowledge of the events of 9/11 and the following investigation is TV sound bites and maybe a hour long propaganda have never read the 9/11 commission report or the NIST report and are not it the slightest bit aware of the opinions of those involved in these investigations...of that there is no question
you are too fucking ignorant to even discuss these issues
they had testimony you dumbfuck

really please elaborate...but first i would like the link to the statement from max cleland that the issues were resolved
who gives a flying fuck what max cleland said
it was years ago that the problem came up
why dont you provide proof that max cleland thinks it was an inside job first

you make a false get called on it...then you say you dont give a fuck anyway..distract from your lie...because you lost...again
really please elaborate...but first i would like the link to the statement from max cleland that the issues were resolved
who gives a flying fuck what max cleland said
it was years ago that the problem came up
why dont you provide proof that max cleland thinks it was an inside job first

you make a false get called on it...then you say you dont give a fuck anyway..distract from your lie...because you lost...again
no, i didnt lie you fucking moron
you have ZERO proof to back up your bullshit
we have overloaded you with facts ..

I'll call you on that one eots. Please provide me your "facts" that lead you to believe that thermite was used beyond a reasonable doubt.

This should be good.
the lead fire investigator at NIST who has stated that the government deterred fact finding..that there was no evidence of the temperatures required to cause failure

If there was no evidence of temperatures required to cause failure, then why does he make this statement in his paper:

An alternative hypothesis with the insulated trusses at the root cause
appears to have more support. Heat transfer analyses, a scale model, and
the UL furnace tests all indicate that the steel trusses can attain temperatures
corresponding to failure based on structural analyses. This hypothesis puts
the blame on the insufficiency of the truss insulation. Something NIST says
was not an issue.

and the fact he requested and was promised investigation of hypothetical blast scenarios as a possibility although he has not seen evidence of this either..but this was never done...these are the facts

Was this "hypothetical blast scenario" statement related to WTC1 and WTC2 or just WTC7?
Here is video proof that the collapse of WTC7 did not happen in 6.6 seconds as Terral and others would have you believe. The collapse initiation STARTED with the partial mechanical penthouse collapse seen in the video below, followed by the rest of the building coming down.

The fact that Terral and others prefer to ignore the partial penthouse collapse in their "6.6 second" total collapse claim is very telling.

[ame=]YouTube - WTC7 Penthouse Collapse Timeline[/ame]
You sure are a nut case, the fall of those buildings was explained in detail, it was the fire that was so hot from the jet fuel that it melted the steel supports that collapsed one floor on top of another. It was a domino effect.
it never melted the steel
it didn't need to melt it to weaken it enough to lose its structural integrity

For a simple straightforward concise explanation consistent with the observable facts, known science and common sense, DiveCon, you

(a) win the award for declarative writing on this rather stupid topic; or
(b) get labeled an "agent" by some silly 9// Trufers; or
(c) both of the above.
An even BETTER video of WTC7 penthouse collapse. You can see a few windows break and the left part of the wall "shudder" as the corner of the penthouse collapses into the building. This CLEARLY shows that the damage went into the inside of the building itself. Then the whole building CONTINUES to collapse.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11: WTC 7 east penthouse collapse[/ame]

There seems to be even a small part of the video cut out between when the penthouse partially collpases and then continues on into the rest of the full collpase making it longer than 6.6 seconds.


Yeah, you HAVE to ignore that Terral in order to make your 6.6 second total collapse theory credible.
You sure are a nut case, the fall of those buildings was explained in detail, it was the fire that was so hot from the jet fuel that it melted the steel supports that collapsed one floor on top of another. It was a domino effect.

:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:what other fairy tales do you have to tell for the day? :lol:
you people are funny...NIST admits free fall for the visable portion of the collapse and even if you manage to fudge a sec.. a 47 story building falls in secs like a house of cards
wrong, they admit a partial time frame of "free fall speeds"
not a complete free fall
you people are funny...NIST admits free fall for the visable portion of the collapse and even if you manage to fudge a sec.. a 47 story building falls in secs like a house of cards

Really eots? Fudge a sec? It's more like 7 or 8 seconds. Making the total collapse time more than DOUBLE the 6.6 second collapse time you truthers spout off about.

Not to mention the fact that you can SEE the penthouse corner fall into the building and cause damage to the innards of it. The damn wall shudders as the structure caves in.

The point is, 6.6 seconds for total collapse is bullshit. It's been proven with the video above.
you people are funny...NIST admits free fall for the visable portion of the collapse and even if you manage to fudge a sec.. a 47 story building falls in secs like a house of cards

Really eots? Fudge a sec? It's more like 7 or 8 seconds. Making the total collapse time more than DOUBLE the 6.6 second collapse time you truthers spout off about.

Not to mention the fact that you can SEE the penthouse corner fall into the building and cause damage to the innards of it. The damn wall shudders as the structure caves in.

The point is, 6.6 seconds for total collapse is bullshit. It's been proven with the video above.
thats why i call em troofers, they dont give a rats ass about the truth
you people are funny...NIST admits free fall for the visable portion of the collapse and even if you manage to fudge a sec.. a 47 story building falls in secs like a house of cards

Really eots? Fudge a sec? It's more like 7 or 8 seconds. Making the total collapse time more than DOUBLE the 6.6 second collapse time you truthers spout off about.

Not to mention the fact that you can SEE the penthouse corner fall into the building and cause damage to the innards of it. The damn wall shudders as the structure caves in.

The point is, 6.6 seconds for total collapse is bullshit. It's been proven with the video above.

even NIST with its theory the collapse slowed in the portion not viusable still only stretches the official time to 10.5 secs...those are the facts
you people are funny...NIST admits free fall for the visable portion of the collapse and even if you manage to fudge a sec.. a 47 story building falls in secs like a house of cards

I know,thats whats so hysterical about their logic.They defend NIST to know end when they say fires brought down the towers but now that they have admitted they made a mistake and that the towers DID fall at freefall speed,NOW all of a sudden they say NIST is wrong.I love their logic,its priceless. Doesnt matter that demolition experts have said thats what brought down the towers:lol::lol::lol: I love it.

Funny thats the FIRST person I would want an opinion from in an investigation like this is a demolition expert.:cuckoo: Their logic reminds me of Pale Riders.According to Pale,Alex Jones is a loon in his belief that 9/11 was an inside job and wont watch any of Jones videos on that,yet when Jones goes and makes a video called THE OBAMA DECEPTION,Pale embraces it as the ultimate truth.what a hyprocrite.These 9/11 COINCIDENCE THEORISTS belong in that same group of hypocrites that Pale is.They want it both ways just like he does with Obama but not with 9/11.
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I am obviously not the only guy on this planet knowing for A FACT that WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition.

No, you arent the only one, there are plenty of other insane people like you who dont understand what a fact is.

Heres is an absolute fact that any sane person could not refute...

"You do NOT know for a fact that WTC-7 was taken down using controlled demolition."

The evidence does not lie, "Godboy".. Those towers did not simply fall down on top of themselves as a result of a plane crash. They were designed to withstand that kind of heat and impact. Steel buildings just do not fall onto their own footprint in such an exact way, except in cases of planned strategic demolition.

Face it- 3,000 people lost their lives for two reasons- money and power. The owner of the building wanted the money, and the government wanted the power.

This is not the first time something like this has happened, either. Remember the cold war? Well, we blew up a dummy ship out in the Caribbean, to make it look like Cuban allies of Russia were trying to wage war on us.
We were aware in advance of the pearl harbor mess- and we even got a fax the day before..

Hell, the whole friggin world knew that 9/11 was going to happen- we had over two dozen tips from reliable enough sources, LONG before the fact, and YET, GeeDubleya still ordered that bomb sniffing dogs be removed from the WTC, and got it so that the FAA would no longer allow pilots to have guns in their cockpits..

The pilots were decorated military men, also..

Understanding these facts, along with the thousands of pieces of visual imagery evidence- how can one NOT see that a conspiracy exists?? LOL!!!
even NIST with its theory the collapse slowed in the portion not viusable still only stretches the official time to 10.5 secs...those are the facts

Can you not add eots? Clearly you cannot. The START of the collapse happens when the mechanical penthouse corner falls into the building. From that point until the roofline starts to go down is 7 to 8 seconds. You can SEE the damage to the wall face happen as the penthouse structure falls INSIDE the building.

7 to 8 seconds. If your number for complete collapse is 10.5 seconds, then you are saying the time it took the roofline to fall to the ground was 2.5 seconds.

We're talking upwards of 14 seconds for the entire building to collapse from start to finish. That's more than DOUBLE the 6.6 second collapse claim.

The evidence does not lie, "Godboy".. Those towers did not simply fall down on top of themselves as a result of a plane crash.

They didn't it was a result of the plane damaging the structure and the fires weakening the structural system.

They were designed to withstand that kind of heat

You know this for a fact? Show me the information you are basing this claim on. Did you find a test or study done by Robertson and company that says they did heat tests on the structural components? I'd be interested to see that.

and impact.

Did the towers come down right after the planes hit? No? Then they DID withstand the impact. They came down as a result of a combination of things. Fire AND the damage caused by the impact.

Steel buildings just do not fall onto their own footprint in such an exact way, except in cases of planned strategic demolition.

You mean both towers fell into two 208'x208' square areas? Really? I could have sworn there was debris scattered WAY outside the 208'x208' footprints. I've even seen videos where the perimeter column facades fall OUTSIDE the footprint.

Face it- 3,000 people lost their lives for two reasons- money and power. The owner of the building wanted the money, and the government wanted the power.

If you are basing tis claim on the above evidence, you are wrong.

This is not the first time something like this has happened, either. Remember the cold war? Well, we blew up a dummy ship out in the Caribbean, to make it look like Cuban allies of Russia were trying to wage war on us.
We were aware in advance of the pearl harbor mess- and we even got a fax the day before..

Hell, the whole friggin world knew that 9/11 was going to happen- we had over two dozen tips from reliable enough sources, LONG before the fact, and YET, GeeDubleya still ordered that bomb sniffing dogs be removed from the WTC, and got it so that the FAA would no longer allow pilots to have guns in their cockpits..

The pilots were decorated military men, also..

Understanding these facts, along with the thousands of pieces of visual imagery evidence- how can one NOT see that a conspiracy exists?? LOL!!!

You haven't stated any facts. You got them all wrong.

you people are funny...NIST admits free fall for the visable portion of the collapse and even if you manage to fudge a sec.. a 47 story building falls in secs like a house of cards

I know,thats whats so hysterical about their logic.They defend NIST to know end when they say fires brought down the towers but now that they have admitted they made a mistake and that the towers DID fall at freefall speed,NOW all of a sudden they say NIST is wrong.I love their logic,its priceless. Doesnt matter that demolition experts have said thats what brought down the towers:lol::lol::lol: I love it.

Funny thats the FIRST person I would want an opinion from in an investigation like this is a demolition expert.:cuckoo: Their logic reminds me of Pale Riders.According to Pale,Alex Jones is a loon in his belief that 9/11 was an inside job and wont watch any of Jones videos on that,yet when Jones goes and makes a video called THE OBAMA DECEPTION,Pale embraces it as the ultimate truth.what a hyprocrite.These 9/11 COINCIDENCE THEORISTS belong in that same group of hypocrites that Pale is.They want it both ways just like he does with Obama but not with 9/11.

Based on YOUR fact finding abilities, nobody should pay any heed to what you have to say.

The "Steel doesn't begin to weaken until 2700F" is just the beginning of your idiocy. I'm STILL waiting for the numerous sources that you say make this claim.
The evidence does not lie, "Godboy".. Those towers did not simply fall down on top of themselves as a result of a plane crash. They were designed to withstand that kind of heat and impact. Steel buildings just do not fall onto their own footprint in such an exact way, except in cases of planned strategic demolition.

You know the architect of the buidings personally? pretty impressive connection there. Before 9/11 I'm sure he would have said "you bet, i designed the building to withstand a airline crashing into it."

Face it- 3,000 people lost their lives for two reasons- money and power. The owner of the building wanted the money, and the government wanted the power.

This is not the first time something like this has happened, either. Remember the cold war? Well, we blew up a dummy ship out in the Caribbean, to make it look like Cuban allies of Russia were trying to wage war on us.
We were aware in advance of the pearl harbor mess- and we even got a fax the day before..

Hell, the whole friggin world knew that 9/11 was going to happen- we had over two dozen tips from reliable enough sources, LONG before the fact, and YET, GeeDubleya still ordered that bomb sniffing dogs be removed from the WTC, and got it so that the FAA would no longer allow pilots to have guns in their cockpits..

The pilots were decorated military men, also..

Understanding these facts, along with the thousands of pieces of visual imagery evidence- how can one NOT see that a conspiracy exists?? LOL!!!

The common theme among you and all the other truthers seems to be your prediliction towards conspiracy theories in general. Just as I explained to eots, you people aren't going to know the the truth becuase you don't know yourself.

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