WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

I post the offical quotes and the links ..weasel

i've already posted the official quote. you then complain it isnt in any official document. i then post what page of the official document is on. the original quote came with the link.

your pathetic whining about not being in any official documents gets you a page number of the official document. feel free to go to the NIST website and download the entire report like i did.
Hey stupid agent, that still does not change the facts that thermite does not and can not burn for weeks at a time.

whatever lying agent.

Whatever, I'm a liar, that's the best you got? You got nothing little boy. You have no proof of any explosives and there is no way in hell that much explosives were smuggled into a Building that was occupied by thousands of people a day, let alone the miles of wiring and thousands of hookups that would have had to be made. And still none of these people talked? Bullshit alert.

And thermite still only burns for a very brief period of time. That is what you are claiming that because of thermite there were pools of molten steel weeks after the attacks.....

office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:
whatever lying agent.

Whatever, I'm a liar, that's the best you got? You got nothing little boy. You have no proof of any explosives and there is no way in hell that much explosives were smuggled into a Building that was occupied by thousands of people a day, let alone the miles of wiring and thousands of hookups that would have had to be made. And still none of these people talked? Bullshit alert.

And thermite still only burns for a very brief period of time. That is what you are claiming that because of thermite there were pools of molten steel weeks after the attacks.....

office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:
you are totally fucking INSANE
waiting for someone to post whos posts I actualy read to come back for another continued ass beating.Not someone I have on ignore.
office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS

office fires can cause molten metal. it depends on the metal.

Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol:

they didnt

again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

cars exploding in the basement? how completely absurd. we all know cars dant have things like fuel in them and nothing in a car can possibly burn and explode. it must be a controlled demolition because i say it is. i dont need any proof. i can just say it was a controlled demolition and you must believe me. i can jsut say that there was a hole in security and therefore it is there. and of course if there is a hole in security then there MUST be people bringing explosives into the building. and the planes that hit the building can not possibly have cut any pre-wired explosives intended to bring the building down. it happens that way because i say it happens that way. i dont need proof.

you are completely out of your friggin mind, dude.
office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS

office fires can cause molten metal. it depends on the metal.

Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol:

they didnt

again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

cars exploding in the basement? how completely absurd. we all know cars dant have things like fuel in them and nothing in a car can possibly burn and explode. it must be a controlled demolition because i say it is. i dont need any proof. i can just say it was a controlled demolition and you must believe me. i can jsut say that there was a hole in security and therefore it is there. and of course if there is a hole in security then there MUST be people bringing explosives into the building. and the planes that hit the building can not possibly have cut any pre-wired explosives intended to bring the building down. it happens that way because i say it happens that way. i dont need proof.

you are completely out of your friggin mind, dude.

office fires cant cause steel to melt like the photos show of the towers wreckage agent and they cant emit off high extreme temps that were recorded WEEKS after the collapse either. and yes,watch the towers fall,they DID fall at freefall speed,even NIST now admits that whats this crap about cars? your thinking of the 93 bombing,and you dodged many points I brought up cause you know you CANT refute the facts explosives brought the towers just love these ass beatings you get dont ya?
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office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS

office fires can cause molten metal. it depends on the metal.

they didnt

again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

cars exploding in the basement? how completely absurd. we all know cars dant have things like fuel in them and nothing in a car can possibly burn and explode. it must be a controlled demolition because i say it is. i dont need any proof. i can just say it was a controlled demolition and you must believe me. i can jsut say that there was a hole in security and therefore it is there. and of course if there is a hole in security then there MUST be people bringing explosives into the building. and the planes that hit the building can not possibly have cut any pre-wired explosives intended to bring the building down. it happens that way because i say it happens that way. i dont need proof.

you are completely out of your friggin mind, dude.

office fires cant cause steel to melt like the photos show of the towers wreckage agent and they cant emit off high extreme temps that were recorded WEEKS after the collapse either. and yes,watch the towers fall,they DID fall at freefall speed,even NIST now admits that whats this crap about cars? your thinking of the 93 bombing,and you dodged many points I brought up cause you know you CANT refute the facts explosives brought the towers just love these ass beatings you get dont ya?
hey dumbfuck, no one has ever claimed they made the steel MELT
you dont know anything about metal
I post the offical quotes and the links ..weasel

i've already posted the official quote. you then complain it isnt in any official document. i then post what page of the official document is on. the original quote came with the link.

your pathetic whining about not being in any official documents gets you a page number of the official document. feel free to go to the NIST website and download the entire report like i did.

so what your saying is you can not provide a link that works to this quote in any official document ??
I post the offical quotes and the links ..weasel

i've already posted the official quote. you then complain it isnt in any official document. i then post what page of the official document is on. the original quote came with the link.

your pathetic whining about not being in any official documents gets you a page number of the official document. feel free to go to the NIST website and download the entire report like i did.

so what your saying is you can not provide a link that works to this quote in any official document ??
no, what he is saying is he got it from a LINK YOU POSTED, shitflake
one thing about Eots that sets him apart from the rest of the troofer morons, he does actually post on other issues than conspiracies

but on this one topic eots is totally batshit crazy

i'm not sure, but i dont believe he thinks the moon landings were faked
whatever lying agent.

Whatever, I'm a liar, that's the best you got? You got nothing little boy. You have no proof of any explosives and there is no way in hell that much explosives were smuggled into a Building that was occupied by thousands of people a day, let alone the miles of wiring and thousands of hookups that would have had to be made. And still none of these people talked? Bullshit alert.

And thermite still only burns for a very brief period of time. That is what you are claiming that because of thermite there were pools of molten steel weeks after the attacks.....

office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.
Whatever, I'm a liar, that's the best you got? You got nothing little boy. You have no proof of any explosives and there is no way in hell that much explosives were smuggled into a Building that was occupied by thousands of people a day, let alone the miles of wiring and thousands of hookups that would have had to be made. And still none of these people talked? Bullshit alert.

And thermite still only burns for a very brief period of time. That is what you are claiming that because of thermite there were pools of molten steel weeks after the attacks.....

office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.
cause they used ultra super secret detonators and super thermite paint

Whatever, I'm a liar, that's the best you got? You got nothing little boy. You have no proof of any explosives and there is no way in hell that much explosives were smuggled into a Building that was occupied by thousands of people a day, let alone the miles of wiring and thousands of hookups that would have had to be made. And still none of these people talked? Bullshit alert.

And thermite still only burns for a very brief period of time. That is what you are claiming that because of thermite there were pools of molten steel weeks after the attacks.....

office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.

but according to nist only three columns were required to fail it would not require tons of explosives if fires alone could cause this failure of three columns then...would it
office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.
cause they used ultra super secret detonators and super thermite paint


before the army disclosed radar it was super secret..before the disclosed stealth technology it it was super secret the army holds experimentally patents for thermite technology' is not a stretch in the least that thermite or thermite like substances have been formulated for cutting purposes at all
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I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.
cause they used ultra super secret detonators and super thermite paint


before the army disclosed radar it was super secret..before the disclosed stealth technology it it was super secret the army holds patents on experimentally patents for thermite technology' is not a stretch in the least that thermite or thermite like substances have been formulated for cutting purposes at all

You haven't a clue what the Army may or may not have. I retired in 93 (just 16 years ago) and i haven't a clue what they may or may not have. And I was in a position where I knew a lot. But I notice you didn't really answer any of my statements.
office fires cant cause pools of molten metal NOR can they melt steel like the steel was melted as we have seen in PHOTOS Nor can they cause them come down at freefall speed like they did Gomer Pyle.:lol: again as always,you ignore how it was easy for them to plant the explosives in there with his brother criminal Marvin Bush head of security there and his cousin Wirt Walker as well.The office workers couldnt go in and see what was going on,they had KEEP OUT signs,construction going on.They call security and you get arrested if you ignore signs like that and go in there Gomer Pyle.:lol: the OTHER smoking gun you cant get around that explosives brought the towers down Gomer Pyle,is witness testimonys said they heard and exploison in the BASEMENTS "BEFORE" the plane stuck the towers.and people witnessed them carrying a man out badly burned who came out of a basement elevater yelling-explosions,explosions.

Not only that,first responders-"very credible people" heard and saw explosions and they said they saw bright orange yellow flashes going off before and during the collapse and there were body parts found blocks away on rooftops Gomer Pyle.You STILL want to continue to make yourself look like a moron that explosives didnt bring the towers down and keep on being a Gomer Pyle?:lol::lol: seeing how you cant confess up that creative dreams and many other posters toook you to school and proved it was an inside job at that other site,I have no doubt the answer is yes.:lol:

I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.

but according to nist only three columns were required to fail it would not require tons of explosives if fires alone could cause this failure of three columns then...would it

Oh please let us not forget the twin towers now,,,,,,,can't leave them out....We are talking tons of explosives and weeks if not months of sneaking around.
I'm sorry I didn't know that anyone could identify molten metal as being steel from a photograph.

I don't believe that the buildings quite fell at freefall speed, thiss has been proven to be a false statement.

No way in hell could even the head of security smuggle in the tons of explosives needed to drop these buildings and according to you plant them on every floor of the building, without someone getting suspicious or talking about it.

I would like to talk to the person who heard explosives in the basement before the planes hit, and I would have to wonder how such a tall building could stand for so long after any support was taken away.

The blast from the plane exploding could easily have traveled down an elevator shaft.

I would like to know why there are no videos of these flashes. So many hundreds of cameras were pointed at those buildings.

Body parts were flung out of the building when the planes hit. And fact is that the buildings did not exactly collapse into their own footprint. Many things were flung out from the collapse.

Gomer Pile was a Hollywood Marine Private. I am a real true to life Retired U S Army Sergeant First Class. Learn the difference.

but according to nist only three columns were required to fail it would not require tons of explosives if fires alone could cause this failure of three columns then...would it

Oh please let us not forget the twin towers now,,,,,,,can't leave them out....We are talking tons of explosives and weeks if not months of sneaking around.

while I do not accept your assertion as evidence fires caused it...we are discussing wtc 7 here... and lets not forget this little elephant in the room

August 21, 2007
Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

"although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings "
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