WTF is wrong with these churches that open to hold sermons?

Because they have faith and its their right to gather in Gods House. Period. If they choose to take a chance with their health, its their choice. Not anyone elses. It gives them comfort, and hope. Some here are too bitter and soulless to understand this.

I think the government has a say in this case because gathering in a confined space, singing, exalting, and such causes those liquid droplets to be transferred. This is why the church had to shut down after one service. Holding a church service is guaranteed to cause people to be infected and for coronavirus to spread more easily. It is the work of Satan.
Frankly, the notion is a bit silly, and borrows a lot from mythology

Not silly at all. Jesus and Satan will do battle during the end of the world. All things will be settled on Earth including atheism,agnosticism, and the other religions except the mythological ones. What's interesting is God wrote the Bible and Satan wrote his Antibible of evolution. The Antibible of evolution contradicts everything God has wrote. That can't be a coincidence. Bad things usually are not a coincidence -- Is This Evidence For Satan?.
Because they have faith and its their right to gather in Gods House. Period. If they choose to take a chance with their health, its their choice. Not anyone elses. It gives them comfort, and hope. Some here are too bitter and soulless to understand this.

I think the government has a say in this case because gathering in a confined space, singing, exalting, and such causes those liquid droplets to be transferred. This is why the church had to shut down after one service. Holding a church service is guaranteed to cause people to be infected and for coronavirus to spread more easily. It is the work of Satan.

So, where does this line of reasoning end? People know the risks of smoking. They do it. And second hand smoke kills more people in the United States than firearms! Do you support banning cigarettes? What about Freedom of Association?
Because they have faith and its their right to gather in Gods House. Period. If they choose to take a chance with their health, its their choice. Not anyone elses. It gives them comfort, and hope. Some here are too bitter and soulless to understand this.

I think the government has a say in this case because gathering in a confined space, singing, exalting, and such causes those liquid droplets to be transferred. This is why the church had to shut down after one service. Holding a church service is guaranteed to cause people to be infected and for coronavirus to spread more easily. It is the work of Satan.
It is the work of Satan.
satan were they alive would be more than pleased with the christian community the pandemic is the work of the Almighty.

They tried to do this by owning slaves, unjust taxation, and through global warming and removing fossil fuels.

against the deceitful, whatever good might come out of it time will tell.
Or does mythology borrow from the Word of God?

Um,no. The problem with that is that the worship of Yahweh can only really be traced back to about 1800 BCE, and he was only one of many gods worshipped in the Levant. The bible itself reeks of "ret-conning" where stories were rewritten to support current beliefs of about 500 BCE, when Judaism took it's current form.

We know other gods were worshipped LONG before 1800 BCE. Yahweh is kind of a late bloomer.
Are you of the opinion your experience with religion is the norm rather than the exception? There is no groveling. As far as kneeling and standing, those traditions go back to the earliest days of Christianity and the daily, secular customs of those times. Interesting to think that if Christianity got off to its first start just a few years ago, we would some how be incorporating high-fives into our get-togethers.

Kneeling is GROVELLING. It's a big power trip for the pedophile in a dress that leads most Catholic congregations.

For those of who do take to religion, it is about getting to know God, having a desire to serve His purposes, while at the same time allowing it to empower our own, personal lives. For you, it all went wrong. A child who has many fond memories of family around a fireplace is going to grow up with an entirely different view of fire than the child who has watched his home burn to the ground.

I've gotten to "know" your sky pixie as well as I want to.

The thing is, he's kind of needy if he is so selfish that he's DEMANDING that you come to his place and risk Covid19 so you can GROVEL in front of him. But not surprising. Not to me, anyway. This is the same church that demands women have their rapists' babies, that you should give them money even if you are a poor as shit. The God of the bible is a sociopath... you just need to read the bible with stories like murdering David's baby or demanding Jephthah butcher and burn his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

If you had a friend who demanded you put his whims ahead of your needs, and threatened you with awful punishments if you didn't, you'd get that person the fuck out of your life as quick as you could if you were smart.

But you think this behavior is acceptable in a "God". A God that threatens us with eternal torture if we don't GROVEL enough?
Not silly at all. Jesus and Satan will do battle during the end of the world. All things will be settled on Earth including atheism,agnosticism, and the other religions except the mythological ones. What's interesting is God wrote the Bible and Satan wrote his Antibible of evolution. The Antibible of evolution contradicts everything God has wrote. That can't be a coincidence. Bad things usually are not a coincidence

actually, here's what more likely to happen. Other religions will evolve to replace Christianity, just like Christianity replaced all those pagan religions in half of the world that actually believes in him.

Or maybe Islam will be the dominant religion in 200 years.

I've gotten to "know" your sky pixie as well as I want to.

The thing is, he's kind of needy if he is so selfish that he's DEMANDING that you come to his place and risk Covid19 so you can GROVEL in front of him. But not surprising. Not to me, anyway. This is the same church that demands women have their rapists' babies, that you should give them money even if you are a poor as shit. The God of the bible is a sociopath... you just need to read the bible with stories like murdering David's baby or demanding Jephthah butcher and burn his daughter because he made a foolish oath.

If you had a friend who demanded you put his whims ahead of your needs, and threatened you with awful punishments if you didn't, you'd get that person the fuck out of your life as quick as you could if you were smart.

But you think this behavior is acceptable in a "God". A God that threatens us with eternal torture if we don't GROVEL enough?
Twisted. A very different perspective from what I have of both God and life in general. On the other hand, I am confident you feel yours is the more straightforward, direct approach. ;)
Or does mythology borrow from the Word of God?

Um,no. The problem with that is that the worship of Yahweh can only really be traced back to about 1800 BCE, and he was only one of many gods worshipped in the Levant. The bible itself reeks of "ret-conning" where stories were rewritten to support current beliefs of about 500 BCE, when Judaism took it's current form.

We know other gods were worshipped LONG before 1800 BCE. Yahweh is kind of a late bloomer.

First, the only evidence that Yahwey is somehow a "late bloomer" is if you assume the worship of Yahwey only started with recorded history. We know that Yahwey was part of oral traditions long before being written down. Further we know from other oral traditions, used in other cultures were exceptionally accurate even over thousands of years.

Second, we know from torah that many other cultures were worshiping other 'gods' for thousands of years that there was faith in Yahwey, even within the Israelite culture.

While Judaism was only enforced throughout all the Jews about 500 BCE, it's roots in the Torah existed back to Moses, which was 1400 BCE.

Lastly, suggesting that the stories were rewritten, is largely opinion based on perspective. From the Christian perspective, it is the other stories that were rewritten versions of the Biblical stories.

In fact, given how many cultures have stories similar to the Bible, actually makes the case that Biblical narrative is correct.

If there is no historical connection of all people's around the world, then we would expect that many, if not most, would have utterly unconnected origin stories.

But in reality we see most, in fact nearly all, have very similar aspects to the Biblical narrative. Which is exactly what we would expect, since all people start at the Tower of Babel, and were scattered to the ends of the Earth.

Screenshot_2020-05-24 flood-legends webp (WEBP Image, 600 × 532 pixels).png

This is also things like the Basque language, which has no roots, exist. Languages that have no traceable root origin, should be nearly impossible in an evolutionary sense. All languages should be an off shoot of some original language.

Of course from a Biblical perspective, G-d confused languages at the Tower of Babel.
wearing a face mask in a time of viral epidemic is nothing more than COMMON COURTESY----like not spitting on the sidewalk, no sneezing in people's face or spitting in the soup Tureen, or WASHING YOUR HANDS before sharing a meal with friends and relatives. I have never spit on the sidewalk or even in the gutter and feel no sense of LOSS OF LIBERTY.
Then you should wear a mask. That does not mean you can require others to do so. Notice your list of things of what NOT to do. That is common courtesy. Requiring people to do what you say is another kettle of fish, and does not come under the heading of "courtesy" but of control.

oh---in the USA there are actually places with signs saying----"no spitting" and "violators will be prosecuted".....sheeeesh I never considered those signs
an INFRINGEMENT on my liberty. Tuberculosis is a
sputum sickness------so is Corona-virus
oh---in the USA there are actually places with signs saying----"no spitting" and "violators will be prosecuted".....sheeeesh I never considered those signs
an INFRINGEMENT on my liberty. Tuberculosis is a
sputum sickness------so is Corona-virus
Sure. Everyone is familiar with law enforcement arresting players during ball games for spitting, as well as police sweeping through middle schools and herding boys who spit during PE into juvenile detention facilities. As for, I've never seen any in the parts of the country where I have lived.

On the other hand, I have definitely seen stories of people with contagious diseases being arrested because, knowing they were sick, deliberately spat in an attempt to give someone the malady.

My point is that the jury is out on how effective masks are. I do not see them as necessary where social distancing is already being observed. In places where that is not always possible (i.e., mass transit) it is definitely advisable, not because it makes such travel risk free, but because it may make it less risky--no guarantees.

As I have said before: I've worked twenty years in an environment that is rich in contagious diseases. I got over that fear a long time ago, and haven't missed it an iota. Maybe it is because I am confident I can take care of myself when I do come down with something, and I have always taken great care in keeping my germs well away from others.
I am not at ALL familiar with arrests during sporting events because someone SPIT. As to HIGH SCHOOL sweeps-----for spitting NOPE! Of course I do not know where you live. I have never heard of any child being placed in a juvenile detention center for spitting.
I have worked in both public health and large non-profit hospitals----including ER for MANY DECADES. Spitting with malice at a person in my city MAY be construed as
a felony----but I know of no such actual convictions.
Contagion via sputum is unlikely in MOST sicknesses---with the exception of viruses----especially adeno viruses and also with Tuberculosis and Pertussis.
That YOU "can take care..." of yourself is not a
consideration in Public Health laws
The real question is what the hell is wrong with the filthy ass Democrat Governors that curtail Liberty? Nazis bitches!
Or does mythology borrow from the Word of God?

Um,no. The problem with that is that the worship of Yahweh can only really be traced back to about 1800 BCE, and he was only one of many gods worshipped in the Levant. The bible itself reeks of "ret-conning" where stories were rewritten to support current beliefs of about 500 BCE, when Judaism took it's current form.

We know other gods were worshipped LONG before 1800 BCE. Yahweh is kind of a late bloomer.

You have the right to be wrong in your opinions.
Because they have faith and its their right to gather in Gods House. Period. If they choose to take a chance with their health, its their choice. Not anyone elses. It gives them comfort, and hope. Some here are too bitter and soulless to understand this.

I think the government has a say in this case because gathering in a confined space, singing, exalting, and such causes those liquid droplets to be transferred. This is why the church had to shut down after one service. Holding a church service is guaranteed to cause people to be infected and for coronavirus to spread more easily. It is the work of Satan.

So, where does this line of reasoning end? People know the risks of smoking. They do it. And second hand smoke kills more people in the United States than firearms! Do you support banning cigarettes? What about Freedom of Association?

It would be like smoking as it is illegal to smoke indoors in all public places or even outdoors at public gatherings. You have it right if it is a private church or private gathering. However, if the government sees that even a private place is producing a lot of COVID-19 cases, then they have a right to shut it down due to being a danger to the community. What does it have to do with freedom? People's health and safety comes first.
satan were they alive would be more than pleased with the christian community the pandemic is the work of the Almighty.

Your troll (opinion) doesn't even matter because you do not believe in Jesus and his church.
Not silly at all. Jesus and Satan will do battle during the end of the world. All things will be settled on Earth including atheism,agnosticism, and the other religions except the mythological ones. What's interesting is God wrote the Bible and Satan wrote his Antibible of evolution. The Antibible of evolution contradicts everything God has wrote. That can't be a coincidence. Bad things usually are not a coincidence

actually, here's what more likely to happen. Other religions will evolve to replace Christianity, just like Christianity replaced all those pagan religions in half of the world that actually believes in him.

Or maybe Islam will be the dominant religion in 200 years.

Nah. Atheists are usually wrong.

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