WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

That means only Trumpsters don't care Republicans don't care that trump is scum He's their scum and will protect him no matter what the fool says or does

The rain grounded the helicopter. The President did not attend a ceremony.

for his fat ass top bear.
You libs are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Meaningless? He is the top representative for United States of America. There was a ceremony to honor the sacrifices of those who died in the First World War. I am not a liberal, nor did I vote for Obama. But I damn sure expect our president to show up for a ceremony honoring the thousands of Americans who answered the call and gave their lives.

Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.

those Marine helicopters are built for more hazardess weather than a few raindrops.

This was not a combat op.

Um..................quick question dude...............do you REALLY think that Trump would be brave enough to go to an active combat zone? I don't.

But, you did bring up the point that it wasn't a combat op. You are correct. But, Marine 1 is equipped with pilots and an airframe that is capable in many kinds of inclement weather, as well as can be flown in both VFR and IFR situations.

No, there was zero excuse for Trump to not attend.

Take it up with the Secret Service.

Unless ity is an imminent threat, the Secret Service only makes recommendations. The president makes the final call.
The rain grounded the helicopter. The President did not attend a ceremony.

for his fat ass top bear.
You libs are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Meaningless? He is the top representative for United States of America. There was a ceremony to honor the sacrifices of those who died in the First World War. I am not a liberal, nor did I vote for Obama. But I damn sure expect our president to show up for a ceremony honoring the thousands of Americans who answered the call and gave their lives.

Trump says that he respects and admires the military, but based on his actions, that is nothing more than lip service.
He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Meaningless? He is the top representative for United States of America. There was a ceremony to honor the sacrifices of those who died in the First World War. I am not a liberal, nor did I vote for Obama. But I damn sure expect our president to show up for a ceremony honoring the thousands of Americans who answered the call and gave their lives.

Trump says that he respects and admires the military, but based on his actions, that is nothing more than lip service.
The story of his life the story of his presidency ,,a Ponzi like character with teams of lawyers
What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Meaningless? He is the top representative for United States of America. There was a ceremony to honor the sacrifices of those who died in the First World War. I am not a liberal, nor did I vote for Obama. But I damn sure expect our president to show up for a ceremony honoring the thousands of Americans who answered the call and gave their lives.

Trump says that he respects and admires the military, but based on his actions, that is nothing more than lip service.
The story of his life the story of his presidency ,,a Ponzi like character with teams of lawyers

Yeah. Don't forget the lie that he told when he said he had approved the first military pay raise in 10 years. Simply ain't true.

Did Trump sign the first military pay raise in 10 years?

"We just approved $700 billion for our military," Trump said. "So we’re going to be having the best equipment ever known. And next year, $716 billion. So I wanted to let you know. And, by the way — I know you don’t care about this — but that also includes raises for our military. First time in 10 years."

That’s flat wrong. In fact, the last time that service members didn’t receive an annual pay increase was in 1983.

And that was only because of a one-time technical quirk.

Trump was "totally incorrect," said Todd Harrison, director of defense budget analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "The military has gotten a pay raise each and every year."
That means only Trumpsters don't care Republicans don't care that trump is scum He's their scum and will protect him no matter what the fool says or does

The rain grounded the helicopter. The President did not attend a ceremony.

for his fat ass top bear.
You libs are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.
Trump probably cares more about his underwear choice than veterans.
The rain grounded the helicopter. The President did not attend a ceremony.

for his fat ass top bear.
You libs are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.
Trump probably cares more about his underwear choice than veterans.

What makes you think veterans don’t care about their underwear choices?
No excuse needed. The rain grounded the helicopter so they did not go.

THe only people pretending to care are those that hate Trump with a fiery passion.

No one else cares.
Veterans care. They certainly care that a draft dodging POS snubbed a ceremony honoring those vets that dies in WWI. They also care that you snub them when you su[port Trump's actions.

Show me a veteran who is not a partisan leftard, and who cares. And then show me a second one.
How many here can honestly claim non partisanship? I'm a vet and hate the ground trump walks on He is an embarrassment to America

Doesn't have to be here. And if no non partisan vets give a fuck, then it is not an issue.
So, you don't think our veterans care about WWI memorial services? You think veterans can respect someone who dodged service, compared sleeping around to Viet Nam, denigrated POWs and Gold Star families and never visits veterans, veteran memorials, or our active duty troops?

Wow! You better sit down! That took a lot of work for you to cram so many lies in that one little post!

You are a hack, plain and simple.
Everyone else got there OK.

Did they? Or are you just assuming, because it gives you an excuse to smear those you hate?
The new excuse That DAMN traffic

No excuse needed. The rain grounded the helicopter so they did not go.

THe only people pretending to care are those that hate Trump with a fiery passion.

No one else cares.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: ...thinking rain grounds helicopters....:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

It doesn't? That would be news to me after the hundreds of times that I have seen flight operations cancelled due to bad weather.
It's readily apparent that there are quite a few on here who don't know that helicopters can fly in the rain.

They can. Matter of fact, I've even seen them flying in the rain myself. Happened lots of times when the CONCORD was doing VERTREP for other ships.

As far as Marine 1 not being able to make the trip because of rain? Highly doubtful, because not only do we provide the president with some of the best equipment to get him around, it is maintained and operated by some of the best that the military has to offer. I know, because there were a couple of people that I had to get screened for WH duty, and the screening is quite extensive. Not only do you have to be at the top of your game in your job, but you also have to pass a physical, mental, and command screening as well as a credit check.

As far as not being able to fly in the rain? The weather ceiling was low, and there was rain, but not enough to affect the flight capabilities of the helo, and even though visibility may not have been the best at the time, Marine 1 is also outfitted with instruments that allows it to fly in low visibility situations.

Why are you such a fucking know-it-all, yet constantly prove you don't know shit from Shinola?

So what is the minimum ceiling for Marine One to fly in? You obviously know better than the pilots and Secret Service!

Your intellect just proves why your rating could easily be replaced by minimum wage civilians with a GED.
So he didn't attend because of what exactly?


Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.

those Marine helicopters are built for more hazardess weather than a few raindrops.

This was not a combat op.

Um..................quick question dude...............do you REALLY think that Trump would be brave enough to go to an active combat zone? I don't.

But, you did bring up the point that it wasn't a combat op. You are correct. But, Marine 1 is equipped with pilots and an airframe that is capable in many kinds of inclement weather, as well as can be flown in both VFR and IFR situations.

No, there was zero excuse for Trump to not attend.

There is no excuse for you being so stupid, but there you are!

You know, I've seen helicopters ferrying cargo from my ship USS CONCORD (AFS-5), which later became USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5). And, even though those helicopters weren't outfitted with as much technical gear as what is in Marine 1, they were still outfitted with equipment that allowed them to fly in the rain under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), and there weren't many conditions that would stop a VERTREP (Vertical Replenishment). Why Marine 1 was grounded is beyond me, but it wasn't because the airframe was incapable of flying in light rain.

Matter of fact, the only time I've gone on a helo that had to wait for weather to clear was when I took a familiarization ride on one in Newport RI, and we had to wait for the fog to lift because the 'copter wasn't equipped with IFR equipment.

Those helos were flying in VFR conditions and only traveling a few hundred to maybe a thousand feet. There was also nothing for them to run into in the middle of the ocean.

My God, you are one incredible dumbass!
He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Meaningless? He is the top representative for United States of America. There was a ceremony to honor the sacrifices of those who died in the First World War. I am not a liberal, nor did I vote for Obama. But I damn sure expect our president to show up for a ceremony honoring the thousands of Americans who answered the call and gave their lives.

Trump says that he respects and admires the military, but based on his actions, that is nothing more than lip service.

What actions would those be, dumbass?
So, after watching Fareed Zakaria’s interview with President Macron on Sunday’s GPS program (CNN), it sounds like possibly Marine One was grounded by French officials responsible for flight traffic over Paris because of the visibility limitations.

In which case Trump could easily have travelled with Macron or Merkel overland, had he really wanted to show his respects to those thousands of Marines who gave their lives at Belleau Wood.

And there’s no excuse whatsoever for skipping the ceremonies at Arlington - where the French Ambassador laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while our leader was AWOL.
So, after watching Fareed Zakaria’s interview with President Macron on Sunday’s GPS program (CNN), it sounds like possibly Marine One was grounded by French officials responsible for flight traffic over Paris because of the visibility limitations.

In which case Trump could easily have travelled with Macron or Merkel overland, had he really wanted to show his respects to those thousands of Marines who gave their lives at Belleau Wood.

And there’s no excuse whatsoever for skipping the ceremonies at Arlington - where the French Ambassador laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while our leader was AWOL.
Another bone spur prevented him from going.

Come on man you know as well as I do that is bullshit, damn they can tell a Trumper anything.

those Marine helicopters are built for more hazardess weather than a few raindrops.

This was not a combat op.

Um..................quick question dude...............do you REALLY think that Trump would be brave enough to go to an active combat zone? I don't.

But, you did bring up the point that it wasn't a combat op. You are correct. But, Marine 1 is equipped with pilots and an airframe that is capable in many kinds of inclement weather, as well as can be flown in both VFR and IFR situations.

No, there was zero excuse for Trump to not attend.

There is no excuse for you being so stupid, but there you are!

I guess you think you are so smart, here is another DA Trumper.
Trump did honor veterans on November 11th.

The fact is that Trump honored American veterans in Paris on November 11th. He went to the Suresnes American Cemetery that is a resting place of WWI soldiers:


Suresnes American Cemetery | Chemins de Mémoire - Ministère de la Défense

It is a fact that Trump went to pay his respects as president to our veterans on November 11th in Paris:


Remarks by President Trump at the Suresnes American Cemetery | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in France

You have to ask why we should accept Macron's insults?

First Macron says that a European army is needed to defend against America. No way to spin that - it is an insult to the US.
French President Emmanuel Macron calls for “true, European army” to protect against U.S., China and Russia
Emmanuel Macron calls for 'real European army' to defend against Russia and US
Macron calls for 'true European army' to defend against Russia, US, China

Macron's approval rating is 29%. His own countrymen can't stand him, but we are expected to kiss his ass?

So sad.


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