WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

Yanno Edward, that poem they have inscribed at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty should be taken down, because it's no longer true.

The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
YES but nice to think it once was relevant My grandparents all came here from Russia/Poland

My Grandmother was born here, but here parents came over from Scotland.

My Grandfather was a Norwegian immigrant who came here in his 20's.
Take it up with the Secret Service.

I think that is just an excuse he used, because he knows we can't check out what the SS did or didn't suggest, as presidential movements are classified.

I think as President, that he knows he has to do a lot of photo ops, is completely used to doing them and the idea that this one, he for some reason wanted to blow off, is nothing but wishful thinking on the part of people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Photo ops for campaigning - good
Photo ops for those who gave all - "Fuck it, I don;t feel like going"?

No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
I think that is just an excuse he used, because he knows we can't check out what the SS did or didn't suggest, as presidential movements are classified.

I think as President, that he knows he has to do a lot of photo ops, is completely used to doing them and the idea that this one, he for some reason wanted to blow off, is nothing but wishful thinking on the part of people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Photo ops for campaigning - good
Photo ops for those who gave all - "Fuck it, I don;t feel like going"?

No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.
He could have gone by car but I guess was way to much fore him to sacrifice to honor those who gave all.

Maybe Donnie was pissed they fought against his ancestors?

What does it matter, now?
It fits the pattern set by Trump.

It is meaningless.

You might as well have a fit over whether he wears boxers or briefs.
Trump probably cares more about his underwear choice than veterans.
We're lucky he doesn't send the statue of liberty back to France because he doesn't like immigrants.

We appreciate the gift.

But an inscription on the base of a statue is not binding national policy.
I think as President, that he knows he has to do a lot of photo ops, is completely used to doing them and the idea that this one, he for some reason wanted to blow off, is nothing but wishful thinking on the part of people with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Photo ops for campaigning - good
Photo ops for those who gave all - "Fuck it, I don;t feel like going"?

No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Photo ops for campaigning - good
Photo ops for those who gave all - "Fuck it, I don;t feel like going"?

No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Not at all. the "fuck it" described his action & his opinion of our military. I see you agree with it.
No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Not at all. the "fuck it" described his action & his opinion of our military. I see you agree with it.
The French put on the Ceremony, not the marines...
Photo ops for campaigning - good
Photo ops for those who gave all - "Fuck it, I don;t feel like going"?

No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling
I know this vet will remember that tiny trump's hair was more important than the 100th anniversary of the WWI Armistice. And I bring it up to my fellow vets at the Legion all the time...and will continue to do so.
No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Not at all. the "fuck it" described his action & his opinion of our military. I see you agree with it.

Missing a single ceremony, is not reason to come to such a conclusion.

Try to be less hysterical.
No, he's been doing plenty of photo ops since being elected. Your words make no sense, the way you strung them together.
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?

1) Trumps action said "fuck it" to the ceremony.

2.You have no clue whether he actually said it or not.

It could ave gone like this:
Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in the weather. So, it looks like plan B & we will need to go by car.

Trump: "It's raining & will mess up my beautiful hair so fuck it, we ain;' going. They are dead so they won't care."
No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?

1) Trumps action said "fuck it" to the ceremony.

2.You have no clue whether he actually said it or not.

It could ave gone like this:
Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in the weather. So, it looks like plan B & we will need to go by car.

Trump: "It's raining & will mess up my beautiful hair so fuck it, we ain;' going. They are dead so they won't care."

Or it could have gone like this.

Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in this weather, and we can't make it on time by car. "

Trump: "We can't disrupt that ceremony by showing up after it had already started, is there another ceremony closer that we can go to, to honor our sacred dead?"
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?

1) Trumps action said "fuck it" to the ceremony.

2.You have no clue whether he actually said it or not.

It could ave gone like this:
Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in the weather. So, it looks like plan B & we will need to go by car.

Trump: "It's raining & will mess up my beautiful hair so fuck it, we ain;' going. They are dead so they won't care."

Or it could have gone like this.

Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in this weather, and we can't make it on time by car. "

Trump: "We can't disrupt that ceremony by showing up after it had already started, is there another ceremony closer that we can go to, to honor our sacred dead?"

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?

1) Trumps action said "fuck it" to the ceremony.

2.You have no clue whether he actually said it or not.

It could ave gone like this:
Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in the weather. So, it looks like plan B & we will need to go by car.

Trump: "It's raining & will mess up my beautiful hair so fuck it, we ain;' going. They are dead so they won't care."

Or it could have gone like this.

Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in this weather, and we can't make it on time by car. "

Trump: "We can't disrupt that ceremony by showing up after it had already started, is there another ceremony closer that we can go to, to honor our sacred dead?"


Why do you say that?
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?

1) Trumps action said "fuck it" to the ceremony.

2.You have no clue whether he actually said it or not.

It could ave gone like this:
Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in the weather. So, it looks like plan B & we will need to go by car.

Trump: "It's raining & will mess up my beautiful hair so fuck it, we ain;' going. They are dead so they won't care."

Or it could have gone like this.

Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in this weather, and we can't make it on time by car. "

Trump: "We can't disrupt that ceremony by showing up after it had already started, is there another ceremony closer that we can go to, to honor our sacred dead?"
Then when asked, the WH would have said "By the time we were informed the helicopter could not fly, it was too late to get there by car" Stopping any talk that El Dumpster just did not want to go.
Name calling

Pointing out truthfully, that he is moving the goal posts.

You really understand nothing, do you?

1) Trumps action said "fuck it" to the ceremony.

2.You have no clue whether he actually said it or not.

It could ave gone like this:
Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in the weather. So, it looks like plan B & we will need to go by car.

Trump: "It's raining & will mess up my beautiful hair so fuck it, we ain;' going. They are dead so they won't care."

Or it could have gone like this.

Aid: "Mr President, they are saying the helicopter should not fly in this weather, and we can't make it on time by car. "

Trump: "We can't disrupt that ceremony by showing up after it had already started, is there another ceremony closer that we can go to, to honor our sacred dead?"


Why do you say that?

See RealDave's post.
You know, the excuses keep changing on this.................

First, it was because the helo wasn't able to fly in the rain (it was, it's equipped with both VFR and IFR equipment).

Then, it was said that a suggestion was made to drive, but was stopped by the Secret Service. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president didn't want to tie up traffic around Paris, and besides, it's 2 1/2 hours each way (AA reveals that the trip is only 1 hour each way).

And now? Trump is pissed at his staff for not warning him about how bad the optics would look if he didn't go. That says to me that he could have gone, but chose not to, and now is pissed that his staff wasn't more insistent on his going to the memorial.
You know, the excuses keep changing on this.................

First, it was because the helo wasn't able to fly in the rain (it was, it's equipped with both VFR and IFR equipment).

Then, it was said that a suggestion was made to drive, but was stopped by the Secret Service. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president didn't want to tie up traffic around Paris, and besides, it's 2 1/2 hours each way (AA reveals that the trip is only 1 hour each way).

And now? Trump is pissed at his staff for not warning him about how bad the optics would look if he didn't go. That says to me that he could have gone, but chose not to, and now is pissed that his staff wasn't more insistent on his going to the memorial.
The lowlife couldn't figure out how bad it would look all by himself?? Does he need some one to wipe his butt too?
Trump said "Fuck it" to the ceremony.

No, he didn't. That is your insanely biased and partisan spin on it.
He blew off the ceremony. Yep, he really gave a shit.

Moving the goal posts now? What did you learn that made your previous statement too stupid for even a lib to stand by?
Not at all. the "fuck it" described his action & his opinion of our military. I see you agree with it.

Missing a single ceremony, is not reason to come to such a conclusion.

Try to be less hysterical.

trump didn't bother to go to arlington cemetary 2 years in a row. how long has he been in the whitehouse?

uh.... 2 years.

Trump explains his no-show at Arlington: 'I was extremely busy on calls'

obama, though, went to arlington every year when he was in DC.

your president sucks.

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