WWIII . . . Let's Game Some Scenarios


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
I'll go first.

Under unrelenting pressure from Western media and with non-stop pictures of murdered Ukrainian children spammed all over the net, and on the back of skyrocketing inflation at home, Biden cajoles the Congress to declare war on Russia. Both sides informally agree to keep the conflict conventional. World War three has begun. To be fair, Biden and NATO could alternatively decide to go for the no-fly zone over the Ukraine, forcing Putin to declare war on the US.

The Allies: the US, NATO, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the EU, various South American and African nations

The New Axis: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, Venezuela, various African and Middle Eastern nations

Front One: Europe

A given. Russia launches a mass invasion of Eastern Europe while simultaneously bombing major European capital cities. Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe NATO forward positions are overrun and driven back. The US mobilizes its major army divisions (which will take two months minimum to reach Europe) and rapid deploys the three Atlantic based Marine Expeditionary Units via the Mediterranean. Russian subs sink two of them. Several EU nations, such as Germany, France, Italy and Spain—with their capital cities in ruin—threaten to drop out of NATO if US main forces fail to reach Europe in a given period of time. Putin launches a second thrust across the Bering Sea to slow American main battle forces reaching Europe.

Front Two: The Pacific

China declares war on the US and NATO and immediately launches a two-pronged assault. Prong one: an invasion of Taiwan. Prong two: an invasion of Australia. While US forces are still in the deployment to Europe stage, China launches a third campaign moving full steam east across the Pacific capturing the Philippines, threatening Japan, and moving rapidly toward Hawaii, causing the US to split its forces between Europe and the newly opened and rapidly widening Pacific theatre.

Front Three: South Korea

North Korea declares war on both the United States and South Korea and invades the south, further slowing America's response to Europe and buying Putin even more time to gain footholds in Eastern Europe and beyond. The US must now attempt a rescue/reinforcement of its military forces stationed in South Korea, as Japan is busy dealing with Chinese forces threatening its homeland.

Front Four: Alaska/Canada

Russian forces drive deep into Alaska and split, with half driving southeast into Canada, and the other half pushing down through British Columbia, threatening the lower 48 United States. Putin knows this is a suicide mission, but he's counting on the operation further slowing America's main military forces from reaching Europe. Perhaps some Russian missile batteries make it far enough south to launch on US Western seaboard cities. Panic sweeps up and down the coast, from Washington State to California.

Front Five: Iran/Israel/Saudi Arabia

Iran declares war on Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States and pushes north through Armenia and Georgia in an attempt to link up with Russian forces in the Ukraine. Iranian forces also drive southwest across the Persian Gulf, setting up a blockade of that vital waterway, sabotaging oil tankers as it goes, invades the UAE and then Saudi Arabia in an attempt to secure Saudi oil fields for the New Axis Powers. Simultaneously, Iran also fires missiles at Israel, who threatens to go nuclear.

Front Six: India/China

China opens up yet another front by invading India, who immediately threatens nuclear retaliation.

Front Seven: Australia/China

China takes Australia in a matter of days, all the while the Australians beg for US forces to come to their rescue.

Front Eight: The Atlantic

Hundreds of US ships begin to cross the Atlantic carrying the bulk of America's main battle tanks, IFVs, artillery pieces, ammo and other war materials all bound for Europe and the fight against Russia. Russian subs sink scores of them, forcing vital US Naval assets to escort these ship convoys and to also suffer losses to Russian subs.

WWIII: the halfway point:

Russia has driven deep into central Europe and has devastated several major European cities. If American main battle forces take much longer to reach the European theater, they won't have much of a foothold or safe port to land. Meanwhile, the Middle East is ablaze with Iran's war on Saudi Arabia and Israel, and the world economy is crashing with Iran's blockade of the Persian Gulf. South Korea has nearly fallen to the North, and tens of thousands of US soldiers are trapped in southern South Korea, their backs to the sea. Taiwan and Australia have fallen. Japan is on the brink of being overrun by Chinese landing forces. Alaska has fallen, Canada is on the brink and Russian forces are striking US West Coast cities with mobile missile batteries from British Columbia. The only question? Which side will be the first to resort to tactical nuclear missiles, the gateway to a full ICBM exchange?
Or .. it will play itself out like thousands of other European conflicts that have been going on practically non-stop since Roman Times.

It's a normal state of affairs for Europeans to be at war with each other. They haven't had more than 30 consecutive years of peace in the last 2,000.

There is no reason for Americans to become embroiled, once again, in European greed, barbarism, ignorance, and hate.
"We crass Americans didn't introduce war into your little island. This war, Ms. Barham to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don't blame it on our Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a going brothel long before we came to town. "

-- Charlie Madison, "The Americanization of Emily"
No reason to map it out...if it does happen it will be (War) horrible, quick, and billions of people will die....most of them from starvation and disease after the 'War' is over.

Global temps will drop.

Planting seasons will be shortened, or non-existent in most parts of the world, civilization will collapse in most places, disease, starvations, and brutality will rule.

In areas where there is some semblance of order it will be totalitarian and slave like.

In places like Europe and the US where most of the nukes will fall, most of everyone will be dead by the time any type of society is restored.

What will come after everything will probably be an occupation by a less 'disturbed' culture...probably the Chinese.

THIS is why competent, intelligent, honest leaders are required.

However we are decadent, we have become evil, and corrupt and we WILL eventually pay in a great way.

But nuclear war is the most horrible way for anyone to pay...because EVERYONE does.

These idiots had better get their shit together in D.C. and stay the fuck out of this.

There is only one ending if we don't
I'll go first.

Under unrelenting pressure from Western media and with non-stop pictures of murdered Ukrainian children spammed all over the net, and on the back of skyrocketing inflation at home, Biden cajoles the Congress to declare war on Russia. Both sides informally agree to keep the conflict conventional. World War three has begun. To be fair, Biden and NATO could alternatively decide to go for the no-fly zone over the Ukraine, forcing Putin to declare war on the US.

The Allies: the US, NATO, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the EU, various South American and African nations

The New Axis: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, Venezuela, various African and Middle Eastern nations

Front One: Europe

A given. Russia launches a mass invasion of Eastern Europe while simultaneously bombing major European capital cities. Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe NATO forward positions are overrun and driven back. The US mobilizes its major army divisions (which will take two months minimum to reach Europe) and rapid deploys the three Atlantic based Marine Expeditionary Units via the Mediterranean. Russian subs sink two of them. Several EU nations, such as Germany, France, Italy and Spain—with their capital cities in ruin—threaten to drop out of NATO if US main forces fail to reach Europe in a given period of time. Putin launches a second thrust across the Bering Sea to slow American main battle forces reaching Europe.

Front Two: The Pacific

China declares war on the US and NATO and immediately launches a two-pronged assault. Prong one: an invasion of Taiwan. Prong two: an invasion of Australia. While US forces are still in the deployment to Europe stage, China launches a third campaign moving full steam east across the Pacific capturing the Philippines, threatening Japan, and moving rapidly toward Hawaii, causing the US to split its forces between Europe and the newly opened and rapidly widening Pacific theatre.

Front Three: South Korea

North Korea declares war on both the United States and South Korea and invades the south, further slowing America's response to Europe and buying Putin even more time to gain footholds in Eastern Europe and beyond. The US must now attempt a rescue/reinforcement of its military forces stationed in South Korea, as Japan is busy dealing with Chinese forces threatening its homeland.

Front Four: Alaska/Canada

Russian forces drive deep into Alaska and split, with half driving southeast into Canada, and the other half pushing down through British Columbia, threatening the lower 48 United States. Putin knows this is a suicide mission, but he's counting on the operation further slowing America's main military forces from reaching Europe. Perhaps some Russian missile batteries make it far enough south to launch on US Western seaboard cities. Panic sweeps up and down the coast, from Washington State to California.

Front Five: Iran/Israel/Saudi Arabia

Iran declares war on Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States and pushes north through Armenia and Georgia in an attempt to link up with Russian forces in the Ukraine. Iranian forces also drive southwest across the Persian Gulf, setting up a blockade of that vital waterway, sabotaging oil tankers as it goes, invades the UAE and then Saudi Arabia in an attempt to secure Saudi oil fields for the New Axis Powers. Simultaneously, Iran also fires missiles at Israel, who threatens to go nuclear.

Front Six: India/China

China opens up yet another front by invading India, who immediately threatens nuclear retaliation.

Front Seven: Australia/China

China takes Australia in a matter of days, all the while the Australians beg for US forces to come to their rescue.

Front Eight: The Atlantic

Hundreds of US ships begin to cross the Atlantic carrying the bulk of America's main battle tanks, IFVs, artillery pieces, ammo and other war materials all bound for Europe and the fight against Russia. Russian subs sink scores of them, forcing vital US Naval assets to escort these ship convoys and to also suffer losses to Russian subs.

WWIII: the halfway point:

Russia has driven deep into central Europe and has devastated several major European cities. If American main battle forces take much longer to reach the European theater, they won't have much of a foothold or safe port to land. Meanwhile, the Middle East is ablaze with Iran's war on Saudi Arabia and Israel, and the world economy is crashing with Iran's blockade of the Persian Gulf. South Korea has nearly fallen to the North, and tens of thousands of US soldiers are trapped in southern South Korea, their backs to the sea. Taiwan and Australia have fallen. Japan is on the brink of being overrun by Chinese landing forces. Alaska has fallen, Canada is on the brink and Russian forces are striking US West Coast cities with mobile missile batteries from British Columbia. The only question? Which side will be the first to resort to tactical nuclear missiles, the gateway to a full ICBM exchange?
Nice plan you have there! You cite alliances that do not exist. For example, India is a Russian ally and Chinese could care less. You give the Chinese an amphibious capability they simply do not have. The same goes for Iran, which has this little thing called the Persian Gulf in the way. You seem to forget we have an armored division and infantry division in Germany, the 173rd Airborne brigade in Italy, and the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Poland. You think Alaska falls with the troops already in Alaska and Fort Lewis Washington's 2nd Infantry Division especially with a supply line stretching all the way to Europe?

Your scenario needs major work.
Russia cannot deal with Ukraine. What makes you think they can launch an assault in the rest of Europe?

There is no chance of a WW III scenario outside MAD. The simple reality is that the only WW III scenario is 1 day long and involves but one thing, mass nuclear strikes. Russia has no real military capability compared to the west and China, the ONLY opposing military force to NATO, has no interest in a hot war with the world.
Soros is also playing

George Soros Issues Blueprint of Globalist WW3 Propaganda

by László

George Soros posted an editorial on his blog, Project Syndicate, with the title “Vladimir Putin and the Risk of World War III” that is worth analyzing.

Far from denying their ties to Soros any more, the leftist Hungarian media outlet, Index published an article that loyally summarizes Soros’ agit-prop piece he posted in Project Syndicate, without any commentaries on the part of Index, as if it were the most natural thing in the world that we must take his words at face value. Even worse, Index zealously stretched the WW3 propaganda even further than Soros himself. While Soros talks only about the “risk” of WW3, Index gives this title to their article:

According to Soros WW3 has started
Index must have thought that the word “risk” in itself is not scary enough.

Like we told yas

Globo homo inc always let's ya in on what they plan on doing or want to do ...how it all plays out ........to be determined

Soros is also playing

George Soros Issues Blueprint of Globalist WW3 Propaganda

by László

George Soros posted an editorial on his blog, Project Syndicate, with the title “Vladimir Putin and the Risk of World War III” that is worth analyzing.

Far from denying their ties to Soros any more, the leftist Hungarian media outlet, Index published an article that loyally summarizes Soros’ agit-prop piece he posted in Project Syndicate, without any commentaries on the part of Index, as if it were the most natural thing in the world that we must take his words at face value. Even worse, Index zealously stretched the WW3 propaganda even further than Soros himself. While Soros talks only about the “risk” of WW3, Index gives this title to their article:

Index must have thought that the word “risk” in itself is not scary enough.

Like we told yas

Globo homo inc always let's ya in on what they plan on doing or want to do ...how it all plays out ........to be determined

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I knew this was coming next, but I seriously thought that these bastards were going to do it in Asia.
Russia cannot deal with Ukraine. What makes you think they can launch an assault in the rest of Europe?

There is no chance of a WW III scenario outside MAD. The simple reality is that the only WW III scenario is 1 day long and involves but one thing, mass nuclear strikes. Russia has no real military capability compared to the west and China, the ONLY opposing military force to NATO, has no interest in a hot war with the world.
Russia need not launch anything. Europe, like the United States already has millions of people only waiting for a breath to ignite. So called, refugees, migrants, invaders.
No reason to map it out...if it does happen it will be (War) horrible, quick, and billions of people will die....most of them from starvation and disease after the 'War' is over.

Global temps will drop.

Planting seasons will be shortened, or non-existent in most parts of the world, civilization will collapse in most places, disease, starvations, and brutality will rule.

In areas where there is some semblance of order it will be totalitarian and slave like.

In places like Europe and the US where most of the nukes will fall, most of everyone will be dead by the time any type of society is restored.

What will come after everything will probably be an occupation by a less 'disturbed' culture...probably the Chinese.

THIS is why competent, intelligent, honest leaders are required.

However we are decadent, we have become evil, and corrupt and we WILL eventually pay in a great way.

But nuclear war is the most horrible way for anyone to pay...because EVERYONE does.

These idiots had better get their shit together in D.C. and stay the fuck out of this.

There is only one ending if we don't

There is a widely held, bordering on universal, belief that once a nuclear weapon is used, the inevitable and unchangeable outcome will be a full-nuclear exchange.

There is, however, no historical fact or previous scenario on which to base this belief. Other than Hollywood movies and anti-nuclear propaganda, there has been little to no public discussion on precisely how a nuclear exchange would play out.

From a Cold-War high of over 70,000 nuclear warheads divided up amongst 8 different countries and two different political blocs. Today there are around 3,500 active nuclear weapons and approximately 10,000 in deep-storage (requiring significant preparation time) divided between 9 different countries and almost as many different political blocs.

If a nuclear weapons is used, by either The US, Russia, or another state, the belief that we have to get all our weapons launched before their weapons strike, is no longer valid -- if it really ever was. Neither side has the ability today of completely removing another country's retaliatory capability on a first strike. So, the incentive to shoot them or lose them no longer exists.

There are lots of links in the nuclear chains of command and there is every reason to believe that if a nuclear exchange ever did happen again, we would back down from the brink pretty quickly.
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So. . . if the Mexicans are part of this, "new axis. . . "

.. . . does that mean the cartels are on our side?


In both 1917 Germany and 1942, Germany and Japan, made overtures to the Mexican government to either start an American Front to keep Americans occupied at home or allow Axis forces to pass through their territory unimpeded to start a front of their own.

In both cases, I'm sure Mexico weighed the consequences of both failure and success in those scenarios and decided to politely decline.

Today, Mexico's de-facto government is the drug cartels. They would have to decide if giving up their lucrative American markets for a less lucrative Russian market is worth the risk.

Given how much Americans spend on drugs, I would think they'd be fools to risk that market.

The riskiest thing America could do to jeopardize Mexican loyalty would be to legalize recreational drugs.
There is a widely held, bordering on universal, belief that once a nuclear weapon is used, the inevitable and unchangeable outcome will be a full-nuclear exchange.

There is, however, no historical fact or previous scenario on which to base this belief. Other than Hollywood movies and anti-nuclear propaganda, there has been little to no public discussion on precisely how a nuclear exchange would play out.

From a Cold-War high of over 70,000 nuclear warheads divided up amongst 8 different countries and two different political blocs. Today there are around 3,500 active nuclear weapons and approximately 10,000 in deep-storage (requiring significant preparation time) divided between 9 different countries and almost as many different political blocs.

If a nuclear weapons is used, by either The US, Russia, or another state, the belief that we have to get all our weapons launched before their weapons strike, is no longer valid -- if it really ever was. Neither side has the ability today of completely removing another countries retaliatory capability on a first strike. So, the incentive to shoot them or lose them no longer exists.

There are lots of links in the nuclear chains of command and there is every reason to believe that if a nuclear exchange ever did happen again, we would back down from the brink pretty quickly.
There is also that fact, that the U.S. is STILL looked at in a pretty bad light for being the only nation to have ever used one.

. . . not withstanding the conspiracy theories that it has used tactical nukes and tried to cover it up in smaller engagements. . . :rolleyes:

The point being, it is a war crime of unimaginable proportions, and any nation that uses one, would immediately be a pariah state, not just among neutral nations and foes, but probably among allies as well. . . .
In both 1917 Germany and 1942, Germany and Japan, made overtures to the Mexican government to either start an American Front to keep Americans occupied at home or allow Axis forces to pass through their territory unimpeded to start a front of their own.

In both cases, I'm sure Mexico weighed the consequences of both failure and success in those scenarios and decided to politely decline.

Today, Mexico's de-facto government is the drug cartels. They would have to decide if giving up their lucrative American markets for a less lucrative Russian market is worth the risk.

Given how much Americans spend on drugs, I would think they'd be fools to risk that market.

The riskiest thing America could do to jeopardize Mexican loyalty would be to legalize recreational drugs.
That was sort of my point when I looked at where he placed them. . .

The point being, it is a war crime of unimaginable proportions

Is it really?

The only time they've ever been used they undeniably saved more lives (both American and Japanese) than they took. They didn't leave Japan a nuclear wasteland. They didn't even manage to create a single kaiju.

The application of two, very small, nuclear weapons turned a fanatical military state into Capitalist pacifists practically over night.

As inventions go, there is a strong argument that nuclear weapons have done far more good than their reputation would imply.
Is it really?

The only time they've ever been used they undeniably saved more lives (both American and Japanese) than they took. They didn't leave Japan a nuclear wasteland. They didn't even manage to create a single kaiju.

The application of two, very small, nuclear weapons turned a fanatical military state into Capitalist pacifists practically over night.

As inventions go, there is a strong argument that nuclear weapons have done far more good than their reputation would imply.
If it isn't? It should be.

And whether they saved lives. .. that is up to debate. It is generally assumed that they did, but a lot of folks posit that it was the entry of the Soviets into the war that ended it.
If it isn't? It should be.

And whether they saved lives. .. that is up to debate. It is generally assumed that they did, but a lot of folks posit that it was the entry of the Soviets into the war that ended it.

Given what The Soviets did on their advance through Germany. A choice between a Soviet Invasion or a nuclear weapon would be a tough call.
Or .. it will play itself out like thousands of other European conflicts that have been going on practically non-stop since Roman Times.

It's a normal state of affairs for Europeans to be at war with each other. They haven't had more than 30 consecutive years of peace in the last 2,000.

There is no reason for Americans to become embroiled, once again, in European greed, barbarism, ignorance, and hate.

Can even one person explain to me why we have funneled billions and billions of money to Ukraine now? I'm not talking Hunter's laptop money now, just money for rebuilding or whatever. I'm sick of this.

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