Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

As the Obama administration plots various assaults on gun rights by “executive order” and legislation, proposals described as “very extreme” even by some Democrats, state lawmakers in Wyoming have another idea. Republican legislators are rallying behind nullification legislation that would void unconstitutional infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, even providing prison time for any federal agents who may try to enforce Washington, D.C., gun control in the state. Lawmakers expect it to pass.

The new bill, H.B. 0104 or the “Firearms Protection Act,” would nullify any new federal infringements on the constitutionally protected gun rights of state residents — who enjoy some of the lowest crime rates while being among the most heavily armed people in America. Unconstitutional federal gun registration schemes, as well as restrictions on semi-automatic guns or standard-capacity magazines, would also be nullified under the legislation.

There are teeth in the proposed law too: Any federal official attempting to enforce unconstitutional statutes or decrees infringing on gun rights passed after January 1 of this year would be charged with a felony. If convicted, criminal officials would be punished by up to five years in state prison and a $5,000 fine. The legislation also authorizes the state attorney general to defend citizens of Wyoming if federal authorities seek prosecutions under unconstitutional gun control rules.

At least eight state representatives and two state senators have already sponsored the legislation. And nationwide, support for similar measures is exploding.

Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds
Nothing to see here. Wyoming law will be nullified by SCOTUS, and any who violated federal law would go to prison. End of problem.
Nothing to see here. Wyoming law will be nullified by SCOTUS, and any who violated federal law would go to prison. End of problem.

you need to read more of the article....

Predictably, Obama apparatchiks funded by billionaire statist George Soros are already crying foul, too. The far-left “Think Progress” blog, for example, claimed that nullification would be unconstitutional. “The constitution actually stipulates that federal law ‘shall be the supreme law of the land,’” Annie-Rose Strasser alleged falsely, without pointing out the constitutional stipulation that federal laws must be “made in pursuance” with the Constitution. It was not clear whether the writer was simply ignorant of American history and the U.S. Constitution, or whether the false statements were deliberate lies in an effort to confuse readers.

Some analysts quoted in the establishment press, also presumably unfamiliar with history or the U.S. Constitution, have claimed that states may not nullify unconstitutional federal usurpations as well. Of course, American history is replete with examples of nullification — Wisconsin nullified a federal statute purporting to require the return of escaped slaves to their masters, for example. Even Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson helped states void unconstitutional legislation in the early years of the Republic.

More recently, states all across America have been putting their foot down. Even causes traditionally associated with liberals, such as marijuana legalization, have succeeded through nullification — Colorado and Washington state both legalized the controversial plant in November, and many other states have approved it for medical use in spite of unconstitutional federal statutes. Conservatives and libertarians have also been relying on nullification, especially in recent years.

As the increasingly out-of-control federal government tries to restrict more and more of Americans’ unalienable rights — with the Second Amendment just the latest target — state lawmakers all across the country are taking action. A bill just introduced in Indiana known as the Firearm Freedom Act, for instance, would also protect the rights of gun owners to be free from federal regulations if the gun was produced and purchased in the state. Similar legislation has already been adopted in other states.

Meanwhile, law-enforcement officials, such as sheriffs and police chiefs, are also developing legal strategies to protect gun rights in their jurisdictions, with some lobbying for nullification measures as well. As The New American reported this week, while the Obama administration seeks to severely infringe on the Second Amendment, talk of mass resistance nationwide is growing in tandem. The president may believe he can violate the Constitution by decree, but it appears that many states have had just about enough of the lawlessness. If Congress refuses to rein in the out-of-control administration, state governments may have to do it instead.
Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds

Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.
Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds
Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.

Is an executive order a law?
Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds
Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.

Is an executive order a law?

What executive order?

Link, please.
All these central planners gathered in one thread. Oh my!

Must have struck a nerve.

There are no ‘central planners’ in a Constitutional Republic, which is a Republic in jeopardy when citizens ignore the Constitution, its case law, and seek to undermine the rule of law, such as in Wyoming.

I like you Clayton, but you are naive if you don't recognize that there are a plethora of individual here (both on this site and in the U.S.) who advocate much more central authority and significantly less federalism.

As the Obama administration plots various assaults on gun rights by “executive order” and legislation, proposals described as “very extreme” even by some Democrats, state lawmakers in Wyoming have another idea. Republican legislators are rallying behind nullification legislation that would void unconstitutional infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, even providing prison time for any federal agents who may try to enforce Washington, D.C., gun control in the state. Lawmakers expect it to pass.

The new bill, H.B. 0104 or the “Firearms Protection Act,” would nullify any new federal infringements on the constitutionally protected gun rights of state residents — who enjoy some of the lowest crime rates while being among the most heavily armed people in America. Unconstitutional federal gun registration schemes, as well as restrictions on semi-automatic guns or standard-capacity magazines, would also be nullified under the legislation.

There are teeth in the proposed law too: Any federal official attempting to enforce unconstitutional statutes or decrees infringing on gun rights passed after January 1 of this year would be charged with a felony. If convicted, criminal officials would be punished by up to five years in state prison and a $5,000 fine. The legislation also authorizes the state attorney general to defend citizens of Wyoming if federal authorities seek prosecutions under unconstitutional gun control rules.

At least eight state representatives and two state senators have already sponsored the legislation. And nationwide, support for similar measures is exploding.

Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds
Do you really think that the Obama administration is going to create any gun regulations that won't stand up in court? This sounds like some right wingers trying to make some political hay while gun control is hot. In a few months when Congress must address the debt issue and a new immigration bill and the gun owners stop threaten to start a civil war over gun control, this all going to die out.
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Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.

Is an executive order a law?

What executive order?

Link, please.

“The president is going to act,” vowed Mr. Biden, whom Mr. Obama tapped to head the task force on the issue. “There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken. We haven’t decided what that is yet."

Biden talks executive action on gun control. Washington Times


As the Obama administration plots various assaults on gun rights by “executive order” and legislation, proposals described as “very extreme” even by some Democrats, state lawmakers in Wyoming have another idea. Republican legislators are rallying behind nullification legislation that would void unconstitutional infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, even providing prison time for any federal agents who may try to enforce Washington, D.C., gun control in the state. Lawmakers expect it to pass.

The new bill, H.B. 0104 or the “Firearms Protection Act,” would nullify any new federal infringements on the constitutionally protected gun rights of state residents — who enjoy some of the lowest crime rates while being among the most heavily armed people in America. Unconstitutional federal gun registration schemes, as well as restrictions on semi-automatic guns or standard-capacity magazines, would also be nullified under the legislation.

There are teeth in the proposed law too: Any federal official attempting to enforce unconstitutional statutes or decrees infringing on gun rights passed after January 1 of this year would be charged with a felony. If convicted, criminal officials would be punished by up to five years in state prison and a $5,000 fine. The legislation also authorizes the state attorney general to defend citizens of Wyoming if federal authorities seek prosecutions under unconstitutional gun control rules.

At least eight state representatives and two state senators have already sponsored the legislation. And nationwide, support for similar measures is exploding.

Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds
Do you really think that the Obama administration is going to create any gun regulations that won't stand up in court?

You have a point! As long as Obama has America-hating treasonist Justices who wipe their butts with the Constitution, like John Robbed-America-berts, Jabba the Kagan, Sonia Sodomizer, Ruth Baturd Ginsturd and Stephen Breyer, of course Obama will keep doing what he can to destroy America. He has the full support of these 5 America-hating marxists in doing so.

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