Wyoming's proposed anti-LGBT law

Only if there is a compelling government interest, especially if it means infringing on a constitutionally protected right, i.e. the free exercise of religion.

Forcing a baker to bake a cake over butthurt is not a compelling government interest.
This has nothing at all to do with religion, that is only used as a smokescreen. Its all about hate and discrimination

Yep, discriminating against people who don't want to associate with others based on their behavior.
your a neo nazi all you want to do is discriminate agianst people based on their behavior... and their race, their religon, their general net worth

Behavior has nothing to do with race, religion or net worth so stop trying to attribute word or opinions to me that I haven't expressed.

Religion is a behavior. Gun ownership and use is a behavior.
Liberalism is a mental disorder...
Only if there is a compelling government interest, especially if it means infringing on a constitutionally protected right, i.e. the free exercise of religion.

Forcing a baker to bake a cake over butthurt is not a compelling government interest.
This has nothing at all to do with religion, that is only used as a smokescreen. Its all about hate and discrimination

Yep, discriminating against people who don't want to associate with others based on their behavior.
your a neo nazi all you want to do is discriminate agianst people based on their behavior... and their race, their religon, their general net worth

Behavior has nothing to do with race, religion or net worth so stop trying to attribute word or opinions to me that I haven't expressed.

Religion is a behavior. Gun ownership and use is a behavior.

And you're free not to associate with either if you chose.
That's it exactly, Marty, local elities can't block civil rights.


So, if the WY lege passes it and the Gov signs it, the legislation then goes to federal court and will be overturned.

Waste of the taxpayers' money.

Depends on the Court.

Still the fault of the LGBT progressive extremists who feel the need to force their views on others.
Sorry to hear that someone tried to force you to be gay.
From a friend in Wyoming:

The Wyoming State Legislature is considering a bill that, if passed, would become the most oppressive and wide-ranging anti-LGBT law in the nation. It would allow social workers to deny aid, teachers to not teach, health care workers to deny service not only to individuals that identify as LGBT, but their children as well. And that is just part of the bill... this bill tells our LGBT brothers and sisters that they are not worthy to receive services a straight cisgendered individual can receive.

HB-135 is scheduled to be voted upon by the Wyoming House Judiciary Committee this week, its first step toward becoming law. Please call and/or email members of this committee (contact info pasted below) and tell them to VOTE NO ON HB-135. No hate in the equality state!

Remember: Be firm but polite; introduce yourself and say where you're from; make your message personal.

Wyoming House Judiciary Committee -
Dan Kirkbride (Chugwater)
Cell - (307) 331-2265
[email protected]

Mark Baker (Rock Springs)
Cell - (307) 371-5113
[email protected]

Bo Biteman (Ranchester)
Cell - (307) 763-7613
[email protected]

Mark Jennings (Sheridan)
Cell - (307) 461-0697
[email protected]

Jared Olsen (Cheyenne)
Cell - (307) 509-0242
[email protected]

Charles Pelkey (Laramie)
Cell - (307) 920-0542
[email protected]

Bill Pownall (Gillette)
Home - (307) 682-4148
[email protected]

Tim Salazar (Dubois)
Cell - (307) 220-1213
[email protected]

Nathan Winters (Thermopolis)
Home - (307) 864-3690
[email protected]

This is what you get when you use courts to force gay marriage on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

When your side becomes unreasonable, don't be surprised when the other side does the exact same thing.
Since when is the LBGT community not entitled to the same rights and protections as any other American
Men licking hairy balls is a right?
As much as women doing it......yes.
From a friend in Wyoming:

The Wyoming State Legislature is considering a bill that, if passed, would become the most oppressive and wide-ranging anti-LGBT law in the nation. It would allow social workers to deny aid, teachers to not teach, health care workers to deny service not only to individuals that identify as LGBT, but their children as well. And that is just part of the bill... this bill tells our LGBT brothers and sisters that they are not worthy to receive services a straight cisgendered individual can receive.

HB-135 is scheduled to be voted upon by the Wyoming House Judiciary Committee this week, its first step toward becoming law. Please call and/or email members of this committee (contact info pasted below) and tell them to VOTE NO ON HB-135. No hate in the equality state!

Remember: Be firm but polite; introduce yourself and say where you're from; make your message personal.

Wyoming House Judiciary Committee -
Dan Kirkbride (Chugwater)
Cell - (307) 331-2265
[email protected]

Mark Baker (Rock Springs)
Cell - (307) 371-5113
[email protected]

Bo Biteman (Ranchester)
Cell - (307) 763-7613
[email protected]

Mark Jennings (Sheridan)
Cell - (307) 461-0697
[email protected]

Jared Olsen (Cheyenne)
Cell - (307) 509-0242
[email protected]

Charles Pelkey (Laramie)
Cell - (307) 920-0542
[email protected]

Bill Pownall (Gillette)
Home - (307) 682-4148
[email protected]

Tim Salazar (Dubois)
Cell - (307) 220-1213
[email protected]

Nathan Winters (Thermopolis)
Home - (307) 864-3690
[email protected]

This is what you get when you use courts to force gay marriage on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

When your side becomes unreasonable, don't be surprised when the other side does the exact same thing.
Since when is the LBGT community not entitled to the same rights and protections as any other American
Men licking hairy balls is a right?
yup, try it- you would like it
Can I have the right to fuck little furry animals, too?
Ah....as much as any RW farmer in fly over states......as long as you get informed consent from such little furry animals.
From a friend in Wyoming:

The Wyoming State Legislature is considering a bill that, if passed, would become the most oppressive and wide-ranging anti-LGBT law in the nation. It would allow social workers to deny aid, teachers to not teach, health care workers to deny service not only to individuals that identify as LGBT, but their children as well. And that is just part of the bill... this bill tells our LGBT brothers and sisters that they are not worthy to receive services a straight cisgendered individual can receive.

HB-135 is scheduled to be voted upon by the Wyoming House Judiciary Committee this week, its first step toward becoming law. Please call and/or email members of this committee (contact info pasted below) and tell them to VOTE NO ON HB-135. No hate in the equality state!

Remember: Be firm but polite; introduce yourself and say where you're from; make your message personal.

Wyoming House Judiciary Committee -
Dan Kirkbride (Chugwater)
Cell - (307) 331-2265
[email protected]

Mark Baker (Rock Springs)
Cell - (307) 371-5113
[email protected]

Bo Biteman (Ranchester)
Cell - (307) 763-7613
[email protected]

Mark Jennings (Sheridan)
Cell - (307) 461-0697
[email protected]

Jared Olsen (Cheyenne)
Cell - (307) 509-0242
[email protected]

Charles Pelkey (Laramie)
Cell - (307) 920-0542
[email protected]

Bill Pownall (Gillette)
Home - (307) 682-4148
[email protected]

Tim Salazar (Dubois)
Cell - (307) 220-1213
[email protected]

Nathan Winters (Thermopolis)
Home - (307) 864-3690
[email protected]

This is what you get when you use courts to force gay marriage on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

When your side becomes unreasonable, don't be surprised when the other side does the exact same thing.
Since when is the LBGT community not entitled to the same rights and protections as any other American
Men licking hairy balls is a right?
. . . to not be denied an adult's rights in private by the likes of you. And your weirdo beliefs cannot be denied, either, see?
Can we teach this sexual perversion in our schools so that our 8 year old sons can learn the art of sperm-gurgling without making a mess?
Are 8 year olds taught about old rich men and their trophy wives and grabbing women by their pussy and golden showers?
They may be entitled to it, but their rights do not automatically outweigh the rights of others, as in a right of a baker to not participate in a ceremony it finds sinful.

No one is forced to be a baker.

Everyone needs to make a living. Nothing anywhere in the Constitution suggests that it is in any way legitimate for government to compel anyone to give up any of their essential Constitutional rights as a condition of being allowed to do so.
So....someone can get a state business license and ignore the business laws they feel like ignoring?
You're begging the question. You do not have a constitutional right to discriminate or deny someone equal protection under the law.

It is your side that is making up “Constitutional rights” that are nowhere stated nor implied in the Constitution, and using them as an excuse to violate rights that are explicitly stated or strongly implied in the Constitution.
What are these made up Constitutional rights you refer to?
Im guessing you have the sick twisted opinions about race as well, that we shouldn't "use courts to force desegregation on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

I guess lincoln shouldn't have been surprised when the south revolted after he "unreasonably" outlawed slavery....
People should be able to do what they want with their property. Period.
people arent property
thank you captain obvious
doesn't seem to be obvious to you nazis

Desegregation was needed. There should be NO discrimination from the institution. But people can be assholes if they want. If a baker don't want to make a cake, then fuck the cake. They can go next door. But if you think support of individuality and private property makes one a NAZI, then you sir, are a fucking idiot.
"Desegregation was needed".......many would have (and still do) disagree with you on that.
People should be able to do what they want with their property. Period.
people arent property
thank you captain obvious
doesn't seem to be obvious to you nazis

Desegregation was needed. There should be NO discrimination from the institution. But people can be assholes if they want. If a baker don't want to make a cake, then fuck the cake. They can go next door. But if you think support of individuality and private property makes one a NAZI, then you sir, are a fucking idiot.
"Desegregation was needed".......many would have (and still do) disagree with you on that.
Im not arguing for them.
Hb 135 is called The Wyoming Government Nondiscrimination Act and is designed to level the field between the lbgtiq and the religious. Wyoming is the Equality state after all.
That's it exactly, Marty, local elities can't block civil rights.


So, if the WY lege passes it and the Gov signs it, the legislation then goes to federal court and will be overturned.

Waste of the taxpayers' money.

Depends on the Court.

Still the fault of the LGBT progressive extremists who feel the need to force their views on others.
No one is forcing their views on anyone, the LGBT community just wants the same rights and privileges as anyone else.

No, they want "special" rights. Several years ago, Colorado voters approved a law that basically said that the LGBT community they wouldn't be granted rights anymore than those received by any other. The LGBT people took it to court and an activist federal judge "found" the law to unconstitutional.

In short, normal rights and liberties aren't good enough for them.
What exactly are these "special" rights you are referring to? Name them....
They may be entitled to it, but their rights do not automatically outweigh the rights of others, as in a right of a baker to not participate in a ceremony it finds sinful.
But the law doesn't do that. It doesn't protect people who don't want to serve those in an adulterous marriage (Mark 10:11,12) or mixed race or mixed religious marriages.

So it only "protects" the right to discriminate against one sin and not any others

The Wyoming law is bad law, I agree with that. It is bad because it extends to government workers, who should not have said right. it also probably puts too much emphasis on the Religious rights as opposed to commerce rights, but again, its an expected backlash against idiotic over-reach done via PA laws.
doesn't seem to be obvious to you nazis

Desegregation was needed. There should be NO discrimination from the institution. But people can be assholes if they want. If a baker don't want to make a cake, then fuck the cake. They can go next door. But if you think support of individuality and private property makes one a NAZI, then you sir, are a fucking idiot.

You're making the case for allowing Jim Crow back. goddam that's ignorant.
Im in no way doing that. I just said there should be no discrimination from the institution, Mr. illiterate.

Jim Crow was ALLOWED in the South, not necessarily mandated. You want to ALLOW a business to refuse service to people of color. That is your support for allowing Jim Crow to come back.
Jim Crow was institutional discrimination. It was ENFORCED by the govt. That's some bullshit.
A business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Its THEIR PROPERTY. Involuntary servitude is against the constitution.
I don't want jim crow back, that's a stupid thing to say. And quit ignorant. I just PA laws, state and federal, to go away. In the least, Federal.

Here is where I disagree with TN, when it comes to actual PA's, restaurants, Movie theaters, point of sale grocery stores, where the public is explicitly invited onto your property, localities should be able to enforce "commerce for all". Where I disagree with progressives is extending that to every form of business out there.
This is what you get when you use courts to force gay marriage on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

When your side becomes unreasonable, don't be surprised when the other side does the exact same thing.
Since when is the LBGT community not entitled to the same rights and protections as any other American
Men licking hairy balls is a right?
. . . to not be denied an adult's rights in private by the likes of you. And your weirdo beliefs cannot be denied, either, see?
Can we teach this sexual perversion in our schools so that our 8 year old sons can learn the art of sperm-gurgling without making a mess?
Are 8 year olds taught about old rich men and their trophy wives and grabbing women by their pussy and golden showers?
I'm sure they were taught all about Bill Clinton in history class. Although hillary certainly ain't no trophy.
That's it exactly, Marty, local elities can't block civil rights.


So, if the WY lege passes it and the Gov signs it, the legislation then goes to federal court and will be overturned.

Waste of the taxpayers' money.

Depends on the Court.

Still the fault of the LGBT progressive extremists who feel the need to force their views on others.
Sorry to hear that someone tried to force you to be gay.

Sorry someone may ask you to spend 5 minutes going to another baker.
I haven't read the bill, so I'm not going to presume it actually says what this is claiming. I'd like to know the reasoning behind it if it is.
From a friend in Wyoming:

The Wyoming State Legislature is considering a bill that, if passed, would become the most oppressive and wide-ranging anti-LGBT law in the nation. It would allow social workers to deny aid, teachers to not teach, health care workers to deny service not only to individuals that identify as LGBT, but their children as well. And that is just part of the bill... this bill tells our LGBT brothers and sisters that they are not worthy to receive services a straight cisgendered individual can receive.

HB-135 is scheduled to be voted upon by the Wyoming House Judiciary Committee this week, its first step toward becoming law. Please call and/or email members of this committee (contact info pasted below) and tell them to VOTE NO ON HB-135. No hate in the equality state!

Remember: Be firm but polite; introduce yourself and say where you're from; make your message personal.

Wyoming House Judiciary Committee -
Dan Kirkbride (Chugwater)
Cell - (307) 331-2265
[email protected]

Mark Baker (Rock Springs)
Cell - (307) 371-5113
[email protected]

Bo Biteman (Ranchester)
Cell - (307) 763-7613
[email protected]

Mark Jennings (Sheridan)
Cell - (307) 461-0697
[email protected]

Jared Olsen (Cheyenne)
Cell - (307) 509-0242
[email protected]

Charles Pelkey (Laramie)
Cell - (307) 920-0542
[email protected]

Bill Pownall (Gillette)
Home - (307) 682-4148
[email protected]

Tim Salazar (Dubois)
Cell - (307) 220-1213
[email protected]

Nathan Winters (Thermopolis)
Home - (307) 864-3690
[email protected]

This is what you get when you use courts to force gay marriage on places that don't want it, and force non-essential businesses to either "bake or die".

When your side becomes unreasonable, don't be surprised when the other side does the exact same thing.

Civil rights not your cup of tea, yes?

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