Yates smacks down the campaigning Cruz....

Sally Yates Makes Ted Cruz Look Like A Fool And Crushes The Republican Defense Of Trump
By Sarah Jones on Mon, May 8th, 2017 at 5:07 pm

During the Sally Yates hearing on Monday, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz tried to best Sally Yates with the law, only to be humiliated by her legal knowledge.

Sally Yates Makes Ted Cruz Look Like A Fool And Crushes The Republican Defense Of Trump

More lies, the dumb broad admitted she ignored the 4 corners doctrine and inserted her personal hackery. She has no legal or constitutional authority to confer constitutional rights on foreign nationals who have never set foot on US soil. Also the plaintiffs attorney, in oral arguments before the 4th circuit, admitted that the order would be legal and constitutional if it were issued by any other president. The 4th circuit won't ignore the 4 corners doctrine and will uphold the order. Then miss Yates will be eating a well deserved large portion of crow.

"the dumb broad".....can't understand why the RussianW has a rep for misogyny and fear of strong, assertive women.
Hmmm. I listened to the whole thing and he is correct, she overstepped her purview. She's a prosecutor, not a judge. This seems to be a common problem with obummer appointee's, they seem to think they get to do anything they choose regardless of their job. She is truly a poor example of "Public Servant". She is a very good example of a political hack however.

Leave it to brain dead progressives, such as yourself, to twist reality to your personal view.
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Sally Yates Makes Ted Cruz Look Like A Fool And Crushes The Republican Defense Of Trump
By Sarah Jones on Mon, May 8th, 2017 at 5:07 pm

During the Sally Yates hearing on Monday, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz tried to best Sally Yates with the law, only to be humiliated by her legal knowledge.

Sally Yates Makes Ted Cruz Look Like A Fool And Crushes The Republican Defense Of Trump

Cruz made a rookie mistake thinking he could quote the law out of context and fool Yates with it

She threw it back in his face

Even conservative hack and frequent Trump asskisser Joe Scarborough said that Cruz threw her two hanging curveballs and she knocked both of them out of the park.
Hmmm. I listened to the whole thing and he is correct, she overstepped her purview. She's a prosecutor, not a judge. This seems to be a common problem with obummer appointee's, they seem to think they get to do anything they choose regardless of their job. She is a truly a poor example of "Public Servant". She is a very good example of a political hack however.

Leave it to brain dead progressives, such as yourself, to twist reality to your personal view.

"I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So
help me God."

that's her oath.

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