Yates smacks down the campaigning Cruz....

Yeah he asked who appointed her to the supreme court, like a braindead hillbilly.

Like I said, you didn't watch the video

I posted a 3 minute video, and you responded in less than 1 minute.

A video of the hillbilly looking like an idiot had already been posted.

only idiot I see here is you
You can't see me, just words. Idiot.
You can't see me, just words

and they prove you to be an idiot
No, they did that to the Louisiana yokel
"But if the views the President wants to execute are unlawful, should the attorney general or the deputy attorney general say no?"

Yates replies: "Senator, I believe the attorney general or the deputy attorney general has an obligation to follow the law and the Constitution and to give their independent legal advice to the President."


It not the job of the SC to enforce the laws.

So, how did the Grabber in Chiefs appeal to the SC go for his first Muslim Ban EO?
Hmmm. I listened to the whole thing and he is correct, she overstepped her purview. She's a prosecutor, not a judge. This seems to be a common problem with obummer appointee's, they seem to think they get to do anything they choose regardless of their job. She is a truly a poor example of "Public Servant". She is a very good example of a political hack however.

Leave it to brain dead progressives, such as yourself, to twist reality to your personal view.

"I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So
help me God."

that's her oath.


when was she appointed to the Supreme, or any other court?

She cited the law she was following.

lol, suddenly the RWnuts worship the Courts.

I like it that Will Halfwit always gives me the shitfaced grin icon to signal he's conceded my point.
Face it right wingers.....on this issue, the only recourse you have is to call reality "fake news"....as your Trumpster moronically does....LOL
Hmmm. I listened to the whole thing and he is correct, she overstepped her purview. She's a prosecutor, not a judge. This seems to be a common problem with obummer appointee's, they seem to think they get to do anything they choose regardless of their job. She is a truly a poor example of "Public Servant". She is a very good example of a political hack however.

Leave it to brain dead progressives, such as yourself, to twist reality to your personal view.

"I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So
help me God."

that's her oath.


when was she appointed to the Supreme, or any other court?

She cited the law she was following.

lol, suddenly the RWnuts worship the Courts.

I like it that Will Halfwit always gives me the shitfaced grin icon to signal he's conceded my point.

Still suffering from stupidity, I see,
Lol dumb freshman thought Yates was an SC justice
No, the 'dumb' freshman was pointing out to Yates that as an employee of the US government and of the Trump administration and has no right to refuse to comply with orders she has been given. You either do the job or you quit.

At her confirmation, Republican lawmakers asked her whether she was willing to defy Obama if he was violating the law......now they are outraged that she would do it to Trump
Face it right wingers.....on this issue, the only recourse you have is to call reality "fake news"....as your Trumpster moronically does....LOL
your side is the one calling reality 'fake news'
only idiot I see here is you

Wow....after that "brilliant" response, you should go take a rest. You're taxing your half brain a bit too much....LOL
even with a half brain, I'd have twice what you do.

So apparently it takes only a quarter sized liberal brain to outsmart you?
So apparently it takes only a quarter sized liberal brain to outsmart you.

even if you had that much, you still couldn't
In summary: The OP is correct, Sally Yates is smart and did pigeonhole Ted Cruz.

However, it was shown she did step out of the boundaries of her job description and was rightfully fired for doing so.
[Oh he should have said that instead of sounding like a complete moron then.
Agreed - he tried to be 'cute'.
Unlikely. He's an embarrassing yokel from Louisiana. He was probably genuinely confused.
Again, he appropriately rebuked Yates for refusing to do her job. That is not what I call 'embarrassing' or 'confused.
He attempted to rebuke Yates and failed. Cruz is a failure on all levels. As a man, a politician, a leader, and any other category you can think of. It;s hard to believe folks can actually have any respect for that failure.
Cruz is the guy that trump insulted. He insulted the man's wife and the man's father. He did it repeatedly. The result was that when the time came Cruz came crawling back to trump and kissed his ass in public. You can say anything you want about his wife and family and Cruz will not have the courage to hold you to your words.
However, it was shown she did step out of the boundaries of her job description and was rightfully fired for doing so.

It is much better to be fired for upholding the Constitution, than to be complicit in an unlawful act as the Trumpster's EO has turned out to be in the courts....
He attempted to rebuke Yates and failed. Cruz is a failure on all levels. As a man, a politician, a leader, and any other category you can think of. It;s hard to believe folks can actually have any respect for that failure.

Cruz is the guy that trump insulted. He insulted the man's wife and the man's father. He did it repeatedly. The result was that when the time came Cruz came crawling back to trump and kissed his ass in public. You can say anything you want about his wife and family and Cruz will not have the courage to hold you to your words.
You spew out a lot of emotional opinion as definition of being a 'failure'. Opinion duly noted.
However, it was shown she did step out of the boundaries of her job description and was rightfully fired for doing so.

It is much better to be fired for upholding the Constitution, than to be complicit in an unlawful act as the Trumpster's EO has turned out to be in the courts....
Courts have found it unlawful?

Last I heard, they were merely on hold.
Here's where Yates failed:

"They do not look outside the face of the document," she said.

In contrast, she said, "it was appropriate for us to look at the intent behind the president's actions, and the intent is laid out in his statements."

She's only supposed to look at the document.

Acting attorney general fired by Trump stands by decision not to defend travel ban
no, she didn't say that mr twister!

she said it was the Judicial branch's counsel's/lawyer's job to not look at intent in their review, strictly content...but it was her job as attorney general and her team's job to include the review of intent, as did the several Judges in different states who shot his e/o down.

She absolutely did say that!

Acting attorney general fired by Trump stands by decision not to defend travel ban

Basically she said "Oh you can't just look at the document" You have look to at outside factors and some other gobblety-gook.

Like: "What did he say at his daughter's birthday party 8 years ago?" :cuckoo:

Notice the link I provided is from ABC news.

You can't make this stuff up. :badgrin:

PS: I noticed you turned "a few" into "several".

Allow me to remind you that she was fired.
Trump did not vet their e/o through the Justice dept, as protocol required before issuing it....they went to the set of lawyers the Justice dept had which have a specific narrow job duty.....and skipped the Justice dept itself reviewing it.....he was suppose to do BOTH, but he thought the Justice dept would be partisan and did not want the Justice dept to even know about the E/O.....

Yates WAS RIGHT and Trump got caught with his pants down through all the State lawsuits against it and Judges knocking it down....he fired her, for telling him the truth, the E/O did not meet constitutional muster and was hard or rather impossible for the Justice dept to defend.

Trump finally ditched that e/o and came up with a new one.... that confirms Yates WAS correct, and gave Trump truthful advice on it.....

The president can fire whomever he wants, without cause or reason.

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