Yeah, those Republicans and conservatives sure are racists, aren't they??

In the state of Wyoming, a very white and conservative state, Lynn Hutchings who ran for District 42's House seat won, and she won HUGE, beating Dumbocrap, Gary Datus by 72% to 18%. Lynn Hutchings is black, a 22 year military veteran, and volunteer fire fighter. Lynn made it very clear to voters, she is very conservative, and is very proud of it. There is no mistaking where she stands on an issue. She has in the past held Bill or Rights parties and Constiution parties, long before she ever thought of running for office, and will continue to host these kinds of parties. Another party begins as Wyoming gets a truly great and patriotic American in an elected position. Hopefully her next step will be U.S. House and higher!!!

Let's all stand up and give Lynn a big standing ovation for refusing to comprimise her morals and values !! And refusing to be enslaved by the Democrat plantation.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Great job Lynn, and may this be just the beginning of a long a great political career for you!!!

On the link, you will need to scroll down to District #42

Wyoming 2012 General Election Results

Without looking she represents either Laramie or Cheyenne. Lol
I have been to Wyoming about 100 times and I have seen about three black people. Lol
In the state of Wyoming, a very white and conservative state, Lynn Hutchings who ran for District 42's House seat won, and she won HUGE, beating Dumbocrap, Gary Datus by 72% to 18%. Lynn Hutchings is black, a 22 year military veteran, and volunteer fire fighter. Lynn made it very clear to voters, she is very conservative, and is very proud of it. There is no mistaking where she stands on an issue. She has in the past held Bill or Rights parties and Constiution parties, long before she ever thought of running for office, and will continue to host these kinds of parties. Another party begins as Wyoming gets a truly great and patriotic American in an elected position. Hopefully her next step will be U.S. House and higher!!!

Let's all stand up and give Lynn a big standing ovation for refusing to comprimise her morals and values !! And refusing to be enslaved by the Democrat plantation.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Great job Lynn, and may this be just the beginning of a long a great political career for you!!!

On the link, you will need to scroll down to District #42

Wyoming 2012 General Election Results

I wish Mia Love would have won Utah. But, racist Democrats smeared her at every turn and she ended up losing. But, she came close to winning.

How was she contested with racism?
In the state of Wyoming, a very white and conservative state, Lynn Hutchings who ran for District 42's House seat won, and she won HUGE, beating Dumbocrap, Gary Datus by 72% to 18%. Lynn Hutchings is black, a 22 year military veteran, and volunteer fire fighter. Lynn made it very clear to voters, she is very conservative, and is very proud of it. There is no mistaking where she stands on an issue. She has in the past held Bill or Rights parties and Constiution parties, long before she ever thought of running for office, and will continue to host these kinds of parties. Another party begins as Wyoming gets a truly great and patriotic American in an elected position. Hopefully her next step will be U.S. House and higher!!!

Let's all stand up and give Lynn a big standing ovation for refusing to comprimise her morals and values !! And refusing to be enslaved by the Democrat plantation.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Great job Lynn, and may this be just the beginning of a long a great political career for you!!!

On the link, you will need to scroll down to District #42

Wyoming 2012 General Election Results

This is a step. The GOP must try long and hard to erase the memory of Strom Thurmond and the Civil Rights opponents if the GOP wishes to win minority votes.

Oh I just got to love the revisionist history morons. Strom Thurmond, during the Civil Rights movement, was a States Rights Democrat. And, most of those opposing Civil Rights were Democrats, among them George Wallace and Bull Connor, as well as Robert (KKK) Byrd. And, save your today's Republicans are yesterday's Democrats BS. It's just more revisionist history BULL and twisted logic in trying to make yourself look better than you and yours actually are. A Democrat, is a Democrat, is a Democrat...nuff said.

And no, I look white so don't try to convince me the GOP is just trying to come out from the shadow of the sins of your fathers.

White man bars are full of modern racist republicans who all tell me how racist 95% of blacks are because they voted for Obama. Idiot racists have no clue almost as high a percentage voted for frakkin Al Gore and all Democrats.

Want to enlighten us all as to how it is you know these bars are full of alleged racist Republicans? What, you ask for the voter identification cards of all the bar's patrons, in order that you can qualify your claim? Nah, you're just a liar making crap up...aren't you? Further, what white man bars is it you're establishing and, why are you establishing a white man bar? a racist?
This is a step. The GOP must try long and hard to erase the memory of Strom Thurmond and the Civil Rights opponents if the GOP wishes to win minority votes.

And no, I look white so don't try to convince me the GOP is just trying to come out from the shadow of the sins of your fathers. White man bars are full of modern racist republicans who all tell me how racist 95% of blacks are because they voted for Obama. Idiot racists have no clue almost as high a percentage voted for frakkin Al Gore and all Democrats.

Learn a little history idiot...Here you go I'll help you

Sorry to offend you son. Perhaps you did you not live through it or do you not know anyone who did?

Strom Thurmond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Something happened to the Republicans during the reign of FDR and by the 1960's the Republican Party became the party of racism.

LOL! There it is. That ol' stupid leftist standby and twisted logic, today's Republicans are yesterday's Democrats. Oops...sorry...chump. Strom Thurmond was a States Rights Democrat during the '60s and, many key Democrats, including Bull Connor and George Wallace, opposed Civil Rights. Save your BS twisted logic and try to sell it to some impressionable 10-year-old who will actually buy it. I'm sick of this meme that, when discussing negative aspects of the Democratic party of yesteryear, it's; today's Republicans are yesterday's Democrats but, when speaking of positive aspects of the Democratic party during the same time period then, oh, they have no problem accepting that the Democrats of that time period are just like the Democrats of today. And, then, when discussing positive aspects of the Republican party of that time period it's; today's Democrats are yesterday's Republicans but, when discussing negative aspects then the Republicans of that time period were, indeed, the same as Republicans today. It's a stupid game a freakin' child might engage in and, it's stupid. A Democrat is a Democrat, is a Democrat, is a Democrat.
Seriously, only half the GOP are racists, and their policies. Disguised as anti-poor LOL.
Sorry to offend you son. Perhaps you did you not live through it or do you not know anyone who did?

Strom Thurmond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Something happened to the Republicans during the reign of FDR and by the 1960's the Republican Party became the party of racism.

And Eisenhower was not much of a Republican also, they were just desperate for anyone who could overcome the memories of what happened in the 1920's.

Have you ever been around a group of white people and paid attention to who the racists are btw? (and no blacks are definitely not w/o sin either).

If you want to debate the merits of welfare and affirmative action that is somewhat interesting though.

Really? The Republicans became the party of racism in the 1960? Wasn't there a Democrat president in the 1960's that said this:

"I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

-- Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

Now, let's go all the way to former Democrat President Bill Clinton when talking to Ted Kennedy during the 2008 primaries said this remark regarding Barack Obama:

"A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags"

How about Democrat Senator Harry Reid, showing his well hidden racism with this comment about Obama:

"light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

These are just a few in a very long list of racist comments by Democrats. The truth is, while Democrats try to portray themselves as caring about people outside the white race, but every once in awhile, these Democrats slip up and show their very well hidden racism, and prove that they only are using minorities for votes and could care less about them.

An interesting game you play.

And yes I know the block of 18, including Strom, were Democrats at the time but huh, Strom left the Republican Party. A Goldwater era flip perhaps? A 100 years after the Civil War we once again heard folks talking about being Arkansasians instead of Americans and states rights?

Can something be learned from comparing the list of Red and Blue states in the past election to the states from where their Representatives voted for the Civil Rights act of 64?

Perhaps I will play a game, what do you think the GOP did to totally reverse the trend in black voting trends? After all, this is the party of Lincoln so all things being equal black voters should love them.

The only things Republicans did to totally reverse the trend in black voting was to allow Democrats to tell everyone what it is Republicans think about blacks and allow the left-wing media to regurgitate that meme. But, it really isn't necessarily a matter of what the Republicans did. It's a matter of what the Democrats did and what blacks allowed themselves to believe.

Further, do you just so happen to have the voting demographics of elections farther back than 1960?
The Republican Party is 90% white. Because they can parade around a single black person doesn't mean they suddenly aren't racist. There may be a few who aren't racist, but, from the things they said about Obama, his wife and his extended family, it couldn't be more than a few.

Oh, but it's okay for the left to have said the crap they said about George W. Bush, his wife and his extended family but, God forbid anyone say anything about Obama, and it's labeled as being racist. Call Bush a monkey, that's a-okay. Call Obama a monkey and its; "You're a racist!" Hang Bush in effigy and, it's a-okay. Do likewise to Obama and, it's racist. Shat up! Give your double standards a rest!
In the state of Wyoming, a very white and conservative state, Lynn Hutchings who ran for District 42's House seat won, and she won HUGE, beating Dumbocrap, Gary Datus by 72% to 18%. Lynn Hutchings is black, a 22 year military veteran, and volunteer fire fighter. Lynn made it very clear to voters, she is very conservative, and is very proud of it. There is no mistaking where she stands on an issue. She has in the past held Bill or Rights parties and Constiution parties, long before she ever thought of running for office, and will continue to host these kinds of parties. Another party begins as Wyoming gets a truly great and patriotic American in an elected position. Hopefully her next step will be U.S. House and higher!!!

Let's all stand up and give Lynn a big standing ovation for refusing to comprimise her morals and values !! And refusing to be enslaved by the Democrat plantation.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Great job Lynn, and may this be just the beginning of a long a great political career for you!!!

On the link, you will need to scroll down to District #42

Wyoming 2012 General Election Results

Without looking she represents either Laramie or Cheyenne. Lol
I have been to Wyoming about 100 times and I have seen about three black people. Lol

Maybe that's because black people are racist and don't want to live there.
In the state of Wyoming, a very white and conservative state, Lynn Hutchings who ran for District 42's House seat won, and she won HUGE, beating Dumbocrap, Gary Datus by 72% to 18%. Lynn Hutchings is black, a 22 year military veteran, and volunteer fire fighter. Lynn made it very clear to voters, she is very conservative, and is very proud of it. There is no mistaking where she stands on an issue. She has in the past held Bill or Rights parties and Constiution parties, long before she ever thought of running for office, and will continue to host these kinds of parties. Another party begins as Wyoming gets a truly great and patriotic American in an elected position. Hopefully her next step will be U.S. House and higher!!!

Let's all stand up and give Lynn a big standing ovation for refusing to comprimise her morals and values !! And refusing to be enslaved by the Democrat plantation.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Great job Lynn, and may this be just the beginning of a long a great political career for you!!!

On the link, you will need to scroll down to District #42

Wyoming 2012 General Election Results

I wish Mia Love would have won Utah. But, racist Democrats smeared her at every turn and she ended up losing. But, she came close to winning.

How was she contested with racism?

The same way leftist proclaim they're contested with racism by Republicans.
The Republican Party is 90% white. Because they can parade around a single black person doesn't mean they suddenly aren't racist. There may be a few who aren't racist, but, from the things they said about Obama, his wife and his extended family, it couldn't be more than a few.

not only are we white and racist, but we all have yachts , trust funds, mansions, Rolls Royce cars and we play the accordion.

Now, back to the golf Channel.
The Republican Party is 90% white. Because they can parade around a single black person doesn't mean they suddenly aren't racist. There may be a few who aren't racist, but, from the things they said about Obama, his wife and his extended family, it couldn't be more than a few.

not only are we white and racist, but we all have yachts , trust funds, mansions, Rolls Royce cars and we play the accordion.

Now, back to the golf Channel.

Speaking of the golf channel, that's not what this guy says. Albeit, I don't know if he plays the accordion.


You righties could probably get a lot of black votes if you went around telling blacks Lincoln was a Republican and they need to get off the Democratic plantation. Insulting peoples' intelligence is the first step to getting them to vote with you.

Seems to work for Democrats. You just spent months telling women they're nothing more than vaginas.
Save your BS twisted logic and try to sell it to some impressionable 10-year-old who will actually buy it.

It isn't "twisted logic" to point out that the faction of the Democratic Party you're talking about left the party--physically walked out of the convention in 1948 over the party's civil rights platform and ran their own Presidential candidate against the Democrats. When the civil rights agenda of the Humphreys of the party gained steam, many of them left the party for good. Strom Thurmod died a Republican.
This is very close to "one of my best friends is black!" Just sayin...

In the South, having a black friend is actually a pre-requisite for being a racist. I've yet to meet a single southern racist who doesn't have a black friend.

And all of the white women who got all their information about how black people were satisfied with eveything from their maids.

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