Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

and Hillary is still a liar.

Who do you think is more likely to get the nomination?

Hillary or TRUMP?

Are you fucking crazy?

The liar, obviously.

and no matter how much she lies,
how blatantly she lies,
or how outrageous her lies.

the sheep will still vote for her.

Preparing your concession speech so soon?

Don't forget the liberal media, free stuff and illegal voting

Oh, and scary black people at polling stations. You can't forget scary black people at polling stations. That's a classic.
It's not like Obungles has done much to dispel the birther argument. Except release a birth certificate that was proven fake within hours of release. What a moron, the most powerful office in the world and he couldn't even get a decent fake birth certificate. Plus all his records remain sealed, that's telling

Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

email existed
Yes. It was called Western Union.
It's not like Obungles has done much to dispel the birther argument. Except release a birth certificate that was proven fake within hours of release. What a moron, the most powerful office in the world and he couldn't even get a decent fake birth certificate. Plus all his records remain sealed, that's telling

Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
and Hillary is still a liar.

Who do you think is more likely to get the nomination?

Hillary or TRUMP?

Are you fucking crazy?

The liar, obviously.

and no matter how much she lies,
how blatantly she lies,
or how outrageous her lies.

the sheep will still vote for her.

Preparing your concession speech so soon?

Don't forget the liberal media, free stuff and illegal voting

Concession speech?

Trump has no chance to get the nomination, in fact, I predict he will be out of the race by Christmas.

I believe I've posted something like that before.

But, your deflection aside..

Do you think your fellow sheep will call Hillary on her lies?

Then the question much damage can Trump do to the GOP brand before he drops out. He's already reaffirming those links between birtherism and the GOP. With Trump's polling among republicans skyrocketing the moment he calls Mexicans rapists.

That'll get the latino vote out for the republicans!
Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

email existed
Yes. It was called Western Union.

LOL @ "email existed" What a dope
It's not like Obungles has done much to dispel the birther argument. Except release a birth certificate that was proven fake within hours of release. What a moron, the most powerful office in the world and he couldn't even get a decent fake birth certificate. Plus all his records remain sealed, that's telling

Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

Depends on which Obama was googling back in 61.
"Oh my God, Barack Obama's running the old Kenyan Prince birth announcement scam. Here's how it goes: you want to destroy America from the inside but you can't because you're a foreigner. So first, you gotta find yourself a good ol' American to reproduce for you. Then, you have that child on foreign soil, while simultaneously placing the birth announcement of that child in one of our "fringe" state's local newspapers, your Hawaiis, your Alaskas, your Pennsylvanias. Alright, then, kidding. And then, hold on, you wait. Until this baby is a middle-aged man. Now the trap is set. You just sit back and let that child go out and win the election for President of the United States. Now here's where the scam gets tricky; they can't just win the popular vote. He or she must have a strategy to win the electoral vote; that's what trips up most drifters. But, if you pull it off, you and your puppet child can sit back and destroy the fabric of the country you both hate so much. It's almost too easy." –Jon Stewart
A lot of idiotic young naive idiots think of Jon Stewart as an esteemed historian and consider strawman arguments to be perfectly logical.

A birther calling others idiots....that is rich. Out with the tin foil hats!!!
I think you're a birther.
Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip
It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip

The State of Hawaii already did that. Twice. Affirming that the information on the image of Obama's long form birth certificate match their original records.

But you know better than the State of Hawaii, huh?

Ah, Birthers. That's a special kind of batshit. And Trump is smearing it all over the GOP
It's pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

I know...I know. I have absolutely no scientific basis to say you can't be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there, so call me crazy. I just don't give a damn.

One moment please...

One moment please...

Ladies and gentlemen, this irrefutable proof that Ann Dunham visited Kenya has just been handed to me. I will make this available to the public for the very first time.

Remember, you saw it here first!

It's not like Obungles has done much to dispel the birther argument. Except release a birth certificate that was proven fake within hours of release. What a moron, the most powerful office in the world and he couldn't even get a decent fake birth certificate. Plus all his records remain sealed, that's telling

Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet

Right before it was printed on a laser printer and emailed.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's not like Obungles has done much to dispel the birther argument. Except release a birth certificate that was proven fake within hours of release. What a moron, the most powerful office in the world and he couldn't even get a decent fake birth certificate. Plus all his records remain sealed, that's telling

Except, SassyKunt, that's a lie. His long-form BC is completely authentic, and that has been proven more than once.

Gotta say, you birfer types are just so fun to watch. So much stupidity, all in one place!!!

Please, by all means, SassyLesbiKunt, continue, it's great entertainment!!!

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip
You calling someone else a lesbo, how quaint....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

I know...I know. I have absolutely no scientific basis to say you can't be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there, so call me crazy. I just don't give a damn.

One moment please...

One moment please...

Ladies and gentlemen, this irrefutable proof that Ann Dunham visited Kenya has just been handed to me. I will make this available to the public for the very first time.

Remember, you saw it here first!


She sure has a long neck. half white/half brown. hmmmmm
"Sir, they're onto us. One of them just pointed out Obama's mother never visited Kenya!"

"FUCK!!! Quick, post that publisher's ad! Talk about Hillary being a birther! Challenge the birth certificate as a fake! Get more smoke and mirrors in here, STAT!"
Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip
You calling someone else a lesbo, how quaint....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What's quaint about it? I'm normal, pee wee puffer
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

where are you libs? got an answer?
It's pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

I know...I know. I have absolutely no scientific basis to say you can't be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there, so call me crazy. I just don't give a damn.

One moment please...

One moment please...

Ladies and gentlemen, this irrefutable proof that Ann Dunham visited Kenya has just been handed to me. I will make this available to the public for the very first time.

Remember, you saw it here first!


Oh, the absurdity of the Birther argument is so much worse than you think. As Obama's grandmother lives in the extreme west tip of Kenya in a comparatively small town that didn't have a hospital in 61. While its Mombassa that had the airport.

On the other side of the country. Where Obama's mother would have driven 700 miles THROUGH Nairobi, the capital, to go to small town in the western tip of Kenya to have a baby in a town without a hospital.

And to Birthers this all makes perfect sense.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

where are you libs? got an answer?

Wow. Baseless speculation and innuendo backed by absolutely jack shit: Birther bread and butter.

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