Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??

Obama's always had something to hide, which is why he's never allowed certain college records and transcripts, as well as other documents, to be seen by Americans. His so-called birth certificate has been proved fake by more than one reliable person and agency. Obama has himself admitted, as has Michelle, that he was born in Kenya. He attended college as a foreign student. While there he attended Communist Party meetings and functions. His stepfather was a famous outspoken communist author and photographer (porn), his grandfather a communist, and his mother an anarchist America-hater. No wonder he didn't want Americans to know his background during his campaign and as long as he remains in office.
Bush didn't allow his college transcripts to be released. What was he hiding?
Who gives a shit?
You do. You said Obama must be hiding something which is why he won't release his college transcripts. So if not releasing them is evidence of hiding something, then that means Bush was hiding something. What was he hiding?

If Bush wasn't hiding anything, then it only stands to reason Obama may not be hiding anything either.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

The COLB in 2008 dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue. With the 2011 image of a LFBC removing even silly doubts.

What's left are straight up batshit doubts. With birthers a national laughing stock.

As they should be.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??

Obama's always had something to hide, which is why he's never allowed certain college records and transcripts, as well as other documents, to be seen by Americans. His so-called birth certificate has been proved fake by more than one reliable person and agency. Obama has himself admitted, as has Michelle, that he was born in Kenya. He attended college as a foreign student. While there he attended Communist Party meetings and functions. His stepfather was a famous outspoken communist author and photographer (porn), his grandfather a communist, and his mother an anarchist America-hater. No wonder he didn't want Americans to know his background during his campaign and as long as he remains in office.
Bush didn't allow his college transcripts to be released. What was he hiding?
Who gives a shit?
You do. You said Obama must be hiding something which is why he won't release his college transcripts. So if not releasing them is evidence of hiding something, then that means Bush was hiding something. What was he hiding?

If Bush wasn't hiding anything, then it only stands to reason Obama may not be hiding anything either.

Yeah, but Bush was white. So the rules they apply to Obama doesn't count.

If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin.....this thread wouldn't exist. Instead, he's 'one of them'. And as such, in a state of permanent doubt. Among birthers anyway.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

The COLB in 2008 dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue. With the 2011 image of a LFBC removing even silly doubts.

What's left are straight up batshit doubts. With birthers a national laughing stock.

As they should be.

I don't know what the COLB is. And I don't know why you're so sure when there's a mountain of evidence that casts doubt upon Obama's citizenship.

Oh, n/m I had to you confused with a serious poster, anyways.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:

That would be every judge, Secretary of State or State official to ever review the topic. Every single legal authority, without exception, has found that the issue is already resolved.

The record of failure of birthers is, quite literally, perfect.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:
No, birfers say so. They are incapable of presenting any reasonable doubt. All they ever come up with is batshit insane drivel. :cuckoo:
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

The COLB in 2008 dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue. With the 2011 image of a LFBC removing even silly doubts.

What's left are straight up batshit doubts. With birthers a national laughing stock.

As they should be.

I don't know what the COLB is. And I don't know why you're so sure when there's a mountain of evidence that casts doubt upon Obama's citizenship.

If you don't know what a COLB is, you'll probably want to find out. As its a legal document that stands as prima facie evidence in any court of law. And ended this debate before Obama became president.

As for the 'mountain of evidence', are you referring to the heaping mounds of innuendo and speculation that many birthers mistake for evidence?
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:

That would be every judge, Secretary of State or State official to ever review the topic. Every single legal authority, without exception, has found that the issue is already resolved.

The record of failure of birthers is, quite literally, perfect.

Such a delusional dumbed down revisionist history you present....

Like I added to my edit, I had you confused with a serious poster. You're a kool aid drinker.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

The COLB in 2008 dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue. With the 2011 image of a LFBC removing even silly doubts.

What's left are straight up batshit doubts. With birthers a national laughing stock.

As they should be.

I don't know what the COLB is. And I don't know why you're so sure when there's a mountain of evidence that casts doubt upon Obama's citizenship.

Oh, n/m I had to you confused with a serious poster, anyways.
How can you be certain there is a "mountain of evidence" casting doubt on Obama's citizenship if you don't even know what his COLB is??
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:

That would be every judge, Secretary of State or State official to ever review the topic. Every single legal authority, without exception, has found that the issue is already resolved.

The record of failure of birthers is, quite literally, perfect.

Such a delusional dumbed down revisionist history you present....

Like I added to my edit, I had you confused with a serious poster. You're a kool aid drinker.
I take it that's your idea of presenting reasonable doubt?
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:

That would be every judge, Secretary of State or State official to ever review the topic. Every single legal authority, without exception, has found that the issue is already resolved.

The record of failure of birthers is, quite literally, perfect.

Such a delusional dumbed down revisionist history you present....

Then show me the cases where Obama was found ineligible to be president. Or a Secretary of State that upon requesting that Hawaii affirm Obama's Hawaiian birth...indicating that he wasn't born there.

Take Ken Bennett from Arizona who as Secretary of State requested that the State of Hawaii affirm Obama was born in Hawaii, along with a litany of other information about his COLB. Here's what Ken Bennett said:

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files.”

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

So much for your 'revisionist history'. Now its your turn. Show us a Secretary of State of any state that has found that Obama wasn't eligibile. I've gotten extremely specific.

What are the odds you're going to remain uselessly vague? I'd say 100%.

Like I added to my edit, I had you confused with a serious poster. You're a kool aid drinker.

Or someone who has actually looked into the issue and simply knows far more about the topic than you do.
That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.

If you say so :gay:

That would be every judge, Secretary of State or State official to ever review the topic. Every single legal authority, without exception, has found that the issue is already resolved.

The record of failure of birthers is, quite literally, perfect.

Such a delusional dumbed down revisionist history you present....

Like I added to my edit, I had you confused with a serious poster. You're a kool aid drinker.
I take it that's your idea of presenting reasonable doubt?

Evidence is birther Kryptonite. Challenge them on the facts....and they always give you an excuse why they can't back their claims. Or just run.

Its like math.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

The COLB in 2008 dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue. With the 2011 image of a LFBC removing even silly doubts.

What's left are straight up batshit doubts. With birthers a national laughing stock.

As they should be.

I don't know what the COLB is. And I don't know why you're so sure when there's a mountain of evidence that casts doubt upon Obama's citizenship.

Oh, n/m I had to you confused with a serious poster, anyways.
How can you be certain there is a "mountain of evidence" casting doubt on Obama's citizenship if you don't even know what his COLB is??

Ah, but ignorance is actually an argument to a birther. If they don't know what COLB is, or have chosen to ignore doesn't count. In their minds anyway.

Alas, the law is far less concerned with what a Birther knows. And even less concerned with what they ignore. Which is why every birther lawsuit, every birther legal challenge...has failed in court.

Without exception.
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

Yes, Democrats just circled the wagons around him.

Miriam did not say any of these:

- Who wrote that he was born in Kenya in the first place? She didn't say she did
- Why did someone write he was born in Kenya?
- Why didn't she fact check the 12 facts in his biography when that was specifically her job?
- She did say he didn't tell "us" he was born in Kenya, but she didn't say who "us" was. The entire firm? Her department? The royal "us?"
- How do they write bios of unknown writers without talking to them exactly? It's ridiculous

Yet Democrats accept it as fact. You look at that and all the W stories they pursued after every question was answered, and it's sad, shallow, pathetic hypocrisy
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.

Yes, Democrats just circled the wagons around him.

Miriam did not say any of these:

She said that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya. And that the mistake was hers. Unless you've got a better source that Miriam Goderich, that ends the debate. Do you have a source better source that says otherwise?

Of course not. Miriam Goderich is the world's authority on that pamphlet. And she explicitly contradicts your entire narrative. In fact you have no one who has claimed that Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

Not one person.

Its just you....citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about. Try again, Birther
And, why is the certificate number on the short form markedly out of sequence with the certificate numbers that were issued just before and just after it? "Clerical error"??? Really??? By that much???

What makes you think that there is a specific order they are supposed to be in? I mean other than Birther lies, speculation and innuendo?

Uh. . . . Well, because as one would logically expect, those numbers are assigned in numerical order. As each certificate is issued, it's given the next number up. That's why the certificate numbers before and after Obama's short form are all in numerical order.
I ask again:

Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?

1) Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced

What difference?

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai

i State Department of Health, have seen the original vitalrecords maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

How gullible and uncritical can you get? So in your mind this one statement settles the matter?!

Just go read the Hawaii "verification" and then look with your own eyes at the belatedly released long form. The Hawaii officials said that the long form that they examined was at least one-fourth in pen/pencil, which was common for birth certificates in those days. Now go look at the released long form. Do you see a document that a sane person could even describe as being one-fifth in pen/pencil? No, it's virtually all printed. Why is that? What long form were the Hawaii officials looking at?

This is a double-edged problem because genuine birth certificates from that era typically had a lot more handwritten entries than modern ones do. That's because this was before the advent of computers.

2) belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?
What millions? The state of Hawaii keeps all birth certificates sealed. President Obama didn't need, nor did he spend a dime to keep Hawaii from releasing the birth certificate. Instead, Obama spent several thousand dollars of his own money to send his attorney to Hawaii to pick up an unnecessary certified photo copy to bring back, just to show that Donald Trump was an idiot and a liar.

I say unnecessary, because we all knew that Trump is an idiot and a liar anyway.

No, it's just that you're a brainwashed bot who can't allow yourself to look at and analyze the evidence. Obama spent millions in legal fees fighting off a lawsuit that was designed to force him to release his birth certificate. How can you not know this? Were you not even aware of the lawsuit?

Look, it's very simple: It was common knowledge back then that in Hawaii it was very easy to get a fake birth certificate, especially if you flew you and your baby there soon after the baby was born. Over the years back then, thousands of parents flew to Hawaii to get their newborns a fake birth certificate.

Obama's parents may well have been one of those thousands. Perhaps that's why there is conflicting information about which hospital he was born at, where his parents "lived" in Hawaii at the time, why the certificate number is markedly out of sequence with genuine certificate numbers before and after his, why there are so many technical indications of forgery on both birth documents (yeah, that "layers thing"), why one or two of his Kenyan relatives and other Kenyan sources have said he was born there, why he spent millions fighting a lawsuit that he could have won by simply releasing his long form, etc.
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When we compare Obama's long form to that of a pair of twins who were born the day after Obama's birthdate, all sorts of problems are apparent. For now, let's focus on the out-of-sequence certificate number:

Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Hawaii time on Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.​

Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given Certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.​

Yet, according to the Certification of Live Birth released by during the 2008 presidential campaign – and now according to the long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate the White House released yesterday – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordyke twins.​

Barack Obama was given Certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, on Aug. 8, 1961.​

WND has previously reported on information discrepancies between the birth dates, certificate numbers and registration numbers in comparing the Nordyke twins’ birth certificates to the Obama birth certificate:​

In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals. Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu. This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned.​

At the last step of the process, the documents were accepted by the registrar general, with the date of registration filled into box No. 22 on the lower right hand corner of the long-form birth certificate.​

The date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the same date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record.​

The birth certificate number was stamped on the form by a rubber stamp that automatically increased the birth certificate number by one each time the birth certificate was stamped.​

The question is, in 1961, how was it possible that the Nordyke twins had their birth certificates accepted by the registrar general in Hawaii three days later than the registrar general accepted Obama’s birth certificate, when their birth certificate numbers are lower than Obama’s number? ( A tale of two birth certificates )​

Yes, that's a very good question, a question that Obama apologists still have not answered. The only "explanation" that I've seen Obama defenders give in other forums is "clerical error." Clerical error? Really?
Libtards don't have a leg to stand on on this issue. Obama never dispelled the reasonable doubts on this issue.
What's to dispell? The only idiots with any doubts on this are folks with exceptionally low IQ's.

That debate's ran its course. You know the reasonable doubts at this point. Could care less about your mindless insults, too.
There is no reasonable doubt remaining.
for you... and that expression doesn't really apply here. there are so many periphreal elements and contrived affectations. it's a shell game, beautifully conceived and executed, sadly blindly accepted by most. you'll see, one day, i really believe he's (they are) not forthright or transparent.

non of it makes complete sense. way to many contradictions and loose ends for what shouldn't be complicated at all.
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