Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

he didn't you brain dead, toon. :cuckoo:

Then who did, ya flamin dipshit? The publisher wrote the biographical piece on obama, are you saying obama never bothered to read what had been written about him? Do you see how stupid that claim makes you, and obama, look?

quiet, freak. his publisher never said the president said he was born in kenya. that is a rightwingnut lie as has already been pointed out to you.

damn, you're stupid, little boy.

then who wrote the biographical summary, ya flaming bitch? Did Bush write it? Cheney? Limbaugh? Who wrote it, idiot!
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?
I ask again:

Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?

1) Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced

What difference?

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai

i State Department of Health, have seen the original vitalrecords maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

How gullible and uncritical can you get? So in your mind this one statement settles the matter?!

Just go read the Hawaii "verification" and then look with your own eyes at the belatedly released long form. The Hawaii officials said that the long form that they examined was at least one-fourth in pen/pencil, which was common for birth certificates in those days. Now go look at the released long form. Do you see a document that a sane person could even describe as being one-fifth in pen/pencil? No, it's virtually all printed. Why is that? What long form were the Hawaii officials looking at?

This is a double-edged problem because genuine birth certificates from that era typically had a lot more handwritten entries than modern ones do. That's because this was before the advent of computers.

2) belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?
What millions? The state of Hawaii keeps all birth certificates sealed. President Obama didn't need, nor did he spend a dime to keep Hawaii from releasing the birth certificate. Instead, Obama spent several thousand dollars of his own money to send his attorney to Hawaii to pick up an unnecessary certified photo copy to bring back, just to show that Donald Trump was an idiot and a liar.

I say unnecessary, because we all knew that Trump is an idiot and a liar anyway.

No, it's just that you're a brainwashed bot who can't allow yourself to look at and analyze the evidence. Obama spent millions in legal fees fighting off a lawsuit that was designed to force him to release his birth certificate. How can you not know this? Were you not even aware of the lawsuit?

Look, it's very simple: It was common knowledge back then that in Hawaii it was very easy to get a fake birth certificate, especially if you flew you and your baby there soon after the baby was born. Over the years back then, thousands of parents flew to Hawaii to get their newborns a fake birth certificate.

Obama's parents may well have been one of those thousands. Perhaps that's why there is conflicting information about which hospital he was born at, where his parents "lived" in Hawaii at the time, why the certificate number is markedly out of sequence with genuine certificate numbers before and after his, why there are so many technical indications of forgery on both birth documents (yeah, that "layers thing"), why one or two of his Kenyan relatives and other Kenyan sources have said he was born there, why he spent millions fighting a lawsuit that he could have won by simply releasing his long form, etc.

Ex-Hawaii official denounces ludicrous birther claims - politics - More politics NBC News

partof the story.. (stories)

again, i refer you back to the political benghazi treatment. cooking employment numbers for the elction (2nd).. and pattern behavior.

can anyone confirm or deny abercrombie's statement about the original candidate for health director ?

Abercrombie Administration admits lying about Palafox withdrawal Hawaii Free Press

Hawaii Director of Health who was appointed following plane crash death of Loretta Fuddy departs after nine months 1776 Channel

this is pretty wild too... whatever..

he does look a little like the president of obama.
Last edited:
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

he didn't you brain dead, toon. :cuckoo:

Then who did, ya flamin dipshit? The publisher wrote the biographical piece on obama, are you saying obama never bothered to read what had been written about him? Do you see how stupid that claim makes you, and obama, look?

quiet, freak. his publisher never said the president said he was born in kenya. that is a rightwingnut lie as has already been pointed out to you.

damn, you're stupid, little boy.

then who wrote the biographical summary, ya flaming bitch? Did Bush write it? Cheney? Limbaugh? Who wrote it, idiot!

Miriam didn't say, all she said was it was her job to fact check 12 points and she didn't do it
I ask again:

Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?

1) Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced

What difference?

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai

i State Department of Health, have seen the original vitalrecords maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

How gullible and uncritical can you get? So in your mind this one statement settles the matter?!

Just go read the Hawaii "verification" and then look with your own eyes at the belatedly released long form. The Hawaii officials said that the long form that they examined was at least one-fourth in pen/pencil, which was common for birth certificates in those days. Now go look at the released long form. Do you see a document that a sane person could even describe as being one-fifth in pen/pencil? No, it's virtually all printed. Why is that? What long form were the Hawaii officials looking at?

This is a double-edged problem because genuine birth certificates from that era typically had a lot more handwritten entries than modern ones do. That's because this was before the advent of computers.

2) belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?
What millions? The state of Hawaii keeps all birth certificates sealed. President Obama didn't need, nor did he spend a dime to keep Hawaii from releasing the birth certificate. Instead, Obama spent several thousand dollars of his own money to send his attorney to Hawaii to pick up an unnecessary certified photo copy to bring back, just to show that Donald Trump was an idiot and a liar.

I say unnecessary, because we all knew that Trump is an idiot and a liar anyway.

No, it's just that you're a brainwashed bot who can't allow yourself to look at and analyze the evidence. Obama spent millions in legal fees fighting off a lawsuit that was designed to force him to release his birth certificate. How can you not know this? Were you not even aware of the lawsuit?

Look, it's very simple: It was common knowledge back then that in Hawaii it was very easy to get a fake birth certificate, especially if you flew you and your baby there soon after the baby was born. Over the years back then, thousands of parents flew to Hawaii to get their newborns a fake birth certificate.

Obama's parents may well have been one of those thousands. Perhaps that's why there is conflicting information about which hospital he was born at, where his parents "lived" in Hawaii at the time, why the certificate number is markedly out of sequence with genuine certificate numbers before and after his, why there are so many technical indications of forgery on both birth documents (yeah, that "layers thing"), why one or two of his Kenyan relatives and other Kenyan sources have said he was born there, why he spent millions fighting a lawsuit that he could have won by simply releasing his long form, etc.

Ex-Hawaii official denounces ludicrous birther claims - politics - More politics NBC News

partof the story.. (stories)

again, i refer you back to the political benghazi treatment. cooking employment numbers for the elction (2nd).. and pattern behavior.

can anyone confirm or deny abercrombie's statement about the original candidate for health director ?

Abercrombie Administration admits lying about Palafox withdrawal Hawaii Free Press

Hawaii Director of Health who was appointed following plane crash death of Loretta Fuddy departs after nine months 1776 Channel

NBC news. :woohoo:
Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

he didn't you brain dead, toon. :cuckoo:

Then who did, ya flamin dipshit? The publisher wrote the biographical piece on obama, are you saying obama never bothered to read what had been written about him? Do you see how stupid that claim makes you, and obama, look?

quiet, freak. his publisher never said the president said he was born in kenya. that is a rightwingnut lie as has already been pointed out to you.

damn, you're stupid, little boy.

then who wrote the biographical summary, ya flaming bitch? Did Bush write it? Cheney? Limbaugh? Who wrote it, idiot!

Miriam didn't say, all she said was it was her job to fact check 12 points and she didn't do it

and obama let it go without "correcting" it.
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?
They're not completely insults, they're also observations based on known psychiatric phenomenon. A combination of some peoples need to "have the answers" and a certain level of delusional behavior.
I prefer to get my fantasy fix in books and movies........ :thup:
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:
my questions haven't been answered sir, or madam as the case may be.
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:
my questions haven't been answered sis, or madam as the case may be.
It's easy to find the answers, make an appointment with a psycho-therapist. :dunno:
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:

Nope, if the truth proves me wrong, I will gladly accept it. I just want the country to have access to the truth. Now, if the truth proves that obama and clinton lied for political gain will you admit that they are scumballs?
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:

Nope, if the truth proves me wrong, I will gladly accept it. I just want the country to have access to the truth. Now, if the truth proves that obama and clinton lied for political gain will you admit that they are scumballs?
Insights into the Personalities of Conspiracy Theorists - Scientific American
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:
my questions haven't been answered sir, or madam as the case may be.

your indoctrination is complete, congratulations for becoming a braindead libtard.
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:

Nope, if the truth proves me wrong, I will gladly accept it. I just want the country to have access to the truth. Now, if the truth proves that obama and clinton lied for political gain will you admit that they are scumballs?
Insights into the Personalities of Conspiracy Theorists - Scientific American

Hmmm, kinda like the conspiracy known as "bush lied about WMDs".
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:

Nope, if the truth proves me wrong, I will gladly accept it. I just want the country to have access to the truth. Now, if the truth proves that obama and clinton lied for political gain will you admit that they are scumballs?
Moron, they're politicians, lying is their stock in trade. As for Obama he had to be vetted by the Election Commission before he could run for office. Have a nice day. :thup:
hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:

Nope, if the truth proves me wrong, I will gladly accept it. I just want the country to have access to the truth. Now, if the truth proves that obama and clinton lied for political gain will you admit that they are scumballs?
Insights into the Personalities of Conspiracy Theorists - Scientific American

Hmmm, kinda like the conspiracy known as "bush lied about WMDs".
Grasping at straws ain'tcha........ :lmao:
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:
my questions haven't been answered sir, or madam as the case may be.

your indoctrination is complete, congratulations for becoming a braindead libtard.
You're correct his indoctrination is complete.
(Funny how you conspiracy nutjobs always fall back on that one...... :lmao: )
Oh great, the moronic clueless birthers are back.


Did psychotherapy not work? Is Jimmy Hoffa still whispering sweet nothings in you collective ears?

Oh and morons, I'm not a Democrat and I really don't like Obama all that much....... Pretty much tells ya how stupid you are. :thup:

hurl all the insults you choose. There are many unanswered questions. Someday the truth will be known, just as someday we will know who orchestrated the JFK shooting. The Warren report will be unsealed in 2038. Why do you think those details were sealed for 75 years?

many, many, many... unanswered questions.
And when those questions are answered, not to your liking (as has happened already), you'll continue to believe your delusions over reality. :thup:

Nope, if the truth proves me wrong, I will gladly accept it. I just want the country to have access to the truth. Now, if the truth proves that obama and clinton lied for political gain will you admit that they are scumballs?
Moron, they're politicians, lying is their stock in trade. As for Obama he had to be vetted by the Election Commission before he could run for office. Have a nice day. :thup:

Horseshit. Obama was never vetted by anyone. the media and half of the country was so obsessed with the "first black president" that no one cared who or what he was. It was a skin color election driven by black pride and white guilt and a biased media that refused to dig into the guy's past or his ideology.

racism won and the country lost.

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