Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

God you are an idiot. There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."
anybody else have luck with these links ?. i'm always intrigued when the word coincidentally comes up in reference to to the man.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
And yet, I'm still not dismissed. You, however, remain the fucking imbecile you've always been. :thup:
No you're dismissed I'm not interested in your advances. You may go away.
There are no advances. You're just delusional, incapable of dismissing anyone, and a fucking retard. :cuckoo:
What makes you think I did not dismiss you. You must not be used to people telling you to go away or does it happen so often that you just ignore everyone that tells you to fuck off.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
And yet, I'm still not dismissed. You, however, remain the fucking imbecile you've always been. :thup:
No you're dismissed I'm not interested in your advances. You may go away.
There are no advances. You're just delusional, incapable of dismissing anyone, and a fucking retard. :cuckoo:
What makes you think I did not dismiss you. You must not be used to people telling you to go away or does it happen so often that you just ignore everyone that tells you to fuck off.
Fucking retard... I didn't deny you said you dismissed me -- I said you're not man enough to dismiss me. You can make any claim you want ... you can claim you can jump to the moon ... you just can't do it.
you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.

The truth is already confirmed half a dozen times. You just ignore it. Reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes. Nor is your willful ignorance a standard of evidence.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself.

time will prove me right. I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.
you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

They're none of your business. They are personal documents that have nothing to do with you. And you have no right to see.

So, now what?

Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

If it is part of the public domain- go ahead and show it to us.

What? You can't find it?

Then not part of the public domain.

Birthers are idiots.

Oh, it exists all right, but obozo has successfully blocked it from view, and has paid a lot of money to keep YOU from seeing it.
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get. Ever hear of affrimative action, dingleberry?

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.
Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.

I never said it was law. I said that presidential candidates give up privacy and that we the voters have the right to know everything about their past--------everything.

Says who?

You've already admitted that the law doesn't say what you do. So who are you citing on this obligation?

the right of the american voters to know who they put in charge of their futures and the futures of their children. The right of voters to know everything about the person holding the nuclear trigger.

There is no such 'right'.

Voters have the right to vote- if the voters do not believe a candidate has released enough information they can vote for the other candidate.

Perhaps voters decided McCain and Romney had not released enough information.

no, there is no such right written down anywhere, its just common sense that voters are entitled to know everything there is to know about the person they put in charge of the country and its future.
I'll take that as admission that you were wrong about the age of kindergartners. Why get so prissy? Not my fault you don't know math.

Um....we have Obama going to kintergarden in Hawaii. And yet you're still clinging to your bullshit story about him going to an Islamic Kintergarden?

Sigh....this is why birthers are a national laughing stock. Even when they're obviously wrong, even when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, even when they're proven wrong with overwhelming evidence, even when they can't back any of their batshit with the slighest evidence.... insist that you must right.

Ladies and Gentlmen......I give you the Conspiracy Theorist.

at some point you just need to ignore the morons and simply make fun of them

We can make mock them while still pointing out the lies.

to what end? they're pathologic.

All sorts of ends. First, its great political fodder. The vast majority of birthers are right wingers. With Trump being their high priest. By poking the birthers until the crazy pours out, you can cast republicans as irrational, pathological, conspiracy addled wingnuts. Its pure creamery butter for democrats.

Second, it demonstrates the folly of the conspiracy process. In this the birthers are more tools of demonstration rather than subjects to convince. They are rolled out, poked with a stick and used to demonstrate just how batshit conspiracy theories are. The conspiracy mentality is illogical, irrational, and generally destructive to reasoned debate. A show of exactly why on occasion is a great reminder.

Third...its fun! I love getting these poor saps wound up and frothing at the mouth. Its kind of a challenge to get them to make the most outrageous statement possible. So far the most recent winner was a poster that insisted that Obama's trip to see his grandmother in the weeks before she died of end stage cancer was actually when Obama killed her to keep her quiet about the fact that he was born in Kenya.

I consider coaxing that one out to be kind of an achievement. As you need to scaffold the batshit long before you try and build something that insane.

nah... it has no political ends. I know I've said it a million times but my husband's old adage still applies.... you can't teach a pig to talk... it doesn't work and it annoys the pigs.

you can't bother teaching them. it's like talking to oneself. all you can do is ridicule them.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get. Ever hear of affrimative action, dingleberry?

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

no... the problem is your bigotry.

just saying....

and for the record, my very white son got into plenty of colleges and got plenty of scholarship money, too.

maybe you're just bitter.
ana poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get. Ever hear of affrimative action, dingleberry?

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

no... the problem is your bigotry.

just saying....

and for the record, my very white son got into plenty of colleges and got plenty of scholarship money, too.

maybe you're just bitter.

my kids got scholarships too. But because they had good grades and test scores, not because of their race or ethnicity.

I am not now, or have ever been a bigot or a racist. If you knew me, my employees, my friends, and my customers you would know that. But like all liberals you generalize and demonize anyone who does not bow at the feet of the great obama.

He is a fraud, he would be a fraud if he was a lilly white red headed irishman with freckles. It has nothing to do with race. Grow up, moron.
Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get. Ever hear of affrimative action, dingleberry?

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

no... the problem is your bigotry.

just saying....

and for the record, my very white son got into plenty of colleges and got plenty of scholarship money, too.

maybe you're just bitter.
It has nothing to do with race. Grow up, moron.

Says the man who calls the President of the United States 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'.
Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.

I never said it was law. I said that presidential candidates give up privacy and that we the voters have the right to know everything about their past--------everything.

Says who?

You've already admitted that the law doesn't say what you do. So who are you citing on this obligation?

the right of the american voters to know who they put in charge of their futures and the futures of their children. The right of voters to know everything about the person holding the nuclear trigger.

There is no such 'right'.

Voters have the right to vote- if the voters do not believe a candidate has released enough information they can vote for the other candidate.

Perhaps voters decided McCain and Romney had not released enough information.

no, there is no such right written down anywhere, its just common sense that voters are entitled to know everything there is to know about the person they put in charge of the country and its future.

'Common sense' that no President ever or candidate ever has actually done.

Voters decide whether a candidate has released enough information, among other things. And whatever questions voters had is now irrelevant- because the elections are long over, and voters don't need that information now to decide whether to vote for Obama.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get..

So you want to see which scholarships Obama got- because he might have been able to get scholarships that you imagine only a 'black kid' could get.

Sure- this is not about race to you at all.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

Not offended.

Just pointing out your use of those terms is descriptive of who you are.

'half breed' ' mixed breed' are terms only certain kinds of people use.

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