Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
Who cares about averages? I showed you were Obama went to Kindergarten in Hawaii. Skylar showed you that when he arrived in Indonesia he went to a Catholic school.

What you have failed to show us is anything about Obama being a Muslim in Kindergarten- as you claimed.

Put up- or shut up.
I'll take that as admission that you were wrong about the age of kindergartners. Why get so prissy? Not my fault you don't know math.

What was I wrong about?

I pointed out that President Obama attended Kindergarten in Hawaii.
Skylar pointed out that he went from their to a Catholic school in Indonesia.

Now- are you ready to admit you pulled your claim that he was registered as a Muslim in kindergarten out of your ass- or are you going to continue to double down?
You said, and I quote... " age six is kintergarden? Really?" First off, you spelled kindergarten wrong, displaying your lack of English skills, then you exposed your lack of math skills in denying the age of Kindergartners. FYI some travel from one country to the next. We call it moving.

I am glad to recap this whole sorry tale- from you initial lie to your sad denial dance

Here is where it started- with your lie:
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic. God you are an idiot.

Me: There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Then you posted Obama's wiki page- which didn't mention his kindergarten.
Then you posted some idiocy about the average age of kindergarteners
The average age of kids entering Kindergarten is 5.5 years old. That means the average age of kids graduating from kindergarten is well over six years of age

Which still doesn't explain your lie about Obama
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

Nor does it explain this lie of yours
You said, and I quote... " age six is kintergarden?

Which I didn't say.

So back to your original lie
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

Put up or shut up
Yes, you did post that. I quoted you. Go look.

Show me proof that Obama did not move to live with his new father when he was six as stated in his Wiki. Or if you like you can fix the Wiki post since you appear to know more about Obama than his handlers.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: You're a fucking moron. Obama attended kindergarten (in Hawaii) when he was five. what does that have to do with him starting first grade in Indonesia when he was 6?

What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of simply admitting you fucked up when you idiotically claimed Obama's kindergarten records indicate he was Islamic?

[Edit: since I posted this, I see you did finally correct your initial idiocy. Good job. :thup:]
No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
U.S. president does not. Next?
No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.

Here are the conditions of employment for President of the United States

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
What was I wrong about?

I pointed out that President Obama attended Kindergarten in Hawaii.
Skylar pointed out that he went from their to a Catholic school in Indonesia.

Now- are you ready to admit you pulled your claim that he was registered as a Muslim in kindergarten out of your ass- or are you going to continue to double down?
You said, and I quote... " age six is kintergarden? Really?" First off, you spelled kindergarten wrong, displaying your lack of English skills, then you exposed your lack of math skills in denying the age of Kindergartners. FYI some travel from one country to the next. We call it moving.

I am glad to recap this whole sorry tale- from you initial lie to your sad denial dance

Here is where it started- with your lie:
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic. God you are an idiot.

Me: There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Then you posted Obama's wiki page- which didn't mention his kindergarten.
Then you posted some idiocy about the average age of kindergarteners
The average age of kids entering Kindergarten is 5.5 years old. That means the average age of kids graduating from kindergarten is well over six years of age

Which still doesn't explain your lie about Obama
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

Nor does it explain this lie of yours
You said, and I quote... " age six is kintergarden?

Which I didn't say.

So back to your original lie
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

Put up or shut up
Yes, you did post that. I quoted you. Go look.

Show me proof that Obama did not move to live with his new father when he was six as stated in his Wiki. Please fix the Wiki post.

Never did- feel free to prove me wrong

Meanwhile- I guess this is your way of acknowledging you did lie when you said

So back to your original lie
RKM: We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

Put up or shut up
Friggin Skylar jumped into our discussion and made that statement. Then you defended it. I assumed it was you that made it.

Ok fine, Obama's "elementary school" records..., you know the records that say he's Islamic. Better?

Thank you for gracious admission that your post regarding Obama's kindergarten was a mistake, along with your gracious admission that your claim about what I said was a mistake.

People make mistakes.
No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.

No, they don't. Almost no jobs require school records. They require an resume and references. If you're fresh out of college with no work history, they might require a GPA and proof of a degree.

After that, its all about your work history.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
U.S. president does not. Next?
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
U.S. president does not. Next?
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
There is no next. You're done.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.

No, they don't. Almost no jobs require school records. They require an resume and references. If you're fresh out of college with no work history, they might require a GPA and proof of a degree.

After that, its all about your work history.
Depends on the job. For professional, pretty much all ask for it for freshouts then yes as time goes on the work history is more important. That said, US Government professional jobs require your transcript no matter how much experience you have. And a few companies require certain GPAs even with experience... and when they do require that GPA they might check it.

Then we have certain colleges like Harvard that give everyone an A just for showing up. Harvard Professor Slams College For Handing Out Too Many A Grades
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
U.S. president does not. Next?
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
There is no next. You're done.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
By choice.
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
U.S. president does not. Next?
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
There is no next. You're done.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
Most professional jobs require school records as a condition on employment.
U.S. president does not. Next?
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
There is no next. You're done.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
U.S. president does not. Next?
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
There is no next. You're done.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
And yet, I'm still not dismissed. You, however, remain the fucking imbecile you've always been. :thup:
That's why I asked for it vs. demanded it. Next?
There is no next. You're done.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
And yet, I'm still not dismissed. You, however, remain the fucking imbecile you've always been. :thup:
No you're dismissed I'm not interested in your advances. You may go away.

Yes, I'm afraid he did, sweetie dear. He told his first publisher, it was in his bio. Didn't hear about that, huh?

Sorry, Toon....but you don't know what you're talking about. He didn't tell his publisher that he was born in Kenya. With his publisher specifically affirming that Obama *didn't* say he was born in Kenya and that the mistake was theirs.

You know that Toon...but hope we don't.

Not only that, but Michelle called Kenya Obama's "home country" and Hillary brought it up before anyone on the right addressed it.

With Ireland being called the 'home country' of both Reagan and Kennedy. So by your standard, both must have been born in Ireland.

And of course Birtherism was first floated on the Free Republic messageboards. Weeks and weeks later an email was sent anonyously from someone who claimed to be a hillary supporter. There's no evidence that they were. Nor that Hillary had anything to do with it.

You're not very good at this, are you, Toon?

it can't be good at it when it considers reality optional.

It's funny how you have the little hearts and cuddly stuffed toy like you're a nice person when you're actually one of the most hateful bitches on the site. LOL, I laugh every time I see your avatar

'Hateful bitches'? You must be a treat in real life.

doubtful... I think it's mostly a lunatic troll.

I asked why a hateful bitch like you puts hearts and puppies on your avatar. I don't see any hearts and puppies on my avatar...
Who cares about averages? I showed you were Obama went to Kindergarten in Hawaii. Skylar showed you that when he arrived in Indonesia he went to a Catholic school.

What you have failed to show us is anything about Obama being a Muslim in Kindergarten- as you claimed.

Put up- or shut up.
I'll take that as admission that you were wrong about the age of kindergartners. Why get so prissy? Not my fault you don't know math.

Um....we have Obama going to kintergarden in Hawaii. And yet you're still clinging to your bullshit story about him going to an Islamic Kintergarden?

Sigh....this is why birthers are a national laughing stock. Even when they're obviously wrong, even when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, even when they're proven wrong with overwhelming evidence, even when they can't back any of their batshit with the slighest evidence.... insist that you must right.

Ladies and Gentlmen......I give you the Conspiracy Theorist.

at some point you just need to ignore the morons and simply make fun of them

We can make mock them while still pointing out the lies.

to what end? they're pathologic.

Gosh, what a sweet little girl, LOL. Stephanie is way, way nicer than you are
There is no next. You're done.
No I'm not done. You are dismissed.
Of course you're done. You conceded you can only ask for his private records, nothing more. He is under no obligation to release them.

And you're not man enough to dismiss me. :mm: Though I did get a good laugh at your, I'm not fired, I quit, knee-jerk reflex. :lol:
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
And yet, I'm still not dismissed. You, however, remain the fucking imbecile you've always been. :thup:
No you're dismissed I'm not interested in your advances. You may go away.
There are no advances. You're just delusional, incapable of dismissing anyone, and a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

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