Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

You do realize that Obama went to Kindergarten in the US, right?

And that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, right?
Did he change to Christianity when he came back to the US after his second dad dumped his mom?

Who says he converted to Islam? The same hapless soul who offered us fallacoius babble about his Kintergarden perhaps?

You citing you is a meaningless standards. As you don't know what you're talking about.
Who said he converted to Islam? According to Obama and Obama's records he converted to christianity from Islam. Duh.
No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.

I never said it was law. I said that presidential candidates give up privacy and that we the voters have the right to know everything about their past--------everything.

Says who?

You've already admitted that the law doesn't say what you do. So who are you citing on this obligation?

the right of the american voters to know who they put in charge of their futures and the futures of their children. The right of voters to know everything about the person holding the nuclear trigger.

There is no such 'right'.

Voters have the right to vote- if the voters do not believe a candidate has released enough information they can vote for the other candidate.

Perhaps voters decided McCain and Romney had not released enough information.
that would prove hillary wasn't the first birther.. i have always said, the obama case would have survived the supreme court.

why all the games then with the documents ??

No, Hillary wasn't the first birther, Obama was. He accused himself of being Kenyan in 1991. Michelle was second. Hillary was third.

Interestingly enough, Obama wasn't the first birther controversy. The first was the Democrats saying McCain couldn't be President because he was born on a US base in Panama. Clearly the party with birther issues that isn't owning up to that history is the Democrats
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?

Sure- just like you can see Bush's Harvard records, and Clinton's college records, and Romney's college records.

Go see all of them.
Bush and Clinton are not the current POTUS, and Romney is just an Ex governor.

Yep- and you can see all of their college records in exactly the same way you can see President Obama's.
Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.
A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

The voters said he was properly vetted- you don't.

Obviously everyone who mattered decided he was properly vetted.
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

They're none of your business. They are personal documents that have nothing to do with you. And you have no right to see.

So, now what?

Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

Same thing Democrats said about W
Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me.

No he doesn't. You can't fire him, you can't give him a raise- you didn't even hire him.

You have the exact same access for President Obama that you have had for every other President- with the sole exception of Bush's Yale records- which were illegally leaked.

Bush never released his Harvard records- any more than Obama did- or Romney did in the last campaign.

President's do work for you- they may work for all of us- but certainly not for you.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me.

No he doesn't. You can't fire him, you can't give him a raise- you didn't even hire him.

You have the exact same access for President Obama that you have had for every other President- with the sole exception of Bush's Yale records- which were illegally leaked.

Bush never released his Harvard records- any more than Obama did- or Romney did in the last campaign.

President's do work for you- they may work for all of us- but certainly not for you.
I've already give Obama notice he has 18months left.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

They're none of your business. They are personal documents that have nothing to do with you. And you have no right to see.

So, now what?

Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

Same thing Democrats said about W

Not 7 years after he was first elected.

As voters we have every right to demand access to the candidates information- information we can base our votes on.

After the election- demanding access to private information is just bitching and moaning.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

God you are an idiot. There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

God you are an idiot. There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."

Shocker. Another baseless piece of birther batshit turns out to be nothing but lies, innuendo and brain dead speculation.

Who would have seen that coming?
Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

You do realize that Obama went to Kindergarten in the US, right?

And that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, right?
Did he change to Christianity when he came back to the US after his second dad dumped his mom?

Who says he converted to Islam? The same hapless soul who offered us fallacoius babble about his Kintergarden perhaps?

You citing you is a meaningless standards. As you don't know what you're talking about.
Who said he converted to Islam? According to Obama and Obama's records he converted to christianity from Islam. Duh.

Obama never said he converted from anything. Obama said he found Christ.
Barack Obama The God Factor Interview EXCLUSIVE The Dude Abides

You should stop smoking whatever WND is giving you.
Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.

Again, it won't matter. You've already ignored every document provided to you. Making a demand for more documents while you're ignoring every document provided either wildly hypocritical or profoundly irrational.

Neither of which obligates anyone to do anything.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.

No more than I am- or you are.

No more than I am hiding my financial records from you by ignoring your desire to see what my bank balance is.
I don't want to see your financial records. Obama works for me. Employees show their employers their school records.

Again, it won't matter. You've already ignored every document provided to you. Making a demand for more documents while you're ignoring every document provided either wildly hypocritical or profoundly irrational.

Neither of which obligates anyone to do anything.

Every parent I am sure has read to his child 'If you give a Mouse a Cookie'.

Birthers are the same- but not cute, like in the book.
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

God you are an idiot. There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."
Maybe you should fix Obama's wiki:
Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"In 1963, Dunham met Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian East–West Center graduate student in geography at the University of Hawaii, and the couple were married onMolokai on March 15, 1965.[14] After two one-year extensions of his J-1 visa, Lolo returned to Indonesia in 1966, followed sixteen months later by his wife and stepson in 1967, with the family initially living in a Menteng Dalam neighborhood in the Tebet subdistrict of south Jakarta, then from 1970 in a wealthier neighborhood in the Menteng subdistrict of central Jakarta.[15] From ages six to ten, Obama attended local Indonesian-language schools: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School for two years and Besuki Public School for one and a half years, supplemented by English-language Calvert School homeschooling by his mother.[16]"
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

God you are an idiot. There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."
Maybe you should fix Obama's wiki:
Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"In 1963, Dunham met Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian East–West Center graduate student in geography at the University of Hawaii, and the couple were married onMolokai on March 15, 1965.[14] After two one-year extensions of his J-1 visa, Lolo returned to Indonesia in 1966, followed sixteen months later by his wife and stepson in 1967, with the family initially living in a Menteng Dalam neighborhood in the Tebet subdistrict of south Jakarta, then from 1970 in a wealthier neighborhood in the Menteng subdistrict of central Jakarta.[15] From ages six to ten, Obama attended local Indonesian-language schools: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School for two years and Besuki Public School for one and a half years, supplemented by English-language Calvert School homeschooling by his mother.[16]" age six is kintergarden? Really?

And Obama went to a Catholic are you claiming he converted to catholicism?
remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

God you are an idiot. There are no 'kindergarten records' that say he was 'Islamic'

Here are Obama's kindergarten teachers

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."
Maybe you should fix Obama's wiki:
Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"In 1963, Dunham met Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian East–West Center graduate student in geography at the University of Hawaii, and the couple were married onMolokai on March 15, 1965.[14] After two one-year extensions of his J-1 visa, Lolo returned to Indonesia in 1966, followed sixteen months later by his wife and stepson in 1967, with the family initially living in a Menteng Dalam neighborhood in the Tebet subdistrict of south Jakarta, then from 1970 in a wealthier neighborhood in the Menteng subdistrict of central Jakarta.[15] From ages six to ten, Obama attended local Indonesian-language schools: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School for two years and Besuki Public School for one and a half years, supplemented by English-language Calvert School homeschooling by his mother.[16]" age six is kintergarden? Really?

And Obama went to a Catholic are you claiming he converted to catholicism?
The average age of kids entering Kindergarten is 5.5 years old. That means the average age of kids graduating from kindergarten is well over six years of age. Were you born a moron or did it take years of education to become the moron that you are now?

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