Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.
So you admit he's hiding his records from the public.
It's important to note the origin of Birtherism: Hillary's 2008 campaign.

All through that year, the Obama campaign – with the affirmation of most leaders of both parties – aggressively battled that smear by emphasizing his Christian faith. Obama’s controversial but emphatically Christian pastor emerged as a campaign issue and the belief that he was a Muslim seemed to lose traction. (See: Clinton: Birther claims 'ludicrous')

Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,”
asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008....

Birtherism Where it all began - Ben Smith and Byron Tau -

And how, pray tell was it established it was Clinton supporters.....if the email was anonymous?
No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.
Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.

I never said it was law. I said that presidential candidates give up privacy and that we the voters have the right to know everything about their past--------everything.

Says who?

You've already admitted that the law doesn't say what you do. So who are you citing on this obligation?

the right of the american voters to know who they put in charge of their futures and the futures of their children. The right of voters to know everything about the person holding the nuclear trigger.
Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

You don't understand how political campaigns work, do you hun?
Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.
No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.

I never said it was law. I said that presidential candidates give up privacy and that we the voters have the right to know everything about their past--------everything.

Says who?

You've already admitted that the law doesn't say what you do. So who are you citing on this obligation?

the right of the american voters to know who they put in charge of their futures and the futures of their children. The right of voters to know everything about the person holding the nuclear trigger.

Begging the question. As you're merely asserting a claim you have no evidence for nor can factually establish.

There is no such right. There's is no abdication of privacy rights. A president's private documents remain private. Just like anyone else's. If you believe otherwise, show us the law saying so.

You can't, as no such laws exists. You're just making this shit up as you go along. And your imagination and fallacies of logic don't obligate anyone to do anything.
Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

You don't understand how political campaigns work, do you hun?

As the president's college records remain private, apparently I do, kiddo.
does it mention running for president or vice ? naturalised or nautural born ?
so you are saying that any baby born here including wong was/is eligible to be prez. anchor babies or anyone at all. so i ask again why the expression natural born if there is no distinction. why the grandfather clause.. ?

i still think there is no precedent, or conflicting precedents.
i still think the supreme court is evading the issue.
Chester Arthur was a precedent.
that would prove hillary wasn't the first birther.. i have always said, the obama case would have survived the supreme court.

why all the games then with the documents ??

No, Hillary wasn't the first birther, Obama was. He accused himself of being Kenyan in 1991. Michelle was second. Hillary was third.

Interestingly enough, Obama wasn't the first birther controversy. The first was the Democrats saying McCain couldn't be President because he was born on a US base in Panama. Clearly the party with birther issues that isn't owning up to that history is the Democrats
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?

Sure- just like you can see Bush's Harvard records, and Clinton's college records, and Romney's college records.

Go see all of them.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

You don't understand how political campaigns work, do you hun?

As the president's college records remain private, apparently I do, kiddo.

What a non sequitur, bub.
Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.
No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

You don't understand how political campaigns work, do you hun?

As the president's college records remain private, apparently I do, kiddo.

What a non sequitur, bub.

Clearly a 'non sequitur' doesn't mean what you think it means. Either that....or you don't realize that you replied to a post about Obama's personal documents.

Try again, hun.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.
No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?

Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage. 'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
What part of me asking for verification confused you? Were you born stupid, or did it take practice?

You have verification. Obama's COLB alone is prima facie evidence in any court of law. And resolves any legal issue.

It was verified by the Governor of the State of Hawaii, two directors of the Department of Heath, and the Registrar of Hawaii. Twice. There are press releases from the State of Hawaii, Obama's name in public Hawaiian registries, 2 birth in local Hawaiian papers in 1961.

For fuck's sake, there's a scan of his long form birth certificate with the attending doctor's signature right on it, verified by the State of Hawaii as valid.

You've ignored it all.....for no particular reason.

The real question is....who gives a fuck? I have yet to figure out why I should care that you arbitrarily ignore legal documents, repeated verification and overlapping evidence. Your willful ignorance is not a standard of evidence. Nor does it obligate anyone to do anything.
Actually in a court of law, the document would be subject to subpoena to have experts evaluate its authenticity. An Internet image would not suffice. Had this gone to the Supreme Court, that's exactly what would have happened. So you're wrong on that.

Actually in a court of law- the COLB- the short form BC- which is the current official birth certificate issued by the State of Hawaii- is prima facie evidence of place and date of birth. The hard copy seen by representatives of Snopes in 2008 would be legal evidence of his place of birth- and could only be challenged with cause- i.e. someone would need to provide evidence that it was false.

Which would be pretty tough since the State of Hawaii was also on record saying that it was true- and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- and that would also be legally submittable as evidence.

The Supreme Court would never of heard of this because every court would dismiss the claim after seeing the evidence.
Wong Kim Ark never affirmed him a Natural born Citizen based on Article 2 Section 1. He was only affirmed a Citizen. You fail.

The Wong Kim Ark decision cites natural-born citizens about 11 times. You've never read the ruling nor do you have the slightest idea what you're talking about. And it specifically cites English Common Law as lens through which the meaning of 'natural born' can be gleaned. With natural born status following place of birth per English common law....even if the child is born to two aliens.

Where as your 'British Act of 1948' gibberish has nothing to do with natural born status, is cited in no court ruling, no law, nothing.

Its just you....citing you. And you're nobody.
does it mention running for president or vice ? naturalised or nautural born ?
so you are saying that any baby born here including wong was/is eligible to be prez. anchor babies or anyone at all. so i ask again why the expression natural born if there is no distinction. why the grandfather clause.. ?

i still think there is no precedent, or conflicting precedents.
i still think the supreme court is evading the issue.
Chester Arthur was a precedent.
that would prove hillary wasn't the first birther.. i have always said, the obama case would have survived the supreme court.

why all the games then with the documents ??

No, Hillary wasn't the first birther, Obama was. He accused himself of being Kenyan in 1991. Michelle was second. Hillary was third.

Just Kaz Kazzing again.

It is hilarious though that Birthers want to believe that they have been fooled by Obama and Hilary.
[QUNo, Hillary wasn't the first birther, Obama was. He accused himself of being Kenyan in 1991. Michelle was second. Hillary was third.

Interestingly enough, Obama wasn't the first birther controversy. The first was the Democrats saying McCain couldn't be President because he was born on a US base in Panama. Clearly the party with birther issues that isn't owning up to that history is the Democrats
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.
No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

Well apparently we do understand how political campaigns work better than you do.

Obama was elected twice.
Voters ignored Birthers.

Like we ignore the 9/11 truthers and the Holocaust deniers.
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.
Chester Arthur was a precedent.
that would prove hillary wasn't the first birther.. i have always said, the obama case would have survived the supreme court.

why all the games then with the documents ??

No, Hillary wasn't the first birther, Obama was. He accused himself of being Kenyan in 1991. Michelle was second. Hillary was third.

Interestingly enough, Obama wasn't the first birther controversy. The first was the Democrats saying McCain couldn't be President because he was born on a US base in Panama. Clearly the party with birther issues that isn't owning up to that history is the Democrats
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?

Sure- just like you can see Bush's Harvard records, and Clinton's college records, and Romney's college records.

Go see all of them.
Bush and Clinton are not the current POTUS, and Romney is just an Ex governor.

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