Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.
Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

Well apparently we do understand how political campaigns work better than you do.

Obama was elected twice.
Voters ignored Birthers.

Like we ignore the 9/11 truthers and the Holocaust deniers.
The voters that voted for Obama would have voted for Stalin.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.
No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

Says you. Yet his personal documents remain personal. And if you believe that private documents become public when Obama runs for office... me the law saying this. You can't. As you just made that shit up. The law isn't subject to your imagination either.
So you admit Obama is hiding his records.

No more so than anyone else whose personal documents that aren't released to the public.

Your 'conspiracy' merely run of the mill privacy.

Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

No one had a right to Bush's records- perfectly reasonable to ask for them up and until the election.

The voters decide whether it is important or not- asking for the military records after the election is just a sign of people looking for dirt.

Same goes for Bush's and Obama's college records.

Remember- Bush never released his Harvard records. Even though people asked to have his records released.

Not that Birthers care about that- and you don't care if he was not a 'poor mixed breed kid from Hawaii'.
Did you libs have the right to Bush's military records? Yes or no.

A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?
A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

Well apparently we do understand how political campaigns work better than you do.

Obama was elected twice.
Voters ignored Birthers.

Like we ignore the 9/11 truthers and the Holocaust deniers.
The voters that voted for Obama would have voted for Stalin.

You think that the Americans who voted for Obama- spoke Russian and were members of the Communist Party?

69,498,516 Russian speaking, communist Americans.


And the butt hurt from the 2008 election continues......
A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.

The truth is already confirmed half a dozen times. You just ignore it. Reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes. Nor is your willful ignorance a standard of evidence.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself.
A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.
A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.
Nah, you're still kazzing. You still can't prove Obama told his publicist he was born in Kenya.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.
A 'right' to them? Nope. They're private. No one has the 'right' to any personal document that isn't public domain.

you are an idiot.

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

Well apparently we do understand how political campaigns work better than you do.

Obama was elected twice.
Voters ignored Birthers.

Like we ignore the 9/11 truthers and the Holocaust deniers.
The voters that voted for Obama would have voted for Stalin.

Says you, citing your imagination. Which doesn't have the best track record.
ok.. I suppose it's unlikely that Obama was born in Kenya.

Can we see his college records now?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

You do realize that Obama went to Kindergarten in the US, right?

And that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, right?
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

Ok, don't release the records, just tell us how a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii paid over 50K per year tuition at Harvard.

and no one gets student loans for that much money without a co-signer. So if he paid with loans, who guaranteed them?
Scholarships and student loans.

Which ones? Which scholarships? he admitted to having average grades so which scholarships to harvard go to students with average grades? and as to loans, who guaranteed his loans. No financial institution will loan over 200K to a kid with no co-signers.

Once again- you are asking everyone else to be a Birther.

Why do you think everyone else relies upon lies, speculation and innuendo?

Harvard was law school- and Harvard law goes by three factors in choosing students- grades from college(which you don't know what they are), his LSAT score(which you don't know what they are) and his work experience prior to Harvard(which you do know about).

You are willing to speculate and use innuendo against President Obama because as a Birther that is what you do.

We get to laugh and point out that all you do is lie, speculate and use innuendo.
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

Ok, don't release the records, just tell us how a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii paid over 50K per year tuition at Harvard.

and no one gets student loans for that much money without a co-signer. So if he paid with loans, who guaranteed them?

60% of Harvard students get a Harvard Scholarship. And yet you can't conceive of how a Harvard student could pay for their education save an elaborate international conspiracy?

Shrugs. A rational person could.

What would you say if it was proven that he got scholarships that were reserved for foreign students? Its a hypothetical question, it requires an answer.

Doesn't require any answer.

The funny part is that I went to college within a few years of Obama- and I knew lots of foreign students.

None of them had 'scholarships reserved for foreign students'- not one.

Nor has a single Birther been able to actually identify any such scholarship.

It is all just part of the Collective Birther Fiction.
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

They're none of your business. They are personal documents that have nothing to do with you. And you have no right to see.

So, now what?

Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

If it is part of the public domain- go ahead and show it to us.

What? You can't find it?

Then not part of the public domain.

Birthers are idiots.
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense.
Do you want a million dollars too? You should ask Trump for that. And no, his college transcripts will not alleviate any of this birther nonsense. It will only feed into it. Obama is doing the country a service by not releasing them. C'mon, you should know better. Look at how releasing his long form birth certificate cleared up this birther nonsense.

a poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.
Why are you asking me? I can't release them. But why should he release them? What purpose does it serve other than to provide fodder for the wacky right?
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

You do realize that Obama went to Kindergarten in the US, right?

And that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, right?
Did he change to Christianity when he came back to the US after his second dad dumped his mom?
That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

While i find the idea that Birthers - who are almost exclusively right wing nut jobs- were fooled and led by Hilary Clinton- this story has two holes.

a) 'an anonymous email'- if it was anonymous then how can anyone really know where it came from? and
b) The issue had already emerged on Free Republic- in March 2008- months before the anonymous email circulated.
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

You do realize that Obama went to Kindergarten in the US, right?

And that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, right?
Did he change to Christianity when he came back to the US after his second dad dumped his mom?

Who says he converted to Islam? The same hapless soul who offered us fallacoius babble about his Kintergarden perhaps?

You citing you is a meaningless standards. As you don't know what you're talking about.
Cause I want to see them. Additionally, it may help eliminate some of this birther nonsense. What's the worst it could show? That he took a course on communism?

remember how the left wanted to see W's military records and the only reason he wouldn't provide them was he had something to hide? I'd say it's a conspiracy, but personally I just think they are stupid

Yeah- that was almost as stupid as Birthers.

The difference?

7 years into Bush's presidency no one was still whining about his military records.

7 years into Obama's presidency- Birthers still want to see Obama's kindergarten records.
We saw Obama's kindergarten records, you know the records that say he's Islamic.

You do realize that Obama went to Kindergarten in the US, right?

And that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, right?
Did he change to Christianity when he came back to the US after his second dad dumped his mom?

The amount of effort that you have taken to remain ignorant of President Obama's past is truly breathtaking.

President Obama was generally not religious growing up- he was exposed to both Christianity and Islam- he learned Catholicism in a Catholic school and Islam in an Indonesian public school.

His mother sent him back to the United States- while she was still living with her second husband- in order to receive an American education.

It was not until after he graduated from college that he started going to churches, and eventually was 'born again' and found Christ- again he has spoken very openly about his journey to Christianity.

Obama on faith The exclusive interview The Dude Abides

The truth is out there- all you have to do is ask for it.

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