Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

LOL.....yeah- all of the things you folk were saying in 2008- at the same time you suddenly discovered a passion for presidential eligibility.

But then again- Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo. So we take your claims for what they are worth.
They're none of your business. They are personal documents that have nothing to do with you. And you have no right to see.

So, now what?

Very wrong. We have the right to know everything about the person that we put in charge of the nuclear trigger. Privacy is the price of being president. Deal with it.

No, you don't. The only requirements that Obama must meet are those laid out in the constitution. And he has.

You have no right to any of personal document of Obama's that isn't public domain. And none of the documents you're demanding are. Nor is anyone obligated to do anything because you imagine otherwise.

Bullshit, everything about a presidential candidate is in the public domain. They give up privacy when they run for that position.

If it is part of the public domain- go ahead and show it to us.

What? You can't find it?

Then not part of the public domain.

Birthers are idiots.

Oh, it exists all right, but obozo has successfully blocked it from view, and has paid a lot of money to keep YOU from seeing it.

If you can't see it- by definition it is not part of the public domain.

Of course President Obama has not blocked anything- his college records are protected by law, like everyone elses.
Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.

President Obama was vetted just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.
Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.

The truth is already confirmed half a dozen times. You just ignore it. Reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes. Nor is your willful ignorance a standard of evidence.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself.

time will prove me right. I don't give a flying fuck what you think.

Let us know when it happens.

You being right- or telling the truth- would be an event worth noticing.
Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get. Ever hear of affrimative action, dingleberry?

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

no... the problem is your bigotry.

just saying....

and for the record, my very white son got into plenty of colleges and got plenty of scholarship money, too.

maybe you're just bitter.
It has nothing to do with race. Grow up, moron.

Says the man who calls the President of the United States 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'.

which word offends you? half? mixed? or breed? how about mixed race? half white? half black? creole? cajun? octaroon? They are just words. Your offence is created to stir up shit.
as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.

The truth is already confirmed half a dozen times. You just ignore it. Reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes. Nor is your willful ignorance a standard of evidence.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself.

time will prove me right. I don't give a flying fuck what you think.

Let us know when it happens.

You being right- or telling the truth- would be an event worth noticing.

when the truth comes out, everyone will know it, you won't need me to tell you.
as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.

President Obama was vetted just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

NO, he was not. You cannot be that naive.
ana poor mixed breed kid from hawaii

Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

Not offended.

Just pointing out your use of those terms is descriptive of who you are.

'half breed' ' mixed breed' are terms only certain kinds of people use.

how do you describe a person with a black father and white mother? He's not black, he's not white. How do you describe him that you find not offensive?
as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

LOL.....yeah- all of the things you folk were saying in 2008- at the same time you suddenly discovered a passion for presidential eligibility.

But then again- Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo. So we take your claims for what they are worth.

The Hillary campaign started it. Ask her.
You've already been dismissed. But I do get a kick out of your begging me for another chance to please me.
And yet, I'm still not dismissed. You, however, remain the fucking imbecile you've always been. :thup:
No you're dismissed I'm not interested in your advances. You may go away.
There are no advances. You're just delusional, incapable of dismissing anyone, and a fucking retard. :cuckoo:
What makes you think I did not dismiss you. You must not be used to people telling you to go away or does it happen so often that you just ignore everyone that tells you to fuck off.
Fucking retard... I didn't deny you said you dismissed me -- I said you're not man enough to dismiss me. You can make any claim you want ... you can claim you can jump to the moon ... you just can't do it.
Hold on let me look around.. Nope don't see your pussy ass around here.
I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

the white kid from Utah could not get scholarships that a black kid from anywhere could get. Ever hear of affrimative action, dingleberry?

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

no... the problem is your bigotry.

just saying....

and for the record, my very white son got into plenty of colleges and got plenty of scholarship money, too.

maybe you're just bitter.
It has nothing to do with race. Grow up, moron.

Says the man who calls the President of the United States 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'.

which word offends you? half? mixed? or breed? how about mixed race? half white? half black? creole? cajun? octaroon? They are just words. Your offence is created to stir up shit.

Why do you imagine that I am offended?

Your use of the term 'half breed' or 'mixed breed' show how you perceive race- and your use of the terms shows how important the issue of race is to you.
And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

LOL.....yeah- all of the things you folk were saying in 2008- at the same time you suddenly discovered a passion for presidential eligibility.

But then again- Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo. So we take your claims for what they are worth.

The Hillary campaign started it. Ask her.

Nope- like I said- Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

Though I find though that you- demanding that we believe that Hillary's campaign duped you- to be terribly amusing
Nothing makes the Birther case more than having a racist start talking about 'mixed breed'.

Is he not half black/half white? What would you call him? an african/caucasian american? Or do you prefer half breed? or mixed race? Get over the PC bullshit. They are only words. Grow the fuck up.

I look forward to pointing out that you have referred to Barack Obama as 'half breed' and 'mixed breed'- often.

To you- that was a relevant issue when asking how President Obama ended up going to Harvard.

Certainly you never asked how a white kid from Utah ended up going to Harvard.

as to half breed, mixed breed, mixed race, half black, half white. They are just descriptive words. If you are offended, thats your problem, not mine.

Not offended.

Just pointing out your use of those terms is descriptive of who you are.

'half breed' ' mixed breed' are terms only certain kinds of people use.

how do you describe a person with a black father and white mother? He's not black, he's not white. How do you describe him that you find not offensive?

Well normally I don't describe a person by their race. I certainly never referred to Bush as that "rich white kid" or Clinton as that 'poor white kid'.

If i were to describe someone's race- if I had some reason to refer to someone's race- then I go by a term they use for themselves- rather than ones favored by Stormfront participants, and one labeled by Webster as 'often offensive'.
Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.

The truth is already confirmed half a dozen times. You just ignore it. Reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes. Nor is your willful ignorance a standard of evidence.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself.

time will prove me right. I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
You'll be dead before you're ever right.
Last edited:
Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.
Really? Then where are Mitt Romney's college transcripts? Where is Sarah Palin's birth certificate?
birfer Trump leads in the polls.


This early, people just respond with who they've heard of. It doesn't mean anything

It means plenty. It means that when Trump starts calling Mexicans rapists and insults prisoner's of war......the GOP lines up in support of him. Regardless of how his candidacy turns out, the GOP response to Trump means quite a lot.
Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

Someday the truth about obama will be known. He will be out of office so it won't matter, but eventually we will all know who and what he was/is.

In 2038 the warren report will be unsealed and we will know who really killed JFK.

You can ignore history, but eventually the truth catches up.

The truth is already confirmed half a dozen times. You just ignore it. Reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes. Nor is your willful ignorance a standard of evidence.

You're lying to us and you're lying to yourself.

time will prove me right. I don't give a flying fuck what you think.

Says you. And you can't back up shit you've said about the past. Making the credibilty of your predictions in the future dubious at best. Especially with the evidence lined up against you being so thorough.
Laughing...because I don't accept whatever you imagine as a 'right'?

You're nobody. You citing yourself establishes neither rights nor obligation for anyone about anything. Get used to the idea.

as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

Your willful ignorance doesn't tell us anything about Obama. You ignoring his COLB reveals nothing about the President.

It tells us a hell of a lot about you though.
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
To clarify, Trump leads all of the other Republicans. Trump loses to Hillary in every single poll by double digits:

  • USA Today:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

  • CNN:
    • Hillary: 59
    • Trump: 35

  • Fox News:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

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