Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
To clarify, Trump leads all of the other Republicans. Trump loses to Hillary in every single poll by double digits:

  • USA Today:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

  • CNN:
    • Hillary: 59
    • Trump: 35

  • Fox News:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

WH2016 General

We really can't help the stupid, but they will come around, as usual! Just have to keep present these items which she has no legitimate answers to!

One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
To clarify, Trump leads all of the other Republicans. Trump loses to Hillary in every single poll by double digits:

  • USA Today:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

  • CNN:
    • Hillary: 59
    • Trump: 35

  • Fox News:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

WH2016 General

Minor detail. Barely worth mentioning.

Trump 2016!
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
To clarify, Trump leads all of the other Republicans. Trump loses to Hillary in every single poll by double digits:

  • USA Today:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

  • CNN:
    • Hillary: 59
    • Trump: 35

  • Fox News:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

WH2016 General

We really can't help the stupid, but they will come around, as usual! Just have to keep present these items which she has no legitimate answers to!

There's nothing there that America hasn't already heard about -- yet Hillary still leads Trump by double digits. :mm:
Um....we have Obama going to kintergarden in Hawaii. And yet you're still clinging to your bullshit story about him going to an Islamic Kintergarden?

Sigh....this is why birthers are a national laughing stock. Even when they're obviously wrong, even when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, even when they're proven wrong with overwhelming evidence, even when they can't back any of their batshit with the slighest evidence.... insist that you must right.

Ladies and Gentlmen......I give you the Conspiracy Theorist.

at some point you just need to ignore the morons and simply make fun of them

We can make mock them while still pointing out the lies.

to what end? they're pathologic.

All sorts of ends. First, its great political fodder. The vast majority of birthers are right wingers. With Trump being their high priest. By poking the birthers until the crazy pours out, you can cast republicans as irrational, pathological, conspiracy addled wingnuts. Its pure creamery butter for democrats.

Second, it demonstrates the folly of the conspiracy process. In this the birthers are more tools of demonstration rather than subjects to convince. They are rolled out, poked with a stick and used to demonstrate just how batshit conspiracy theories are. The conspiracy mentality is illogical, irrational, and generally destructive to reasoned debate. A show of exactly why on occasion is a great reminder.

Third...its fun! I love getting these poor saps wound up and frothing at the mouth. Its kind of a challenge to get them to make the most outrageous statement possible. So far the most recent winner was a poster that insisted that Obama's trip to see his grandmother in the weeks before she died of end stage cancer was actually when Obama killed her to keep her quiet about the fact that he was born in Kenya.

I consider coaxing that one out to be kind of an achievement. As you need to scaffold the batshit long before you try and build something that insane.

nah... it has no political ends. I know I've said it a million times but my husband's old adage still applies.... you can't teach a pig to talk... it doesn't work and it annoys the pigs.

you can't bother teaching them. it's like talking to oneself. all you can do is ridicule them.

Of course you can't. They don't use evidence. They use innuendo, speculation, and most often, lies. They're emotionally invested in their conspiracy. You can't penetrate a mindset like that.

But you can use it. You can coax them into hysteric statements, batshit conspiracies, and patently insane conclusions. And then splatter conservatives with it.
at some point you just need to ignore the morons and simply make fun of them

We can make mock them while still pointing out the lies.

to what end? they're pathologic.

All sorts of ends. First, its great political fodder. The vast majority of birthers are right wingers. With Trump being their high priest. By poking the birthers until the crazy pours out, you can cast republicans as irrational, pathological, conspiracy addled wingnuts. Its pure creamery butter for democrats.

Second, it demonstrates the folly of the conspiracy process. In this the birthers are more tools of demonstration rather than subjects to convince. They are rolled out, poked with a stick and used to demonstrate just how batshit conspiracy theories are. The conspiracy mentality is illogical, irrational, and generally destructive to reasoned debate. A show of exactly why on occasion is a great reminder.

Third...its fun! I love getting these poor saps wound up and frothing at the mouth. Its kind of a challenge to get them to make the most outrageous statement possible. So far the most recent winner was a poster that insisted that Obama's trip to see his grandmother in the weeks before she died of end stage cancer was actually when Obama killed her to keep her quiet about the fact that he was born in Kenya.

I consider coaxing that one out to be kind of an achievement. As you need to scaffold the batshit long before you try and build something that insane.

nah... it has no political ends. I know I've said it a million times but my husband's old adage still applies.... you can't teach a pig to talk... it doesn't work and it annoys the pigs.

you can't bother teaching them. it's like talking to oneself. all you can do is ridicule them.

Of course you can't. They don't use evidence. They use innuendo, speculation, and most often, lies. They're emotionally invested in their conspiracy. You can't penetrate a mindset like that.

But you can use it. You can coax them into hysteric statements, batshit conspiracies, and patently insane conclusions. And then splatter conservatives with it.

fair enough.

i still think it's annoying the pigs and i mostly make fun of them to amuse myself. :)
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
To clarify, Trump leads all of the other Republicans. Trump loses to Hillary in every single poll by double digits:

  • USA Today:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

  • CNN:
    • Hillary: 59
    • Trump: 35

  • Fox News:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

WH2016 General

We really can't help the stupid, but they will come around, as usual! Just have to keep present these items which she has no legitimate answers to!

There's nothing there that America hasn't already heard about -- yet Hillary still leads Trump by double digits. :mm:

that's because they're only interested in vile ugly people who throw them red meat. they can't quite grasp that the rest of the country isn't as hate-filled as they are.

imagine how their heads would explode if bernie were to become president. :lmao:
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
To clarify, Trump leads all of the other Republicans. Trump loses to Hillary in every single poll by double digits:

  • USA Today:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

  • CNN:
    • Hillary: 59
    • Trump: 35

  • Fox News:
    • Hillary: 51
    • Trump: 34

WH2016 General

We really can't help the stupid, but they will come around, as usual! Just have to keep present these items which she has no legitimate answers to!

There's nothing there that America hasn't already heard about -- yet Hillary still leads Trump by double digits. :mm:

that's because they're only interested in vile ugly people who throw them red meat. they can't quite grasp that the rest of the country isn't as hate-filled as they are.

imagine how their heads would explode if bernie were to become president. :lmao:

"imagine how their heads would explode if bernie were to become president". :lmao:

stranger things have happened j.
as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.
Really? Then where are Mitt Romney's college transcripts? Where is Sarah Palin's birth certificate?

Romney provided his tax returns. I am sure Palin would have provided her BC is anyone asked for it.

If you are truthful, which you never are, you would admit that Obama's past is very sketchey and there are a lot of unanswered questions. But it doesn't matter, you fools elected him twice and he has another year and a half to complete his planned destruction of this country, and "get even" for slavery and every other imagined crime of this country.
as one of your fellow libs said earlier, you have no idea how political campaigns work. Its all about getting the history of your opponent out in the public eye. Usually the media does it, but in obama's case the media was too far up his ass to do their job.

And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

Your willful ignorance doesn't tell us anything about Obama. You ignoring his COLB reveals nothing about the President.

It tells us a hell of a lot about you though.

and your continual worship of a failed president tells a lot about you. You care more about party than the country. You dem/lib fools would let the entire country become Detroit and you would still be praising socialism and big government. In short, you are idiots of the first degree.
And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.
Really? Then where are Mitt Romney's college transcripts? Where is Sarah Palin's birth certificate?

Romney provided his tax returns. I am sure Palin would have provided her BC is anyone asked for it.

If you are truthful, which you never are, you would admit that Obama's past is very sketchey and there are a lot of unanswered questions. But it doesn't matter, you fools elected him twice and he has another year and a half to complete his planned destruction of this country, and "get even" for slavery and every other imagined crime of this country.
I see reading comprehension is a problem for you. Too bad.
yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.
Really? Then where are Mitt Romney's college transcripts? Where is Sarah Palin's birth certificate?

Romney provided his tax returns. I am sure Palin would have provided her BC is anyone asked for it.

If you are truthful, which you never are, you would admit that Obama's past is very sketchey and there are a lot of unanswered questions. But it doesn't matter, you fools elected him twice and he has another year and a half to complete his planned destruction of this country, and "get even" for slavery and every other imagined crime of this country.
I see reading comprehension is a problem for you. Too bad.

comprehension is not a problem. the problem is that you are brainwashed and indoctrinated with liberal lies and bullshit.

Try thinking for yourself just for a few days. Turn off MSNBC and Huffpuff. open your ears and eyes and see what is really going on.

I doubt that you will because you are too far gone. But I will give you a chance.
And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

Your willful ignorance doesn't tell us anything about Obama. You ignoring his COLB reveals nothing about the President.

It tells us a hell of a lot about you though.

and your continual worship of a failed president tells a lot about you. You care more about party than the country. You dem/lib fools would let the entire country become Detroit and you would still be praising socialism and big government. In short, you are idiots of the first degree.

You don't need to 'worship' anything to realize that a COLB establishes one's place of birth legally. Obama's original vital records affirm he was born in Hawaii.

You just ignore it, for no particular reason. No one interested in truth would ignore evidence. Nor make up stories backed by nothing.

You do both. No thank you.

Alas, Obama isn't who we're quoting on Obama's place of birth. He wouldn't remember.

The State of Hawaii is who we're citing. And who you're ignoring...for no particular reason.

fako sky, sorry amigo... you guys still haven't convinced me. see if someone in your clan can get the name of whomever posted the pdf.

So what? You being 'convinced' is neither a legal standard nor a rational one. As its based on your willful ignorance.

Obama's eligibility on the other hand is a legal question. And it was answered in 2008 with his COLB.
And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted. Are you really claiming that as a good thing?

President Obama got elected just like every other President.

Apparently you think 'mixed breed' President's require special vetting.

Wrong, every other candidate for president or vice president was fully vetted by the media. Obama was exempt due to his skin color, and you fricken well know it.
Really? Then where are Mitt Romney's college transcripts? Where is Sarah Palin's birth certificate?

Romney provided his tax returns. I am sure Palin would have provided her BC is anyone asked for it.

If you are truthful, which you never are, you would admit that Obama's past is very sketchey and there are a lot of unanswered questions. But it doesn't matter, you fools elected him twice and he has another year and a half to complete his planned destruction of this country, and "get even" for slavery and every other imagined crime of this country.

You really do have reading comprehension problems.

You were asked where were Romney's college transcripts- and you reply with his tax returns?

You claimed every other candidate was fully vetted- but Romney was vetted exactly as Obama was.

You just want Obama- or as you call him the "Half Breed" to be treated differently than every other candidate and President.
And as I replied earlier: obviously I do. As Obama won every election he ever ran for, is a sitting 2nd term president....

.....and his college records are still private.

The bug of your imaginary 'rights' just ran into the windshield of reality. Again.

yes, he got elected twice without ever being properly vetted.

Says you, citing you. Yet the people decided otherwise. And every court challenged to Obama's eligiblity has been laughed out of court.

Again, you ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist. You ignoring Obama's COLB doesn't mean that Obama's place of birth was never legally verified.

As your willful ignorance only blinds you. It has nothing to do with us.

No, what it has to do with is who and what obama really is. Now that he is on his last two years his real agenda is coming out. Pro-muslim, anti- US, anti-military, anti-white, anti-constitution, pro-marxism, pro-collectivism, pro-gay, anti-family. The guy is determined to destroy this country and you idiots are helping him.

Your willful ignorance doesn't tell us anything about Obama. You ignoring his COLB reveals nothing about the President.

It tells us a hell of a lot about you though.

and your continual worship of a failed president tells a lot about you. You care more about party than the country. You dem/lib fools would let the entire country become Detroit and you would still be praising socialism and big government. In short, you are idiots of the first degree.

And is that your concession that your Birtherism has nothing to do with eligibility and just with your political opposition to President Obama.
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.

Run Trump Run!

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