Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

boy you Hillary sheep will do anything to crawl for her campaign

digging up old crap even. I'd hate to be a useful tool for A PARTY

THIS isn't news. we all know where he stood on that. so go dig up something new to smear him with

Birthers are automatically disqualified from holding higher office. In fact, anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility, of any kind, on any issue, ever.

the problem is that it's already part of American history, and his legacy. i'm glad you believe in their transparency, if it still works for you.

NYT How Kenya Fits Into Obama s Identity Remains One Of The Enduring Questions Of His Presidency - Birther Report
Only the very stupidest of people now admit to having been a birther.
yet here i am.
Well, he sure has ruled like an Anti-American NWO Muslim foreigner. So hey, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...
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boy you Hillary sheep will do anything to crawl for her campaign

digging up old crap even. I'd hate to be a useful tool for A PARTY

THIS isn't news. we all know where he stood on that. so go dig up something new to smear him with

Birthers are automatically disqualified from holding higher office. In fact, anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility, of any kind, on any issue, ever.

You mean like Mrs. Clinton who started the whole thing?
No, I mean dummies and liars like you. There is no such thing as an honest birther, never has been, never could be.

WTF did i lie about now? Clinton? Certainly was her operatives that started the BS. Live with it. 3771 and counting.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims
During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. ]

Anonymous e-mails from Clinton supporters.

Anonymous meaning no way to verify that they were Clinton supporters at all- and anonymous meaning that there is no evidence that Clinton ever even knew about these emails.

However, the rumors themselves started on Free Republic in March 2008- months before those anonymous emails.

Barackryphal The Secret Origin of the Birthers

And that rumor first appeared in the early hours of Saturday, March 1, 2008, on the conservative web forum, In a thread entitled “FR CONTEST: Pin the Middle Name on the Obama,” where posters were offering various 'funny' middle names for Barack Obama in lieu of “Hussein,” a poster named “FARS” posted this non-sequitur:

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.
boy you Hillary sheep will do anything to crawl for her campaign

digging up old crap even. I'd hate to be a useful tool for A PARTY

THIS isn't news. we all know where he stood on that. so go dig up something new to smear him with


Birthers are automatically disqualified from holding higher office. In fact, anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility, of any kind, on any issue, ever.

You mean like Mrs. Clinton who started the whole thing?
No, I mean dummies and liars like you. There is no such thing as an honest birther, never has been, never could be.

WTF did i lie about now? Clinton? Certainly was her operatives that started the BS. Live with it. 3771 and counting.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims
During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. ]

Anonymous e-mails from Clinton supporters.

Anonymous meaning no way to verify that they were Clinton supporters at all- and anonymous meaning that there is no evidence that Clinton ever even knew about these emails.

However, the rumors themselves started on Free Republic in March 2008- months before those anonymous emails.

Barackryphal The Secret Origin of the Birthers

And that rumor first appeared in the early hours of Saturday, March 1, 2008, on the conservative web forum, In a thread entitled “FR CONTEST: Pin the Middle Name on the Obama,” where posters were offering various 'funny' middle names for Barack Obama in lieu of “Hussein,” a poster named “FARS” posted this non-sequitur:

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.
jj half the links are down in your source. you obots need to sharpen your pencils...

webpage not available.... wow what a transparent surprise i like loren i really do, but another "source" is yahoo questions ?? we should have "yahoo questioned" a lot of people a long time ago.

this sources user activity is private...

just like federal government emails.... chicago comes full circle.

credo quia est absurdum is latin for fogbow...

snopes v ap... AP Reports Obama as Kenyan-Born

"I feel for him actually," Obama said on WLS-AM. "What he's gone through over the last three days I think is something you wouldn't wish on anybody. Unfortunately, I think our politics has gotten so personalized and cutthroat that it's very difficult for people to want to get in the business."
Read more at AP Reports Obama as Kenyan-Born

"politics has"
.... the great writer

2004.. you lunatic... AP was the first (obama birther) it's your source...

ironically AP had (access, chosen along with savannah guthrie (nbc)) a "high resolution copy" of the long form birth certificate... which has never really existed.... so you tell me...
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Libs coined the name "birthers" in an attempt to link them with "truthers" who are conspiracy theorists who believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

I am not a "truther" but I think anyone who wonders why Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his true birth certificate, should not be labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

This is a real conspiracy, not some wacky conspiracy theory. Belief in real conspiracies do not make you a conspiracy theorist.
Libs coined the name "birthers" in an attempt to link them with "truthers" who are conspiracy theorists who believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

I am not a "truther" but I think anyone who wonders why Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his true birth certificate, should not be labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

This is a real conspiracy, not some wacky conspiracy theory. Belief in real conspiracies do not make you a conspiracy theorist.
very true, thank you.
boy you Hillary sheep will do anything to crawl for her campaign

digging up old crap even. I'd hate to be a useful tool for A PARTY

THIS isn't news. we all know where he stood on that. so go dig up something new to smear him with

Birthers are automatically disqualified from holding higher office. In fact, anyone who ever gave even tacit support to birther conspiracy theories has no credibility, of any kind, on any issue, ever.

the problem is that it's already part of American history, and his legacy. i'm glad you believe in their transparency, if it still works for you.

NYT How Kenya Fits Into Obama s Identity Remains One Of The Enduring Questions Of His Presidency - Birther Report
Only the very stupidest of people now admit to having been a birther.
yet here i am.
Begs the questions: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to believe any part of birther conspiracy theories? How completely idiotic to imagine that the Secret Service and FBI background checks of all Presidential candidates would allow a Manchurian Candidate to sneak in? How purposely ignorant would you have to be?
Libs coined the name "birthers" in an attempt to link them with "truthers" who are conspiracy theorists who believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

I am not a "truther" but I think anyone who wonders why Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his true birth certificate, should not be labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

This is a real conspiracy, not some wacky conspiracy theory. Belief in real conspiracies do not make you a conspiracy theorist.

Belief in the whacked Birther conspiracy theories does indeed make you a Birther.

Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.
did you guys pick up on mark penn's "elite" comment/suggestion ??

also, this has perplexed me for years. i still think doctor corsi is right... about all of it.

Obama s birth hospital hides White House letter

where's the birth certificate mr. obama ??
Help me understand this ... worldnutdaily claims the hospital is hiding that letter from Obama when they would think the hospital would display it proudly ..... but in that same article, worldnutdaily points out the hospital proudly advertised the letter on a magazine. So what are they hiding??

It's a magnum mysterium!
Libs coined the name "birthers" in an attempt to link them with "truthers" who are conspiracy theorists who believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

I am not a "truther" but I think anyone who wonders why Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his true birth certificate, should not be labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

This is a real conspiracy, not some wacky conspiracy theory. Belief in real conspiracies do not make you a conspiracy theorist.

Belief in the whacked Birther conspiracy theories does indeed make you a Birther.

Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.

Just to recap:

The President was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in August (I think, the 4th), 1961. His birth announcement appeared in at least 3 if not 4 contemporaneous Honolulu newspapers.

He provided the standard short-form BC during the 2008 campaign.

He provided the long-form BC right before the beginning of May, 2011.

Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was never in Kenya, she never flew there, ergo, there is no way he could have been born there. There are no travel records for her for a flight to Kenya.

Even one of the most conservative of writers out there, Don Wilkie, writes how it is outlandish to think that Pres. Obama was born in Kenya:

Articles Why Obama Was Not Born in Kenya

And that link is from the AMERICAN THINKER, which is as rabidly Right as it gets.

And already in Sept. 1961, Ann Dunham was studying in Washington State.

Barack Obama, Sr. was NOT in Kenya at all in 1961.

I mean, birfers just cannot get much more stupid than this.

They have tried everything in the world to prove that Obama is an imposter and therefore ineligible. They have claimed that the long-form BC is fake because of this and that in the .pdf coding. Even FOX NEWS, which hates Obama, tore that one to pieces.

So, now, both Arpaio and Trump have been saying for at least 4 years that they are on to something big. Well, let's see it.

In 20 years, people will be laughing at birfers as never before. And they will be so embarrassed, they will lie about having ever been birfers. Mark my words.
Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.

then what did he pay his lawyers big bucks for ??
Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.

then what did he pay his lawyers big bucks for ??

The same thing John McCain paid his lawyers big bucks for.
that paperwork and the "2copies" extricated from hawaii, and the name of the government employee to post that famous pdf... please, you would expect no less... hillary's emails if you are surfing in tibet this weekend...
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Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.

then what did he pay his lawyers big bucks for ??

The same thing John McCain paid his lawyers big bucks for.
that paperwork and the "copies" extracated from hawaii, and the name of the government employee to post that famous pdf... please

Thanks for confirming you don't believe any big bucks were spent to conceal his 'true birth certificate'- clearly he spent the 'big bucks' to show us all his birth certificate.
Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.

then what did he pay his lawyers big bucks for ??

The same thing John McCain paid his lawyers big bucks for.
that paperwork and the "copies" extracated from hawaii, and the name of the government employee to post that famous pdf... please

Thanks for confirming you don't believe any big bucks were spent to conceal his 'true birth certificate'- clearly he spent the 'big bucks' to show us all his birth certificate.
ROFL funny.
Anyone who still believes President Obama paid his lawyers big bucks to conceal his 'true birth certificate' is an idiot.

then what did he pay his lawyers big bucks for ??

The same thing John McCain paid his lawyers big bucks for.
that paperwork and the "copies" extracated from hawaii, and the name of the government employee to post that famous pdf... please

Thanks for confirming you don't believe any big bucks were spent to conceal his 'true birth certificate'- clearly he spent the 'big bucks' to show us all his birth certificate.
follow the money clowny, someone is...

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