Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

snopes has been outted as a left wing propaganda site.

At least you still have Breitbart

when will you switch back to your jake user name? Why not just combine them and be 'rightwingerjake' ?

He's the sock? I knew someone was

Yep, I have outted him/her/it several times.

You are too smart for me. Have to get up pretty early to fool you and sassy

I am Spartacus!
Last edited:
How come people keep changing the name of that hospital in Honolulu?
The birth certificate sez Kapiolani Maternity and Gynocological Hospital. When checking the history of KMGC, I found their website about the legacy of the name.

A History of Caring for Hawaii’s Women and Children

Concerned about the welfare of Hawaii’s mothers and babies, Queen Kapiolani founded the Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1890. She worked tirelessly traveling the islands holding bazaars, luau and other events and benefits to raise the $8,000 needed. Over the years, the home expanded its services from labor and delivery to providing other health care services for women.

In 1909, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated the funds to open Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital, a hospital for Hawaii’s children envisioned by Dr. James R. Judd and Sanford Dole. Concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, the community rallied to match the Wilcox’s gift. In its first full year of operation, the hospital admitted 354 pediatric patients with an average length of stay of 19 days.

In 1978, the Kapiolani Hospital and the Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged to become Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children.

Kapiolani - About Use - Legacy
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

the so-called birth certificate says that his father was "african". In 1961 'African' would not have been used, it would have been negro or black. Its a fake, but a very good one. It also does not matter at this point, the incompetent asshole only as a year and a few months left.

History will record him as the worst president in US history. But you dem/libs got the first black (er half black) president, congratulations fools.
His father did not want to be confused with an American negro....he wanted it to be clear he was "African"

horseshit, pure unadulterated horseshit.

No, honestly, his father was African

You can look it up
snopes has been outted as a left wing propaganda site.

At least you still have Breitbart

when will you switch back to your jake user name? Why not just combine them and be 'rightwingerjake' ?

He's the sock? I knew someone was

Yep, I have outted him/her/it several times.

You are too smart for me. Have to get up pretty early to fool you and sassy

yep, and you will never do it. Thanks for finally admitting what we all knew.
How come people keep changing the name of that hospital in Honolulu?
The birth certificate sez Kapiolani Maternity and Gynocological Hospital. When checking the history of KMGC, I found their website about the legacy of the name.

A History of Caring for Hawaii’s Women and Children

Concerned about the welfare of Hawaii’s mothers and babies, Queen Kapiolani founded the Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1890. She worked tirelessly traveling the islands holding bazaars, luau and other events and benefits to raise the $8,000 needed. Over the years, the home expanded its services from labor and delivery to providing other health care services for women.

In 1909, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated the funds to open Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital, a hospital for Hawaii’s children envisioned by Dr. James R. Judd and Sanford Dole. Concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, the community rallied to match the Wilcox’s gift. In its first full year of operation, the hospital admitted 354 pediatric patients with an average length of stay of 19 days.

In 1978, the Kapiolani Hospital and the Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged to become Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children.

Kapiolani - About Use - Legacy
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

the so-called birth certificate says that his father was "african". In 1961 'African' would not have been used, it would have been negro or black. Its a fake, but a very good one. It also does not matter at this point, the incompetent asshole only as a year and a few months left.

History will record him as the worst president in US history. But you dem/libs got the first black (er half black) president, congratulations fools.
His father did not want to be confused with an American negro....he wanted it to be clear he was "African"

horseshit, pure unadulterated horseshit.

No, honestly, his father was African

You can look it up

actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.
How come people keep changing the name of that hospital in Honolulu?
The birth certificate sez Kapiolani Maternity and Gynocological Hospital. When checking the history of KMGC, I found their website about the legacy of the name.

A History of Caring for Hawaii’s Women and Children

Concerned about the welfare of Hawaii’s mothers and babies, Queen Kapiolani founded the Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1890. She worked tirelessly traveling the islands holding bazaars, luau and other events and benefits to raise the $8,000 needed. Over the years, the home expanded its services from labor and delivery to providing other health care services for women.

In 1909, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated the funds to open Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital, a hospital for Hawaii’s children envisioned by Dr. James R. Judd and Sanford Dole. Concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, the community rallied to match the Wilcox’s gift. In its first full year of operation, the hospital admitted 354 pediatric patients with an average length of stay of 19 days.

In 1978, the Kapiolani Hospital and the Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged to become Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children.

Kapiolani - About Use - Legacy
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

So they knew years before they merged they were going to merge and changed the name on his fake certificate? Hello? You're not too quick on the uptake
It's not fake, two, separate, Department of Health Administrators for Hawaii, confirmed his birth certificate is in their records and legitimate, and one of those Admins of the hawaii Dept of Health was a DONATING Republican Party member..... she would have NO REASON what so ever to lie about his birth certificate, none, nada, niente, zip, zero, zilch reason to lie.

In addition to this, there are no Airline records of Mrs Obama traveling, there is no passport proof of her going to Kenya, there is no proof of her flying back from Kenya, there is no Customs proof of her reentering the country or reentering the country with child in tow, there is no hospital records of him being born in Kenya, there is no birth record for him being born in Kenya etc etc etc....

again, NOTHING, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH in any kind of proof of this occurring.

AND it was the Department of Health, at the time of Obama's birth, that issued the birth notice in two separate newspapers AT THE TIME of the birth....

This was not an ad that some proud parent put out, this WAS THE GOVERNMENT announcement of births that was put in the paper every single week.

Even on the application for Obama to attend school in Indonesia that his step father had to fill out, he put Obama's birth place as Hawaii....

Yeah it is
How come people keep changing the name of that hospital in Honolulu?
The birth certificate sez Kapiolani Maternity and Gynocological Hospital. When checking the history of KMGC, I found their website about the legacy of the name.

A History of Caring for Hawaii’s Women and Children

Concerned about the welfare of Hawaii’s mothers and babies, Queen Kapiolani founded the Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1890. She worked tirelessly traveling the islands holding bazaars, luau and other events and benefits to raise the $8,000 needed. Over the years, the home expanded its services from labor and delivery to providing other health care services for women.

In 1909, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated the funds to open Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital, a hospital for Hawaii’s children envisioned by Dr. James R. Judd and Sanford Dole. Concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, the community rallied to match the Wilcox’s gift. In its first full year of operation, the hospital admitted 354 pediatric patients with an average length of stay of 19 days.

In 1978, the Kapiolani Hospital and the Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged to become Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children.

Kapiolani - About Use - Legacy
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

the so-called birth certificate says that his father was "african".

So called by the State of Hawaii. With Hawaii affirming Obama's birth in Hawaii like....half a dozen times?

But you know better, huh?

In 1961 'African' would not have been used, it would have been negro or black. Its a fake, but a very good one. It also does not matter at this point, the incompetent asshole only as a year and a few months left.

In 1961 'African' would not have been used by whom? Remember, race is and was self identified in Hawaii. So the person that cited his race as African would have been Barack Obama Sr.

From Kenya. You know, in Africa.

Why would a 60s Kenyan cite his race as African? Because that's the racial designation used for blacks in Kenya.

Race- Write European, Arab, Somali, or African, etc. Asians must write Indian or Pakistan.

Kenya 1962 Census Form, Column 5.

But you know better, huh?
At least you still have Breitbart

when will you switch back to your jake user name? Why not just combine them and be 'rightwingerjake' ?

He's the sock? I knew someone was

Yep, I have outted him/her/it several times.

You are too smart for me. Have to get up pretty early to fool you and sassy

yep, and you will never do it. Thanks for finally admitting what we all knew.

Not only am I Jake, but I am rdean, Crusader Frank, Political Chic and Stephanie

When you get paid to post, it is good to mix it up
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

the so-called birth certificate says that his father was "african". In 1961 'African' would not have been used, it would have been negro or black. Its a fake, but a very good one. It also does not matter at this point, the incompetent asshole only as a year and a few months left.

History will record him as the worst president in US history. But you dem/libs got the first black (er half black) president, congratulations fools.
His father did not want to be confused with an American negro....he wanted it to be clear he was "African"

horseshit, pure unadulterated horseshit.

No, honestly, his father was African

You can look it up

actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

His racial designation in Kenya was African. And I have looked it up:

Race- Write European, Arab, Somali, or African, etc. Asians must write Indian or Pakistan.

1962 Kenya Census Form

So why would an African from Africa cite his race as African?

Yeah, that's a mystery.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

Yeah- you are still 'waiting' for any proof of your claims- i.e. you are still lying about Obama.

The only question is why you lie about the scholarships and grants.
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

the so-called birth certificate says that his father was "african". In 1961 'African' would not have been used, it would have been negro or black. Its a fake, but a very good one. It also does not matter at this point, the incompetent asshole only as a year and a few months left.

History will record him as the worst president in US history. But you dem/libs got the first black (er half black) president, congratulations fools.
His father did not want to be confused with an American negro....he wanted it to be clear he was "African"

horseshit, pure unadulterated horseshit.

No, honestly, his father was African

You can look it up

actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

This lady agrees with you

Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

Oh Kaz back being Kaz- i.e. lying.
the so-called birth certificate says that his father was "african". In 1961 'African' would not have been used, it would have been negro or black. Its a fake, but a very good one. It also does not matter at this point, the incompetent asshole only as a year and a few months left.

History will record him as the worst president in US history. But you dem/libs got the first black (er half black) president, congratulations fools.
His father did not want to be confused with an American negro....he wanted it to be clear he was "African"

horseshit, pure unadulterated horseshit.

No, honestly, his father was African

You can look it up

actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

His racial designation in Kenya was African. And I have looked it up:

Race- Write European, Arab, Somali, or African, etc. Asians must write Indian or Pakistan.

1962 Kenya Census Form

So why would an African from Africa cite his race as African?

Yeah, that's a mystery.

so, if he signed an african birth certificate he would have said his race was african???? do you have any idea how stupid that is? why didn't he say he was hawaiian or america or british or arab.

african was not used as a race on Hawaiian BC's in 1961. It is a fake. But it doesn't matter, no one is going to impeach the first half black president, he is bullet proof, and thats a sad commentary on what this country has become.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

Good Gawd, who ties your shoes in the morning?

Obama was a birther in 1990, who was before that, you tell me. Don't know about that, huh? You should pay more attention

What is fun about Birther threads- is to see all of the recycled lies.

Birthers are the ultimate recyclers- they make up crap, it gets disproven, and then they make up new crap, and it gets disproven- so they go back to the first crap they made up.

Birthers- proving once again all they have are lies, innuendo and speculation.
His father did not want to be confused with an American negro....he wanted it to be clear he was "African"

horseshit, pure unadulterated horseshit.

No, honestly, his father was African

You can look it up

actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

His racial designation in Kenya was African. And I have looked it up:

Race- Write European, Arab, Somali, or African, etc. Asians must write Indian or Pakistan.

1962 Kenya Census Form

So why would an African from Africa cite his race as African?

Yeah, that's a mystery.

so, if he signed an african birth certificate he would have said his race was african???? do you have any idea how stupid that is? why didn't he say he was hawaiian or america or british or arab.

And who said he was signing an African birth certificate? Do you have any idea how horrid your reading comprehension is?

african was not used as a race on Hawaiian BC's in 1961. It is a fake.

Race is self identified in Hawaii, birther.

"Kurt Tsue at the DOH told us that father’s race and mother’s race are supplied by the parents, and that “we accept what the parents self identify themselves to be.”

Born in the U.S.A.

So the source on Obama Sr.'s birth Obama Sr.. An African from Africa. Who (gasp) identified himself as African.

And the State of Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth certificate as accurate twice. And affirmed his birth in hawaii 6 times. On issues of the very documents they produce, they're the world's leading experts.

And you're nobody. birther.
How come people keep changing the name of that hospital in Honolulu?
The birth certificate sez Kapiolani Maternity and Gynocological Hospital. When checking the history of KMGC, I found their website about the legacy of the name.

A History of Caring for Hawaii’s Women and Children

Concerned about the welfare of Hawaii’s mothers and babies, Queen Kapiolani founded the Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1890. She worked tirelessly traveling the islands holding bazaars, luau and other events and benefits to raise the $8,000 needed. Over the years, the home expanded its services from labor and delivery to providing other health care services for women.

In 1909, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated the funds to open Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital, a hospital for Hawaii’s children envisioned by Dr. James R. Judd and Sanford Dole. Concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, the community rallied to match the Wilcox’s gift. In its first full year of operation, the hospital admitted 354 pediatric patients with an average length of stay of 19 days.

In 1978, the Kapiolani Hospital and the Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged to become Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children.

Kapiolani - About Use - Legacy
It's common to change the name when there is a MERGER of 2 hospitals, which is what the article says, two hospitals merged....

and seriously Hoss, do you truly believe the Obama family had so much pull when he was a child to get the hospital to change their name to confuse you 30 years later? ;)

So they knew years before they merged they were going to merge and changed the name on his fake certificate? Hello? You're not too quick on the uptake
It's not fake, two, separate, Department of Health Administrators for Hawaii, confirmed his birth certificate is in their records and legitimate, and one of those Admins of the hawaii Dept of Health was a DONATING Republican Party member..... she would have NO REASON what so ever to lie about his birth certificate, none, nada, niente, zip, zero, zilch reason to lie.

In addition to this, there are no Airline records of Mrs Obama traveling, there is no passport proof of her going to Kenya, there is no proof of her flying back from Kenya, there is no Customs proof of her reentering the country or reentering the country with child in tow, there is no hospital records of him being born in Kenya, there is no birth record for him being born in Kenya etc etc etc....

again, NOTHING, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH in any kind of proof of this occurring.

AND it was the Department of Health, at the time of Obama's birth, that issued the birth notice in two separate newspapers AT THE TIME of the birth....

This was not an ad that some proud parent put out, this WAS THE GOVERNMENT announcement of births that was put in the paper every single week.

Even on the application for Obama to attend school in Indonesia that his step father had to fill out, he put Obama's birth place as Hawaii....

Exactly.. This way way too much and too many many people involved for someone to pull this kind of crap.
The problem with that these haters believed whatever ( conspiracy theory) they read posted by their own group.

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