Hollie owns UR and logical4u on this debate. She has them lobbing up slow pitches that she wacks out the park. They have not stood a chance.
Again, you pretend to know the people in this thread. This absolutely does not describe me, but I can understand how you in your ignorance believe everything on television and you get your only knowledge of Christians from watching tv, just like you are spoon fed your libtard lies from CNN. You must think every Christian is like the blue-haired, mascara running freaky lady on Trinity broadcasting, just like you believe all cops are like Starsky and Hutch.

Jefferson was a deist and Washington was certainly no one's concept of today's far right wack conservative Christian.
I guess it all comes down to where you stand. Your judgement is obviously clouded by your dumbed down education from state schools and your giddy, religious zeal for the supreme douche Obama. [Look ma, I can label people just like Jakey]

Hollie owns UR and logical4u on this debate. She has them lobbing up slow pitches that she wacks out the park. They have not stood a chance.
Jefferson believed in Christ.
He did not believe in the miracles that the bible says he performed.
That is why Jefferson wrote his own bible. He took out all of the miracles that Jesus performed.
Hollie owns UR and logical4u on this debate. She has them lobbing up slow pitches that she wacks out the park. They have not stood a chance.

I'd like to end my ownership. Could I just sell them and keep the money instead?
Jefferson believed in Christ.
He did not believe in the miracles that the bible says he performed.
That is why Jefferson wrote his own bible. He took out all of the miracles that Jesus performed.

Generally, I agree. However, Jefferson viewed Jesus as a philosopher and teacher, not as a "savior". Jefferson dismissed the idea of the resurrection thus confounding a fundamental doctrine of Christianity.

Without Jesus as a savior, the crucifixion and subsequent rise from the dead, you have removed all the basic elements of christianity.
Jefferson viewed Jesus as the perfect moral philosopher, but not the virgin-begotten Son of God born as God to be crucified and risen again as Savior. Jefferson did not believe in miracles or resurrection of virgin births or whatever. He was a deist.
I come to the reality of what history was then and is today. You are uneducated, superstitious, and certainly not a critical thinker. This is your problem, UR, no one else's.

Everyone knows, UR, I am a Romney man, which has nothing to do with this OP. However, Romney is not going to allow the conservative christian right to tell him what to do or think. And if you believe MR will give any support to the abortion plank just passed by the convention committee of the GOP, you really give evidence that you don't understand what is going on. Most Republicans are not going to support the plan; we will just say, "Oh, that's the crazies, and we let them do silly stuff so we can get their votes, but we have no intention of letting any such nonsense be part of the administration legislative program.

Pull your head out, boy.

I guess it all comes down to where you stand. Your judgement is obviously clouded by your dumbed down education from state schools and your giddy, religious zeal for the supreme douche Obama. [Look ma, I can label people just like Jakey]

Hollie owns UR and logical4u on this debate. She has them lobbing up slow pitches that she wacks out the park. They have not stood a chance.
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The language of Jefferson, Franklin, Paine, and Allan were clearly not Christian.Three were clearly deists and Franklin was a polytheist. Washington, a weak Christian, refused to take communion after challenged to do so by his priest, and ever after walked in church garden on communion Sunday.

The DoI and Constitution are clearly not Christian documents, and no amount of whining will change that.


You're such a lying idiot.

Washington, an Episcopalian, told by his priest...


Fakey Jake folks, fraud in every way...
I come to the reality of what history was then and is today. You are uneducated, superstitious, and certainly not a critical thinker. This is your problem, UR, no one else's.

Whereas you're just a lying skunk who makes shit up and tries to pass it off as fact.

Everyone knows, UR, I am a Romney man, which has nothing to do with this OP.

No one, not one person here, believes you are anything but a partisan democrat. The other partisan democrats embrace you, but they don't think you're a Republican. If they did, your buds Catz, Rati, Shortbus, Jillian, Synthia, Dot Com, and the rest, wouldn't be supporting you.

But the fact is, you're a far left moron who thinks that by pretending to be a Republican, he can somehow sway others.

You're an idiot and a fraud, Fakey.
You such a dolt, UncensoredFascist.

Washington would not even take communion when challenged by his parish priest and walked in the gardens thereafter.

However, Washington, as a weak Christian, was a far better and more moral individual man than you, Uncensored.

The language of Jefferson, Franklin, Paine, and Allan were clearly not Christian.Three were clearly deists and Franklin was a polytheist. Washington, a weak Christian, refused to take communion after challenged to do so by his priest, and ever after walked in church garden on communion Sunday.

The DoI and Constitution are clearly not Christian documents, and no amount of whining will change that.


You're such a lying idiot.

Washington, an Episcopalian, told by his priest...


Fakey Jake folks, fraud in every way...
You such a dolt, UncensoredFascist.

Washington would not even take communion when challenged by his parish priest and walked in the gardens thereafter.


You're a dumb one, Fakey.

Washington was NOT a Catholic, you fucking dolt. He had no Parish Priest, idiot.

Are you a Jew, Fakey? I know that to a lot of Jews all Christians are Catholic.

Washington was Anglican/Episcopalian - a Protestant. He had a minister or a Pastor. Priests are Catholic clergy, you fucking idiot. The Rev. Lee Massey was the Pastor of Pohick Church, and the minister who Washington was involved with. Washington purchased the first three rows of pews in the church for himself and his family.
Do you not understand that Anglicans and Episcopalians have parish priests, not pastors?

Are you really that ignoant?

Look it up.

You such a dolt, UncensoredFascist.

Washington would not even take communion when challenged by his parish priest and walked in the gardens thereafter.


You're a dumb one, Fakey.

Washington was NOT a Catholic, you fucking dolt. He had no Parish Priest, idiot.

Are you a Jew, Fakey? I know that to a lot of Jews all Christians are Catholic.

Washington was Anglican/Episcopalian - a Protestant. He had a minister or a Pastor. Priests are Catholic clergy, you fucking idiot. The Rev. Lee Massey was the Pastor of Pohick Church, and the minister who Washington was involved with. Washington purchased the first three rows of pews in the church for himself and his family.
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You such a dolt, UncensoredFascist.

Washington would not even take communion when challenged by his parish priest and walked in the gardens thereafter.


You're a dumb one, Fakey.

Washington was NOT a Catholic, you fucking dolt. He had no Parish Priest, idiot.

Are you a Jew, Fakey? I know that to a lot of Jews all Christians are Catholic.

Washington was Anglican/Episcopalian - a Protestant. He had a minister or a Pastor. Priests are Catholic clergy, you fucking idiot. The Rev. Lee Massey was the Pastor of Pohick Church, and the minister who Washington was involved with. Washington purchased the first three rows of pews in the church for himself and his family.
Episcopal Priest....they are called Priests as well as Vicars.

Goes AGAIN to show you fail at basic knowledge.
Do you not understand that Anglicans and Episcopalians have parish priests, not pastors?

Are you really that ignoant?

Look it up.

You such a dolt, UncensoredFascist.

Washington would not even take communion when challenged by his parish priest and walked in the gardens thereafter.


You're a dumb one, Fakey.

Washington was NOT a Catholic, you fucking dolt. He had no Parish Priest, idiot.

Are you a Jew, Fakey? I know that to a lot of Jews all Christians are Catholic.

Washington was Anglican/Episcopalian - a Protestant. He had a minister or a Pastor. Priests are Catholic clergy, you fucking idiot. The Rev. Lee Massey was the Pastor of Pohick Church, and the minister who Washington was involved with. Washington purchased the first three rows of pews in the church for himself and his family.
He IS that ignorant....let him tell you about Justinian the Emperor from 449 B.C. :lol::lol::lol:
Episcopal Priest....they are called Priests as well as Vicars.

Goes AGAIN to show you fail at basic knowledge.

Washington's was called "Minister."

And a Vicar is NOT the same as a Catholic priest.

Catholic priests are conduits between the layperson and god. One of the MAJOR reforms of protestantism was the reaffirmation of the actual doctrine of Christianity that Christ was the conduit, and that man communicated with god through him, not a priest.

There is no confession to a priest, like all protestant denominations, the Anglican/Episcopalians confess directly to God, absolution provided through Christ and not a priest.

Fakey was floating bullshit, attempting to rewrite history to more suit your shameful party.

Washington had a close relationship with the Rev. Lee Massey, who spent a great deal of time at both Mt. Vernon and in the Capitol.
Episcopal Priest....they are called Priests as well as Vicars.

Goes AGAIN to show you fail at basic knowledge.

Washington's was called "Minister."

And a Vicar is NOT the same as a Catholic priest.

Catholic priests are conduits between the layperson and god. One of the MAJOR reforms of protestantism was the reaffirmation of the actual doctrine of Christianity that Christ was the conduit, and that man communicated with god through him, not a priest.

There is no confession to a priest, like all protestant denominations, the Anglican/Episcopalians confess directly to God, absolution provided through Christ and not a priest.

Fakey was floating bullshit, attempting to rewrite history to more suit your shameful party.

Washington had a close relationship with the Rev. Lee Massey, who spent a great deal of time at both Mt. Vernon and in the Capitol.

Episcopal Priests...they are not called Ministers....never have been. Of just keep on making a fool of yourself. It's entertaining.
Wait, are you saying Jefferson was a Deist???

Jefferson viewed Jesus as the perfect moral philosopher, but not the virgin-begotten Son of God born as God to be crucified and risen again as Savior. Jefferson did not believe in miracles or resurrection of virgin births or whatever. He was a deist.
Washington would not even take communion when challenged by his parish priest and walked in the gardens thereafter.

Please post a link to substantiate your claim. And not from one of Hollie's pinko, atheist fundie websites but from a reputable source like the Library of Congress.

If if you could find a link, this shows your limited understanding of communion. I have refused communion myself for Biblical reasons. This could show him as a stronger Christian in light of Biblical teachings, not a weaker one. You atheists love to pretend you know and then take things out of context to support your materialism.

Basically the Bible instructs Christians not to take communion until they have examined their heart, and confessed their sin.

1 Corinthians 11:

4 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
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