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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the business is in the public domain not the private sector.
Differentiate: public domain vs. private sector.
Why? It's obvious.
Indeed, it is. I own a private business. I am not a government owned business (I.e. public). I reserve the option to refuse service. Period. You don't like my business practices, indeed, find someone more worthy of your financial support.

Ah you are in for a surprise when you decide not to serve someone because you don't like because his is a Jew or because he is black.
Jews don't do anything, blacks might show up with a few of their besties, depending on where you are. Where I am, people are respectful of one another. Could be because we know how to respect others...
Already stated, I don't care who you want to screw, or how you want to screw them. I don't care who, or what, you declare undying love for. I do find the demands for respect, without giving respect for others holding differing opinions to be disingenuous, at best. Marry your dog, for all I care, but do not expect everyone to cheer your choice. The use of force of government to legitimize your choice and to force others to acquiesce and cooperate...that is wrong.
That's what it used to mean...

"IT" meaning Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not anymore.

Yet... Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
That is until the Supreme Court ruling and now it's different

The SCOTUS did not design the Human Species, it does not possess any power beyond anyone else, except, unless and until it is purposed in the objective review of law, as such pertains to the US Constitution.

Where that court departs that purpose and converts itself into a faux-legislature, simply holding votes and issuing fantastic decrees which are wholly severed from any kinship with the US Constitution and reason, the power it possesses vanishes, as the only power it has, is provided by THE CONSENT OF THOSE OVER WHICH IT GOVERNS... and it has officially rinsed that.

As a result, given that the SCOTUS did not design humanity, and has no means to redesign it... and given that human physiology provides two distinct, but complementing Genders; each respectively and specifically designed to join with the other... forming one sustainable body from two:

Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Sounds like a bunch of lawyer talk
I wonder if keys' nuclear meltdown here is going to register in the USMB hall of shame...

Lookin like it!
That's what it used to mean...

"IT" meaning Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not anymore.

Yet... Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
That is until the Supreme Court ruling and now it's different

The SCOTUS did not design the Human Species, it does not possess any power beyond anyone else, except, unless and until it is purposed in the objective review of law, as such pertains to the US Constitution.

Where that court departs that purpose and converts itself into a faux-legislature, simply holding votes and issuing fantastic decrees which are wholly severed from any kinship with the US Constitution and reason, the power it possesses vanishes, as the only power it has, is provided by THE CONSENT OF THOSE OVER WHICH IT GOVERNS... and it has officially rinsed that.

As a result, given that the SCOTUS did not design humanity, and has no means to redesign it... and given that human physiology provides two distinct, but complementing Genders; each respectively and specifically designed to join with the other... forming one sustainable body from two:

Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
The Scotus didn't have to design the human species. They just have say over the laws of that species
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the businessman has no reason to be concerned about the orientation with whom he is doing business. He needs to MHOB.
I don't see the problem, unless the customer makes a point of highlighting a specific aspect of his/her personal life. You walk into a bakery, you order a cake....no problem. You walk into a bakery (that you know the owner has a particular ideological conviction) and declare your ideology (contrary to his/her) and then demand service, or else, with the intent of filing suit or making a media circus of the situation...that, I have a problem with.
You do remember those people in Selma we're marching knowing that they were antagonizing an irritating the white man. Did you have a problem with them too?

Were the People In Selma Degenerates, promoting a profound perversion of human reasoning, forcing into public policy too?

If they were, then I can see where you'd be coming from.

But since they were not... and since sexual deviancy is a function of PERSONAL CHOICE... and since RACE is a function of GENETICS, where the individual has NO CHOICE... your point is a demonstration of profound deceit... OR profound DELUSION.

Doesn't matter which... if you're a liar, then there's no means to negotiate with you because you're dishonest, thus unworthy of trust, therefore the exercise is a waste of time.

If you're delusional you have no means to know truth, thus you are unworthy of trust, therefore the exercise is a waste of time.
I suppose since there is such a large percentage of cultists who support marriage equality

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Like people spitting on soldiers returning from Vietnam, it's happening more in the minds of the aggrieved, than in reality.

Yeah... We can be sure that the Priest that was spit on, harassed and abused by the all too reasonable homo-cult, during the Celebration of Homo-Shame the other day felt the same way...
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didn’t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Here’s a quick sampling:

Angel: You’re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: You’re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? You’re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And that’s really mean to say. But good lord he’s an awful human..

Annie: I’d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*le… Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. It’s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

There’s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as we’ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto they’ve been assigned, don’t really understand what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

I’m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). I’m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. They’re just wrong about everything. Fine. That’s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The “it doesn’t affect us” mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. It’s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. It’s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and it’s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
There is nothing special about the relationship between one man and one woman. It's been going on for thousands no millions of years. Monkey do it. But the fact is God if there is one which I doubt there is but if there is he makes gay animals so deal with it
Gay animals? Animals are happy?
You are in the minority with that opinion, GW, and it is shrinking. The American people solidly support Marriage Equality, and that is increasing.
Really? You surely have not been paying attention. These freaks are demanding that anyone with the authority to officiate a marriage be forced to do so for their coupling.

And they will find that Christian ministers will balk, and churches will close. And that's when things will get really interesting, because that's when people will pick up arms. People will defend their right to worship as they please, and they will kill and/or die before they will commit sacrilege.
No they wont. Only a few kooks like yourself will resist long enough for it to get like that. At that point you will be classified as a cult and dealt with accordingly.

Your math is as abysmal as your English. The kooks are not on my side, and the majority is not on your side.
There is no math to it. You kooks will lose. You always do. You either ride or collide with us. There is no other option.
No, we don't always lose. We're the ones who win. You're the ones that are on the side of the Nazis. Like the idiot Germans, you don't get it.

But you will.
Funny about winning...since no real offspring can come of such "same sex" unions, eventually normalcy will reign...provided the government feel good PCers eventually fall to the wayside, as they must.
"IT" meaning Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not anymore.

Yet... Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
That is until the Supreme Court ruling and now it's different

The SCOTUS did not design the Human Species, it does not possess any power beyond anyone else, except, unless and until it is purposed in the objective review of law, as such pertains to the US Constitution.

Where that court departs that purpose and converts itself into a faux-legislature, simply holding votes and issuing fantastic decrees which are wholly severed from any kinship with the US Constitution and reason, the power it possesses vanishes, as the only power it has, is provided by THE CONSENT OF THOSE OVER WHICH IT GOVERNS... and it has officially rinsed that.

As a result, given that the SCOTUS did not design humanity, and has no means to redesign it... and given that human physiology provides two distinct, but complementing Genders; each respectively and specifically designed to join with the other... forming one sustainable body from two:

Marriage IS the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
The Scotus didn't have to design the human species. They just have say over the laws of that species

The Law of man has no bearing upon human physiology. Thus such is irrelevant in such matters... . Where human law seeks to reject natural law, it merely sets humanity subject to the unenviable consequences of departing from the laws of nature that govern viability.

So, Nature doesn't give a dam' if you depart from it's law... it allows you to make choices and holds you accountable for those choices.

The HIV and AIDS is a fair example of those little consequences...

Just as the Collapse of the International Economy was a fair example of the consequences of turning from the laws of nature governing sustainable lending, for a perverse notion of 'fairness', we can rest assured that this vastly more destructive notion, will be no less catastrophic and we haven't even begun to realize what THAT idiocy has done to us.

But with that said... For the Federal Judiciary to have a say in the law and expect that say to be meaningful, they must have the consent of the governed, in which the means to enforce their law rests.

When they apply subjectivism to a system that only works through objectivism, they forfeit that consent.

And that's roughly where we're at right now.

At the end of the day, no nation has ever survived the national licensing of degeneracy... so the matter is largely academic for us... all that is left to do now is to await the catastrophe you idiots have set upon us and when it comes, to seek you out, and erase you... so that when whatever comes from what was the USA, comes... it will do so sans Foreign Ideas Hostile to the Principles in Nature assuring Viability.
You are in the minority with that opinion, GW, and it is shrinking. The American people solidly support Marriage Equality, and that is increasing.
I have never said I was against homosexuality or "marriage equality". I have often expressed that given the stated goal of acquiring equal access to government and other benefits for same sex couples could also be achieved by other means that did not trample on long held and deeply ingrained concepts of "marriage" should be acceptable. The unfortunate thing about this entire debate is, "marriage" has become a means to denigrate and diminish a traditional religious construct.
Only in the mind of the far right small minority that make it so.

They don't like it, which is fine. It is not going away, which is a fact.

All the far right can do is look stupid on this issue, and they are doing a mighty fine job of it.
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the businessman has no reason to be concerned about the orientation with whom he is doing business. He needs to MHOB.
I don't see the problem, unless the customer makes a point of highlighting a specific aspect of his/her personal life. You walk into a bakery, you order a cake....no problem. You walk into a bakery (that you know the owner has a particular ideological conviction) and declare your ideology (contrary to his/her) and then demand service, or else, with the intent of filing suit or making a media circus of the situation...that, I have a problem with.
You do remember those people in Selma we're marching knowing that they were antagonizing an irritating the white man. Did you have a problem with them too?

Were the People In Selma Degenerates, promoting a profound perversion of human reasoning, forcing into public policy too?

If they were, then I can see where you'd be coming from.

But since they were not... and since sexual deviancy is a function of PERSONAL CHOICE... and since RACE is a function of GENETICS, where the individual has NO CHOICE... your point is a demonstration of profound deceit... OR profound DELUSION.

Doesn't matter which... if you're a liar, then there's no means to negotiate with you because you're dishonest, thus unworthy of trust, therefore the exercise is a waste of time.

If you're delusional you have no means to know truth, thus you are unworthy of trust, therefore the exercise is a waste of time.
I hope you realize you have revealed to us you R a bisexual who chooses to be straight. You said it not me. There are three types of people. Straight people who could never choose to be gay gay people who could never choose to be straight and then bisexuals who choose one way or the other but could go either way. If you say being gay is a choice then that must be true for you. Is the only reason you don't go for it because you're worried about God?
keys has every right to deny his hardwired orientation for straight relationships. That his business.

I know such a guy who has been married for thirteen years and has three kids, his wife is aware, and they have a great marriage.

Josh has not warped himself, but keys has done so. If he can't have it, no one can.

I think you have figured keys out.
Only in the mind of the far right small minority that make it so.

They don't like it, which is fine. It is not going away, which is a fact.

All the far right can do is look stupid on this issue, and they are doing a mighty fine job of it.
Because really gays are not breaking any of our secular laws. Who gives a flying F what religious people think. They can think whatever they want. If they're allowed to believe an invisible man is watching over them and cares about them and has a heaven for them waiting where their great great great great grandmother is waiting for them then I guess they can believe whatever they want
And they will find that Christian ministers will balk, and churches will close. And that's when things will get really interesting, because that's when people will pick up arms. People will defend their right to worship as they please, and they will kill and/or die before they will commit sacrilege.
No they wont. Only a few kooks like yourself will resist long enough for it to get like that. At that point you will be classified as a cult and dealt with accordingly.

Your math is as abysmal as your English. The kooks are not on my side, and the majority is not on your side.
There is no math to it. You kooks will lose. You always do. You either ride or collide with us. There is no other option.
No, we don't always lose. We're the ones who win. You're the ones that are on the side of the Nazis. Like the idiot Germans, you don't get it.

But you will.
Funny about winning...since no real offspring can come of such "same sex" unions, eventually normalcy will reign...provided the government feel good PCers eventually fall to the wayside, as they must.

Well, you have to understand how homosexuality is manifested.

A sexual deviant molests an infant/toddler. The molestation is in the form of play, wherein there is much smiling and cooing... the play involves the stimulation of the genitals which triggers a premature hormonal reaction that imprints the experiences... associating sexual stimulation with play, resulting in the relating of sexual attraction to the gender of the molester.

The age of the rape is critical, in that during infancy and toddler development, speech and long term memory are not developed, thus there is no chance that the child could, even innocently relate its experience when "Uncle Cab touched his privates" or any memory of the encounter.

The perspective being that they 'had always been that way'... .

This is why you will find that homosexuals relate sex with "FUN", as demonstrated by the endless parade of Deviants who demand that the human physiological standard 'conflates FUCKING with Marriage'.

Sex is merely 'fucking'... OKA: FUN.

They simply have no means to accept that sex is purposed for procreation... as they lack the objectivity to even recognize that otherwise SELF EVIDENT, thus obvious fact of nature.

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