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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

Same sex marriage

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Where_r_my_Gay_Keys . . . .

Now how cool is it that instinctively, the homo-cult runs to denigrate their opposition, by projecting sexual deviancy upon them.

Recall Reader that I've often spoke of the Homosexuals desperate grope for Legitimacy... and that they will never be able to find it.

What you see in the last couple of pages is their telegraphing their own shame.

Again... Sexual Deviancy is a presentation of Mental Disorder and THAT is what it looks like.
It is what you look like, Keys.

It reeks in your writing. You have every right to deny that side of your persona, but you should be transparent in terms of this subject.

Sil has the same mix messaging issues.
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Courtā€™s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didnā€™t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Hereā€™s a quick sampling:

Angel: Youā€™re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: Youā€™re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? Youā€™re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And thatā€™s really mean to say. But good lord heā€™s an awful human..

Annie: Iā€™d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*leā€¦ Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. Itā€™s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

Thereā€™s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as weā€™ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto theyā€™ve been assigned, donā€™t really understand what theyā€™re doing or why theyā€™re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

Iā€™m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). Iā€™m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. Theyā€™re just wrong about everything. Fine. Thatā€™s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The ā€œit doesnā€™t affect usā€ mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. Itā€™s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. Itā€™s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and itā€™s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Where_r_my_Gay_Keys . . . .

Those who continue to spout that line are the moral equivalent of Holocaust deniers.
Ha ha ha! Either submit to homosexual activist dogma or you are a Nazi. What a drama queen! lol
I find it odd to hear black people being anti gay when it was them experiencing it just about 50 years ago themselves. And the only argument they have is that being gay is a choice which it is not unless you are bi, and being black is not a choice.

Even if it is a choice so what?
Any Black person that has an issue with gay people needs to take a deep look at themselves. They dont have to want to be gay to see the parallels.
One last time .... it isn't about gay people ... it's about the government interfering with my individual rights. Try to keep up.
Those who continue to spout that line are the moral equivalent of Holocaust deniers.
Ha ha ha! Either submit to homosexual activist dogma or you are a Nazi. What a drama queen! lol
I find it odd to hear black people being anti gay when it was them experiencing it just about 50 years ago themselves. And the only argument they have is that being gay is a choice which it is not unless you are bi, and being black is not a choice.

Even if it is a choice so what?
Any Black person that has an issue with gay people needs to take a deep look at themselves. They dont have to want to be gay to see the parallels.
One last time .... it isn't about gay people ... it's about the government interfering with my individual rights. Try to keep up.
It's about you trying to impose your morals on folks, spare. MYOB.
I guess eventually...one day...in the future... the nut cases will be right. A volcano will wipe life from the earth and they can claim god did it because gay marriage was legalized.
It's just like them saying liberalism is going to destroy the country. Meanwhile they are destroying the country with their conservativism. Unfair taxation, too wide of an income gap between the rich and poor destroying ss. Defunding schools and police nafta pollution wars. I could go on and on but I think you get my point. Their policies are ruining the world and yet when it's finally done theyll look back and say it was our fault
There is no law mandating that you be nice to any gay person.

Well, as a matter of fact, there is ... if he comes into my bakery, I must serve him. If I, however, go into his bakery, he is free to refuse me service.

Explain again just how that works ...

The same laws apply to his bakery as to yours. Any business that has public access is barred from discriminating.
Now how cool is it that instinctively, the homo-cult runs to denigrate their opposition, by projecting sexual deviancy upon them.

Recall Reader that I've often spoke of the Homosexuals desperate grope for Legitimacy... and that they will never be able to find it.

What you see in the last couple of pages is their telegraphing their own shame.

Again... Sexual Deviancy is a presentation of Mental Disorder and THAT is what it looks like.

I would say having a growing majority of support is legitimacy. It's your position that is struggling.
Now how cool is it that instinctively, the homo-cult runs to denigrate their opposition, by projecting sexual deviancy upon them.

Recall Reader that I've often spoke of the Homosexuals desperate grope for Legitimacy... and that they will never be able to find it.

What you see in the last couple of pages is their telegraphing their own shame.

Again... Sexual Deviancy is a presentation of Mental Disorder and THAT is what it looks like.

I would say having a growing majority of support is legitimacy. It's your position that is struggling.

You want to 'say' that, as such is the nature of Relativism. In reality, Legitimacy is not a function of popularity, but you NEED to believe it is, so in what serves as you mind, it is.

The coolest part of this little exchange is that you demonstrate that you do NOT... through the projecting of illegitimacy upon your opposition.

You'll notice that few people are "Called" Dentists or Plumbers as a means to associate the subject with the illegitimacy that THEY RECOGNIZE is inherent in the concept that they are projecting.

Which as I've said many times, you people are some seriously sick fucks.
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It's just like them saying liberalism is going to destroy the country.

Liberalism has destroyed the country. Or did ya miss the Economic Collapse of the US Financial markets as a result of "Liberal" (socialist) coercion of the interests in those markets to set aside sound actuarial lending principle in favor of the Left' perverse notion of Fairness...?

Oh and how about the part where 5 Liberals (socialists) on the Federal Judiciary just Licensed Degeneracy, unleashing what amounts to Nazism upon anyone who recognizes that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman?

Don't see how ya could given that it's the only thing you've thought about in the last 7 years... only to find out that there's no more legitimacy in abusing the judicial process then there is in sexual deviancy.

Legitimacy is a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE, which puts the majority of the nation in direct confrontation with the US Federal Government.

Thus every person of any sense of decency is injured by their responsibility to never stop contesting the public display of and support for degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
Now a lot of people ask, 'How did the United States ever get to a point of Degeneracy that it became legal for men to Marry Men.

And of course the answer is communism and the failure of Joe McCarthy to make the case and the failure of those alive at the time to heed his warning.

And the point where McCarthy was dispatched, was the point of demarcation, whereupon Evil became firmly entrenched in US Culture setting the mark indicating "The Beginning, of the End."
It's just like them saying liberalism is going to destroy the country.

Liberalism has destroyed the country. Or did ya miss the Economic Collapse of the US Financial markets as a result of "Liberal" (socialist) coercion of the interests in those markets to set aside sound actuarial lending principle in favor of the Left' perverse notion of Fairness...?

Oh and how about the part where 5 Liberals (socialists) on the Federal Judiciary just Licensed Degeneracy, unleashing what amounts to Nazism upon anyone who recognizes that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman?

Don't see how ya could given that it's the only thing you've thought about in the last 7 years... only to find out that there's no more legitimacy in abusing the judicial process then there is in sexual deviancy.

Legitimacy is a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE, which puts the majority of the nation in direct confrontation with the US Federal Government.

Thus every person of any sense of decency is injured by their responsibility to never stop contesting the public display of and support for degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
I'll stop you after your first paragraph because you're wrong immediately. Why did all those houses get foreclosed? Because everyone's jobs get shipped overseas. A result of Bush policies. It's much more than that but basically your boy Bush f***** up
It's just like them saying liberalism is going to destroy the country.

Liberalism has destroyed the country. Or did ya miss the Economic Collapse of the US Financial markets as a result of "Liberal" (socialist) coercion of the interests in those markets to set aside sound actuarial lending principle in favor of the Left' perverse notion of Fairness...?

Oh and how about the part where 5 Liberals (socialists) on the Federal Judiciary just Licensed Degeneracy, unleashing what amounts to Nazism upon anyone who recognizes that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman?

Don't see how ya could given that it's the only thing you've thought about in the last 7 years... only to find out that there's no more legitimacy in abusing the judicial process then there is in sexual deviancy.

Legitimacy is a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE, which puts the majority of the nation in direct confrontation with the US Federal Government.

Thus every person of any sense of decency is injured by their responsibility to never stop contesting the public display of and support for degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
Remember you guys worried so much that we had such an immoral President in office? Don't you miss Bubba?
LOL.....the Nazi's hated gays as much as you do.

You are hilarious.
You are dumb. A lot of Nazis were gay. Read up on Ernst Rƶhm.

You are as ignorant of history as you are of, well everything else.

The Nazi government rounded up homosexuals, and shipped them off to concentration camps.
Persecution of Homosexuals in the Third Reich

From 1937 to 1939, the peak years of the Nazi persecution of homosexuals, the police increasingly raided homosexual meeting places, seized address books, and created networks of informers and undercover agents to identify and arrest suspected homosexuals. On April 4, 1938, the Gestapo issued a directive indicating that men convicted of homosexuality could be incarcerated in concentration camps. Between 1933 and 1945 the police arrested an estimated 100,000 men as homosexuals. Most of the 50,000 men sentenced by the courts spent time in regular prisons, and between 5,000 and 15,000 were interned in concentration camps

Prisoners marked by pink triangles to signify homosexuality were treated harshly in the camps. According to many survivor accounts, homosexuals were among the most abused groups in the camps.
Yup, not one person harmed by Marriage Equality.
I don't know who you are trying to fool Syriusly. Maybe yourself? What kind of sick authoritarian personality wants to force some baker to write a particular message the baker doesn't agree with? It's Homosexual activists vs. freedom of speech, freedom of religion, artistic freedom, freedom of thought. Just look at the facts..

And not one of those people was harmed by 'gay marriage'- they were harmed by their refusal to follow the laws regulating business in their city or state.

What kind of person insists that a business should follow its legal obligation to provide service?

Well if some business denied my wife or daughter service because of their skin color or gender- I would happily file the necessary complaints against that business to the State. If they just refused me service I might walk away- but if they refused to serve my wife- yeah- I would be willing to respond with the law.

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