Yes, it is a crisis at the border.

Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.
ICE has estimated that for each one detained 4-6 go through.. We detained about 100,000 which means we missed 400,000-600,000. per month Let this flow go for a couple of years and we dont have a country any more..
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

Thousands every month are not a few.
We have to send the kids to our schools, they get medical treatment and legal advice, we have tp feed them.
The kids will get food stamps and Medicare.
Keep adding and adding, along with all the other big government programs and we go bankrupt.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

Yes they were
Illegal immigrant families crossing border at record pace in 2016

Illegal immigrant families are streaming across the border at record pace, according to new Border Patrol statistics released Friday morning that show more than 32,000 have been caught trying to sneak into the U.S.

That’s nearly 40 percent higher than the previous record of 2014, and it’s well more than double last year’s pace, suggesting that the government’s relaxed enforcement policies have backfired and invited a new wave of illegal crossers.

George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

Yes they were
Illegal immigrant families crossing border at record pace in 2016

Illegal immigrant families are streaming across the border at record pace, according to new Border Patrol statistics released Friday morning that show more than 32,000 have been caught trying to sneak into the U.S.

That’s nearly 40 percent higher than the previous record of 2014, and it’s well more than double last year’s pace, suggesting that the government’s relaxed enforcement policies have backfired and invited a new wave of illegal crossers.

Exactly......the numbers are much higher since 2016 than ever before
The ‘crisis’ at the Southern border is an humanitarian crisis – the consequence of Trump’s failed policies, a crisis that won’t be solved by more detention centers, more border patrol staff, or a ‘wall.’

There is a crisis at the border. It’s just not what Trump says it is.

Humanitarian crisis my ass.

We are being invaded by thousands of illegals. Some seeking fake asylum and others just crossing the border.

These idiots cost we tax payer billions each year and its been going on for decades long before Trump became POTUS.

We have an emergency at the border. Hell Border Patrol has no where to keep them. The detention centers are full and they are releasing them onto our streets. Over 100,000. They should have been kicked back across the border but the law doesn't allow that.

You sure are one stupid fuck.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.
Yes, a relative few, and yes, mostly kids.

As far as "since tRump took office", it's really only the last few months that have seen any sort of increase and who benefits from the public spectacle of that? Not the democrats that's for sure.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

Thousands every month are not a few.
We have to send the kids to our schools, they get medical treatment and legal advice, we have tp feed them.
The kids will get food stamps and Medicare.
Keep adding and adding, along with all the other big government programs and we go bankrupt.
Yes, they are a relative few.

George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

Yes they were
Illegal immigrant families crossing border at record pace in 2016

Illegal immigrant families are streaming across the border at record pace, according to new Border Patrol statistics released Friday morning that show more than 32,000 have been caught trying to sneak into the U.S.

That’s nearly 40 percent higher than the previous record of 2014, and it’s well more than double last year’s pace, suggesting that the government’s relaxed enforcement policies have backfired and invited a new wave of illegal crossers.
Irrelevant. The article is about how more are crossing as families instead of individuals.
If you leave water running into your tub, it doesn't look like a crisis. If you leave it running for a week straight, how does it look then? Your house is destroyed. Every border town from Texas to California is overwhelmed and the numbers of illegals in custody keep growing and the caravans keep getting larger. If you don't think this is a crisis, then tell us what it is. Business as usual? President Trump may have no choice but to take the enormously disruptive action of closing the border completely. It will cause massive economic and personal chaos. To that I say, too bad that Mexico failed to do anything to stop it.

There is no immigration or wall building clause in our Constitution.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.

a few???? And other than you, who said kids??? What about adults???

Several thousand per caravan isn't just a few and why so damn many just since Trump took office??? Those caravans weren't coming before 2016.

Yes they were
Illegal immigrant families crossing border at record pace in 2016

Illegal immigrant families are streaming across the border at record pace, according to new Border Patrol statistics released Friday morning that show more than 32,000 have been caught trying to sneak into the U.S.

That’s nearly 40 percent higher than the previous record of 2014, and it’s well more than double last year’s pace, suggesting that the government’s relaxed enforcement policies have backfired and invited a new wave of illegal crossers.

Exactly......the numbers are much higher since 2016 than ever before
If you leave water running into your tub, it doesn't look like a crisis. If you leave it running for a week straight, how does it look then? Your house is destroyed. Every border town from Texas to California is overwhelmed and the numbers of illegals in custody keep growing and the caravans keep getting larger. If you don't think this is a crisis, then tell us what it is. Business as usual? President Trump may have no choice but to take the enormously disruptive action of closing the border completely. It will cause massive economic and personal chaos. To that I say, too bad that Mexico failed to do anything to stop it.

Clayton thinks the border crisis is funny. He probably wouldn't think so if he could see it, like I can. But Clayton and his Liberal friends live in a fantasy bubble so the border problems aren't real, they are just something Fox News made up.

Yes, they are. We have no immigration clause and should have no illegal problem due to right wing bigotry.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?

They are being organized by People without Borders (Funded by Soros) and also do this Europe.

Not everywhere in Europe.

Hungary is dealing with the Muslim invaders in a very effective way.

Of course that small country was occupied by Muslims for 150 years and they know from bitter experience not to allow the same happen again.
If you leave water running into your tub, it doesn't look like a crisis. If you leave it running for a week straight, how does it look then? Your house is destroyed. Every border town from Texas to California is overwhelmed and the numbers of illegals in custody keep growing and the caravans keep getting larger. If you don't think this is a crisis, then tell us what it is. Business as usual? President Trump may have no choice but to take the enormously disruptive action of closing the border completely. It will cause massive economic and personal chaos. To that I say, too bad that Mexico failed to do anything to stop it.

The Governor of Texas has sent Trump a letter requesting emergency and military aid in protecting his state from invasion. The gloves are now off. Trump can now move heavy military presence in now..

There will be a lot of wall built and detention facilities in real short order.

If they don't shoot them on sight then caging them in dirt-floored tents until deportation is (barely) acceptable. They brought the damned kids with them and that makes them responsible for the brats, not us. What kind of degenerate uses children as shields? Send them ALL back. This is nothing less than an invasion and should be treated appropriately.
Anyone else think it's stretching coincidence a bit that the more tRump pushes his silly wall the more caravans and such show up?


George Soros and a bunch of left wing groups are funding these. The sooner he can make us collapse from the inside the better. The sooner we build the damn wall and kick the shit back where it comes from the better.
Why would they? It would be counter productive. It supports tRump's narrative, it would make no sense.

They want a world government and to do so, you need to collapse western countries.
A few south american kids aren't going to collapse the country.
But we're not talking about a few, are we? And not just "kids", either.

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