Yes, lets stand in awe folks. What is the result of propaganda?

Flags arent murdering blacks, or burning down minority businesses. What used to be the Democrat Battle Standard in the past, is now a representation of rebellion against the establishment that has gone full bore, Socialist. Since i learned all about the rebel flag, i despised it as being a sign of oppression against black people, but when i see blacks and white Democrats burning the American flag, i dont give a rats ass who flies the stars and bars, fuck the US government..
Ya ok shortbus.
'Black-on-Black crime': A loaded and controversial phrase often heard amid calls for police reform
It's a question sometimes asked in the context of recent news stories such as the drive-by shooting of 15 funeral mourners in the predominately Black Chicago neighborhood of Auburn Gresham. The deceased, Donnie Weatherby, a Black man, was killed in an earlier gang-related shooting, police said.
Not Republicans.

Not Republicans.

Not Republicans.

Now you are going with the other moronic progressives(I know redundant statement) to the slave pen of ignore.
Yeah? You know Reagan signed mlk day into law?
Eisenhower desegregated the schools. Do you know who overwhelmingly supported the Civil Rights Act?

You are all brain dead brainwashed losers.
Eisenhower was from the party of Lincoln, moron. You are a member of the party of Trump. The party of Lincoln would never have stood for insurrectionists with confederate flags ransacking the Capital. The party of Trump supports it. So stop with your BS that you are somehow some great civil rights supporter. We damn well know you ain’t.
I’m a Republican, and I think Lincoln was the best president in our history. Why in the world would you think Republicans on this board wouldn’t support him? I can’t imagine.
You haven’t been in this board for that long. You haven’t read all the posts how Lincoln usurped the power of the States, was a virtual dictator and deserved what he got. Open your eyes. Do you really think the party of Trump would have sided with Northern abolitionists?????
You haven’t been in this board for that long. You haven’t read all the posts how Lincoln usurped the power of the States, was a virtual dictator and deserved what he got. Open your eyes. Do you really think the party of Trump would have sided with Northern abolitionists?????
Sure. You’re just brainwashed into thinking Trump voters are bigots. From what I’ve seen, more of the bigots reside in the Party of Leftists. Open your eyes and listen to the Dems spew their venom for everyone other than blacks.
Sure. You’re just brainwashed into thinking Trump voters are bigots. From what I’ve seen, more of the bigots reside in the Party of Leftists.
Many Trump voters are not bigots, however, have you read the posts from many Trumpers on this board!!!!! Unfortunately, you are in denial as to what your own party stands for NOW. One day you may wake up…..though who knows.
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Have you read the posts from Trumpers on this board!!!!! Unfortunately, you are in denial as to what your own party stands for and who it is composed of. One day you may wake up…..though who knows.
Have you read the posts from the libs on this board? You’re the one in denial. They say the most obnoxious things against Jews, and blacks have said some pretty disgusting things about crackers. You are laboring under the misconception that the only hate that is of any concern is that which is directed toward blacks.
Have you read the posts from the libs on this board? You’re the one in denial. They say the most obnoxious things against Jews, and blacks have said some pretty disgusting things about crackers. You are laboring under the misconception that the only hate that is of any concern is that which is directed toward blacks.
My comments were aimed at the OP and what the Democrats and Republicans stood or stand for. The Republican Party of Lincoln has nothing in common with the Republican Party of Trump except the name. That is my point. Do you think Lincoln would have stood for the attack on the Capitol building on 1/6?
My comments were aimed at the OP and what the Democrats and Republicans stood or stand for. The Republican Party of Lincoln has nothing in common with the Republican Party of Trump except the name. That is my point. Do you think Lincoln would have stood for the attack on the Capitol building on 1/6?
Lincoln would have encouraged peaceful protest, as Trump did, given the anomalies of the election. The protest got out of control due to what was at stake and the frustrations of the protesters.

No Trump voter I know supports that things got out of hand, but thank G-d it didn‘t become anywhere near as violent and destructive as the leftist riots.
A democrat most likely killed JFK and RFK and shot Reagan. A Vegas sniper murdered more than 50 Trump supporters at a Country Concert and the corrupt FBI couldn't bring themselves with all their resources to call it a terrorist action.
Many Trump voters are not bigots, however, have you read the posts from many Trumpers on this board!!!!! Unfortunately, you are in denial as to what your own party stands for NOW. One day you may wake up…..though who knows.
What does my party stand for?

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