Yes or No?

Yes (I like more of it than not)

Are you satisfied with your looks?
Yes...I am fortunate enough to come from a family (on both sides) that doesn't look their age and no one is bald. I took mostly after my mothers side who are all there's that too.

Do you like your hair?
Right now, not exactly. It's OK but, something is just not quite right... not sure what it is... I have to work on it.

Do you have any plans this weekend?
I am going to bottle my vanilla porter, help my daughter with her finances...and watch the IU/Kent. game.
I also want to watch that Tom Hanks new movie...can't remember name..but it is well over 2 hrs. long so hard to want to sit that long. Remember I have ADD, so it is quite hard for me to sit for 2 hours.

Are you short or tall (for your sex)
no, I forgot you had ADD. Are you talking about the "Bridge" movie or the Captain Phillips movie?
I'm rooting for Maryland, Virginia and Oregon.
Are you rooting for Kent or IU? I will help root your team on since I don't have a vested interest.....
no, I forgot you had ADD. Are you talking about the "Bridge" movie or the Captain Phillips movie?
I'm rooting for Maryland, Virginia and Oregon.
Are you rooting for Kent or IU? I will help root your team on since I don't have a vested interest.....

IU !!!...OMG...Kentucky?? :cheeky-smiley-018:
The Bridge movie...saw the Capt. Phillips movie awhile back.

Is there any beer you like?
I don't like Kentucky. Where did that come from? Will root for IU (Indiana?) I don't play brackets.....

No, I'm not a beer expert... if I ever have one it's always a domestic (Michelob Ultra normally) - what do you suggest if not home brewed?
My brother brews his own, but I have never had it.
I don't like Kentucky. Where did that come from? Will root for IU (Indiana?) I don't play brackets.....

No, I'm not a beer expert... if I ever have one it's always a domestic (Michelob Ultra normally) - what do you suggest if not home brewed?
My brother brews his own, but I have never had it.

I can find a beer for anyone, but I would have to physically be there to have you try a variety of them.

You prefer dogs or cats?
Cats or small dogs. Anything that is affectionate, cuddly and not slobbery though......

I like a beer that is not too dry or bitter. Smooth definitely.

Do you know how to fly a plane or have you ever wanted to learn?
not TOO spicy but yes, pretty spicy! I mean I don't want my mouth to hurt or be in pain!

I am not a fan of Mexican food overall. I say I like most foods, but, to be honest, I don't like my chili, spaghetti etc. filled with chunks of peppers, onions and tomatoes. If they are small that's fine, but not big chunks. I love the flavor, but the only chunks of stuff I want to eat are meat and beans.

Other than sex, what is your favorite thing to do with a woman?
Sorry Bonzi...there are a LOT of us men who do not only look at women as something to screw. It is absolutely true that there is a "seed" in all male brains that is entirely devoted to that...but many of us mature out of that and can interact with women without wanting to jump them.
In fact, it is virtually always the woman who starts that process, not the man. At least 10 - 1.

DO you believe that all men are dogs?
No. I think all humans have flaws that are undesirable. I think the important thing is to mesh well. To feel like being with your mate is like being with yourself, totally comfortable, and fulfilling. We all have faults, male and female.

Do you think most women are shallow?
Lord no. I do not believe either sex has the market on bad characteristics. People are people.
I do not believe that men and women are equal.
Neither is superior to the other, let's make that clear. But it is silly and unproductive to attempt to make mean and women the same. We look at today's education system that is, without a doubt, trying to remove masculinity from boys. Trying to make boys and girls act the same, and think the same. Trying to make the world unisex...or perhaps more accurately sexless. It is a real tragedy.

Men make things, women bring order and civility to it. Without women the world would be chaotic and heartless. Without men the world would be also be chaotic and cruel. We bring the best out of each other and tame the worst.

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