Yes or No?

Well I claim the 70's more than the 80's...I was born 1965, so I was still 10-12 when people were wearing them - and yes I wore them. Not sure about photo...probably at my parents house.

Did you always have long hair?
Well I claim the 70's more than the 80's...I was born 1965, so I was still 10-12 when people were wearing them - and yes I wore them. Not sure about photo...probably at my parents house.

Did you always have long hair?

Yeah, my hair has pretty much always been long. I remember when I was little and my mom brushing it, and I would cry. She wasn't very gentle. Lol. :lol:

There was a short time when I wore it shorter, about shoulder length, but I like long hair the most. I can do a lot of different things with it if I want, although I mostly just wear it down.

Do you have any pets?
Well I claim the 70's more than the 80's...I was born 1965, so I was still 10-12 when people were wearing them - and yes I wore them. Not sure about photo...probably at my parents house.

Did you always have long hair?

Yeah, my hair has pretty much always been long. I remember when I was little and my mom brushing it, and I would cry. She wasn't very gentle. Lol. :lol:

There was a short time when I wore it shorter, about shoulder length, but I like long hair the most. I can do a lot of different things with it if I want, although I mostly just wear it down.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, two dogs.

Do you like hardwood or carpet?
Do you keep track of the weather forecast every day?
Well I claim the 70's more than the 80's...I was born 1965, so I was still 10-12 when people were wearing them - and yes I wore them. Not sure about photo...probably at my parents house.

Did you always have long hair?

Yeah, my hair has pretty much always been long. I remember when I was little and my mom brushing it, and I would cry. She wasn't very gentle. Lol. :lol:

There was a short time when I wore it shorter, about shoulder length, but I like long hair the most. I can do a lot of different things with it if I want, although I mostly just wear it down.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, two dogs.

Do you like hardwood or carpet?

Lol. Referring to the flooring or something else? :p
Are you afraid of heights?

Wait...that question kinda goes with the other one!!!

Lol. Referring to the flooring or something else? :p

Now that's funny!

Oh yeah better ask a question before the nazis get me.... :D

Are you afraid of heights?

Yes! I can climb a mountain or go on a cliff, but I stay away from the edge because it makes me feel dizzy.
Have you ever been to Italy?

No, I would like to.
I have been to Germany, Mexico and Canada

You been out of the states?
Lol. Referring to the flooring or something else? :p

Now that's funny!

Oh yeah better ask a question before the nazis get me.... :D

Are you afraid of heights?

Yes! I can climb a mountain or go on a cliff, but I stay away from the edge because it makes me feel dizzy.
Have you ever been to Italy?

No, I would like to.
I have been to Germany, Mexico and Canada

You been out of the states?

Nope, never.

Did you like Mexico? I'd like to go to Cabo San Lucas. It looks so beautiful there!
Sorry. I have not been. Nor would I now days.

Have you ever been to Canada?
Sorry. I have not been. Nor would I now days.

Have you ever been to Canada?

Nope, I've never been outside the continental US. :hmpf:

Have you ever been to a tropical paradise like Mexico?
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Sorry. I have not been. Nor would I now days.

Have you ever been to Canada?

Nope, I've never been outside the continental US. :hmpf:

Have you ever been to a tropical paradise like Mexico?

Not like Mexico, so not really.

Do you like to sleep when it is dark and rainy?
Sorry. I have not been. Nor would I now days.

Have you ever been to Canada?

Nope, I've never been outside the continental US. :hmpf:

Have you ever been to a tropical paradise like Mexico?

Not like Mexico, so not really.

Do you like to sleep when it is dark and rainy?

Sometimes. I've been working a lot at night though, so I've been sleeping during the daytime. I'm totally screwing up my schedule today though!

Do you like gardening (flowers, veggies, whatever)?
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Do you have a favorite vegetable?

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