Yes, They Are Coming for Your Guns

The anti-gun movement has held out the falsehood that they are not coming after people’s guns as a central core of their effort to hide their existential goal. The lid was blown off that charade when a 97-year-old man who previously occupied a position at the top level of our country (retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens) advocated for the abolition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the paper of record – The New York Times.

The Second Amendment was put in place and obtained its lofty position as the “Second Amendment” right behind the most essential amendment giving us free speech etc., etc., for a reason. The people who founded this country did not trust government. Even though they were possibly the most talented, intelligent and capable group of people ever assembled for one cause, they lacked the arrogance of most people in government that government was or is the answer.
The IRS has 2,300 Special Agents armed with AR-15s, P90 tactical rifles and other heavy weaponry. The IRS recently spent $12 million on ammo and weapons.Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies
The fact is that deaths from long guns average one per day. If you exclude suicides, gun death by hand guns are 42 per day. If you include all gun deaths (suicides) by hand guns it is 104 per day. We are led to believe by their rhetoric that once the anti-gun goal of banning certain long guns has been achieved (guns responsible for one death per day), they will stop and not go after guns that are used to kill 104 per day. Balderdash.
Those of us who have some experience in life know that is not the way it works with the Left. They play a long game and are happy to move the ball forward with mini steps until they achieve their goal.
I don’t trust the government and this country was established on that bedrock principle. I don’t trust the people who are lying to us about what their true intentions are about gun control just like they lied to us about government-run health care. They want all guns in the control of government-controlled apparatchiks.

As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”
You obviously didn’t understand Stevens article... did you even read it?
Please lie to us about what he said
I don’t care what he does

Trump ain’t taking my guns
As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”

As Charlton Heston said:”You damn ugly ape!”
As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”

As Charlton Heston said:”Soylent Green is PEOPLE!”
Would any of you "liberals" go for this:

1. Gun purchase or construction is limited to those who are registered
2. Registration requirements:
a. Pass a 60-day background check and waiting period; and
b. Submit to a mental health evaluation;
3. Registration of the buyer allows unrestricted purchases or construction of any firearm;
4. All State gun laws are superseded, and all other federal gun laws are repealed;
5. Finality clause. The mere introduction of new gun legislation before Congress immediately and automatically repeals this law, making gun purchases and construction unrestricted to anyone.


If no, why not?

you started off okay but went of the rails at number 3.

all firearms should be permitted to qualified individuals according to their lawful purposes...

each lawful purpose permit should have certain training requirements according to the firearm being applied for...

what is your LAWFUL PURPOSE for "unrestricted purchases or construction of any firearms" ??
you paranoid 2nd amendment bed wetters ought to expand your horizons and get to know the rest of the US constitution...

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
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Same here... I’m a California liberal who owns guns and am not scared of the straw man coming to take them away. I hear the rhetoric and it makes me laugh.
Do you like having to get out a fucking screw driver to detach the magazine so you can reload your weapons?
Same here... I’m a California liberal who owns guns and am not scared of the straw man coming to take them away. I hear the rhetoric and it makes me laugh.
Do you like having to get out a fucking screw driver to detach the magazine so you can reload your weapons?
The one thing liberals fail to realize is that our founding fathers intended us to own guns in order to protect ourselves from our own government. Or maybe they do realize it? Perhaps that's the reason they want to take them away. Yep. That's it.
You are right, that was the intent back in a time when guns were powder loaded and we had just revolted against a government to form our own. Fast forward a few hundred years and we are the world super power with the worlds strongest military. So yeah that concept of protecting ourselves against our government is a bit out dated. Perhaps we should revise that amendment a bit
The anti-gun movement has held out the falsehood that they are not coming after people’s guns as a central core of their effort to hide their existential goal. The lid was blown off that charade when a 97-year-old man who previously occupied a position at the top level of our country (retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens) advocated for the abolition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the paper of record – The New York Times.

The Second Amendment was put in place and obtained its lofty position as the “Second Amendment” right behind the most essential amendment giving us free speech etc., etc., for a reason. The people who founded this country did not trust government. Even though they were possibly the most talented, intelligent and capable group of people ever assembled for one cause, they lacked the arrogance of most people in government that government was or is the answer.
The IRS has 2,300 Special Agents armed with AR-15s, P90 tactical rifles and other heavy weaponry. The IRS recently spent $12 million on ammo and weapons.Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies
The fact is that deaths from long guns average one per day. If you exclude suicides, gun death by hand guns are 42 per day. If you include all gun deaths (suicides) by hand guns it is 104 per day. We are led to believe by their rhetoric that once the anti-gun goal of banning certain long guns has been achieved (guns responsible for one death per day), they will stop and not go after guns that are used to kill 104 per day. Balderdash.
Those of us who have some experience in life know that is not the way it works with the Left. They play a long game and are happy to move the ball forward with mini steps until they achieve their goal.
I don’t trust the government and this country was established on that bedrock principle. I don’t trust the people who are lying to us about what their true intentions are about gun control just like they lied to us about government-run health care. They want all guns in the control of government-controlled apparatchiks.

As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”
You obviously didn’t understand Stevens article... did you even read it?
Please lie to us about what he said
I don’t need to lie... just read the article for what it is and don’t spin it to try and imply he is suggesting taking people’s guns away
You are right, that was the intent back in a time when guns were powder loaded and we had just revolted against a government to form our own. Fast forward a few hundred years and we are the world super power with the worlds strongest military. So yeah that concept of protecting ourselves against our government is a bit out dated. Perhaps we should revise that amendment a bit
Or cut the fuck out of defense spending and get better weapons.
You are right, that was the intent back in a time when guns were powder loaded and we had just revolted against a government to form our own. Fast forward a few hundred years and we are the world super power with the worlds strongest military. So yeah that concept of protecting ourselves against our government is a bit out dated. Perhaps we should revise that amendment a bit
Or cut the fuck out of defense spending and get better weapons.
Haha. Yeah right
there is no LAWFUL PURPOSE for US citizens to challenge US law enforcement with "bigger, more powerful" weaponry...

It is not law enforcement I worry about.

then what are you so worried about...??

the US government IS law enforcement.


in the USA we live by RULE OF LAW in a constitutional democratic republic.

so again, i ask you...

what do you imagine is YOUR lawful purpose for "unrestricted purchases or construction of any firearms" ??

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

if the big bad gov'ment wanted to come after your guns, there ain't enough AKs in the nation to help defend y'all.

So, you're saying we need even better, more powerful weapons?

Very well. I agree.
The anti-gun movement has held out the falsehood that they are not coming after people’s guns as a central core of their effort to hide their existential goal. The lid was blown off that charade when a 97-year-old man who previously occupied a position at the top level of our country (retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens) advocated for the abolition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the paper of record – The New York Times.

The Second Amendment was put in place and obtained its lofty position as the “Second Amendment” right behind the most essential amendment giving us free speech etc., etc., for a reason. The people who founded this country did not trust government. Even though they were possibly the most talented, intelligent and capable group of people ever assembled for one cause, they lacked the arrogance of most people in government that government was or is the answer.
The IRS has 2,300 Special Agents armed with AR-15s, P90 tactical rifles and other heavy weaponry. The IRS recently spent $12 million on ammo and weapons.Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies
The fact is that deaths from long guns average one per day. If you exclude suicides, gun death by hand guns are 42 per day. If you include all gun deaths (suicides) by hand guns it is 104 per day. We are led to believe by their rhetoric that once the anti-gun goal of banning certain long guns has been achieved (guns responsible for one death per day), they will stop and not go after guns that are used to kill 104 per day. Balderdash.
Those of us who have some experience in life know that is not the way it works with the Left. They play a long game and are happy to move the ball forward with mini steps until they achieve their goal.
I don’t trust the government and this country was established on that bedrock principle. I don’t trust the people who are lying to us about what their true intentions are about gun control just like they lied to us about government-run health care. They want all guns in the control of government-controlled apparatchiks.

As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”
Okay. Wait by your front door. Lock and load. Use your sacks of rice as sandbags. Stock up on amphetamines so they won't catch you asleep.

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