Yes, They Are Coming for Your Guns

then what are you so worried about...??

the US government IS law enforcement.


in the USA we live by RULE OF LAW in a constitutional democratic republic.

so again, i ask you...

what do you imagine is YOUR lawful purpose for "unrestricted purchases or construction of any firearms" ??

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

And we've seen what the FBI has become as a result of the Obama Administration.
What exactly did the Obama admin do to the FBI?

Really!? That would be a great question for Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, probably include AG Lynch.
So what exactly is your claim regarding the Obama administration and those people? Just want to be clear about what exactly Obama did

How about we begin with before most knew of most of those people.
Just How Corrupt Is the Obama Administration?
Let’s just start with the subject at hand before you move the goalpost to a bigger basket. Obama corrupting the FBI, you named some names. Please explain
And we've seen what the FBI has become as a result of the Obama Administration.
What exactly did the Obama admin do to the FBI?

Really!? That would be a great question for Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, probably include AG Lynch.
So what exactly is your claim regarding the Obama administration and those people? Just want to be clear about what exactly Obama did

How about we begin with before most knew of most of those people.
Just How Corrupt Is the Obama Administration?
Let’s just start with the subject at hand before you move the goalpost to a bigger basket. Obama corrupting the FBI, you named some names. Please explain

Bigger picture may be a better picture.
yeah yeah yeah :uhoh3:

the bigger picture is that every federal agent and federal agency is "crooked" except for donny-liddle-hands, BELIEVE ME!

What exactly did the Obama admin do to the FBI?

Really!? That would be a great question for Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, probably include AG Lynch.
So what exactly is your claim regarding the Obama administration and those people? Just want to be clear about what exactly Obama did

How about we begin with before most knew of most of those people.
Just How Corrupt Is the Obama Administration?
Let’s just start with the subject at hand before you move the goalpost to a bigger basket. Obama corrupting the FBI, you named some names. Please explain

Bigger picture may be a better picture.
Sounds like moving the goalpost and before we even got started. Too bad
if the big bad gov'ment wanted to come after your guns, there ain't enough AKs in the nation to help defend y'all.

Really, fool? I think you have it the other way around. The gun owners of America are more numerous than all the armies of the world combined, and are supported by state and local police, not to mention active and ex-vets. The only way they will ever be disarmed is by one tiny small group at a time, which is why it is important to never give an inch.

lol.... let me know DM, if a tank rolls down your street, how you are gonna go against that. or an armed drone...QUOTE]

Look Playtool, it's really hard to have an intelligent conversation when the other party talks like his IQ is 85, but, just where is a tank going to come from in my suburbs? And who is going to drive it? A vet who sympathizes with me? And just what is he going to do with it--- blow holes in houses arbitrarily from 60 feet away? You might not realize that in close quarters, there are ways to give a tank a hard time: jam their treads, jam the main gun barrel. Same with a drone. They must be operated remotely and their camera can only see in one direction at a time, and armed, they are no better off than you. Besides, what exactly is your point anyway? That the military is hopelessly better than you so why bother, just give up? War is a NUMBERS game, son, one you are obviously not cut out to play, that's why we couldn't beat the Vietnamese or the North Koreans, or for that matter, the Taliban---- we were far superior in technology in those conflicts as well, but they had NUMBERS. But good to see inside of the head of a gun-grabber, when you come for my guns you won't stand a chance.

lol... are you finished? good. i am not a 'he, son, belong to the other party, nor is my IQ 85 '.

however... if the case ever boiled down to the powers that be decided to suspend the writ of habeas corpus - then all bets are off.

& as far as the deployment of tanks? tell your president it can't be done for his parade.

a well armed humvee can do the job & get into those redneck rural areas too....

Just like Afghanistan?

the appalachians isn't afganistan. nice try though.
Really, fool? I think you have it the other way around. The gun owners of America are more numerous than all the armies of the world combined, and are supported by state and local police, not to mention active and ex-vets. The only way they will ever be disarmed is by one tiny small group at a time, which is why it is important to never give an inch.

lol.... let me know DM, if a tank rolls down your street, how you are gonna go against that. or an armed drone...QUOTE]

Look Playtool, it's really hard to have an intelligent conversation when the other party talks like his IQ is 85, but, just where is a tank going to come from in my suburbs? And who is going to drive it? A vet who sympathizes with me? And just what is he going to do with it--- blow holes in houses arbitrarily from 60 feet away? You might not realize that in close quarters, there are ways to give a tank a hard time: jam their treads, jam the main gun barrel. Same with a drone. They must be operated remotely and their camera can only see in one direction at a time, and armed, they are no better off than you. Besides, what exactly is your point anyway? That the military is hopelessly better than you so why bother, just give up? War is a NUMBERS game, son, one you are obviously not cut out to play, that's why we couldn't beat the Vietnamese or the North Koreans, or for that matter, the Taliban---- we were far superior in technology in those conflicts as well, but they had NUMBERS. But good to see inside of the head of a gun-grabber, when you come for my guns you won't stand a chance.

lol... are you finished? good. i am not a 'he, son, belong to the other party, nor is my IQ 85 '.

however... if the case ever boiled down to the powers that be decided to suspend the writ of habeas corpus - then all bets are off.

& as far as the deployment of tanks? tell your president it can't be done for his parade.

a well armed humvee can do the job & get into those redneck rural areas too....

Just like Afghanistan?

the appalachians isn't afganistan. nice try though.

Strong comeback Son, Afganistan is far worse.
lol.... let me know DM, if a tank rolls down your street, how you are gonna go against that. or an armed drone...QUOTE]

Look Playtool, it's really hard to have an intelligent conversation when the other party talks like his IQ is 85, but, just where is a tank going to come from in my suburbs? And who is going to drive it? A vet who sympathizes with me? And just what is he going to do with it--- blow holes in houses arbitrarily from 60 feet away? You might not realize that in close quarters, there are ways to give a tank a hard time: jam their treads, jam the main gun barrel. Same with a drone. They must be operated remotely and their camera can only see in one direction at a time, and armed, they are no better off than you. Besides, what exactly is your point anyway? That the military is hopelessly better than you so why bother, just give up? War is a NUMBERS game, son, one you are obviously not cut out to play, that's why we couldn't beat the Vietnamese or the North Koreans, or for that matter, the Taliban---- we were far superior in technology in those conflicts as well, but they had NUMBERS. But good to see inside of the head of a gun-grabber, when you come for my guns you won't stand a chance.

lol... are you finished? good. i am not a 'he, son, belong to the other party, nor is my IQ 85 '.

however... if the case ever boiled down to the powers that be decided to suspend the writ of habeas corpus - then all bets are off.

& as far as the deployment of tanks? tell your president it can't be done for his parade.

a well armed humvee can do the job & get into those redneck rural areas too....

Just like Afghanistan?

the appalachians isn't afganistan. nice try though.

Strong comeback Son, Afganistan is far worse.

exactly. thanks for agreeing. & i'm female, so 'son' doesn't cut it in your attempted sarcastic comeback.

which failed.
Look Playtool, it's really hard to have an intelligent conversation when the other party talks like his IQ is 85, but, just where is a tank going to come from in my suburbs? And who is going to drive it? A vet who sympathizes with me? And just what is he going to do with it--- blow holes in houses arbitrarily from 60 feet away? You might not realize that in close quarters, there are ways to give a tank a hard time: jam their treads, jam the main gun barrel. Same with a drone. They must be operated remotely and their camera can only see in one direction at a time, and armed, they are no better off than you. Besides, what exactly is your point anyway? That the military is hopelessly better than you so why bother, just give up? War is a NUMBERS game, son, one you are obviously not cut out to play, that's why we couldn't beat the Vietnamese or the North Koreans, or for that matter, the Taliban---- we were far superior in technology in those conflicts as well, but they had NUMBERS. But good to see inside of the head of a gun-grabber, when you come for my guns you won't stand a chance.

lol... are you finished? good. i am not a 'he, son, belong to the other party, nor is my IQ 85 '.

however... if the case ever boiled down to the powers that be decided to suspend the writ of habeas corpus - then all bets are off.

& as far as the deployment of tanks? tell your president it can't be done for his parade.

a well armed humvee can do the job & get into those redneck rural areas too....

Just like Afghanistan?

the appalachians isn't afganistan. nice try though.

Strong comeback Son, Afganistan is far worse.

exactly. thanks for agreeing. & i'm female, so 'son' doesn't cut it in your attempted sarcastic comeback.

which failed.

Your point?

Because the terrain differs, makes a spot of difference chick, the military, or a major portion would be with the gun owners.
a humvee can get into areas that a tank can't duuuuuuude. & ATVs if necessary too. just like the rednecks.
I have had several left wing idiots still tell me that they aren’t coming after our guns. Liberals are only two things: stupid, or liars.

There is a petition on MoveOn to repeal the 2nd.
Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now

Not all of them. I hung with a libtard this weekend. A gay one to boot. I put an AR15 and a Glock 17 in his hot little mitts, and that dude tried his best to burn up my barrels on both guns. More people are befenning to realize that the 2nd ain’t for hunting ducks and they are getting in on the act to.
RWNJ needs to start the "They're Coming for Your Knifes" thread, in light of the actions in London.

This is where "I told you so" is not good enough a statement.
The anti-gun movement has held out the falsehood that they are not coming after people’s guns as a central core of their effort to hide their existential goal. The lid was blown off that charade when a 97-year-old man who previously occupied a position at the top level of our country (retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens) advocated for the abolition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the paper of record – The New York Times.

The Second Amendment was put in place and obtained its lofty position as the “Second Amendment” right behind the most essential amendment giving us free speech etc., etc., for a reason. The people who founded this country did not trust government. Even though they were possibly the most talented, intelligent and capable group of people ever assembled for one cause, they lacked the arrogance of most people in government that government was or is the answer.
The IRS has 2,300 Special Agents armed with AR-15s, P90 tactical rifles and other heavy weaponry. The IRS recently spent $12 million on ammo and weapons.Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies
The fact is that deaths from long guns average one per day. If you exclude suicides, gun death by hand guns are 42 per day. If you include all gun deaths (suicides) by hand guns it is 104 per day. We are led to believe by their rhetoric that once the anti-gun goal of banning certain long guns has been achieved (guns responsible for one death per day), they will stop and not go after guns that are used to kill 104 per day. Balderdash.
Those of us who have some experience in life know that is not the way it works with the Left. They play a long game and are happy to move the ball forward with mini steps until they achieve their goal.
I don’t trust the government and this country was established on that bedrock principle. I don’t trust the people who are lying to us about what their true intentions are about gun control just like they lied to us about government-run health care. They want all guns in the control of government-controlled apparatchiks.

As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”
Muster the Militia!
I have had several left wing idiots still tell me that they aren’t coming after our guns. Liberals are only two things: stupid, or liars.

There is a petition on MoveOn to repeal the 2nd.
Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now

Not all of them. I hung with a libtard this weekend. A gay one to boot. I put an AR15 and a Glock 17 in his hot little mitts, and that dude tried his best to burn up my barrels on both guns. More people are befenning to realize that the 2nd ain’t for hunting ducks and they are getting in on the act to.

No, not all of them, just the ones that potentially have the power to do it.

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