Yes to military gays, no to Christmas?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Has anyone else seen Perry's latest ad? It seems that he thinks that there is a war against Christians because we can have gays in the military?

[ame=]Rick Perry Anti-Gay Ad - "Strong" - COMMENTS ALLOWED, PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds like a last gasp for Perry's campaign.
I also wonder if Perry realizes the massive headache it's going to cause if he gets into office and reinstates DADT, because gays are allowed to serve NOW, and if he reinstated it, it would have an impact on the readiness of the military because of all the discharges.
I also wonder if Perry realizes the massive headache it's going to cause if he gets into office and reinstates DADT, because gays are allowed to serve NOW, and if he reinstated it, it would have an impact on the readiness of the military because of all the discharges.
The list of what Perry doesn’t realize is limitless. Among that list is the fact two Federal judges ruled DADT un-Constitutional in 2010. Any effort to reinstate would be enjoined and review by the Court would be unlikely, allowing the lower courts’ rulings to stand.

Perry’s clearly an idiot, in addition to being now irrelevant.
Gays should not be allowed to serve in the military unless they are Christian gays.
There is a war against Christmas and the hypocrisy is stunning. We have a national Christmas tree erected on public property but a town can't erect a Christmas tree in the village square without written permission from the state court of appeals. Congress has a Chaplain who says a prayer but a kid can get kicked out of school for wearing a Crucifix. The president attends the National Cathedral which has a big big cross on top but the district court orders a 60 year old Korean War monument destroyed because it has a 40 ft Cross that some idiot found offensive.
By the way........has anyone else noticed that during this commercial, Perry is wearing the same kind of jacket that the cowboys wore during the movie Brokeback Mountain?
There is a war against Christmas and the hypocrisy is stunning. We have a national Christmas tree erected on public property but a town can't erect a Christmas tree in the village square without written permission from the state court of appeals. Congress has a Chaplain who says a prayer but a kid can get kicked out of school for wearing a Crucifix. The president attends the National Cathedral which has a big big cross on top but the district court orders a 60 year old Korean War monument destroyed because it has a 40 ft Cross that some idiot found offensive.
Those last two aren't about Christmas.
By the way........has anyone else noticed that during this commercial, Perry is wearing the same kind of jacket that the cowboys wore during the movie Brokeback Mountain?

You calling him a closet case? I've heard Texas called "The Land of Steers and Queers", but I thought that was just sour grapes, them being so great and all. Then I got to thinking how all those "dudes" are always wearing high heels!!! :eek:
By the way........has anyone else noticed that during this commercial, Perry is wearing the same kind of jacket that the cowboys wore during the movie Brokeback Mountain?

You calling him a closet case? I've heard Texas called "The Land of Steers and Queers", but I thought that was just sour grapes, them being so great and all. Then I got to thinking how all those "dudes" are always wearing high heels!!! :eek:

Not only that, but do you remember his famous speech where he was yelling "you go girl" and lisping?
By the way........has anyone else noticed that during this commercial, Perry is wearing the same kind of jacket that the cowboys wore during the movie Brokeback Mountain?

You calling him a closet case? I've heard Texas called "The Land of Steers and Queers", but I thought that was just sour grapes, them being so great and all. Then I got to thinking how all those "dudes" are always wearing high heels!!! :eek:

Not only that, but do you remember his famous speech where he was yelling "you go girl" and lisping?
No heterosexual man has hair that good. That should have triggered your gaydar right there. :gay:
Wonder if he's gonna start a campaign on how he's gonna repead DADT?

Did someone piss on your lacy bra? Homosexuality is a CHOICE, an act.. it's not a gender. Rick Perry is noting the spiritual decay in this nation.. Calm down sweet thing.
Wonder if he's gonna start a campaign on how he's gonna repead DADT?

Did someone piss on your lacy bra? Homosexuality is a CHOICE, an act.. it's not a gender. Rick Perry is noting the spiritual decay in this nation.. Calm down sweet thing.

A choice? Really? Swiss scientists have been studying the brains of gays and straights for a few years now, and guess what?

Sexuality is determined in the womb. Try again.
Wonder if he's gonna start a campaign on how he's gonna repead DADT?

Did someone piss on your lacy bra? Homosexuality is a CHOICE, an act.. it's not a gender. Rick Perry is noting the spiritual decay in this nation.. Calm down sweet thing.

A choice? Really? Swiss scientists have been studying the brains of gays and straights for a few years now, and guess what?

Sexuality is determined in the womb. Try again.

Don't tell me, SHOW ME. BTW- I really don't care if you're gay or not but stop trying to make everyone accept your lifestyle CHOICE. Get it?!
Did someone piss on your lacy bra? Homosexuality is a CHOICE, an act.. it's not a gender. Rick Perry is noting the spiritual decay in this nation.. Calm down sweet thing.

A choice? Really? Swiss scientists have been studying the brains of gays and straights for a few years now, and guess what?

Sexuality is determined in the womb. Try again.

Don't tell me, SHOW ME. BTW- I really don't care if you're gay or not but stop trying to make everyone accept your lifestyle CHOICE. Get it?!

When did you choose to be straight? I'm curious. One day did you just start finding men to be attractive, or did you just decide that you liked men?

Also do you not expect everyone to accept your lifestyle of being straight?

And for the record I am straight, and I didn't choose it, one day I just started to become attracted to women.

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