Yes We Have Enough Trees

You're a dick also and it doesn't help your position. Whether you like it or not your denial is not helping the current conditions.
You being a liar and a propagandist doesn't help your cause at all.
How's that Russian Collusion thing going for you?
Figure out what bathroom to use yet?
What is the difference between the XX and XY Chromosome, Dupe?
Are you saving the planet by holding your breath right now?
I live in a neighborhood full of trees. Our parks are full of trees. I may not be a fan of Herschel, but he got this one right.

---They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees.---

We could use more bigger trees like were all logged off in the 1920s. The forestry service is a joke. We pay for that and they sell all the trees to the loggers who rape whatever area they're harvesting. It's a scam! I hunted a certain area for 20-something years and then they "harvested the timber". The timber is pine, but to get to that, they destroy everything else in their way. 200 year-old Oak trees, they do no give a fuck! Marshland habitat? They do not care.
The forestry service and fish and game "commissions" are an absolute and utter fucking joke!

They are there to fuck you and then they sell it all off to people that rape everything.

It's an absolute farce! They're not "preserving" a fucking thing!
They are taking taxpayer money to manage an area until it's good enough to sell to a private entity that devastates all of it, the government makes the money, and then they're trying to say they're conserving something? That's a lie! They conserve NOTHING! Not a fucking thing. It's a scam! A scam I tell ya! They don't give a fuck about the wildlife, it's about the pine trees for cash! Don't let them bullshit ya. I know. That's something I've seen in my years on this earth. They give no fucks about the fish, they just wanna make money off of Americans fishing.
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One of the liberal pot heads shows up.
Industrial hemp is carbon negative. It takes in more carbon from the air while growing than is produced by harvesting, processing, and transporting it. A hectare of industrial hemp takes more carbon from the air than the same of most types of trees. Cannabis is one of the most eco-friendly crops in the world.

Hemp biodiesel is also very fuel efficient compared to other biofuels. It's about 90% efficient compared to gasoline, with the 10% gap being made even smaller with certain additives. And car companies are currently studying ways to make it less corrosive, which is really the only downside to ethanol and biodiesel.

Even hemp-based ethanol, which is closer to 66% efficient, is so cheap compared to gasoline, and pollutes so little that the loss of efficiency is basically meaningless. You still spend less money than you would on the same amount of gasoline, and your vehicle still pollutes car less even though you are using more fuel.
I live in a neighborhood full of trees. Our parks are full of trees. I may not be a fan of Herschel, but he got this one right.

---They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees.---

Ex FBI agent Herschel Walker is a climate expert.

"Since we don't control the air, our good air decided to float over to China's bad air, so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then, now, we got we to clean that back up."

Walker is, even by recent GOP standards, an absolute firehose of lies. He’s also, to put it bluntly, absolutely godawful at lying. His deceptions seem to arrive in the news pre-collapsed—they are easily uncovered and incredibly numerous; his falsehoods have been repeatedly revealed over the last several months. At this point the “False Statements” section of his Wikipedia page is longer than the one recounting his ongoing campaign to be Georgia’s next senator.
What's with you idiots? You keep confirming that they clear cut 14 millions trees for wind turbines and then act like you made a point. LOL.
Dude, they planted 272 million trees during same period so that makes you oil & gas point ignorant.
I live in a neighborhood full of trees. Our parks are full of trees. I may not be a fan of Herschel, but he got this one right.

---They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees.---

Then you are a moron. Walker is the dumbest candidate running and we don't have enough trees.
Sure we have enough trees. Just drive to the more rural parts of your state and you'll see plenty of trees.
Sure, sure enuf trees...

Can you explain why walker is running ads about a missing dog Alvin that Warnock never claimed he owned?
I live in a neighborhood full of trees. Our parks are full of trees. I may not be a fan of Herschel, but he got this one right.

---They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees.---

1) There are 3 trillion trees in the world...
FACT: Science | AAAS
2) Each tree absorbs about 48 lbs of Co2:
FACT:How Much CO2 Does A Tree Absorb?
3) The annual emissions of Co2 is 34 billion tons.
FACT: CO2 emissions
Question... If 3 trillion trees at absorb 48 lbs/tree/year which would be 72 billion tons of Co2
and the total Co2 emissions per year is 34 billion tons which are absorbed by the 3 trillion trees,...

What is the problem????

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