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Dec 2, 2012
Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Posted: 07/02/2014 9:29 am EDT

Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Target announced Wednesday it is adopting a no-guns policy. Customers in localities where guns are allowed will be subject to the chain's new policy.

"Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create," Target's interim CEO John Mulligan said in a statement. Read the full statement below.

The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.
Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Posted: 07/02/2014 9:29 am EDT

Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Target announced Wednesday it is adopting a no-guns policy. Customers in localities where guns are allowed will be subject to the chain's new policy.

"Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create," Target's interim CEO John Mulligan said in a statement. Read the full statement below.

The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

So will target now provide armed guards and check stations at entryways to take over the mantle of protection that they are denying law abiding citizens?

Also, this isn't really enforceable as long as you concealed carry.

Once again corporate america goes for the illusion of safety as opposed to actual safety.
It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Aren't you a big fan fan of We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service? Suddenly you want to be Publicly Accommodated eh? Interesting...
Why are pussies in Target with their guns, anyway? That's like sitting in Chili's. What's with all of these proud freedom-lovin' patriots wanting to take their guns where the guns won't make any difference?

American gun owners, take your guns to the NSA headquarters, the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters, One World Trade Center, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, or just shut up about defending freedom.
Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Posted: 07/02/2014 9:29 am EDT

Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Target announced Wednesday it is adopting a no-guns policy. Customers in localities where guns are allowed will be subject to the chain's new policy.

"Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create," Target's interim CEO John Mulligan said in a statement. Read the full statement below.

The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

So will target now provide armed guards and check stations at entryways to take over the mantle of protection that they are denying law abiding citizens?

Also, this isn't really enforceable as long as you concealed carry.

Once again corporate america goes for the illusion of safety as opposed to actual safety.

And if course liberals are stupid enough to buy into it.
It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.
Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Posted: 07/02/2014 9:29 am EDT

Target: Don't Bring Guns Into Our Stores

Target announced Wednesday it is adopting a no-guns policy. Customers in localities where guns are allowed will be subject to the chain's new policy.

"Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create," Target's interim CEO John Mulligan said in a statement. Read the full statement below.

The leadership team has been weighing a complex issue, and I want to be sure everyone understands our thoughts and ultimate decision.
As you’ve likely seen in the media, there has been a debate about whether guests in communities that permit “open carry” should be allowed to bring firearms into Target stores. Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so. But starting today we will also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law.
We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved. In return, we are asking for help in fulfilling our goal to create an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for our guests and team members.
This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

Let's face it: you don't give a shit one way or another. The only reason you care is because you think Target is sticking it to gun owners. And nothing makes your day like seeing someone stick it to people you disagree with.
That's what makes you a worthless little piss-ant piece of rotted monkey shit.
It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Aren't you a big fan fan of We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service? Suddenly you want to be Publicly Accommodated eh? Interesting...

You are a liberal, therefor you aren't too bright so let me try to help you:

I stated that it was a publicity stunt, no where did I state that the privately owned company shouldn't be allowed to do it. Understand?
I will no longer shop at Target.. I wouldn't feel safe.

But where will you buy your Depends?

Look folks - the majority of Americans want more gun regulations. More and more civilized companies will realize this and join the enlightened.
I'll go into Target today on my way to work. Since I am always armed when I walk out of my front door, I'll be telling them that in response to your asking me not to be armed in your store, the answer is a polite "No".

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