
The same people defending Target also trashed Hobby Lobby. Once again we see it's not about rights. It's the agenda. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

I am sure if target had cited a religious reason for this, they would be up in arms about them forcing their religious views on the shoppers.
You seem pretty obsessed with the size of other people's penises. why is that?

Lefties are obsessed with penises for some reason. They can't stop talking about them.

I guess their oversexed minds cannot comprehend why someone might want to be able to defend themselves or find any sort of weapon interesting outside of some sexual fetish.

Said people should probably cut back their pornography intake.

IMO, they are just mental midgets who think that by equating a gun to a penis, they are making a valid argument, or at the very least, an insult that will actually mean anything. They just aren't very bright these penis obsessed lefties.
Yesssssssssssss I'm sure the criminal element will obey that.

Let me explain this to you and I'll type really slow so you can understand: someone carrying a gun may enter the store with a firearm partially or semi-partially exposed. Prior to Target's rule, the soccer mom on aisle 5 who saw that or perhaps someone who had a heavy coat on and it's 90 degrees outside, can now go to the manager or cashier and report him.

Before she could do nothing but HOPE the guy is just looking for baby formula and had no ill intent.

And given that all these big box stores have cameras EVERYWHERE, the monitors for these CCTV systems can now alert security if they see someone flash a gun while in the store and avoid a potential disaster, whereas before they would have to wait for that person to start shooting.

It's THEIR rules and their right. Just like they have always been able to stop and check someone for possible shoplifting.

Alert security what security would that be and what would they do? I have never seen any security in a target store much less armed security.
If it's part of the agenda then it's automatically a "Right". If it's about individual freedom of religion then you're a religious thug forcing your religious views on people. You're all sick.
The same people defending Target also trashed Hobby Lobby. Once again we see it's not about rights. It's the agenda. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

I am sure if target had cited a religious reason for this, they would be up in arms about them forcing their religious views on the shoppers.

Again, it depends if it ALIGNS with their agenda.

When church groups sue in court for the right to recognize same sex marriages,
do you see any "separation of church and state" advocates jumping on
"Christians for defending their religious freedom by the First Amendment"

Same with some extreme conservatives who want to ban Mosques
and complain when Muslims defend their religious freedom. All agenda driven!
If it's part of the agenda then it's automatically a "Right". If it's about individual freedom of religion then you're a religious thug forcing your religious views on people. You're all sick.
[MENTION=49484]Ibentoken[/MENTION] Not sick, just following their "political religion"
The TX Democrat party has "right to health care" written in
their principles as a BELIEF: "We BELIEVE in the right to health care"

The same people who do not BELIEVE natural rights come from God not Govt,
BELIEVE in depending on Govt for health care, not freedom given by God.

They can't help it where it is part of their BELIEFS which are INHERENT to them.
What we need to do is respect and recognize these BELIEFS publicly
like people do with Christianity, and then it can be separated from Govt.
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IMO, they are just mental midgets who think that by equating a gun to a penis, they are making a valid argument, or at the very least, an insult that will actually mean anything. They just aren't very bright these penis obsessed lefties.

Thanks [MENTION=33194]PredFan[/MENTION] I think I get it now:

Hobby Lobby limits on birth control
= taking away women's rights

Target policy on gun control
= cutting off the male counterpart

I always thought "church and state" debates were people's leftover
"mommy and daddy" issues projected onto collective authority as mother/father figures.

I guess corporations and people "doing their business together"
is some kind of collective analogy for control in gender relationships.

This could get deep! Is this what they study in group sociology?
How people project their personal BS onto society? Fascinating!
Yesssssssssssss I'm sure the criminal element will obey that.

Let me explain this to you and I'll type really slow so you can understand: someone carrying a gun may enter the store with a firearm partially or semi-partially exposed. Prior to Target's rule, the soccer mom on aisle 5 who saw that or perhaps someone who had a heavy coat on and it's 90 degrees outside, can now go to the manager or cashier and report him.

Before she could do nothing but HOPE the guy is just looking for baby formula and had no ill intent.

And given that all these big box stores have cameras EVERYWHERE, the monitors for these CCTV systems can now alert security if they see someone flash a gun while in the store and avoid a potential disaster, whereas before they would have to wait for that person to start shooting.

It's THEIR rules and their right. Just like they have always been able to stop and check someone for possible shoplifting.

Alert security what security would that be and what would they do? I have never seen any security in a target store much less armed security.

Next time you're in any store, like Target, Walmart or any big box store, look around at the line above the doors and also the ceiling, especially over the check out areas. Cameras are everywhere.

Better yet, try to steal something and see how far you get out the door.

Little Girl Escapes from Alleged Kidnapper in Walmart: Caught on Tape by Security Cameras

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Let me explain this to you and I'll type really slow so you can understand: someone carrying a gun may enter the store with a firearm partially or semi-partially exposed. Prior to Target's rule, the soccer mom on aisle 5 who saw that or perhaps someone who had a heavy coat on and it's 90 degrees outside, can now go to the manager or cashier and report him.

Before she could do nothing but HOPE the guy is just looking for baby formula and had no ill intent.

And given that all these big box stores have cameras EVERYWHERE, the monitors for these CCTV systems can now alert security if they see someone flash a gun while in the store and avoid a potential disaster, whereas before they would have to wait for that person to start shooting.

It's THEIR rules and their right. Just like they have always been able to stop and check someone for possible shoplifting.

Alert security what security would that be and what would they do? I have never seen any security in a target store much less armed security.

Next time you're in any store, like Target, Walmart or any big box store, look around at the line above the doors and also the ceiling, especially over the check out areas. Cameras are everywhere.

Better yet, try to steal something and see how far you get out the door.

Little Girl Escapes from Alleged Kidnapper in Walmart: Caught on Tape by Security Cameras

Guns make you nervous?
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It's a publicity stunt that you idiot liberals suck up every time. There's no way they can enforce this but you morons actually think it will do something. Dumbasses.

Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

Forwarded. :)
Alert security what security would that be and what would they do? I have never seen any security in a target store much less armed security.

Next time you're in any store, like Target, Walmart or any big box store, look around at the line above the doors and also the ceiling, especially over the check out areas. Cameras are everywhere.

Better yet, try to steal something and see how far you get out the door.

Little Girl Escapes from Alleged Kidnapper in Walmart: Caught on Tape by Security Cameras

Guns make you nervous?

I guess you've got to deflect since you can't contest my post.

But in answer to your question, yes guns in the hands of idiots make me nervous.
Just ask Dick Cheney's hunting buddy:

Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

Forwarded. :)

The only thing worse than a narc is a fake narc.
Really? I bet they enforce their policies for theft and call the police when they catch a shoplifter, hmmmm? Ya' think, BedPan?

Now if you want to read about publicity stunts, go to the Hobby Lobby thread about their full time employee wage increase.

Hey dumbfuck, I carry everywhere I go. Unless target puts up
Metal detectors or searches all it's customers, the can't know I'm carrying. Christ you are an idiot!

Forwarded. :)

I'll go into Target today on my way to work. Since I am always armed when I walk out of my front door, I'll be telling them that in response to your asking me not to be armed in your store, the answer is a polite "No".

And like other idiots that carry for attention, you can post your bail for trespassing and be on your way to work...
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If I was carrying no one would know. That's the whole point of a concealed carry permit.

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