Yesterday's terrorism ensured Trump's election

I'm notnsure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.

You're just pissy because after all those years of jumping for joy bragging that all those peopled died in 9/11 under Bush while claiming Obama protects us better, now Obama is truly as shitty a President as Bush.
Well if you're going to use that completely messed up, despicable logic, then Obama has a few thousand more deaths to go to reach Dubya.

Did you forget that after 9/11 Democrats jumped fully in support of Bush? Do you forget how much that tragedy united our country? You're disgusting.

I also love how you voted for Obama, the guy who ran on NOT jumping on board but now switched your position to support Hillary who did mindlessly jump on board with Bush.

You're fucking positions change with the wind bro.
The democrats didn't even MENTION the victims before they started in on their empty rhetoric. My wife said her democrat friends on facebook even noticed that.. Apparently its a big deal.. lol
Yeah and the republicans are "praying" for them.
I'm notnsure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.
Using your logic, people on the left WERE let down it wasn't white men...
It goes BOTH ways, HACK :thup:
You want a fuckin link? Go read some goddamn threads you lazy democrat.
Maybe they aren't, but at least they didn't IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO EMPTY RHETORIC :thup:
I'm notnsure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.

You're just pissy because after all those years of jumping for joy bragging that all those peopled died in 9/11 under Bush while claiming Obama protects us better, now Obama is truly as shitty a President as Bush.
Well if you're going to use that completely messed up, despicable logic, then Obama has a few thousand more deaths to go to reach Dubya.

Did you forget that after 9/11 Democrats jumped fully in support of Bush? Do you forget how much that tragedy united our country? You're disgusting.

Keep cheering on all the thousands of deaths Bush has under his belt because of 9/11.

It's incredible that I point out how you did and are now doing the very thing you pretend to take offense to. Here you are keeping score as to how many died so that you can keep praising the terrorists killing Americans under Bush. No one better point out Obama's failures because we can always count on you bots to point out just how much like Obama is to Bush as a defense..............................................................................................................
You're a sick human being. I hope you're old so the world will be rid of you soon.

I'll bet you hope I die during a terrorist attack... Only under a Republican so you can cheer how Republicans have failed.... Cuz if it happens under a Dem you will have to pretend to feel bad about my and anyone else s death.
The democrats didn't even MENTION the victims before they started in on their empty rhetoric. My wife said her democrat friends on facebook even noticed that.. Apparently its a big deal.. lol
Yeah and the republicans are "praying" for them.
I'm notnsure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.
Using your logic, people on the left WERE let down it wasn't white men...
It goes BOTH ways, HACK :thup:
You want a fuckin link? Go read some goddamn threads you lazy democrat.
Maybe they aren't, but at least they didn't IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO EMPTY RHETORIC :thup:
Oh okay. Go "pray" for the victims. That will really make a difference.

I'm not sure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.

Dancing in the blood of the victims is a Democrat specialty.
Yep. I won't say much more than the fact that. 1. This looks REALLY familiar to another part of history and 2. I see GREAT things for REAL AMERICANS in the future!
"Yesterday's terrorism ensured Trump's election" - what, again?

Y'all start 2 or 3 of these threads a day.

Does something happen while you're sleeping to knock him off the pedestal you've put him on? Do his batteries run down so y'all have to announce his victory again every morning to recharge him?

Just how worried are you?

"It's Thursday! Proof that Trump is a Winnah!!!!"

Y'all crack me up...
The democrats didn't even MENTION the victims before they started in on their empty rhetoric. My wife said her democrat friends on facebook even noticed that.. Apparently its a big deal.. lol
Yeah and the republicans are "praying" for them.
I'm notnsure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.
Using your logic, people on the left WERE let down it wasn't white men...
It goes BOTH ways, HACK :thup:
You want a fuckin link? Go read some goddamn threads you lazy democrat.
Maybe they aren't, but at least they didn't IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO EMPTY RHETORIC :thup:
Oh okay. Go "pray" for the victims. That will really make a difference.

I swear I used to like you. Then, I come back and its like you got took over by truthdoesntmatter. WTF happened? You are one of the most dishonest hacks on the board now..
Workplace violence as a charge has no teeth, the dumbass that is Barry is too foolish to understand that...

Hope and change... On Barry's watch
The democrats didn't even MENTION the victims before they started in on their empty rhetoric. My wife said her democrat friends on facebook even noticed that.. Apparently its a big deal.. lol
Yeah and the republicans are "praying" for them.
I'm notnsure who's happier about yesterday's attack, ISIS or Trump supporters. DF, Bucs90, and many other republicans were besides themselves with joy. I guess Bripat joins that list.
Using your logic, people on the left WERE let down it wasn't white men...
It goes BOTH ways, HACK :thup:
You want a fuckin link? Go read some goddamn threads you lazy democrat.
Maybe they aren't, but at least they didn't IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO EMPTY RHETORIC :thup:
Oh okay. Go "pray" for the victims. That will really make a difference.

I swear I used to like you. Then, I come back and its like you got took over by truthdoesntmatter. WTF happened? You are one of the most dishonest hacks on the board now..

I have never been dishonest. I don't mince my words when I respond to bullshit anymore. Maybe that's what it is.
"Yesterday's terrorism ensured Trump's election"


Trump won't even be the nominee.

And once again the reprehensible right attempts to exploit a tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
The democrats didn't even MENTION the victims before they started in on their empty rhetoric. My wife said her democrat friends on facebook even noticed that.. Apparently its a big deal.. lol
Yeah and the republicans are "praying" for them.
Using your logic, people on the left WERE let down it wasn't white men...
It goes BOTH ways, HACK :thup:
You want a fuckin link? Go read some goddamn threads you lazy democrat.
Maybe they aren't, but at least they didn't IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO EMPTY RHETORIC :thup:
Oh okay. Go "pray" for the victims. That will really make a difference.

I swear I used to like you. Then, I come back and its like you got took over by truthdoesntmatter. WTF happened? You are one of the most dishonest hacks on the board now..

I have never been dishonest. I don't mince my words when I respond to bullshit anymore. Maybe that's what it is.
The democrats didn't even MENTION the victims before they started in on their empty rhetoric. My wife said her democrat friends on facebook even noticed that.. Apparently its a big deal.. lol
Yeah and the republicans are "praying" for them.
Using your logic, people on the left WERE let down it wasn't white men...
It goes BOTH ways, HACK :thup:
You want a fuckin link? Go read some goddamn threads you lazy democrat.
Maybe they aren't, but at least they didn't IMMEDIATELY JUMP TO EMPTY RHETORIC :thup:
Oh okay. Go "pray" for the victims. That will really make a difference.

I swear I used to like you. Then, I come back and its like you got took over by truthdoesntmatter. WTF happened? You are one of the most dishonest hacks on the board now..

I have never been dishonest. I don't mince my words when I respond to bullshit anymore. Maybe that's what it is.
No, you are just a fuckin pathetic hack. I hope you grow up again..
I watched the special on Trump the other night, screw it, I am going to support him. I was going to support Rubio but he sounds too much of the same thing.

At least Trump won't continue Obama's Kumbya foreign policy or his blame the white guy domestic policy.
It's always entertaining to watch a bunch of people batting .000 with their predictions give us even more amazingly flawed predictions.

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