Yet Again- Obama By-Passes Congress

They're not doing nothing, they're doing their job.

Look, you're trying to be "middle-of-the-road" but you're failing miserably.

List how many BILLS proposed by the republican majority have been vetoed by Obama?
please link to where I was supporting Bush. tia

You guys attacked Bush for such yet give obama a pass.

Indeed....and NO hypocrisy either, for two main reasons:

First, the republican-led congress has REFUSED to legislate, and
Second, Obama's EOs are much fewer than GWB's.

Can't help you much more than that.

Again, the Rs were voted in to try and stop obama from fundamentally transforming America. That's what half the country wants, the Rs are doing what their bosses (that would be we, the people) voted them in to do.

It's not the quantity of the e/o's it's the quality of the e/o's.

They were elected to cut taxes, balance the budget, repeal Obamacare, stop same sex marriage, Keystone pipeline, provide more jobs

They have done NONE of it

As I said in several posts, they aren't doing their job very well.

Boner is gone. Mitch should be next. All the old guard rino's need to be given the boot.

What will the new guard be able to accomplish that the old guard couldn't?

The new guard is the primary reason the old guard could not get anything done

If the new guard was hired to do what they're doing. Boner attempted to repeal unaca how many times? Wasn't it like 47 or something like that? When they finally got both houses what did buttheader do? He fully funded it. Old guard are nothing but Dems in R clothing. They need to go. Congress needs to have fiscally smart people who have a pair.
I thought you said they kept blocking things, wouldn't pass things?

Make up your mind.

I'm giving up with your stupidity.....Republicans' job in congress is not only to "block things" ....It is to PROPOSE bills.....

Let Obama veto them, if he chooses, then they can turn to nitwits like you and say...."We tried to do our job, but Obama wouldn't let us."

Instead, they've done NOTHING.
Were Bush's signing statements bypassing Congress?

I will sign this bill...but I will not abide by it

Feel free to keep bringing up what Bush did.

Your deflection of the fact that obama hasn't done what he said he was going to do is noted.

How is Republican support of Bush's signing statements while attacking Obama as exceeding his power as president not relevant?

Does precedent mean anything?

Gee, please link to where I was supporting Bush. tia

You guys attacked Bush for such yet give obama a pass.

Then you must have some issues with the use of executive power

Would you prefer a Do Nothing Congress have that power?

E/o's were meant for smaller, less important things not for doing an end-round around congress because dear leader can't get his way otherwise.

Rs were voted in to try and stop obama from fundamentally transforming America, they are doing (albeit not very well) what we, the people, voted them in to do. They're not doing nothing, they're doing their job.

Congress was meant to be able to do its job without complete gridlock
They're not doing nothing, they're doing their job.

Look, you're trying to be "middle-of-the-road" but you're failing miserably.

List how many BILLS proposed by the republican majority have been vetoed by Obama?

If you want to know that info, go look it up. Are you going to count all the bills that sat on Harry's desk?

What I know is that obama has grown government exponentially and the Rs were voted in to try and stop that. Rino's WANT government to grow and grow, as do Dems. Those rino's need to go. The conservatives were, and will continue to be, voted in to try and stop it.
Feel free to keep bringing up what Bush did.

Your deflection of the fact that obama hasn't done what he said he was going to do is noted.

How is Republican support of Bush's signing statements while attacking Obama as exceeding his power as president not relevant?

Does precedent mean anything?

Gee, please link to where I was supporting Bush. tia

You guys attacked Bush for such yet give obama a pass.

Then you must have some issues with the use of executive power

Would you prefer a Do Nothing Congress have that power?

E/o's were meant for smaller, less important things not for doing an end-round around congress because dear leader can't get his way otherwise.

Rs were voted in to try and stop obama from fundamentally transforming America, they are doing (albeit not very well) what we, the people, voted them in to do. They're not doing nothing, they're doing their job.

Congress was meant to be able to do its job without complete gridlock

Sometimes gridlock is the best thing.
I thought you said they kept blocking things, wouldn't pass things?

Make up your mind.

I'm giving up with your stupidity.....Republicans' job in congress is not only to "block things" ....It is to PROPOSE bills.....

Let Obama veto them, if he chooses, then they can turn to nitwits like you and say...."We tried to do our job, but Obama wouldn't let us."

Instead, they've done NOTHING.

Well, how was obama suppose to even see the bills when Harry kept them on his desk?
I thought you said they kept blocking things, wouldn't pass things?

Make up your mind.

I'm giving up with your stupidity.....Republicans' job in congress is not only to "block things" ....It is to PROPOSE bills.....

Let Obama veto them, if he chooses, then they can turn to nitwits like you and say...."We tried to do our job, but Obama wouldn't let us."

Instead, they've done NOTHING.

For christ that the best Republicans have to offer? Block Obama?
Obama seems to be doing just fine without them

What happend to their grand vision of what they would do if we gave them Congress? They only have two years and have already wasted one year
I'm giving up with you, Zoom-Zoom......Simply look up the approval ratings for Obama versus the republican congress......and THEN tell us how the polled Americans are reacting to those 2 branches of government.....
How is Republican support of Bush's signing statements while attacking Obama as exceeding his power as president not relevant?

Does precedent mean anything?

Gee, please link to where I was supporting Bush. tia

You guys attacked Bush for such yet give obama a pass.

Then you must have some issues with the use of executive power

Would you prefer a Do Nothing Congress have that power?

E/o's were meant for smaller, less important things not for doing an end-round around congress because dear leader can't get his way otherwise.

Rs were voted in to try and stop obama from fundamentally transforming America, they are doing (albeit not very well) what we, the people, voted them in to do. They're not doing nothing, they're doing their job.

Congress was meant to be able to do its job without complete gridlock

Sometimes gridlock is the best thing.

When? When you don't get your way?

If things aren't done my way, nothing will get done

That is todays Republican party
What happend to their grand vision of what they would do if we gave them Congress? They only have two years and have already wasted one year

Always remember, the GOP mantra in 2014....."JOBS, JOBS, JOBS".....and then review the results..... What we have, instead, is hearings on Benghazi, Planned Parenthood, Gay marriages.....
What happend to their grand vision of what they would do if we gave them Congress? They only have two years and have already wasted one year

Always remember, the GOP mantra in 2014....."JOBS, JOBS, JOBS".....and then review the results..... What we have, instead, is hearings on Benghazi, Planned Parenthood, Gay marriages.....

Exactly. We have seen what the Republican priorities are based on what they have done in the limited days Congress is open

It ain't jobs, It ain't immigration, It ain't helthcare
In fact, President Obama hasn’t even used the executive order all that much. Five years into his presidency, he’s issued 167 executive orders – about 33.4 per year.

Here are the last four presidents who’ve served consecutive terms and how many executive orders they’ve issued, as well as their average per year:

Ronald Reagan: 381 total, 47.6 per year
Bill Clinton: 364 total, 45.5 per year
George W. Bush: 291 total, 36.4 per year
Barack Obama: 167 so far, 33.4 per year (projected total 267)

And no, those numbers aren’t “liberally biased” – they’re all linked and sourced to our National Archives.

So I’ll just go ahead and clarify these numbers for those who might not be able to understand them Out of the past four two-term presidents, the one who’s issued the most executive orders would be – “conservative hero,” “fiscally responsible,” “small government loving,” “Constitutional legend” Ronald Reagan.

At Obama’s current pace he would finish with 114 fewer executive orders being issued than Reagan. Or for him to surpass Reagan’s number (at his current pace) he would have to serve for almost an entire third term (another 3.4 years).

So if Republicans want to call President Obama a “dictator” for the frequency at which he uses the executive order, just what in the hell would they say about Ronald Reagan?

The Truth About Executive Orders Republicans Won't Like Seeing - Forward Progressives

Lets see a comparison between how many SCOTUS rulings went against them.

With Obama being slammed 13 times shows Obama was confused when he took the oath to defend the Constitution.... He must of thought that meant attack it at every juncture


"gave us a list of the 13 cases he referenced. We reviewed the evidence his office offeredenlisted the help of a few experts to help us parse through the legalese.

Goodlatte’s assertion doesn’t seem to hold water. Susan Bloch, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown University, said the NLRB case is very different than the rest of the cases on the list, in that the court actually was ruling on a separations of power issue and a presidential overreach.

"That’s a fair case of the president’s use of executive authority getting rejected," she said.

But the rest of the claim? "It’s a total overstatement," Bloch said.


For starters, in eight of the cases, the alleged overreach occurred under President George W. Bush, as did the court cases that challenged the administration (United States vs. Jones, Sackett vs. EPA, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School vs. EEOC, Gabelli vs. SEC, Arkansas Fish & Game Commission v. United States, PPL Corp. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Horne vs. USDA, and Bond vs. United States). Bush’s Justice Department handled the initial court proceedings in most instances.

Obama’s Justice Department in many of the cases handled the appellate process and ultimately defended the actions to the Supreme Court. But that’s commonplace, experts we spoke with said.

GOP leader: Supreme Court has ruled 13 times that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority

My stance has been consistent. obama was firmly against e/o's ... before he was for them.

ANY leader who does NOT adapt his or her strategy to the changing situation is NO leader......For example:

When Obama asked republicans for an immigration bill....they REFUSED to act........ergo, an executive order was essential.....and even when he signed the EO, he asked republicans to come up with something better......He's still waiting.

Adapt? He did the very thing he said he was going to reverse, the very thing he hated that Bush was doing! obama didn't get what he wanted so he e/o'd it.

I'll bold the part that obama likes about e/o's:

The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.

:lol: Keep defending him though.

Conflating Dubya's ignoring LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS and Obama using executive actions such as immigration E/O's the Constitution GRANTS the Prez on? Grow a fukkn brain dumbass!

Feel free to start on a thread on W's actions.

This thread is about obama by passing congress via e/o. The very e/o he said he would reverse. Please show where he's kept that promise.

"The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America."

Sorry you needed that explained to you.


What is the difference with EXECUTIVE ORDERS VERSUS "George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all"



Conflating Dubya's ignoring LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS and Obama using executive actions such as immigration E/O's the Constitution GRANTS the Prez on? Grow a fukkn brain dumbass!
History will support Obamas use of executive orders and condemn Bushs abuse of power
please link to where I was supporting Bush. tia

You guys attacked Bush for such yet give obama a pass.

Indeed....and NO hypocrisy either, for two main reasons:

First, the republican-led congress has REFUSED to legislate, and
Second, Obama's EOs are much fewer than GWB's.

Can't help you much more than that.

Again, the Rs were voted in to try and stop obama from fundamentally transforming America. That's what half the country wants, the Rs are doing what their bosses (that would be we, the people) voted them in to do.

It's not the quantity of the e/o's it's the quality of the e/o's.


GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Senate Democratic minority snagged 20 million more votes than GOP majority

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."
I'm giving up with you, Zoom-Zoom......Simply look up the approval ratings for Obama versus the republican congress......and THEN tell us how the polled Americans are reacting to those 2 branches of government.....

Congress approval rating sucked when the Ds had both houses as well.

You like that obama is doing an end-run around on congress to get his shit passed because he knows it won't go anywhere if it goes through congress. That's not leadership, it's not bringing balance, and it certainly isn't compromise. It's petulant, inept, divisive behavior.
please link to where I was supporting Bush. tia

You guys attacked Bush for such yet give obama a pass.

Indeed....and NO hypocrisy either, for two main reasons:

First, the republican-led congress has REFUSED to legislate, and
Second, Obama's EOs are much fewer than GWB's.

Can't help you much more than that.

Again, the Rs were voted in to try and stop obama from fundamentally transforming America. That's what half the country wants, the Rs are doing what their bosses (that would be we, the people) voted them in to do.

It's not the quantity of the e/o's it's the quality of the e/o's.


GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Senate Democratic minority snagged 20 million more votes than GOP majority

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

Oh do stop whining.
My stance has been consistent. obama was firmly against e/o's ... before he was for them.

ANY leader who does NOT adapt his or her strategy to the changing situation is NO leader......For example:

When Obama asked republicans for an immigration bill....they REFUSED to act........ergo, an executive order was essential.....and even when he signed the EO, he asked republicans to come up with something better......He's still waiting.

Adapt? He did the very thing he said he was going to reverse, the very thing he hated that Bush was doing! obama didn't get what he wanted so he e/o'd it.

I'll bold the part that obama likes about e/o's:

The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.

:lol: Keep defending him though.

Conflating Dubya's ignoring LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS and Obama using executive actions such as immigration E/O's the Constitution GRANTS the Prez on? Grow a fukkn brain dumbass!

Feel free to start on a thread on W's actions.

This thread is about obama by passing congress via e/o. The very e/o he said he would reverse. Please show where he's kept that promise.

"The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America."

Sorry you needed that explained to you.


What is the difference with EXECUTIVE ORDERS VERSUS "George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all"



Conflating Dubya's ignoring LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS and Obama using executive actions such as immigration E/O's the Constitution GRANTS the Prez on? Grow a fukkn brain dumbass!

I haven't conflated anything. You want to move the goalposts to be about what W did. Go play that game somewhere else, go start a thread about it. The fact is that obama uses the e/o to do a run-around congress because obama wants what obama wants and if congress doesn't give it to him, well to hell with them, eh?

obama's own words on e/o's. He was against them . . . before he found out he loved them.


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