Yet ANOTHER "fake poll" for R-Wers to deride.....

Its becoming the preferred way to avoid reality by right wingers, to place their heads in the sand and simply state that "if polls were correct, then Hillary would be president".......

Of course, they're wrong, most polls gauge an INDIVIDUAL's opinion, NOT the electoral college's whims......Nonetheless, only a delusional idiot could claim that Trump is "beloved" by American voters and that this scourge in the WH would be elected again if the election were held today.

Here's the latest from Quinnipiac U.

On questions of presidential morality, Trump takes a serious beating. Sixty-two percent say that Trump does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership. And breaking that down into specifics only makes it worse
  • 61-36 percent say that he is not honest;
  • 61-37 percent say that he does not have good leadership skills;
  • 57-40 percent say that he does not care about average Americans;
  • 68-29 percent say that he is not level headed;
  • 59-38 percent say that he is a strong person;
  • 55-43 percent say that he is intelligent;
  • 63-34 percent say that he does not share their values.
QU Poll Release Detail

Quinnipiac Poll has more Democrats
This is who responded to the the poll.
Responses are reported for 1,514 self-identified registered voters

Republican 25% or 378 people polled
Democrat 33% or 500 polled were Democrats
Independent 35% or 529 polled
Other/DK/NA 8%

SO then with this Party Affiliation
showing this: Party Affiliation equal at 28%


Screen Shot 2017-08-25 at 7.02.30 AM.png
Its becoming the preferred way to avoid reality by right wingers, to place their heads in the sand and simply state that "if polls were correct, then Hillary would be president".......

Of course, they're wrong, most polls gauge an INDIVIDUAL's opinion, NOT the electoral college's whims......Nonetheless, only a delusional idiot could claim that Trump is "beloved" by American voters and that this scourge in the WH would be elected again if the election were held today.

Here's the latest from Quinnipiac U.

On questions of presidential morality, Trump takes a serious beating. Sixty-two percent say that Trump does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership. And breaking that down into specifics only makes it worse
  • 61-36 percent say that he is not honest;
  • 61-37 percent say that he does not have good leadership skills;
  • 57-40 percent say that he does not care about average Americans;
  • 68-29 percent say that he is not level headed;
  • 59-38 percent say that he is a strong person;
  • 55-43 percent say that he is intelligent;
  • 63-34 percent say that he does not share their values.
QU Poll Release Detail

Quinnipiac Poll has more Democrats
This is who responded to the the poll.
Responses are reported for 1,514 self-identified registered voters

Republican 25% or 378 people polled
Democrat 33% or 500 polled were Democrats
Independent 35% or 529 polled
Other/DK/NA 8%

SO then with this Party Affiliation
showing this: Party Affiliation equal at 28%


View attachment 145945
Just a guess, but maybe because conservatives like to lie on these polls and claim they're Democrats so that fellow rightards can later whine about how the polls are skewed towards Democrats?
uh-huh. first of all he won't be in office by 2020. i'm not thinking he'll make it as far as 2018. howeverrrrrrrrrrrr... every single house rep will be up for reelection AND the senate has a slim majority. that's a mighty incentive for the resistance.

LOL you realize that makes you sound like a nut bar right? :cuckoo: Go ahead delude yourselves it makes no difference to me. :laugh:

riiiiiight............ is that why town hall meetings are no shows for a lotta (R)s? why are they avoiding them like the plague? especially when people show up angry at THEM???? lolololol............

LOL you fools lost over 1,000 seats nationally BEFORE Trump ran for office. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

oh the (D)s have a long road ahead of them for sure. freedom isn't free & a lot of people hopefully have learned their lesson. i learned mine in 2000.

First you people need to figure out why you lost the support of the American people. Since you are still in denial and seem stuck on stupid and plan to try winning by attacking Trump a 2nd time well good luck with that. If you people had a brain in your pointy heads you would listen to moderate dems but its clear the left wing of your party is unwilling to abandon their strategy of division and identity politics. Put a fork in the Dem party they are done.

lol... you dumb fuck - i am an indie. & i know very well what the (D) party stood for when they were actually a party. but face facts sweety.... trump is not for the working man. he never was. he even admitted it at his rally..... he called himself the elite AND said he's got a terrific be-u-tee-full apartment to boot. problem with *YOU* is you think you will be just like dear leader someday & he's playing you like a cheap snake oiled violin.

"...The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do...That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular...~ pg 58, the art of the deal

lol.... suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrr................
because he knows he's toast. no kidding... it doesn't take 20/20 vision to see the writing on THAT wall.

Liberals - We will run against Trump in 2020.

Trump - I'm not running in 2020 you idiots.

Liberals - God we hate trump, shit, what now?

sooooooooooooo that fundraising he's doing & campaigning already for 2020 really isn't for a second term run? you mean all that money being raised is for his attorney fees? & his suckered poorly educated trumpanzees haven't figured that out yet????

you don't say.............

Not running is the winning move, Trump won't run again. He will walk away unscathed pointing at the corrupt DC establishment as the problem.

unscathed? i do not even think that a resignation is gonna save him from the russia investigation. nixon got off easy, however- that was a cakewalk compared to the charges trump et al are facing.

LMAO you people are stuck on stupid. You will not win the support of the American people by attacking Trump, that strategy is a proven failure. You people spent $1.2 billion dollars doing exactly that, plus had the entire MSM in the tank for Hillary, plus half those GOP RINO's on your side, and Trump still obliterated you winning 30 states and the White House. Why? Because its never been about Trump the man, the American people voted against the Washington establishment. Given a choice again between you and Trump or you and another Washington outsider you people will get your ass whooped again.

uh-huh.... you mean drain the washington swamp & fill it with wall st cesspool....

got it.
He will walk away unscathed

"Unscathed"???....Really???....You don't think that he is a bit butt-hurt, injured, ridiculed now??......(such unrequited love of the orange clown from morons ) LOL

LMAO the man is a multi billionaire in his 70's :laugh: you libs are losing it.

who STILL craves adoration.... forget him bringing up crowd sizes & popular vote tallies... remember his cabinet circle jerk when he demanded accolades & have it recorded on film? he's a sick sad pathetic insecure little man baby.
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Its becoming the preferred way to avoid reality by right wingers, to place their heads in the sand and simply state that "if polls were correct, then Hillary would be president".......

Of course, they're wrong, most polls gauge an INDIVIDUAL's opinion, NOT the electoral college's whims......Nonetheless, only a delusional idiot could claim that Trump is "beloved" by American voters and that this scourge in the WH would be elected again if the election were held today.

Here's the latest from Quinnipiac U.

On questions of presidential morality, Trump takes a serious beating. Sixty-two percent say that Trump does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership. And breaking that down into specifics only makes it worse
  • 61-36 percent say that he is not honest;
  • 61-37 percent say that he does not have good leadership skills;
  • 57-40 percent say that he does not care about average Americans;
  • 68-29 percent say that he is not level headed;
  • 59-38 percent say that he is a strong person;
  • 55-43 percent say that he is intelligent;
  • 63-34 percent say that he does not share their values.
QU Poll Release Detail

Quinnipiac Poll has more Democrats
This is who responded to the the poll.
Responses are reported for 1,514 self-identified registered voters

Republican 25% or 378 people polled
Democrat 33% or 500 polled were Democrats
Independent 35% or 529 polled
Other/DK/NA 8%

SO then with this Party Affiliation
showing this: Party Affiliation equal at 28%


View attachment 145945

their own stats show there were more indies than (D)s. lol!!!! it also states RANDOM. you do understand what random means don't you?

holy cow.
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Just deal with it, Trump bested you.

The orange clown just "bested" you morons....and you haven't yet figured it out which makes you doubly stupid......LOL

Trump really screwed us over by winning the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS nominations, and keeping Hillary out of the White House? You people are unhinged :laugh:

he has a (R) house, a (R) senate & can't get a fucking thing done 7 months into his term. the only things he was able to accomplish were thru executive order. the ONLY BILL he signed was in protest to increase sanctions against russia that is veto proof anyways. lazy ass congress hasn't t even been fully on recess to prevent him from doing any real presidential appointments. or actions... now kelly is in charge of babysitting him & will limit the things that he gets to read... to try to curb his twitter tantrums. what other 'president'.... has needed parental controls on his behavior...EVER? :laugh2:
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LOL you realize that makes you sound like a nut bar right? :cuckoo: Go ahead delude yourselves it makes no difference to me. :laugh:

riiiiiight............ is that why town hall meetings are no shows for a lotta (R)s? why are they avoiding them like the plague? especially when people show up angry at THEM???? lolololol............

LOL you fools lost over 1,000 seats nationally BEFORE Trump ran for office. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

oh the (D)s have a long road ahead of them for sure. freedom isn't free & a lot of people hopefully have learned their lesson. i learned mine in 2000.

First you people need to figure out why you lost the support of the American people. Since you are still in denial and seem stuck on stupid and plan to try winning by attacking Trump a 2nd time well good luck with that. If you people had a brain in your pointy heads you would listen to moderate dems but its clear the left wing of your party is unwilling to abandon their strategy of division and identity politics. Put a fork in the Dem party they are done.

lol... you dumb fuck - i am an indie. & i know very well what the (D) party stood for when they were actually a party. but face facts sweety.... trump is not for the working man. he never was. he even admitted it at his rally..... he called himself the elite AND said he's got a terrific be-u-tee-full apartment to boot. problem with *YOU* is you think you will be just like dear leader someday & he's playing you like a cheap snake oiled violin.

"...The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do...That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular...~ pg 58, the art of the deal

lol.... suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrr................
Its becoming the preferred way to avoid reality by right wingers, to place their heads in the sand ...

Sorry, but I stopped reading at this point because I have no tolerance for liberal butthurt, delusional, projectionist snowflakes attempting to claim anyone else has a problem accepting reality.

When liberals can cease there seditious, treasonous, violent rioting, looting, burning, destroying of property, can stop calling for assassinations and trying to carry out those assassinations, when they have stopped creating these fake news conspiracy theory attack scandals, when they have put their left-wing violent fascist group antifa in check, and have gotten control of their extreme hatred due to Hillary Clinton's presidential election loss, then and only then can they talk about anyone else's denial and delusion.

Until then they cannot be taken seriously.
Thanks for taking the Nazi white supremacist side and showing the forum exactly who you are.
Another poll to ignore: Biden and Bernie beats the comrade by 20 points if an election was held this week.
You probably don't know why do you. Lol

Yep, and Hillary in a landslide!!!!
riiiiiight............ is that why town hall meetings are no shows for a lotta (R)s? why are they avoiding them like the plague? especially when people show up angry at THEM???? lolololol............

LOL you fools lost over 1,000 seats nationally BEFORE Trump ran for office. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

oh the (D)s have a long road ahead of them for sure. freedom isn't free & a lot of people hopefully have learned their lesson. i learned mine in 2000.

First you people need to figure out why you lost the support of the American people. Since you are still in denial and seem stuck on stupid and plan to try winning by attacking Trump a 2nd time well good luck with that. If you people had a brain in your pointy heads you would listen to moderate dems but its clear the left wing of your party is unwilling to abandon their strategy of division and identity politics. Put a fork in the Dem party they are done.

lol... you dumb fuck - i am an indie. & i know very well what the (D) party stood for when they were actually a party. but face facts sweety.... trump is not for the working man. he never was. he even admitted it at his rally..... he called himself the elite AND said he's got a terrific be-u-tee-full apartment to boot. problem with *YOU* is you think you will be just like dear leader someday & he's playing you like a cheap snake oiled violin.

"...The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do...That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular...~ pg 58, the art of the deal

lol.... suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrr................
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that is THE lamest strawman i have ever seen... but but what about obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........................

you fail.

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