Yet Another Toddler Accidentally Shot And Killed His Mother

But it's the past so it doesn't count according to you.

Stop being such a dick. We all know that any accidental gun death gets reported far more than anytime someone uses a gun in a legit self defense scenario

We do? Defenses are going to be pretty exciting stories. The problem is lawful defenses are rare.

Prove it

ALL deaths are reported all self defense cases are not. The numbers are skewed to begin with.

It is your claim. You prove it. I am certain they get reported as they happen.

SOme cop responds to a call where a guy says he scared off a person breaking and entering with his gun. That story never makes it to the national wire.

Some kid accidentally shoots mommy and it's picked up by every major national news outlet

You have to be especially naive to think otherwise

Really? Because those stories do make the news.

Not the national news. It's not news unless someone gets killed.

Even you can't be so stupid to think that simply because something doesn't get national coverage that it didn't happen
Hits home, 100% on topic of the OP. Millions of children have been murdered in the past century because citizens could not protect themselves with guns.

Who is talking about taking away guns?
OK, tell us the point of the OP.

Gun safety.

All guns already have safety features the problem is that you CANNOT make people use those features.

Accidents will always happen. If you think you can live in an accident free world then you are already living in a rubber room wearing a straight jacket
Seems way off topic.
Hits home, 100% on topic of the OP. Millions of children have been murdered in the past century because citizens could not protect themselves with guns.

Who is talking about taking away guns?
OK, tell us the point of the OP.

Gun safety.
Mom violated logic and the law. She paid the price. Child is likely better off.


One less RWNJ gun nut ol Baindead should be happy
We do? Defenses are going to be pretty exciting stories. The problem is lawful defenses are rare.

Prove it

ALL deaths are reported all self defense cases are not. The numbers are skewed to begin with.

It is your claim. You prove it. I am certain they get reported as they happen.

SOme cop responds to a call where a guy says he scared off a person breaking and entering with his gun. That story never makes it to the national wire.

Some kid accidentally shoots mommy and it's picked up by every major national news outlet

You have to be especially naive to think otherwise

Really? Because those stories do make the news.

Not the national news. It's not news unless someone gets killed.

Even you can't be so stupid to think that simply because something doesn't get national coverage that it didn't happen

I have seen many hit the national news and so have you.
And then all the others......the best in the field and then the rest...all stating that you are wrong.....

Please link any one that doesn't include Lott that can be taken seriously and I will review it. Your list is from lotts site...

Moron.....they are all peer reviewed studies.......15 of them are not John Lott.....and of want him taken out because he is the most experienced in this area of research........and the most you want him excluded...nice try......Tell the Patriots to bench their quarter back and see how that goes...

Link to one without Lott to review. Pick one and stop whining.

I linked to over 15 and looking at the rest that Lott did would be informative since he is the resident expert in the field.....which is why you hate him so.....

You linked garbage from lotts site. Why are you scared to link a study that doesn't involve Lott?

moron.....I linked to 15 peer reviewed addition to Lott...who is the expert in the field....
Only dumb people would want to be involved with a so called "smart" gun...
I have a fingerprint readers on my iPads/Samsung s7 it doesn't work worth a shit. The last place I would want shit technology would be on my firearms… LOL

Good for you. That doesn't change that it would have avoided this accident.

Perhaps, but suppose your "safe gun" had actually been needed for its intended use?

According to the gun nuts the gun almost never needs to be fired in defense. I think this woman would have been safer with a smart gun.

No....according to actual research into the use of guns for self defense...the majority of the time criminals will run away or surrender...only needing to be shot rarely.....

So smart guns would work fine, thank you. guns are stupid...

Smart Guns are Stupid Science | RealClearScience
The power has been out for two months. Word of mouth, around the FEMA depots, says it should be back soon. That's what they said last month too. Suddenly, in the wreckage of your home, you hear the footsteps of a band of looters. You reach for your gun, but it won't unlock because its battery died last week...

You fell asleep on the couch. A burglar kicks down your front door and jams a cold pistol muzzle to your forehead. You realize that the gun your wife is groping for in the dark bedroomwill only fire if it is within inches of the RFID watch. But the watch is on your arm...

The whole point of owning a gun is that you only need to use it in the most extreme situations (and you pray these never arise). You don't plug your gun into a USB port before going to bed, knowing that tonight is the night that you'll need it. You don't pop on your special RFID digital watch before slipping between the sheets. A gun needs to be ready for the only circumstances it is designed for: the unimaginably horrible ones.

A gun that is hamstrung by special technological conditions to fire is a liability to an owner who keeps it for protection from these terrifying moments. Science would say that smart guns are a stupid idea.

Murphy, author of the famous law, is unknown to history. It's a good bet that he was a scientist, or possibly an engineer. He stressed one of the most important things to understand as a practitioner of sound laboratory science -- and daily life -- is the minimization of extraneous variables. The fewer things that you need to happen perfectly right, the more likely your plan is to succeed.

Gun technology changes very little over time. This isn't due to lack of scientific progress or some conspiracy. Quite simply, a reliable tool should be as simple as it can possibly be. A cleaned, oiled, mechanically sound gun is extremely simple. It doesn't suffer from unnecessary complications that risk failure at a crucial instant.

A gun should not be like a high-tech complex scientific tool or tech toy. If your iPhone crashes or drops a call you can simply wait for it to reboot or call back. If the fancy lab microscope breaks, a technician can come and fix it, but you'll have to wait an hour or a day to use it.

When the moment comes to use your firearm, you need it to work perfectly with no delay or fiddling. There is zero margin for error. A more complex gun, reliant on batteries and chips and special mechanisms, is simply a gun that is more likely to let you down in the moment when your life hangs in the balance.

If we want to reduce accidental gun deaths, what should we do instead? The answer is training gun owners to strictly follow simple rules. In brief terms, there are two layers to this strategy.

When handling a firearm, it is imperative to operate by a few simple rules at all times. First, always assume a gun is loaded; never play with it, wave it around, or treat it as harmless. Second, never point the muzzle at a person unless you intend to kill them. Imagine that a laser pointer is taped to the barrel; anyone that the laser passes near is in the "kill path." Third, never place your finger on the trigger until you are pulling it; this way you can never fire unintentionally.

The second layer of gun responsibility applies when the firearm is not being handled. Obviously, put the safety on, and don't leave your gun in a place that is easy to find. Do not load it unless it is tucked away in that storage spot. If you fear a curious child, you can load a single dummy round into the chamber. This will prevent a child from discharging a live round, but only slow the owner a fraction of a second by requiring a single mechanical action without technological aids to clear that round and chamber a live one. Mechanical locks and safes can be used, but here again you are relying on complicated devices and tempting Murphy.
I just did dumbass. Tell me how a 2 year old would have accidently fired a smart gun.
I've looked at so called smart guns first hand, being a firearms dealer.
I would never sell such a piece of shit item… They could never be counted on. LOL

I wonder if that isn't the intended purpose of the gun haters. If enough honest, law abiding people are killed by criminals because the law abiding citizens are using "safe guns" which fail. The gun haters will start crowing "SEE HOW DANGEROUS GUNS ARE IN THE HANDS OF CITIZENS"?

Almost 600 dead in accidents already. Clearly they are dangerous.

in a country with over 357,000,000 guns and only 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013........

2013...accidental car deaths...35,000

2013...drowning deaths....3,000

Keep the gun, stay out of cars and pools.

We have almost 600 more than any other civilized country. You don't value life.

And the civilized countries in Europe murdered 12 million unarmed, innocent men, women and children....excuse me if I don't hold them in much regard.....
So what? ALL stats are from the past. Everything you post has already happened too

So I can quickly find examples of dead kids just from the last couple of weeks. It is clear which happens more often.

But it's the past so it doesn't count according to you.

Stop being such a dick. We all know that any accidental gun death gets reported far more than anytime someone uses a gun in a legit self defense scenario

We do? Defenses are going to be pretty exciting stories. The problem is lawful defenses are rare.

Nope.....1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent attack and save lives.....
Hits home, 100% on topic of the OP. Millions of children have been murdered in the past century because citizens could not protect themselves with guns.

Who is talking about taking away guns?
OK, tell us the point of the OP.

Gun safety.
Mom violated logic and the law. She paid the price. Child is likely better off.


Why do you think it is happening so often. The last car incident the woman was a rabid gun nut. Shouldn't she know better? Are we selling too many guns to the wrong people?

there are 74.2 million children in this country......there were 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013.........yeah...not happening often at all.....they get a lot of media coverage because journalists are gun grabbers....
We do? Defenses are going to be pretty exciting stories. The problem is lawful defenses are rare.

Prove it

ALL deaths are reported all self defense cases are not. The numbers are skewed to begin with.

It is your claim. You prove it. I am certain they get reported as they happen.

SOme cop responds to a call where a guy says he scared off a person breaking and entering with his gun. That story never makes it to the national wire.

Some kid accidentally shoots mommy and it's picked up by every major national news outlet

You have to be especially naive to think otherwise

Really? Because those stories do make the news.

Not the national news. It's not news unless someone gets killed.

Even you can't be so stupid to think that simply because something doesn't get national coverage that it didn't happen

Either he knows and is simply trolling...or he actually thinks that.....which one do you think it is...?
A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother on Tuesday while she was driving in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It adds to a growing list of accidental shootings by toddlers.

Patrice Price, 26, was driving her security guard boyfriend’s car on Highway 175 when the 2-year-old fatally shot her in the back with a single bullet.

At least 69 children aged 17 and younger had picked up a gun and accidentally shot someone so far this year, according to data from gun control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety, issued before this latest tragedy. At least 265 kids were responsible for accidental shootings in 2015.

Yet Another Toddler Accidentally Shot And Killed His Mother
They're after us.


Now you're quoting COMEDIANS? I am duly impressed!

When they're funny, yes. Do you have a problem with that?

Interesting! You believe that fatal terrorist attacks and the deaths of children is funny.

I'm not surprised since Progressives also believe that A MILLION ABORTIONS a year is irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant. How do you people live with yourselves?

Where_r_my_brains, maybe you should go start a thread about abortion. That's not the issue here.

The OP is an article about a 2 yr old shooting his mother, no one is laughing about children dying. Get a grip.
This is exactly why childcare centres should not be gunfree zones...who knows how many of those toddlers are armed?!
They're a killing zone for adults!
Please link any one that doesn't include Lott that can be taken seriously and I will review it. Your list is from lotts site...

Moron.....they are all peer reviewed studies.......15 of them are not John Lott.....and of want him taken out because he is the most experienced in this area of research........and the most you want him excluded...nice try......Tell the Patriots to bench their quarter back and see how that goes...

Link to one without Lott to review. Pick one and stop whining.

I linked to over 15 and looking at the rest that Lott did would be informative since he is the resident expert in the field.....which is why you hate him so.....

You linked garbage from lotts site. Why are you scared to link a study that doesn't involve Lott?

moron.....I linked to 15 peer reviewed addition to Lott...who is the expert in the field....

Yes garbage from lotts site. I'm asking you to link to a good study that doesn't involve Lott. You seem incapable of doing that.
Good for you. That doesn't change that it would have avoided this accident.

Perhaps, but suppose your "safe gun" had actually been needed for its intended use?

According to the gun nuts the gun almost never needs to be fired in defense. I think this woman would have been safer with a smart gun.

No....according to actual research into the use of guns for self defense...the majority of the time criminals will run away or surrender...only needing to be shot rarely.....

So smart guns would work fine, thank you. guns are stupid...

Smart Guns are Stupid Science | RealClearScience
The power has been out for two months. Word of mouth, around the FEMA depots, says it should be back soon. That's what they said last month too. Suddenly, in the wreckage of your home, you hear the footsteps of a band of looters. You reach for your gun, but it won't unlock because its battery died last week...

You fell asleep on the couch. A burglar kicks down your front door and jams a cold pistol muzzle to your forehead. You realize that the gun your wife is groping for in the dark bedroomwill only fire if it is within inches of the RFID watch. But the watch is on your arm...

The whole point of owning a gun is that you only need to use it in the most extreme situations (and you pray these never arise). You don't plug your gun into a USB port before going to bed, knowing that tonight is the night that you'll need it. You don't pop on your special RFID digital watch before slipping between the sheets. A gun needs to be ready for the only circumstances it is designed for: the unimaginably horrible ones.

A gun that is hamstrung by special technological conditions to fire is a liability to an owner who keeps it for protection from these terrifying moments. Science would say that smart guns are a stupid idea.

Murphy, author of the famous law, is unknown to history. It's a good bet that he was a scientist, or possibly an engineer. He stressed one of the most important things to understand as a practitioner of sound laboratory science -- and daily life -- is the minimization of extraneous variables. The fewer things that you need to happen perfectly right, the more likely your plan is to succeed.

Gun technology changes very little over time. This isn't due to lack of scientific progress or some conspiracy. Quite simply, a reliable tool should be as simple as it can possibly be. A cleaned, oiled, mechanically sound gun is extremely simple. It doesn't suffer from unnecessary complications that risk failure at a crucial instant.

A gun should not be like a high-tech complex scientific tool or tech toy. If your iPhone crashes or drops a call you can simply wait for it to reboot or call back. If the fancy lab microscope breaks, a technician can come and fix it, but you'll have to wait an hour or a day to use it.

When the moment comes to use your firearm, you need it to work perfectly with no delay or fiddling. There is zero margin for error. A more complex gun, reliant on batteries and chips and special mechanisms, is simply a gun that is more likely to let you down in the moment when your life hangs in the balance.

If we want to reduce accidental gun deaths, what should we do instead? The answer is training gun owners to strictly follow simple rules. In brief terms, there are two layers to this strategy.

When handling a firearm, it is imperative to operate by a few simple rules at all times. First, always assume a gun is loaded; never play with it, wave it around, or treat it as harmless. Second, never point the muzzle at a person unless you intend to kill them. Imagine that a laser pointer is taped to the barrel; anyone that the laser passes near is in the "kill path." Third, never place your finger on the trigger until you are pulling it; this way you can never fire unintentionally.

The second layer of gun responsibility applies when the firearm is not being handled. Obviously, put the safety on, and don't leave your gun in a place that is easy to find. Do not load it unless it is tucked away in that storage spot. If you fear a curious child, you can load a single dummy round into the chamber. This will prevent a child from discharging a live round, but only slow the owner a fraction of a second by requiring a single mechanical action without technological aids to clear that round and chamber a live one. Mechanical locks and safes can be used, but here again you are relying on complicated devices and tempting Murphy.

That is funny. You have said it is very rare to have to fire in defense. So no problems.
I've looked at so called smart guns first hand, being a firearms dealer.
I would never sell such a piece of shit item… They could never be counted on. LOL

I wonder if that isn't the intended purpose of the gun haters. If enough honest, law abiding people are killed by criminals because the law abiding citizens are using "safe guns" which fail. The gun haters will start crowing "SEE HOW DANGEROUS GUNS ARE IN THE HANDS OF CITIZENS"?

Almost 600 dead in accidents already. Clearly they are dangerous.

in a country with over 357,000,000 guns and only 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013........

2013...accidental car deaths...35,000

2013...drowning deaths....3,000

Keep the gun, stay out of cars and pools.

We have almost 600 more than any other civilized country. You don't value life.

And the civilized countries in Europe murdered 12 million unarmed, innocent men, women and children....excuse me if I don't hold them in much regard.....

You are going back to a very different time. That is nonsense.
From last year...
So what? ALL stats are from the past. Everything you post has already happened too

So I can quickly find examples of dead kids just from the last couple of weeks. It is clear which happens more often.

But it's the past so it doesn't count according to you.

Stop being such a dick. We all know that any accidental gun death gets reported far more than anytime someone uses a gun in a legit self defense scenario

We do? Defenses are going to be pretty exciting stories. The problem is lawful defenses are rare.

Nope.....1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent attack and save lives.....

Not supported by any facts.
Prove it

ALL deaths are reported all self defense cases are not. The numbers are skewed to begin with.

It is your claim. You prove it. I am certain they get reported as they happen.

SOme cop responds to a call where a guy says he scared off a person breaking and entering with his gun. That story never makes it to the national wire.

Some kid accidentally shoots mommy and it's picked up by every major national news outlet

You have to be especially naive to think otherwise

Really? Because those stories do make the news.

Not the national news. It's not news unless someone gets killed.

Even you can't be so stupid to think that simply because something doesn't get national coverage that it didn't happen

Either he knows and is simply trolling...or he actually thinks that.....which one do you think it is...?

It is a fantasy. You have posted many defenses that didn't involve shooting yet made the news.
Moron.....they are all peer reviewed studies.......15 of them are not John Lott.....and of want him taken out because he is the most experienced in this area of research........and the most you want him excluded...nice try......Tell the Patriots to bench their quarter back and see how that goes...

Link to one without Lott to review. Pick one and stop whining.

I linked to over 15 and looking at the rest that Lott did would be informative since he is the resident expert in the field.....which is why you hate him so.....

You linked garbage from lotts site. Why are you scared to link a study that doesn't involve Lott?

moron.....I linked to 15 peer reviewed addition to Lott...who is the expert in the field....

Yes garbage from lotts site. I'm asking you to link to a good study that doesn't involve Lott. You seem incapable of doing that.

I guess you can't read......I posted a list of over 15 studies...15 were not done with Dr. Lott...the expert in the field.

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