Yet more cops killed by you know whats.

Cops aren't killing 'civilians' like me or depotoo.
Cops are killing bad guys. That's great! Shoot more bad guys!

you spelled "Darkies" wrong. It's okay, though, we know what you meant.

I spelled everything just right.
Bad guys come in all shape, size, gender and color.
Don't try to push your personal belief system off on me.

The normal looking guy's name is Brian Shaw and he was a rookie police officer.

Don't worry though. The left are not making a big gigantic deal about this.

Here is another cop that was shot and killed in Baltimore...


Not sure why the media is keeping the details of who they are looking for as far as race and other critical information. Yet, they are asking for the public's help.

The last cop killed in this area (I live here) was killed by a white idiot who acquired his gun at a "gun bash"
Yet more cops killed by you-know-whats...

It could be by some concealed carry law abiding gun pussy. They`ve killed a cop or two or three.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed By Concealed Carry Killers
What does that have to do with anything? So what?

What we do know is a cop is 18 times more likely to be MURDERED by one of those BLACKS than a cop to "murder" one of those BLACKS.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population. That 18.5 ratio undoubtedly worsened in 2016, in light of the 53 percent increase in gun murders of officers — committed vastly and disproportionately by black males.

Among all homicide suspects whose race was known, white killers of blacks numbered only 243.

Violent crime has now risen by a significant amount for two consecutive years. The total number of violent crimes rose 4.1 percent in 2016, and estimated homicides rose 8.6 percent.

In 2015, violent crime rose by nearly 4 percent and estimated homicides by nearly 11 percent. The last time violence rose two years in a row was 2005-06.

The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect. Cops are backing off of proactive policing in high-crime minority neighborhoods, and criminals are becoming emboldened.


Don't you hate when factual data contradicts the left wing race divide and conquer narrative. Must make you all upset to know that the party of slavery stills owns the minds of most blacks in this country.

Personally I think that is funny. I also find it a bit refreshing that you will never get it.
Most these colored's have a record before shooting cops therefore, they have/had no 2A rights whatsoever. Care to try another angle comrade?

Sorry, where does it say that you have no rights if you have "a record"?

Now I will admit, the Second Amendment was put in there so that slave-rapists could keep the colored in line with guns... but when they start shooting back, you get upset.
Again when was the last white person shot by police in the news causing said uproar?

Good question? Why is it we never seem to have the cops shooting white people playing with toys. Oh, wait, maybe it's because of this.

Let's see how cops handled a white person walking about with a gun vs. a person of color walking around with a gun.

Most these colored's have a record before shooting cops therefore, they have/had no 2A rights whatsoever. Care to try another angle comrade?

Sorry, where does it say that you have no rights if you have "a record"?

Now I will admit, the Second Amendment was put in there so that slave-rapists could keep the colored in line with guns... but when they start shooting back, you get upset.

If you're a felon, which a major majority of cop killers are, you are by law disqualified to purchase or own a firearm. So, the 2A is rendered moot like I said

And, once again.....what has become the definition of 'racist'.

A conservative winning the argument with a Liberal.

Except you didn't win an argument, you just made some racist claims about black people that probably aren't even true.

Pssst... Pssst... White people don't consider you white. Just saying.

Translation: there is no possible explanation for this fact....FACT.....that doesn't utterly destroy your Liberal paradigm.


While the Liberal Lemmings have been trained, innervated, by any negative revelations about their 'authentic victims'....I'd like to see some of those at the rally against 'oppression of people of color' explain this:

"In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000

Bay Ridge population.......70,000

Any Liberal like to try where SleazeJoe failed????
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Again when was the last white person shot by police in the news causing said uproar?

Good question? Why is it we never seem to have the cops shooting white people playing with toys. Oh, wait, maybe it's because of this.

Let's see how cops handled a white person walking about with a gun vs. a person of color walking around with a gun.

And is your premise the only difference in why people are not getting shot is they are white?

First you said we all go nuts when a white guy is shot, now they don't get shot because they are white.

Don't see a logic issue here?
Why stop there? Legalize rape, murder, and grand theft auto; and save even more lives!
Or just face the fact that certain animals are incapable of following the rules of a civilized society....
Every crime you've listed involves a victim. The vast majority of recreational drug use, much like beverage alcohol use, does not involve a victim.

So how do you equate the two activities?
If you're a felon, which a major majority of cop killers are, you are by law disqualified to purchase or own a firearm. So, the 2A is rendered moot like I said

Except it isn't... and a lot of killers were able to get guns legally. Like the Church Shooter. He was a felon, he killed 26 people after buying four guns.

You are bringing up a different topic. But yes. the system was in place to prevent the shooter from buying a firearm. But like most things the government controls, they fucked it up. That has nothing to do with the second amendment you mocked earlier

If you're a felon, which a major majority of cop killers are, you are by law disqualified to purchase or own a firearm. So, the 2A is rendered moot like I said

Except it isn't... and a lot of killers were able to get guns legally. Like the Church Shooter. He was a felon, he killed 26 people after buying four guns.

I need to correct you. The church shooter purchased the guns illegally by lying on the application.

Again when was the last white person shot by police in the news causing said uproar?

Good question? Why is it we never seem to have the cops shooting white people playing with toys. Oh, wait, maybe it's because of this.

Let's see how cops handled a white person walking about with a gun vs. a person of color walking around with a gun.

And with good reason.
Blacks commit more violent crime than whites.
Why stop there? Legalize rape, murder, and grand theft auto; and save even more lives!
Or just face the fact that certain animals are incapable of following the rules of a civilized society....
Every crime you've listed involves a victim. The vast majority of recreational drug use, much like beverage alcohol use, does not involve a victim.

So how do you equate the two activities?
While there may be no immediate end user victim; many crimes up to and including murder take place, in order to get many of these products into the hands of consumers. So to tell ones self that there is no victim is pure naeivity. But suppose I indulge in the posters here, and thier fantasy; and I suppose there is no one "injured" by the use of these products... We as a society still are all victims. Victims because some are not adhering to our social contract. They are breaking the law. If they can break what laws they like; for the reasons they see fit... Then so too can everyone else. Such flaunting of the law by all would be nothing less than chaos, and anarchy.
You are bringing up a different topic. But yes. the system was in place to prevent the shooter from buying a firearm. But like most things the government controls, they fucked it up. That has nothing to do with the second amendment you mocked earlier

No, the government didn't fuck it up, the NRA did by watering it down to the point of uselessness.

Actually do a background check. Don't punch someone's name into a computer, hope you spelled it right and someone pushed the right button at the other end.

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