Yet more cops killed by you know whats.

Legalize drugs = less cops being killed
Why stop there? Legalize rape, murder, and grand theft auto; and save even more lives!
Or just face the fact that certain animals are incapable of following the rules of a civilized society....

False comparison. Murder, rape, and theft are crimes committed against and causing harm to another human being. Someone snorting coke is only harming themselves. The hypocrisy of the right over this issue always astounds me. You guys talk about personal freedom and liberty as if you have a monopoly on the idea and yet you can't wait for Big Brother government to protect us from ourselves. The fact is nations who have already decriminalized drugs have seen a drop in drug use and a drop in incarceration rates. Doing so here would go a long way to cleaning up our urban areas.

Snorting coke does just hurt the snorting fool, but drug addiction has ripple effects on a lot of lives revolving around an addict
Legalize drugs = less cops being killed
Why stop there? Legalize rape, murder, and grand theft auto; and save even more lives!
Or just face the fact that certain animals are incapable of following the rules of a civilized society....

False comparison. Murder, rape, and theft are crimes committed against and causing harm to another human being. Someone snorting coke is only harming themselves. The hypocrisy of the right over this issue always astounds me. You guys talk about personal freedom and liberty as if you have a monopoly on the idea and yet you can't wait for Big Brother government to protect us from ourselves. The fact is nations who have already decriminalized drugs have seen a drop in drug use and a drop in incarceration rates. Doing so here would go a long way to cleaning up our urban areas.

Snorting coke does just hurt the snorting fool, but drug addiction has ripple effects on a lot of lives revolving around an addict

As does alcoholism and gambling, yet those aren't illegal. In fact, we tried prohibition on those and it didn't work.
Legalize drugs = less cops being killed
Why stop there? Legalize rape, murder, and grand theft auto; and save even more lives!
Or just face the fact that certain animals are incapable of following the rules of a civilized society....

False comparison. Murder, rape, and theft are crimes committed against and causing harm to another human being. Someone snorting coke is only harming themselves. The hypocrisy of the right over this issue always astounds me. You guys talk about personal freedom and liberty as if you have a monopoly on the idea and yet you can't wait for Big Brother government to protect us from ourselves. The fact is nations who have already decriminalized drugs have seen a drop in drug use and a drop in incarceration rates. Doing so here would go a long way to cleaning up our urban areas.

Snorting coke does just hurt the snorting fool, but drug addiction has ripple effects on a lot of lives revolving around an addict

As does alcoholism and gambling, yet those aren't illegal. In fact, we tried prohibition on those and it didn't work.

I absolutely agree. In fact, prohibition was one of the costliest mistakes this country's ever made. In far more than money.

The normal looking guy's name is Brian Shaw and he was a rookie police officer.

Don't worry though. The left are not making a big gigantic deal about this.

Here is another cop that was shot and killed in Baltimore...


Not sure why the media is keeping the details of who they are looking for as far as race and other critical information. Yet, they are asking for the public's help.


Didn't happen...they have extreme gun control in Baltimore. They have every single gun law that anti gunners in this country say they want.
Seems that a far right group, Sovereign Citizens, no matter what their color, are more dangerous to LEO's than any other group.

'Sovereign citizens' leave a trail of anti-government violence across the South

The Missouri man who fatally shot three police officers and wounded three others in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this week was an adherent of the extremist, conspiratorial and sometimes violently anti-government "sovereign citizen" ideology that's been a factor in other incidents targeting law enforcement and government officials across the South and nation.

The Kansas City Star published court records showing that Gavin Eugene Long, a 29-year-old ex-Marine who served in Iraq, filed paperwork with the Jackson County, Missouri, recorder of deeds in May 2015 to change his name to Cosmo Ausar Setepenra. In a seven-page filing laden with bizarre, pseudo-legal language, he declared himself a member of the "United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation."

The group, which claims to be part of a sovereign black indigenous nation within the U.S., is part of a larger, loosely organized sovereign citizens movement that's been gaining adherents in recent years — and raising alarm among law enforcement officials. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors sovereign citizens, has estimated their numbers at 300,000, but precise figures are elusive because they typically operate as individualswithout established leadership.

Sovereign citizens were the top concern of U.S. law enforcement agencies in a 2014 study by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, surpassing even Islamist terrorists. The FBI identified sovereigns as a significant domestic terrorist threat back in 2010.
It’s going to take some time before everyone sees it.
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So for every cop shot by a bad guy exercising his second amendment rights -
And you wonder why we say liberalism is a mental illness.

You missed the point. You guys claim that the reason you done need your guns Cleetus is to fights the gummit (I'm trying to use Redneck vernacular so you understand.)

Well, who do you think you'd actually be fighting?
Okay, let's get realistic here.

Number of cops in the line of duty killed so far in 2017- 117

Of which only 41 were shot. We can be generous and add the 6 assaults, 1 stabbing and 4 vehicular assaults. The rest were traffic and other accidents.


This is from a PRO COP website.

Okay, so how many civilians were killed by cops this year.

874 according to the Washington Post.

Police shootings 2017 database

So for every cop shot by a bad guy exercising his second amendment rights - oh, wait, that's just for white people - there are 22 citizens who are shot by police.

Most these colored's have a record before shooting cops therefore, they have/had no 2A rights whatsoever. Care to try another angle comrade?

So for every cop shot by a bad guy exercising his second amendment rights -
And you wonder why we say liberalism is a mental illness.

You missed the point. You guys claim that the reason you done need your guns Cleetus is to fights the gummit (I'm trying to use Redneck vernacular so you understand.)

Well, who do you think you'd actually be fighting?

Probably you panty waste who are scared of guns. Remember, the end with the hole points away from you


The normal looking guy's name is Brian Shaw and he was a rookie police officer.

Don't worry though. The left are not making a big gigantic deal about this.

Here is another cop that was shot and killed in Baltimore...


Not sure why the media is keeping the details of who they are looking for as far as race and other critical information. Yet, they are asking for the public's help.

The last cop killed in this area (I live here) was killed by a white idiot who acquired his gun at a "gun bash"
Yet more cops killed by you-know-whats...

It could be by some concealed carry law abiding gun pussy. They`ve killed a cop or two or three.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed By Concealed Carry Killers

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