You ain't Black

Democrats--great for those small businesses
One of the purposes of government is to balance the benefits of business against the rights and best interests of people. Because people and not businesses is what community is all about. Business is a means to an end, the end is supposed to be to the benefit of people. You've let Republicans confuse you on which is more important.
One of the purposes of government is to balance the benefits of business against the rights and best interests of people. Because people and not businesses is what community is all about. Business is a means to an end, the end is supposed to be to the benefit of people. You've let Republicans confuse you on which is more important.

4 more years and the Democrats will regulate you out of business. You know this, I know this. But whatever, the people will be happy with their bread and circuses, and Lyndon Johnson 50 years ago!
4 more years and the Democrats will regulate you out of business. You know this, I know this. But whatever, the people will be happy with their bread and circuses, and Lyndon Johnson 50 years ago!
No, I don't know this and from the general, non policy specific way you discuss the subject I'm guessing you don't know it either. All you did was regurgitate a talking point.
Is bitching and crying all your good for or can you occasionally try to fart out an intellectual argument?

Go ahead clown boy, give me your non racist argument for why black people keep voting against Republicans by 90% in every election. I'd love to laugh at you as you argue that blacks can't think for themselves or are too intimidated without realizing how incredibly racist that argument is. 😄

Again, go back to race smack. It's really all you're good at.

Sue just bitch-slapped you.

Why do you choose to be both a racist and a coward? I honestly don't get it. It's an odd choice from the wealth of options available to you.
Here it is again, goat curry. Are you listening?

Because you kuuunts brow beat any black person who DARES get off the plantation. We have OODLES of examples of said brow beating.

Now, fuck off, troll.
Here it is again, goat curry. Are you listening?

Because you kuuunts brow beat any black person who DARES get off the plantation. We have OODLES of examples of said brow beating.

Now, fuck off, troll.
Would the threat of "brow beating" be enough to make you turn coward you frightened little cuck? Is that why you assume this of others? Not really helping your case against my claims that you are indeed a coward. 😄
No, that's not the case. Jackson is the first black woman.

The right only support blacks that help uphold their racism.
GMA got caught ignoring the other Black Justices because they didn't have the approved ideals and it's funny you should mention support because the loons love people like you being the attack dog against any Black person who doesn't follow the Democratic party script for minorities.

I just noticed your signature with a Malcolm X quote, the loons must really love you.
How about you do that and I stay here?

Why should I?

I'm not the one who thinks all whites are racist and then thinks 'she' can blend into a society full of whites.

Therefore perhaps you should move to a new society, like one full of Asians.

Otherwise shut the hell up and have a beer.


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Would the threat of "brow beating" be enough to make you turn coward you frightened little cuck?
You and your ilk don't give me ONE SINGLE BIT of concern. I welcome your violence.
Is that why you assume this of others? Not really helping your case against my claims that you are indeed a coward.
Some people, not me, are afraid of being labeled and stigmatized.

Dumb ass black people stigmatize other black people who do not toe the plantation party line.

Now, get out your race card and start swinging.
You think anybody who is not a goose-stepping commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucker is racist.
Because he's not even really black. He's just some jackoff hiding behind a keyboard playing a role. Do you know how easy it would be to play the role he does? There are tons of fat white guys on the internet pretending to be black, talking tough and calling everyone that doesn't agree with them a racist. Until someone posts pics in the picture thread, I don't believe shit about who they say they are.
You and your ilk don't give me ONE SINGLE BIT of concern. I welcome your violence.

Some people, not me, are afraid of being labeled and stigmatized.
Are you calling these people cowards? Because that's what they'd have to be to let mean words stop them from voicing their opinions or voting however they want. Hell, no one even has to know who they vote for, they could do it in secret and still they choose not to. That's how scared you think these black people are and yet you still want to pretend as if you aren't a racist? 😄

It's obvious to everyone you're the coward. Just own it you broke back, cucked bitch. 😆
Dumb ass black people stigmatize other black people who do not toe the plantation party line.

Now, get out your race card and start swinging.
I don't need to swing on you clown boy, pointing and laughing at you is enough. I live in the real world where free thinking, independent black people choose over and over again to reject you and your deplorable party by 90% in every single election. You're the safe space needing mother fucker who needs to concoct some fantasy world where black people are living in secret support of you while they're being kept down in a Handmaidens Tale society of black suppression. 😄 We just don't like you, assclown. Take the hint.
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How do we know she's not a biologist?

What profession do you need to be in, in order to be qualified to define who is and is not a biologist?

Ya dumb fuck, she said she's NOT a biologist in sworn testimony, and not qualified to define a "woman". Are you saying she committed perjury?

The left continues to believe that any Black person who doesn't have their belief system isn't Black. Good morning America ignored the fact that two other Black people have served on the Supreme Court when they stated Jackson was the first. GMA is just following Biden's lead.

In vermont the psychopaths are running the asylum

Just said " and furthermore as I said and I hope you're listening Hillary people are sick and tired of hearing about Joe Biden's son's laptop

He also said
that all Vermonters
are rapists and murderers..
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Seems that by what we have seen during these hearings, republican elites believe the rule of law is for everyone else but them.

The freaks running that star chamber show should be charged with illegal dumping.

I intend to.

I don't define myself as a Democrat, so I don't really care.
I side with Democrats because they are closer to my views than Republicans.

Christopher Columbus described us as 'liberal,' so I (on behalf of my people) gladly accept credit for that. We were the original Liberals.
The colonizers gave birth to racist Republicans.

Considering Columbus never set foot in north America, that would be a bit hard to do. But hey, keep believing the lies.


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