You Can Be Proud To Be An American Again

America is not back, and that would've been the case no matter who "won." Most of you still don't get what's happening on a bigger scale. Sigh.
not everyone can be as enlightened as arrogant ignorant conspiracy theory followers.

What can be plainly seen happening in the world is not a conspiracy theory, but nice try at putting down people who don't march in lockstep with your tv-watching indoctrination. Go back to the boob tube, we'll see how that turns out for you.
sure, sure.
America is back, baby!

The End of an Error - January 20, 2021
Yep, corporate high tech dictates policy, new era of outsourcing jobs returns, and the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Got to love life on the plantation.
America is back, baby!

The End of an Error - January 20, 2021

Nope. America is screwed.

The beginning of a huge error. Biden's first day was a hum dinger. Lots of EO's that sure won't help the American tax payer or America.

I'm going to sit here and watch you lefty loons defend that jack ass. You will have much to defend. Enjoy cause I sure as hell will.
America is back, baby!

The End of an Error - January 20, 2021


I've never been particularly proud to be an American and that's not going to change just because yet another corrupt politician is in the White House
America is back, baby!

The End of an Error - January 20, 2021
You are right: The End of an Error - January 20, 2021
We are now the Socialist States of America and all the communist are celebrating their loss of freedom and the demise of the United States of America
President Biden:

By leading with diplomacy, we must also mean engaging our adversaries and our competitors diplomatically, where it’s in our interest, and advance the security of the American people.

That’s why, yesterday, the United States and Russia agreed to extend the New START Treaty for five years to preserve the only remaining treaty between our countries safeguarding nuclear stability.

At the same time, I made it clear to President Putin, in a manner very different from my predecessor, that the days of the United States rolling over in the face of Russia’s aggressive actions — interfering with our elections, cyberattacks, poisoning its citizens — are over. We will not hesitate to raise the cost on Russia and defend our vital interests and our people. And we will be more effective in dealing with Russia when we work in coalition and coordination with other like-minded partners.

The politically motivated jailing of Alexei Navalny and the Russian efforts to suppress freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are a matter of deep concern to us and the international community.

Mr. Navalny, like all Russian citizens, is entitled to his rights under the Russian constitution. He’s been targeted — targeted for exposing corruption. He should be released immediately and without condition.
I am ashamed of what this country has become.

A blatant stolen election where nobody did jackshit about it.

Condemnation of Patriot Americans standing up for the Constitution.

Attack on free speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms, all supposedly guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

A stupid greedy inept Left Wing American hating political Party in charge of the White House and Congress.

I'm glad that my father who fought in WWII to preserve this country isn't around any more to see how the Liberals have fucked up this country so bad.

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