You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

8 hour flights in fighters dont work

You don't get routine operations.

In the 80's my Wing conducted a two week exercise where we left South Carolina, flew to Idaho, flew tactical training missions then flew back to South Carolina--without landing. We were in the air all day. We hit a tanker every 90 minutes to 2 hours.

key >>>>>>>>>>> over friendly air space.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thank you for your service
deltex1 is off line. Lets see what he says. I think you misunderstood him. I know you know nothing of routine air refueling.

Deltex is Retired Lt Col USAF and his son flew fighters, the loon is out of his league on this one

refuel @ mach2 Lt Col ... I'll watch.


He never said only think he did because it suits your agenda. Let me help you out, he's forgotten more about this than you will ever learn, time after time on this thread you've revealed you are clueless, but persist in making yourself look the asshole you are. Give it up, nobody that knows anything about this is buying your elementary knowledge and bullshit, pal
key >>>>>>>>>>> over friendly air space.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thank you for your service

But you said 8 hour flights in fighters don't work. But now they do over friendly airspace?

Just FYI, threats and losses were factored in to that exercise and every exercise we flew. By practicing how we expected to fight, we could get a rough risk estimate of various types of operations. Ref: Red Flag, Cope Thunder, etc....

You're thanking me for my service? If you're serious, I humbly appreciate your gratitude in remembrance of my squadron mates who are no longer with us.
deltex1 is off line. Lets see what he says. I think you misunderstood him. I know you know nothing of routine air refueling.

Deltex is Retired Lt Col USAF and his son flew fighters, the loon is out of his league on this one

refuel @ mach2 Lt Col ... I'll watch.


He never said only think he did because it suits your agenda. Let me help you out, he's forgotten more about this than you will ever learn, time after time on this thread you've revealed you are clueless, but persist in making yourself look the asshole you are. Give it up, nobody that knows anything about this is buying your elementary knowledge and bullshit, pal

without digging too deep into my past lets just say I know more about flying missions .. F4's to F16's than you'll ever know.

youre dismissed.
deltex1 is off line. Lets see what he says. I think you misunderstood him. I know you know nothing of routine air refueling.

Deltex is Retired Lt Col USAF and his son flew fighters, the loon is out of his league on this one

refuel @ mach2 Lt Col ... I'll watch.


He never said only think he did because it suits your agenda. Let me help you out, he's forgotten more about this than you will ever learn, time after time on this thread you've revealed you are clueless, but persist in making yourself look the asshole you are. Give it up, nobody that knows anything about this is buying your elementary knowledge and bullshit, pal

without digging too deep into my past lets just say I know more about flying missions .. F4's to F16's than you'll ever know.

youre dismissed.

LOL Sure ya do, your comments on this thread betray you. YOU are dismissed ya lying jackass
key >>>>>>>>>>> over friendly air space.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thank you for your service

But you said 8 hour flights in fighters don't work. But now they do over friendly airspace?

Just FYI, threats and losses were factored in to that exercise and every exercise we flew. By practicing how we expected to fight, we could get a rough risk estimate of various types of operations. Ref: Red Flag, Cope Thunder, etc....

You're thanking me for my service? If you're serious, I humbly appreciate your gratitude in remembrance of my squadron mates who are no longer with us.

how many trans Atlantic missions in F22's are you aware of?
key >>>>>>>>>>> over friendly air space.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thank you for your service

But you said 8 hour flights in fighters don't work. But now they do over friendly airspace?

Just FYI, threats and losses were factored in to that exercise and every exercise we flew. By practicing how we expected to fight, we could get a rough risk estimate of various types of operations. Ref: Red Flag, Cope Thunder, etc....

You're thanking me for my service? If you're serious, I humbly appreciate your gratitude in remembrance of my squadron mates who are no longer with us.

how many trans Atlantic missions in F22's are you aware of?

VIDEO - RIAT 2008: F-22 display follows 'flawless' first transatlantic crossing
RAINMAN !!! are you here by chance and following this BULLSHIT ?
The paradox that is being other looked by the post is; Hillary and Obama both boarded jets to fly for their destinations but denied those in need of the same.
Crimeme, even jimmy carter made a half hearted effort to rescue those in Iran.
how many trans Atlantic missions in F22's are you aware of?

Couldn't tell ya. I could look it up or you could. Suffice to say, wherever we have USAF fighters, they got there by flight.

F-22 Air Refuel During Trans-Atlantic Flight
"The House Armed Services Committee, the independent Accountability Review Board, and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence determined that no F-16s or other strike aircraft could have responded in time to save lives. AFRICOM Commander General Carter Ham, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and other military experts all explained that F-16s were not the appropriate military response given the posture of the forces and the risks involved." report.pdf
how many trans Atlantic missions in F22's are you aware of?

Couldn't tell ya. I could look it up or you could. Suffice to say, wherever we have USAF fighters, they got there by flight.

F-22 Air Refuel During Trans-Atlantic Flight

Indeed. but not scramble a wing or a bird for a covert transatlantic mission ... dont work like that.
So in hindsight, the Dems concoct a story line that they couldn't have gotten there in time so they hop in their time machine, zap themselves back to the night of the attack and decide not to do anything because help wouldn't get there in time.

It's nice having a time machine to manufacture Libspeak.
So in hindsight, the Dems concoct a story line that they couldn't have gotten there in time so they hop in their time machine, zap themselves back to the night of the attack and decide not to do anything because help wouldn't get there in time.

It's nice having a time machine to manufacture Libspeak.

There were F-16's in Italy, 1100 miles away....the dems BS doesn't fly
So in hindsight, the Dems concoct a story line that they couldn't have gotten there in time so they hop in their time machine, zap themselves back to the night of the attack and decide not to do anything because help wouldn't get there in time.

It's nice having a time machine to manufacture Libspeak.

tell that bs to Robert Gates.
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.


Are you suggesting refueling at Mach 2 ?

now youre catching on ... like I said... math dont work.
8 hour flights in fighters dont work
the op and his ass lickers pea brains dont work

thanks for playing.

the end
My son spent eight hours in the f15,tracking Russian bombers pestering the coast of Alaska back in the eighties.
So in hindsight, the Dems concoct a story line that they couldn't have gotten there in time so they hop in their time machine, zap themselves back to the night of the attack and decide not to do anything because help wouldn't get there in time.

It's nice having a time machine to manufacture Libspeak.

Except it wasn't the Democrats creating a storyline it was the Republicans who did. Democrats merely agreed with the military that it couldn't be done responsibly.
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.


Are you suggesting refueling at Mach 2 ?

now youre catching on ... like I said... math dont work.
8 hour flights in fighters dont work
the op and his ass lickers pea brains dont work

thanks for playing.

the end
My son spent eight hours in the f15,tracking Russian bombers pestering the coast of Alaska back in the eighties.

friendly air space, no war.

big difference than the mid east today
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So in hindsight, the Dems concoct a story line that they couldn't have gotten there in time so they hop in their time machine, zap themselves back to the night of the attack and decide not to do anything because help wouldn't get there in time.

It's nice having a time machine to manufacture Libspeak.

There were F-16's in Italy, 1100 miles away....the dems BS doesn't fly

That was debunked in the Benghazi hearings. The F-16 would have exhausted its fuel before it got to Benghazi and scheduling a tanker is not as easy as it sounds since we were at war in Afghanistan and had operations elsewhere that were dependent on tanker support.

The other element that caused concern was their was no ground support in the event of a crash or a shoot down. Having a military pilot paraded by terrorists is not something taken lightly.

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