You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin

oh yeah, it doesn't hurt to know there are other dumbasses who believe his bullshit.

have a nice evening, DUMBASSES.
Shitforbrains says an F-22 can't fly across the Atlantic.

Shows you what level idiot he is.
5208 miles from Washington DC to Benghazi

What was the fighter gonna do once it got there, bomb them?
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.


Are you suggesting refueling at Mach 2 ?

now youre catching on ... like I said... math dont work.
8 hour flights in fighters dont work
the op and his ass lickers pea brains dont work

thanks for playing.

the end
My son spent eight hours in the f15,tracking Russian bombers pestering the coast of Alaska back in the eighties.

friendly air space, no war.

big difference than the mid east today
What were the Libyans going to do if the USAF appeared overhead the night we let them murder four of our people? Throw spears at them? This stupid discussion is simply about the ability of our forces to travel great distances in a short time. We can. But we didn't. Obama is a pussy and Hillary is quote the FBI director.
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We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
That was debunked in the Benghazi hearings.

One of the nice things about being semi-retired is I get to pamper my addiction to CSPAN. I watched the majority of the Benghazi hearings real time and in full. We're talking six hours at a pop. The Dems used their time to push the "We couldn't get there in time" or "The State Department was underfunded" or screaming that the hearing was just a witch hunt against Hillary. It was nothing but theater from the Dem perspective. The hearing opened more questions than were answered. Nothing was debunked concerning Obama's or Hillary's gross negligence. I watched it live.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.

No one knew when the attack, NOT EVENT, was going to end. This hindsight re-creation is total bullshit. No one during the attack was saying, "Well fellas, this whole thing will be over in 1 hour and 37 minutes so it's no use in trying to save American lives."

The maddening thing about Obama and Hillary is that they didn't even TRY to do anything. Nada. Zilch. They put those people in harms way and sat by while they were murdered.

Event may ass.
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That was debunked in the Benghazi hearings.

One of the nice things about being semi-retired is I get to pamper my addiction to CSPAN. I watched the majority of the Benghazi hearings real time and in full. We're talking six hours at a pop. The Dems used their time to push the "We couldn't get there in time" or "The State Department was underfunded" or screaming that the hearing was just a witch hunt against Hillary. It was nothing but theater from the Dem perspective. The hearing opened more questions than were answered. Nothing was debunked concerning Obama's or Hillary's gross negligence. I watched it live.

Seeing is believing. Read the reports instead of watching them. The timeline tells it all and by the time we could have responded it was over. There might be a lesson in all that, but it's called a day late and a dollar short.
You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

In 8 hours. Hillarious went home to bed and Obamakov loaded up on Air Farce One and went to Vegas to party. Our patriots were left there to die.

That's all you need to know about the Queens.

So what? How many troops can an F-22 carry and what was it supposed to do in Benghazi?

We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.

Those are the facts about our military capability. You certainly don't have to like it, but you do have to eat the facts.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.
So what? How many troops can an F-22 carry and what was it supposed to do in Benghazi?

Other than kill everyone that posed a threat to Americans? :eusa_doh:

Laky....sweetie....for your own good - please stop talking. You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
Our planes couldn't land in Libya you say? Why did Hillary have our ambassador in such a dangerous area then?

We can't bomb a foreign country we are not at war with? Inform Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan,
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
Uh, no. It was not addressed. And claiming we can't bomb a nation we are not at war with while you post about Libya - simply hysterical.
So what? How many troops can an F-22 carry and what was it supposed to do in Benghazi?

Other than kill everyone that posed a threat to Americans? :eusa_doh:

Laky....sweetie....for your own good - please stop talking. You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels.

Please explain how an F-22 could have killed everyone that posed a threat to Americans - in a CROWDED RIOT. Just kill everyone?
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.

Those are the facts about our military capability. You certainly don't have to like it, but you do have to eat the facts.
The problem is - you don't have any facts. You're literally just making shit up. It is a fact (and the men who were there and lived through it have done numerous interviews about it) that Navy Seals and other security forces with special forces background in the region were told to stand down (and by in the region - we're talking with in a few miles of the site). Multiple times they were refused requests to go and assist. Finally they said "fuck it" and defied orders. So your bullshit about there being no "ground support available" is a blatant lie. Stop making shit up you nitwit.
So what? How many troops can an F-22 carry and what was it supposed to do in Benghazi?

Other than kill everyone that posed a threat to Americans? :eusa_doh:

Laky....sweetie....for your own good - please stop talking. You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels.

Seriously? drop 1,000lb bombs in a residential area? A 500lb bomb will fragment over 3000ft, what point is made killing everyone in the embassy?
So what? How many troops can an F-22 carry and what was it supposed to do in Benghazi?

Other than kill everyone that posed a threat to Americans? :eusa_doh:

Laky....sweetie....for your own good - please stop talking. You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels.

How does this scenario play out in your action movie head ? It's a supersonic fighting jet ! Not a transformer .

The ambassador and his staff are having a fire fight on the streets of a city . All that jet can possible do is blow up the neighborhood, killing the americans and everyone else .

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