You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.

Those are the facts about our military capability. You certainly don't have to like it, but you do have to eat the facts.
The problem is - you don't have any facts. You're literally just making shit up. It is a fact (and the men who were there and lived through it have done numerous interviews about it) that Navy Seals and other security forces with special forces background in the region were told to stand down (and by in the region - we're talking with in a few miles of the site). Multiple times they were refused requests to go and assist. Finally they said "fuck it" and defied orders. So your bullshit about there being no "ground support available" is a blatant lie. Stop making shit up you nitwit.

Dum Dum, ALL of this was covered in the hearings which YOU said you watched. I think you must have fallen asleep or passed out instead.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.

You're trying to defend the position that nothing should have been done. The straws you're grasping won't support an unsupportable position.
So what? How many troops can an F-22 carry and what was it supposed to do in Benghazi?

Other than kill everyone that posed a threat to Americans? :eusa_doh:

Laky....sweetie....for your own good - please stop talking. You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels.

Please explain how an F-22 could have killed everyone that posed a threat to Americans - in a CROWDED RIOT. Just kill everyone?
Stupid.....fighter jets such as the F-22 are not just armed with missiles. They have "gun systems" that are fully automatic. What an ignorant liberal would refer to as "a machine gun". They can fire on other aircraft or on people on the ground. It reigns down some awesome fire power and would intimidate the hell out of whoever didn't die. The fight would be over in minutes as nobody would continue against that reigning down on them from above. :eusa_doh:

M61A2 20-mm Cannon
The F-22's close-range weapon is the M61A2 20mm cannon and its associated components. The M61 is a proven gun, having been the U. S. military's close-in weapon of choice dating back to the 1950s. The F-104, F-105, later models of the F-106, F-111, F-4, B-58, all used the M61, as does the Air Force's current F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon, and the Navy's F-14 Tomcat and F/A-18 Hornet. The system is integrally mounted in the aircraft and located on the right side of the aircraft between the wing (top side) and fuselage. It is a fixed-forward firing mount. A gun door, located in the wing root area, is hydraulically controlled to open when firing the gun, which allows the rounds and blast pressure to clear the muzzle. A 480-round closed loop ammunition feed and storage subsystem is housed integrally under the right wing root/fuselage for easy ammo upload and download of empty casings. The gun system consists of the M61A2 gun, the Linear Linkless Ammunition Handling System (LLAHS), the hydraulic drive system, and the gun door/gun port and gas purge system.

F-22 Weapons
So in hindsight, the Dems concoct a story line that they couldn't have gotten there in time so they hop in their time machine, zap themselves back to the night of the attack and decide not to do anything because help wouldn't get there in time.

It's nice having a time machine to manufacture Libspeak.

There were F-16's in Italy, 1100 miles away....the dems BS doesn't fly

That was debunked in the Benghazi hearings. The F-16 would have exhausted its fuel before it got to Benghazi and scheduling a tanker is not as easy as it sounds since we were at war in Afghanistan and had operations elsewhere that were dependent on tanker support.

The other element that caused concern was their was no ground support in the event of a crash or a shoot down. Having a military pilot paraded by terrorists is not something taken lightly.

if a bird got shot down by a SAM doing fly overs to SCARE those raghead thugs, RWs would be climbing the WH fence demanding Obama be brought to justice ... the war room made a critical decision and decided not to take immediate action without knowing exactly what they were up against .... GOD couldn't have got there in time to save Stevens, and RW's are still crawilin' the WH fence demanding justice.

F em all and feed em fish heads.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.

Those are the facts about our military capability. You certainly don't have to like it, but you do have to eat the facts.
The problem is - you don't have any facts. You're literally just making shit up. It is a fact (and the men who were there and lived through it have done numerous interviews about it) that Navy Seals and other security forces with special forces background in the region were told to stand down (and by in the region - we're talking with in a few miles of the site). Multiple times they were refused requests to go and assist. Finally they said "fuck it" and defied orders. So your bullshit about there being no "ground support available" is a blatant lie. Stop making shit up you nitwit.

Dum Dum, ALL of this was covered in the hearings which YOU said you watched. I think you must have fallen asleep or passed out instead.
The facts are those testified to by the people who were on the ground, in the fight. All the rest is political hearsay and cya.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
Our planes couldn't land in Libya you say? Why did Hillary have our ambassador in such a dangerous area then?

We can't bomb a foreign country we are not at war with? Inform Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan,
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
Uh, no. It was not addressed. And claiming we can't bomb a nation we are not at war with while you post about Libya - simply hysterical.

Yes, it was addressed every fucking thing was addressed by those stupid hearings 8 investigations with published reports, 50 congressional hearings 4 years and $30 million dollars. The only reason they quit is they ran out of things to say.
This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.

Those are the facts about our military capability. You certainly don't have to like it, but you do have to eat the facts.
The problem is - you don't have any facts. You're literally just making shit up. It is a fact (and the men who were there and lived through it have done numerous interviews about it) that Navy Seals and other security forces with special forces background in the region were told to stand down (and by in the region - we're talking with in a few miles of the site). Multiple times they were refused requests to go and assist. Finally they said "fuck it" and defied orders. So your bullshit about there being no "ground support available" is a blatant lie. Stop making shit up you nitwit.

Dum Dum, ALL of this was covered in the hearings which YOU said you watched. I think you must have fallen asleep or passed out instead.
The facts are those testified to by the people who were on the ground, in the fight. All the rest is political hearsay and cya.
Bullshit and you know it. The dummies in the committee weren't up to the job spending $30 million on nothing. No indictments, no charges, nothing.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.
View attachment 84374

It WAS Bush's fault and that's the way history will record it no matter how many times you cry and throw your spoon on the floor.
In 8 hours. Hillarious went home to bed and Obamakov loaded up on Air Farce One and went to Vegas to party. Our patriots were left there to die.

That's all you need to know about the Queens.

Funny how four people die and you go crazy, and yet 10,000 die a year and you don't give a flying shit.
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up

post some more pics of F22's refueling @ Mach2 and stfu.

I never said they did Mr Strawman. You're the one that demanded proof F-22s have made trans Atlantic flights and when provided stuck your head up your ass and hummed Hail To Hillary ya fucking dope
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up

post some more pics of F22's refueling @ Mach2 and stfu.

I never said they did Mr Strawman. You're the one that demanded proof F-22s have made trans Atlantic flights and when provided stuck your head up your ass and hummed Hail To Hillary ya fucking dope

pssssst ... :321:
The really scary thing is that Trump would probably believe the twisted shit in the OP.
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).
What an intelligent response to the realization that the gun systems on the F-22 fighters could have easily saved the lives of the American's in Benghazi.

And lets not forget - it should have never come to that in the first place. Not only did they request additional security over and over and over - but they also had credible intel of a pending attack. The additional security should have been provided or everyone should have been pulled out.

But hey - you keep attacking the people who are telling the truth. That is so much wiser. :eusa_doh:
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up

post some more pics of F22's refueling @ Mach2 and stfu.

I never said they did Mr Strawman. You're the one that demanded proof F-22s have made trans Atlantic flights and when provided stuck your head up your ass and hummed Hail To Hillary ya fucking dope

pssssst ... :321:

Childish and you know you've been shellacked. Better luck next time, liar....oh and you'd be wise to refrain from threads you are so obviously clueless about :)
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.

Those are the facts about our military capability. You certainly don't have to like it, but you do have to eat the facts.
The problem is - you don't have any facts. You're literally just making shit up. It is a fact (and the men who were there and lived through it have done numerous interviews about it) that Navy Seals and other security forces with special forces background in the region were told to stand down (and by in the region - we're talking with in a few miles of the site). Multiple times they were refused requests to go and assist. Finally they said "fuck it" and defied orders. So your bullshit about there being no "ground support available" is a blatant lie. Stop making shit up you nitwit.

Dum Dum, ALL of this was covered in the hearings which YOU said you watched. I think you must have fallen asleep or passed out instead.
Then why are you denying it? Do you always lie or do you make a special exception to cover the ass of failed Dumbocrats?
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).
What an intelligent response to the realization that the gun systems on the F-22 fighters could have easily saved the lives of the American's in Benghazi.

And lets not forget - it should have never come to that in the first place. Not only did they request additional security over and over and over - but they also had credible intel of a pending attack. The additional security should have been provided or everyone should have been pulled out.

But hey - you keep attacking the people who are telling the truth. That is so much wiser. :eusa_doh:

Wow, you should have testified at the Benghazi Kangaroo Court hearings.

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