You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

A report adopted by the eight Republican Members of the House Armed Services Committee in February 2014, concluded that “given their location and readiness status it was not possible to dispatch armed aircraft before survivors left Benghazi,” although it questioned why DOD did not prepare fighters for a prolonged or different attack.

The report also dismissed the deployment of an unarmed fighter aircraft from Aviano as a show of force, explaining that: “n light of all these factors, majority members believe the use of unarmed aircraft, with no countermeasure capability, refueling arrangements, or targeting assistance, amidst a dangerous antiaircraft environment, would have offered only a small likelihood of benefitting those under attack. It makes sense that this remote option was apparently not more actively contemplated.”
Source: House Armed Services Committee, Feb. 10, 2014

"There were no U.S. military resources in position to intervene in short order in Benghazi to help defend the Temporary Mission Facility and its Annex on September 11 and 12, 2012."
Source: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jan. 15, 2014

Admiral Michael Mullen, Vice Chair of the independent Accountability Review Board and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified repeatedly about how he personally examined this issue and determined that there was no ability to get an F-16 or another strike aircraft to Benghazi on the night of the attack. He explained that while “[t]here were plenty of assets moving” that night, there were “no planes sitting at the ready,” which meant that it would take “hours and hours” to get them combat-ready, including planning the mission, obtaining tanker support to fuel the planes, getting bomb racks, stetting the munitions, and getting permission from the host nation. He also added that NATO would not have been able to assist with the response, explaining: “I actually commanded NATO forces, and the likelihood that NATO could respond in a situation like that was absolutely zero.”
Source: Hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Sept. 19, 2013

Brigadier General Scott Zobrist, who at the time was the Wing Commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base in northern Italy, and an experienced F-16 fighter pilot, told congressional staff that dispatching an unarmed fighter jet that night would have entailed an “incredible” risk and had the potential to “make the situation worse” because of the risk of a downed aircraft. He further explained: “I’m not sure that I would even, in my good military judgment, if I could let them do that. Nor do I think my commanders would ask me to do that because of the limitations, the probability of success would be so low and the risk would be so high.” He also explained his concerns about the effectiveness of using a strike aircraft in an urban environment at night to disperse a crowd, stating “from an F-16 pilot’s perspective, based on my experience, in F-16; or F-15E or any of our other fighter aircraft, would have limited effectiveness in dispersing a crowd or in an urban environment, especially with very little awareness.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 12, 2014

General Carter Ham, who at the time of the attacks was the Commander of U.S. Africa Command, briefed the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on June 26, 2013 that in his military judgment close air support would not have made a difference that night:

“It was a very uncertain situation in an environment which we know we had an unknown surface-to-air threat with the proliferation particularly of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, many of which remain unaccounted for. But mostly it was a lack of understanding of the environment, and hence the need for the Predator to try to gain an understanding of what was going on. So again, I understand that others may disagree with this, but it was my judgment that close air support was not the right tool for that environment.”
Source: Briefing before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, June 26, 2013

General Ham again confirmed his previous statements in a transcribed interview with congressional staff almost a year later, where he explained that “given the uncertainty of the situation, given the complexity of a large urban environment, and the fact that the first attack subsided pretty significantly about an hour or so after it began, that it was my military judgment that strike aircraft, close air support were not the appropriate tool.”
Source: Transcribed Interview, April 9, 2014

Vice Admiral Charles J. Leidig explained in his transcribed interview with congressional staff that “it was completely infeasible to have fighters available that night. There were no crews. There was no weapons. There was no pre-brief. … They don’t have enough gas to get there, so then you have to have tankers. The tankers are all in Europe or in northern - or in England or Northern Europe. Same thing, you have to call crews in, get them briefed, get them up, flight time, get them down there.” He further explained that because it would have taken at least 24 hours to get a fighter to Benghazi, he concluded that “there was no way we were going to get any aircraft there that night.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 20, 2014
Never got a phone call and it was a week before Americans had boots on the ground.

Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Home

Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.
A report adopted by the eight Republican Members of the House Armed Services Committee in February 2014, concluded that “given their location and readiness status it was not possible to dispatch armed aircraft before survivors left Benghazi,” although it questioned why DOD did not prepare fighters for a prolonged or different attack.

The report also dismissed the deployment of an unarmed fighter aircraft from Aviano as a show of force, explaining that: “n light of all these factors, majority members believe the use of unarmed aircraft, with no countermeasure capability, refueling arrangements, or targeting assistance, amidst a dangerous antiaircraft environment, would have offered only a small likelihood of benefitting those under attack. It makes sense that this remote option was apparently not more actively contemplated.”
Source: House Armed Services Committee, Feb. 10, 2014

"There were no U.S. military resources in position to intervene in short order in Benghazi to help defend the Temporary Mission Facility and its Annex on September 11 and 12, 2012."
Source: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jan. 15, 2014

Admiral Michael Mullen, Vice Chair of the independent Accountability Review Board and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified repeatedly about how he personally examined this issue and determined that there was no ability to get an F-16 or another strike aircraft to Benghazi on the night of the attack. He explained that while “[t]here were plenty of assets moving” that night, there were “no planes sitting at the ready,” which meant that it would take “hours and hours” to get them combat-ready, including planning the mission, obtaining tanker support to fuel the planes, getting bomb racks, stetting the munitions, and getting permission from the host nation. He also added that NATO would not have been able to assist with the response, explaining: “I actually commanded NATO forces, and the likelihood that NATO could respond in a situation like that was absolutely zero.”
Source: Hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Sept. 19, 2013

Brigadier General Scott Zobrist, who at the time was the Wing Commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base in northern Italy, and an experienced F-16 fighter pilot, told congressional staff that dispatching an unarmed fighter jet that night would have entailed an “incredible” risk and had the potential to “make the situation worse” because of the risk of a downed aircraft. He further explained: “I’m not sure that I would even, in my good military judgment, if I could let them do that. Nor do I think my commanders would ask me to do that because of the limitations, the probability of success would be so low and the risk would be so high.” He also explained his concerns about the effectiveness of using a strike aircraft in an urban environment at night to disperse a crowd, stating “from an F-16 pilot’s perspective, based on my experience, in F-16; or F-15E or any of our other fighter aircraft, would have limited effectiveness in dispersing a crowd or in an urban environment, especially with very little awareness.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 12, 2014

General Carter Ham, who at the time of the attacks was the Commander of U.S. Africa Command, briefed the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on June 26, 2013 that in his military judgment close air support would not have made a difference that night:

“It was a very uncertain situation in an environment which we know we had an unknown surface-to-air threat with the proliferation particularly of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, many of which remain unaccounted for. But mostly it was a lack of understanding of the environment, and hence the need for the Predator to try to gain an understanding of what was going on. So again, I understand that others may disagree with this, but it was my judgment that close air support was not the right tool for that environment.”
Source: Briefing before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, June 26, 2013

General Ham again confirmed his previous statements in a transcribed interview with congressional staff almost a year later, where he explained that “given the uncertainty of the situation, given the complexity of a large urban environment, and the fact that the first attack subsided pretty significantly about an hour or so after it began, that it was my military judgment that strike aircraft, close air support were not the appropriate tool.”
Source: Transcribed Interview, April 9, 2014

Vice Admiral Charles J. Leidig explained in his transcribed interview with congressional staff that “it was completely infeasible to have fighters available that night. There were no crews. There was no weapons. There was no pre-brief. … They don’t have enough gas to get there, so then you have to have tankers. The tankers are all in Europe or in northern - or in England or Northern Europe. Same thing, you have to call crews in, get them briefed, get them up, flight time, get them down there.” He further explained that because it would have taken at least 24 hours to get a fighter to Benghazi, he concluded that “there was no way we were going to get any aircraft there that night.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 20, 2014
Never got a phone call and it was a week before Americans had boots on the ground.

Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Home

Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Suddenly Libya military was going to attack America while our people were under fire.

Again, why did Hillary have our ambassador in such a dangerous situation then?

Benghazi was a temporary mission operation.
You lefties are swimming in hypocrisy and lies.
Temporary mission to get our people murdered.

You are nothing more than politics and false outrage. I get it. You need to demonize to advance your agenda, but the problem is your party fucked up so much on its own that any false piety is overlooked because its beaming through all the flying diarrhea.
Now Benghazi is the fault of Republicans.
View attachment 84380

Tell me, who refused to give Obama the AUMF he requested?
Yet Obama initiated war with Libya, Syria, and Yemen.....
Ho Hum

"Benghazi attack suspect Ahmed Abu Khatallah was watched by U.S. commandos, law enforcement and intelligence for days before his capture, several U.S. officials said Tuesday.
Not a single shot was fired when the manhunt was successfully completed over the weekend, U.S. officials said. Abu Khatallah's arrest and detention marks the first by the United States in connection with the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
The militia leader was lured to a location south of the city in eastern Libya and grabbed without a fight, multiple officials said. Intelligence provided by local Libyans was said to have been helpful, the officials said." Sources: Benghazi 'mastermind' was captured with no shots fired -
A report adopted by the eight Republican Members of the House Armed Services Committee in February 2014, concluded that “given their location and readiness status it was not possible to dispatch armed aircraft before survivors left Benghazi,” although it questioned why DOD did not prepare fighters for a prolonged or different attack.

The report also dismissed the deployment of an unarmed fighter aircraft from Aviano as a show of force, explaining that: “n light of all these factors, majority members believe the use of unarmed aircraft, with no countermeasure capability, refueling arrangements, or targeting assistance, amidst a dangerous antiaircraft environment, would have offered only a small likelihood of benefitting those under attack. It makes sense that this remote option was apparently not more actively contemplated.”
Source: House Armed Services Committee, Feb. 10, 2014

"There were no U.S. military resources in position to intervene in short order in Benghazi to help defend the Temporary Mission Facility and its Annex on September 11 and 12, 2012."
Source: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jan. 15, 2014

Admiral Michael Mullen, Vice Chair of the independent Accountability Review Board and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified repeatedly about how he personally examined this issue and determined that there was no ability to get an F-16 or another strike aircraft to Benghazi on the night of the attack. He explained that while “[t]here were plenty of assets moving” that night, there were “no planes sitting at the ready,” which meant that it would take “hours and hours” to get them combat-ready, including planning the mission, obtaining tanker support to fuel the planes, getting bomb racks, stetting the munitions, and getting permission from the host nation. He also added that NATO would not have been able to assist with the response, explaining: “I actually commanded NATO forces, and the likelihood that NATO could respond in a situation like that was absolutely zero.”
Source: Hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Sept. 19, 2013

Brigadier General Scott Zobrist, who at the time was the Wing Commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base in northern Italy, and an experienced F-16 fighter pilot, told congressional staff that dispatching an unarmed fighter jet that night would have entailed an “incredible” risk and had the potential to “make the situation worse” because of the risk of a downed aircraft. He further explained: “I’m not sure that I would even, in my good military judgment, if I could let them do that. Nor do I think my commanders would ask me to do that because of the limitations, the probability of success would be so low and the risk would be so high.” He also explained his concerns about the effectiveness of using a strike aircraft in an urban environment at night to disperse a crowd, stating “from an F-16 pilot’s perspective, based on my experience, in F-16; or F-15E or any of our other fighter aircraft, would have limited effectiveness in dispersing a crowd or in an urban environment, especially with very little awareness.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 12, 2014

General Carter Ham, who at the time of the attacks was the Commander of U.S. Africa Command, briefed the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on June 26, 2013 that in his military judgment close air support would not have made a difference that night:

“It was a very uncertain situation in an environment which we know we had an unknown surface-to-air threat with the proliferation particularly of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, many of which remain unaccounted for. But mostly it was a lack of understanding of the environment, and hence the need for the Predator to try to gain an understanding of what was going on. So again, I understand that others may disagree with this, but it was my judgment that close air support was not the right tool for that environment.”
Source: Briefing before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, June 26, 2013

General Ham again confirmed his previous statements in a transcribed interview with congressional staff almost a year later, where he explained that “given the uncertainty of the situation, given the complexity of a large urban environment, and the fact that the first attack subsided pretty significantly about an hour or so after it began, that it was my military judgment that strike aircraft, close air support were not the appropriate tool.”
Source: Transcribed Interview, April 9, 2014

Vice Admiral Charles J. Leidig explained in his transcribed interview with congressional staff that “it was completely infeasible to have fighters available that night. There were no crews. There was no weapons. There was no pre-brief. … They don’t have enough gas to get there, so then you have to have tankers. The tankers are all in Europe or in northern - or in England or Northern Europe. Same thing, you have to call crews in, get them briefed, get them up, flight time, get them down there.” He further explained that because it would have taken at least 24 hours to get a fighter to Benghazi, he concluded that “there was no way we were going to get any aircraft there that night.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 20, 2014
Never got a phone call and it was a week before Americans had boots on the ground.

Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Home

Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Yep. Can't have the Benghazi terrorists testifying.
Ho Hum

"Benghazi attack suspect Ahmed Abu Khatallah was watched by U.S. commandos, law enforcement and intelligence for days before his capture, several U.S. officials said Tuesday.
Not a single shot was fired when the manhunt was successfully completed over the weekend, U.S. officials said. Abu Khatallah's arrest and detention marks the first by the United States in connection with the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
The militia leader was lured to a location south of the city in eastern Libya and grabbed without a fight, multiple officials said. Intelligence provided by local Libyans was said to have been helpful, the officials said." Sources: Benghazi 'mastermind' was captured with no shots fired -
He is a stooge that Obama can't even put on trial.
A report adopted by the eight Republican Members of the House Armed Services Committee in February 2014, concluded that “given their location and readiness status it was not possible to dispatch armed aircraft before survivors left Benghazi,” although it questioned why DOD did not prepare fighters for a prolonged or different attack.

The report also dismissed the deployment of an unarmed fighter aircraft from Aviano as a show of force, explaining that: “n light of all these factors, majority members believe the use of unarmed aircraft, with no countermeasure capability, refueling arrangements, or targeting assistance, amidst a dangerous antiaircraft environment, would have offered only a small likelihood of benefitting those under attack. It makes sense that this remote option was apparently not more actively contemplated.”
Source: House Armed Services Committee, Feb. 10, 2014

"There were no U.S. military resources in position to intervene in short order in Benghazi to help defend the Temporary Mission Facility and its Annex on September 11 and 12, 2012."
Source: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jan. 15, 2014

Admiral Michael Mullen, Vice Chair of the independent Accountability Review Board and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified repeatedly about how he personally examined this issue and determined that there was no ability to get an F-16 or another strike aircraft to Benghazi on the night of the attack. He explained that while “[t]here were plenty of assets moving” that night, there were “no planes sitting at the ready,” which meant that it would take “hours and hours” to get them combat-ready, including planning the mission, obtaining tanker support to fuel the planes, getting bomb racks, stetting the munitions, and getting permission from the host nation. He also added that NATO would not have been able to assist with the response, explaining: “I actually commanded NATO forces, and the likelihood that NATO could respond in a situation like that was absolutely zero.”
Source: Hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Sept. 19, 2013

Brigadier General Scott Zobrist, who at the time was the Wing Commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base in northern Italy, and an experienced F-16 fighter pilot, told congressional staff that dispatching an unarmed fighter jet that night would have entailed an “incredible” risk and had the potential to “make the situation worse” because of the risk of a downed aircraft. He further explained: “I’m not sure that I would even, in my good military judgment, if I could let them do that. Nor do I think my commanders would ask me to do that because of the limitations, the probability of success would be so low and the risk would be so high.” He also explained his concerns about the effectiveness of using a strike aircraft in an urban environment at night to disperse a crowd, stating “from an F-16 pilot’s perspective, based on my experience, in F-16; or F-15E or any of our other fighter aircraft, would have limited effectiveness in dispersing a crowd or in an urban environment, especially with very little awareness.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 12, 2014

General Carter Ham, who at the time of the attacks was the Commander of U.S. Africa Command, briefed the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on June 26, 2013 that in his military judgment close air support would not have made a difference that night:

“It was a very uncertain situation in an environment which we know we had an unknown surface-to-air threat with the proliferation particularly of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, many of which remain unaccounted for. But mostly it was a lack of understanding of the environment, and hence the need for the Predator to try to gain an understanding of what was going on. So again, I understand that others may disagree with this, but it was my judgment that close air support was not the right tool for that environment.”
Source: Briefing before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, June 26, 2013

General Ham again confirmed his previous statements in a transcribed interview with congressional staff almost a year later, where he explained that “given the uncertainty of the situation, given the complexity of a large urban environment, and the fact that the first attack subsided pretty significantly about an hour or so after it began, that it was my military judgment that strike aircraft, close air support were not the appropriate tool.”
Source: Transcribed Interview, April 9, 2014

Vice Admiral Charles J. Leidig explained in his transcribed interview with congressional staff that “it was completely infeasible to have fighters available that night. There were no crews. There was no weapons. There was no pre-brief. … They don’t have enough gas to get there, so then you have to have tankers. The tankers are all in Europe or in northern - or in England or Northern Europe. Same thing, you have to call crews in, get them briefed, get them up, flight time, get them down there.” He further explained that because it would have taken at least 24 hours to get a fighter to Benghazi, he concluded that “there was no way we were going to get any aircraft there that night.”
Source: Transcribed Interview with Congressional Staff, March 20, 2014
Never got a phone call and it was a week before Americans had boots on the ground.

Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Home

Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Yep. Can't have the Benghazi terrorists testifying.

You can imagine the reason they have him on a ship

"Abu Khatallah was taken to a U.S. Navy ship in the Mediterranean, according to sources. He is now undergoing questioning about the 2012 Benghazi attacks and anything else he knows about terrorist activity.
The U.S. Navy plans to transport Abu Khatallah to the United States on a ship, rather than by air, in order to give investigators "maximum time to question him," U.S. officials said.
The plan also may be a necessity.
The ship isn't large enough to land a plane that could carry Abu Khatallah to the United States. Finding countries in the region willing to allow their territory for use in the transfer would be a complicated task, according to the U.S. officials.
In recent days, Army Delta Force commandos, FBI and intelligence agencies were watching and waiting for Abu Khatallah, who went into hiding last year after a flurry of media interviews that seemed to mock any U.S. manhunt for him.
The Pentagon declined to discuss further details of the raid."
Ho Hum

"Benghazi attack suspect Ahmed Abu Khatallah was watched by U.S. commandos, law enforcement and intelligence for days before his capture, several U.S. officials said Tuesday.
Not a single shot was fired when the manhunt was successfully completed over the weekend, U.S. officials said. Abu Khatallah's arrest and detention marks the first by the United States in connection with the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
The militia leader was lured to a location south of the city in eastern Libya and grabbed without a fight, multiple officials said. Intelligence provided by local Libyans was said to have been helpful, the officials said." Sources: Benghazi 'mastermind' was captured with no shots fired -
He is a stooge that Obama can't even put on trial.

He will have a trial and the death penalty will be on the table.
Never got a phone call and it was a week before Americans had boots on the ground.

Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Home

Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Yep. Can't have the Benghazi terrorists testifying.

You can imagine the reason they have him on a ship

"Abu Khatallah was taken to a U.S. Navy ship in the Mediterranean, according to sources. He is now undergoing questioning about the 2012 Benghazi attacks and anything else he knows about terrorist activity.
The U.S. Navy plans to transport Abu Khatallah to the United States on a ship, rather than by air, in order to give investigators "maximum time to question him," U.S. officials said.
The plan also may be a necessity.
The ship isn't large enough to land a plane that could carry Abu Khatallah to the United States. Finding countries in the region willing to allow their territory for use in the transfer would be a complicated task, according to the U.S. officials.
In recent days, Army Delta Force commandos, FBI and intelligence agencies were watching and waiting for Abu Khatallah, who went into hiding last year after a flurry of media interviews that seemed to mock any U.S. manhunt for him.
The Pentagon declined to discuss further details of the raid."
2014 and no trial.
Ho Hum

"Benghazi attack suspect Ahmed Abu Khatallah was watched by U.S. commandos, law enforcement and intelligence for days before his capture, several U.S. officials said Tuesday.
Not a single shot was fired when the manhunt was successfully completed over the weekend, U.S. officials said. Abu Khatallah's arrest and detention marks the first by the United States in connection with the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
The militia leader was lured to a location south of the city in eastern Libya and grabbed without a fight, multiple officials said. Intelligence provided by local Libyans was said to have been helpful, the officials said." Sources: Benghazi 'mastermind' was captured with no shots fired -
He is a stooge that Obama can't even put on trial.

He will have a trial and the death penalty will be on the table.
No trial date after 2 years.
Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Yep. Can't have the Benghazi terrorists testifying.

You can imagine the reason they have him on a ship

"Abu Khatallah was taken to a U.S. Navy ship in the Mediterranean, according to sources. He is now undergoing questioning about the 2012 Benghazi attacks and anything else he knows about terrorist activity.
The U.S. Navy plans to transport Abu Khatallah to the United States on a ship, rather than by air, in order to give investigators "maximum time to question him," U.S. officials said.
The plan also may be a necessity.
The ship isn't large enough to land a plane that could carry Abu Khatallah to the United States. Finding countries in the region willing to allow their territory for use in the transfer would be a complicated task, according to the U.S. officials.
In recent days, Army Delta Force commandos, FBI and intelligence agencies were watching and waiting for Abu Khatallah, who went into hiding last year after a flurry of media interviews that seemed to mock any U.S. manhunt for him.
The Pentagon declined to discuss further details of the raid."
2014 and no trial.

So what and who cares?
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.
Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
And yet ISIS didn't even exist until Obama mucked up the entire middle east with his pro-muslim extremist nonsense. Further still, ISIS wasn't an issue in Libya until Obama illegally helped to over throw one of America's biggest allies in Muammar Gaddafi. Anybody who knows what they are talking about (and of course - that immediately eliminates liberals) knows that after 9/11 - Gaddafi surrendered his entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with us on everything.

Libya was stable and an ally of the U.S. until liberals elected a community organizer to the White House (mostly through voter fraud of course). Now we have an organization so ruthless (ISIS) that even Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them. And - as always - a Republican is going to have to come up and clean up the complete mess left in the wake of an immature Dumbocrat idealist.

It was George W. Bush who started this by going to Iraq to get al Qaeda. There wasn't al Qaeda in Iraq, they were in Afghanistan. If anyone fucked up the Middle East it was the Bush administration and Democrats have been cleaning up his mess for 8 years.
View attachment 84374

It WAS Bush's fault and that's the way history will record it no matter how many times you cry and throw your spoon on the floor.
Libya turned over all their WMDs and stopped supporting terrorism while Bush was in office.

Libya was quite and no threat when Obama and Hillary initiated war with Libya.

What ?! More right wing bizzaro world .

Your buddy Qudaffi was a brutal dictator . His own people rised up against him . We didn't do shit to start that . We provided air support to the rebels so Qudaffis Air Force wouldnt butcher them. The people did the rest .

Whatever happend to righties mantra of "bringing freedom to the Mid East ." ? Now its "Ahhh that dictator ain't so bad . ".
Everyone was evacuated the next day, what good are boots on the ground when the scuffle is over?
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Yep. Can't have the Benghazi terrorists testifying.

You can imagine the reason they have him on a ship

"Abu Khatallah was taken to a U.S. Navy ship in the Mediterranean, according to sources. He is now undergoing questioning about the 2012 Benghazi attacks and anything else he knows about terrorist activity.
The U.S. Navy plans to transport Abu Khatallah to the United States on a ship, rather than by air, in order to give investigators "maximum time to question him," U.S. officials said.
The plan also may be a necessity.
The ship isn't large enough to land a plane that could carry Abu Khatallah to the United States. Finding countries in the region willing to allow their territory for use in the transfer would be a complicated task, according to the U.S. officials.
In recent days, Army Delta Force commandos, FBI and intelligence agencies were watching and waiting for Abu Khatallah, who went into hiding last year after a flurry of media interviews that seemed to mock any U.S. manhunt for him.
The Pentagon declined to discuss further details of the raid."
2014 and no trial.

You're trying to educate a moron in this Juan dumbass
Video: Obama: 'We Will Hunt Down' People Who Attacked Benghazi Consulate

To this day Obama has made no effort to capture the terrorist who murdered our people.

But they sure went after some guy that made the video they lied about, strange
Yep. Can't have the Benghazi terrorists testifying.

You can imagine the reason they have him on a ship

"Abu Khatallah was taken to a U.S. Navy ship in the Mediterranean, according to sources. He is now undergoing questioning about the 2012 Benghazi attacks and anything else he knows about terrorist activity.
The U.S. Navy plans to transport Abu Khatallah to the United States on a ship, rather than by air, in order to give investigators "maximum time to question him," U.S. officials said.
The plan also may be a necessity.
The ship isn't large enough to land a plane that could carry Abu Khatallah to the United States. Finding countries in the region willing to allow their territory for use in the transfer would be a complicated task, according to the U.S. officials.
In recent days, Army Delta Force commandos, FBI and intelligence agencies were watching and waiting for Abu Khatallah, who went into hiding last year after a flurry of media interviews that seemed to mock any U.S. manhunt for him.
The Pentagon declined to discuss further details of the raid."
2014 and no trial.

You're trying to educate a moron in this Juan dumbass
Puhleeze, As if Massive Irish Ass ever had a single thing to contribute.
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up
One thing made up was Rottwhiner's bullshit post about the F-22 making close air support (CAS) runs with using its M61A2 cannon. That is utterly absurd and just plain stupid.

Another is how about the time it would take to crew up, prep, load, clear and fly at least three KC-135 in the States and England or Germany to get on at least three refueling stations over the Atlantic and the Med. for a F-22 departing from Tyndall AFB in Florida. The KC 135' s cruise speed is 552MPH so the entire time to get them on station with such short notice short notice is likely to be at least six hours. Then one can add the rendezvous and refueling time times 3! The eight hour mark to get to Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, is a made up pipe dream and by itself a pipe dream. The Strategic Air Command no longer exists and the Cold war is long over along with the need for that state of readiness.

That's a look at some of the made up bullshit, Lassie! That's enough to deflate the partisan horseshit hype.
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up
One thing made up was Rottwhiner's bullshit post about the F-22 making close air support (CAS) runs with using its M61A2 cannon. That is utterly absurd and just plain stupid.

Another is how about the time it would take to crew up, prep, load, clear and fly at least three KC-135 in the States and England or Germany to get on at least three refueling stations over the Atlantic and the Med. for a F-22 departing from Tyndall AFB in Florida. The KC 135' s cruise speed is 552MPH so the entire time to get them on station with such short notice short notice is likely to be at least six hours. Then one can add the rendezvous and refueling time times 3! The eight hour mark to get to Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, is a made up pipe dream and by itself a pipe dream. The Strategic Air Command no longer exists and the Cold war is long over along with the need for that state of readiness.

That's a look at some of the made up bullshit, Lassie! That's enough to deflate the partisan horseshit hype.

The thread is about if it was possible for them to make the's been proven it is. Good day to all, you lost
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up
One thing made up was Rottwhiner's bullshit post about the F-22 making close air support (CAS) runs with using its M61A2 cannon. That is utterly absurd and just plain stupid.

Another is how about the time it would take to crew up, prep, load, clear and fly at least three KC-135 in the States and England or Germany to get on at least three refueling stations over the Atlantic and the Med. for a F-22 departing from Tyndall AFB in Florida. The KC 135' s cruise speed is 552MPH so the entire time to get them on station with such short notice short notice is likely to be at least six hours. Then one can add the rendezvous and refueling time times 3! The eight hour mark to get to Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, is a made up pipe dream and by itself a pipe dream. The Strategic Air Command no longer exists and the Cold war is long over along with the need for that state of readiness.

That's a look at some of the made up bullshit, Lassie! That's enough to deflate the partisan horseshit hype.

The thread is about if it was possible for them to make the's been proven it is. Good day to all, you lost

LOL, what point is made when the earliest they could arrive everyone was dead?
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up
One thing made up was Rottwhiner's bullshit post about the F-22 making close air support (CAS) runs with using its M61A2 cannon. That is utterly absurd and just plain stupid.

Another is how about the time it would take to crew up, prep, load, clear and fly at least three KC-135 in the States and England or Germany to get on at least three refueling stations over the Atlantic and the Med. for a F-22 departing from Tyndall AFB in Florida. The KC 135' s cruise speed is 552MPH so the entire time to get them on station with such short notice short notice is likely to be at least six hours. Then one can add the rendezvous and refueling time times 3! The eight hour mark to get to Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, is a made up pipe dream and by itself a pipe dream. The Strategic Air Command no longer exists and the Cold war is long over along with the need for that state of readiness.

That's a look at some of the made up bullshit, Lassie! That's enough to deflate the partisan horseshit hype.

The thread is about if it was possible for them to make the's been proven it is. Good day to all, you lost

Oh goody, another self-declared NaziCon winner! I love it when they do that.

This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up
One thing made up was Rottwhiner's bullshit post about the F-22 making close air support (CAS) runs with using its M61A2 cannon. That is utterly absurd and just plain stupid.

Another is how about the time it would take to crew up, prep, load, clear and fly at least three KC-135 in the States and England or Germany to get on at least three refueling stations over the Atlantic and the Med. for a F-22 departing from Tyndall AFB in Florida. The KC 135' s cruise speed is 552MPH so the entire time to get them on station with such short notice short notice is likely to be at least six hours. Then one can add the rendezvous and refueling time times 3! The eight hour mark to get to Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, is a made up pipe dream and by itself a pipe dream. The Strategic Air Command no longer exists and the Cold war is long over along with the need for that state of readiness.

That's a look at some of the made up bullshit, Lassie! That's enough to deflate the partisan horseshit hype.

The thread is about if it was possible for them to make the's been proven it is. Good day to all, you lost
Fucking coward!
This is just another MSU Benghazi thread (Make Shit Up).

What was posted that was made up? C'mon Sloping Brow the heat is on now. Put up or shut up
One thing made up was Rottwhiner's bullshit post about the F-22 making close air support (CAS) runs with using its M61A2 cannon. That is utterly absurd and just plain stupid.

Another is how about the time it would take to crew up, prep, load, clear and fly at least three KC-135 in the States and England or Germany to get on at least three refueling stations over the Atlantic and the Med. for a F-22 departing from Tyndall AFB in Florida. The KC 135' s cruise speed is 552MPH so the entire time to get them on station with such short notice short notice is likely to be at least six hours. Then one can add the rendezvous and refueling time times 3! The eight hour mark to get to Bengasi, Bengasi, Bengasi, is a made up pipe dream and by itself a pipe dream. The Strategic Air Command no longer exists and the Cold war is long over along with the need for that state of readiness.

That's a look at some of the made up bullshit, Lassie! That's enough to deflate the partisan horseshit hype.

The thread is about if it was possible for them to make the's been proven it is. Good day to all, you lost
Fucking coward!

No that would be the ones that didn't at least try to save our fellow Americans as they were being attacked....those are the cowards

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